Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #14 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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I raised my kids in Belmont (a very safe town) and we (all parents) always drove our kids to school....all the way through High School, if they didn't drive.

I think that walk to to the bus stop is unusual but Marlene must have been lulled into a false sense of security or something. Having worked DOC, I never would have allowed my child to walk that route. I have come to realize that most of America doesn't think about criminals and the things that could happen. Yes, I am jaded..and paranoid about such things. It comes with the job. This is a violent country with more predators around than any other country, but most of the people living here dont even give it a thought.

Our children caught the bus and we live in a much more remote rural area that Sierra lives in. When I was 15 I also caught the bus by myself and there were no houses around our home for miles.

Millions of children catch the bus to go to school everyday and many of them live in rural areas and are the only ones catching the bus at that particular stop.

I think the vast majority of American's children are very safe from stranger predators. Children being abducted from their bus stop is extremely rare. They are much more likely to be struck by lightning, drown, get hit on their bike, or get killed in a vehicle accident than being abducted by a stranger.

Some parents have no choice. Working isnt an option anymore for many families in our country. Sierra had made that same route to the bus stop since October of last year and nothing happened but the truth is a predator can strike anywhere...even in a very congested city or on a street filled with people or right out of their own homes and no one sees or notices a thing.

Far more children are in grave danger right inside of their own homes since more are abused/neglected/tortured/ and murdered by one of their parents or both... than they are from being kidnapped by a stranger which only happens in about 5% of cases where a child winds up raped and murdered.

A young pretty girl like Sierra, you would think would be very popular. However, this rap and gangsta style is not the norm ....not in my world. She was only fifteen. I would never have allowed rap in my house. I can't stand drooping pants either...that style started in prison...Yikes! Everytime I see that I think they are inmate types. I used to go around telling those inmates to pull up their pants too..LOL.

Why would Sierra identify with the gangsta group? I can only think that she was rebelling..

Starting in the very late nineties, rap/hip hop/gangsta wannabe stuff became fashionable amongst middle-class suburban kids...they think it makes them look tough. Always made me crack up, seeing these spoiled white kids trying to act all 'hard', when five seconds in a real ghetto would have them soiling their pants. But anyway, yeah, I've seen the trend continuing to this day, so no, she's nothing unusual. Just another naive teen who has no real clue what that lifestyle is really about, IMO.


ETA - I should add that I do know where you are coming from - when my daughter gets to that age, you can bet that carp and half of the other trendy junk won't fly in my household!
I'm not willing to throw my child in the 5%. This area in Northern California has been a host for sexual predators for many years. Sexual predators predominately live in rural areas. They avoid the city, unless they have no choice. I see more crimes of this nature happening in the suburbs and rural areas than a city enviornment.

The bag placement is indeed important, but only in one of two possible scenarios.

1. If the bag was placed there by the perp, it speaks volumes to his/her frame of mind.
2. If the bag was not placed there by the perp, then the significance is limited to the possibility of finding the person who moved the bag and books from its original location.

I have a theory about #2.

I think that the bag was tossed just as the phone was tossed, albeit in a different location.
I think the clothes ended up on the ground and books strewn about. If the clothes were indeed found wet, I think this can be explained by them having been lying on the ground or in the mud on the side of the road.
I think that someone found the clothes and books lying around and picked them up and nicely put them away.
I think that the location had to do with selecting a place that the owner would be likely to search if they had a general idea of where the things had been lost, and yet not completely hidden from sight.
I have lived in communities and had many Mexican friends my whole life. Granted, this is just based on my own experience, but I can see a Mexican woman, possibly a domestic worker or possible field worker, coming across those things and having the maternal urge to put them back to order and leave them where they could be found by the owner.
Maybe she is a lady who works at one of the homes in the area and also takes the bus.
Maybe she has even seen Sierra and her bag before. Sierra is a beautiful young woman, and I am sure that in such an isolated area, people noticed her.
The language barrier or possible immigration status may have something to do with why she did not come forward to explain.

I firmly believe that if the perp did not stage these items, which I do not think, then the answer is a female person who accidentally came across the items. It might also explain why the little stuff wasn't found. Lipstick, change, etc, may have been blown to the winds before she even came across the rest of the belongings. Only the big stuff was found and returned to the purse.
Okay something weird going on in Isabel's case...for anyone who is following that one...

The bag placement is indeed important, but only in one of two possible scenarios.

1. If the bag was placed there by the perp, it speaks volumes to his/her frame of mind.
2. If the bag was not placed there by the perp, then the significance is limited to the possibility of finding the person who moved the bag and books from its original location.

I have a theory about #2.

I think that the bag was tossed just as the phone was tossed, albeit in a different location.
I think the clothes ended up on the ground and books strewn about. If the clothes were indeed found wet, I think this can be explained by them having been lying on the ground or in the mud on the side of the road.
I think that someone found the clothes and books lying around and picked them up and nicely put them away.
I think that the location had to do with selecting a place that the owner would be likely to search if they had a general idea of where the things had been lost, and yet not completely hidden from sight.
I have lived in communities and had many Mexican friends my whole life. Granted, this is just based on my own experience, but I can see a Mexican woman, possibly a domestic worker or possible field worker, coming across those things and having the maternal urge to put them back to order and leave them where they could be found by the owner.
Maybe she is a lady who works at one of the homes in the area and also takes the bus.
Maybe she has even seen Sierra and her bag before. Sierra is a beautiful young woman, and I am sure that in such an isolated area, people noticed her.
The language barrier or possible immigration status may have something to do with why she did not come forward to explain.

I firmly believe that if the perp did not stage these items, which I do not think, then the answer is a female person who accidentally came across the items. It might also explain why the little stuff wasn't found. Lipstick, change, etc, may have been blown to the winds before she even came across the rest of the belongings. Only the big stuff was found and returned to the purse.

That is a very solid theory. Fits all the facts, the demographics of the area, and doesn't require any speculation about messages or convoluted runaway scenarios. Very elegant solution.

I'm not willing to throw my child in the 5%. This area in Northern California has been a host for sexual predators for many years. Sexual predators predominately live in rural areas. They avoid the city, unless they have no choice. I see more crimes of this nature happening in the suburbs and rural areas than a city enviornment.

Predators have struck right in broad daylight in congested areas as much or more than they have in rural areas. I have read several cases where they are molesting children right in Walmart or some other store.

We have read about numerous cases in the last few days on the board where they are trying to lure kids into their vehicles right in busy areas...even close to schools.

Has Sierra's neighborhood ever had a problem with sexual predators before Sierra went missing? Who else in her neighborhood has been abducted or sexually assaulted while going to the bus stop?

I would be much more worried about my child getting into a vehicle accident because that is the number one cause of teen deaths today.

The bag placement is indeed important, but only in one of two possible scenarios.

1. If the bag was placed there by the perp, it speaks volumes to his/her frame of mind.
2. If the bag was not placed there by the perp, then the significance is limited to the possibility of finding the person who moved the bag and books from its original location.

I have a theory about #2.

I think that the bag was tossed just as the phone was tossed, albeit in a different location.
I think the clothes ended up on the ground and books strewn about. If the clothes were indeed found wet, I think this can be explained by them having been lying on the ground or in the mud on the side of the road.
I think that someone found the clothes and books lying around and picked them up and nicely put them away.
I think that the location had to do with selecting a place that the owner would be likely to search if they had a general idea of where the things had been lost, and yet not completely hidden from sight.
I have lived in communities and had many Mexican friends my whole life. Granted, this is just based on my own experience, but I can see a Mexican woman, possibly a domestic worker or possible field worker, coming across those things and having the maternal urge to put them back to order and leave them where they could be found by the owner.
Maybe she is a lady who works at one of the homes in the area and also takes the bus.
Maybe she has even seen Sierra and her bag before. Sierra is a beautiful young woman, and I am sure that in such an isolated area, people noticed her.
The language barrier or possible immigration status may have something to do with why she did not come forward to explain.

I firmly believe that if the perp did not stage these items, which I do not think, then the answer is a female person who accidentally came across the items. It might also explain why the little stuff wasn't found. Lipstick, change, etc, may have been blown to the winds before she even came across the rest of the belongings. Only the big stuff was found and returned to the purse.

This is the best explanation I have read yet... The bag placement has always been questionable.

I raised my kids in Belmont (a very safe town) and we (all parents) always drove our kids to school....all the way through High School, if they didn't drive.

I think that walk to to the bus stop is unusual but Marlene must have been lulled into a false sense of security or something. Having worked DOC, I never would have allowed my child to walk that route. I have come to realize that most of America doesn't think about criminals and the things that could happen. Yes, I am jaded..and paranoid about such things. It comes with the job. This is a violent country with more predators around than any other country, but most of the people living here dont even give it a thought.

I agree Whisperer! Maybe I'm street smart and always have been paranoid as a result since a very young age. Went to a catholic boarding school in Jamaica and boy did those nuns put the fear of God into us, about what can happen, what could happen, and what was going on in the rest of the world! As a result I grew up with a strong sense of paranoia and advanced 'street smartness"....going to nightclubs in Bermuda while in college....I never touched my drink after dancing if it was left at the bar...that sort of thing. I would never ever have allowed my daughter to walk that long and lonely route to the bus stop! Just looking at the video someone posted of it, gave me the creeps. Way. Too. Lonely. That's it really.

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Our children caught the bus and we live in a much more remote rural area that Sierra lives in. When I was 15 I also caught the bus by myself and there were no houses around our home for miles.

Millions of children catch the bus to go to school everyday and many of them live in rural areas and are the only ones catching the bus at that particular stop.

I think the vast majority of American's children are very safe from stranger predators. Children being abducted from their bus stop is extremely rare. They are much more likely to be struck by lightning, drown, get hit on their bike, or get killed in a vehicle accident than being abducted by a stranger.

Some parents have no choice. Working isnt an option anymore for many families in our country. Sierra had made that same route to the bus stop since October of last year and nothing happened but the truth is a predator can strike anywhere...even in a very congested city or on a street filled with people or right out of their own homes and no one sees or notices a thing.

Far more children are in grave danger right inside of their own homes since more are abused/neglected/tortured/ and murdered by one of their parents or both... than they are from being kidnapped by a stranger which only happens in about 5% of cases where a child winds up raped and murdered.


Im gonna have to agree here.
***Please dont aim at my face when lobbing fruit at me...***
Correct me, if I'm wrong, but there haven't been any official SO searches on land in recent memory. Right?

So, if today, they are having official SO searches on land again, I think that indicates something. Right?

AND... Marlene's letter to me seems sad, somber, almost reflective, but not in a "because it's Mother's Day" kind of way.
The only thing about that theory...if someone placed the bag there to be found later, I think they also helped themselves to whatever items might have been there, i.e money, etc...if make-up, brushes, etc. had been strewn about somewhere I think they would have been found...JMO
Correct me, if I'm wrong, but there haven't been any official SO searches on land in recent memory. Right?

So, if today, they are having official SO searches on land again, I think that indicates something. Right?

What is SO?

It may or may not mean something...who knows. I am hoping it does...that they are searching where they are for specific reasons. But I always thought that in Kyron's case and they never found a thing...JMO
What is SO?

It may or may not mean something...who knows. I am hoping it does...that they are searching where they are for specific reasons. But I always thought that in Kyron's case and they never found a thing...JMO

SO: Sheriff's Office
I think the problem with discussing the walk Sierra took, is the conversation plays out exactly like it does in my head. That it is "safe enough" - until it is not. I don't know how to make those decisions in the future for my 9yo yet, to balance being practical, expanding her independence, and keeping her safe in those teenage years when she will be approaching adulthood. Certainly a 15yo physically may be very close to her adult size and strength and no less capable of physically defending herself than she will be in a few years. At some point we go about our lives independently. I guess teens have a degree of risk simply by not being in a car. The car takes some risks and adds others. It's so hard.
I think the problem with discussing the walk Sierra took, is the conversation plays out exactly like it does in my head. That it is "safe enough" - until it is not. I don't know how to make those decisions in the future for my 9yo yet, to balance being practical, expanding her independence, and keeping her safe in those teenage years when she will be approaching adulthood. Certainly a 15yo physically may be very close to her adult size and strength and no less capable of physically defending herself than she will be in a few years. At some point we go about our lives independently. I guess teens have a degree of risk simply by not being in a car. The car takes some risks and adds others. It's so hard.

Well, teens in cars are never going to be very safe, IMO. But as far as walking, safety in numbers, to be sure. JMO
I think the problem with discussing the walk Sierra took, is the conversation plays out exactly like it does in my head. That it is "safe enough" - until it is not. I don't know how to make those decisions in the future for my 9yo yet, to balance being practical, expanding her independence, and keeping her safe in those teenage years when she will be approaching adulthood. Certainly a 15yo physically may be very close to her adult size and strength and no less capable of physically defending herself than she will be in a few years. At some point we go about our lives independently. I guess teens have a degree of risk simply by not being in a car. The car takes some risks and adds others. It's so hard.

Even if the bus picked her up at the end of her driveway, she might still have been abducted while waiting for it. The long walk had nothing to do with her disappearance. She disappeared on a day she never got out of the driveway.
I think the problem with discussing the walk Sierra took, is the conversation plays out exactly like it does in my head. That it is "safe enough" - until it is not. I don't know how to make those decisions in the future for my 9yo yet, to balance being practical, expanding her independence, and keeping her safe in those teenage years when she will be approaching adulthood. Certainly a 15yo physically may be very close to her adult size and strength and no less capable of physically defending herself than she will be in a few years. At some point we go about our lives independently. I guess teens have a degree of risk simply by not being in a car. The car takes some risks and adds others. It's so hard.

Sierra was living her life in the fishbowl of social media. I haven't read all of her posts, but I gather from what I've seen of them, together with what I've read here and in other places, that she informed the world at large of her identity (including pictures), physical location and phone number and let them know what she was doing and when, including when she waits alone at the bus stop.

When is a person living like that ever safe, really?
I raised my kids in Belmont (a very safe town) and we (all parents) always drove our kids to school....all the way through High School, if they didn't drive.

I think that walk to to the bus stop is unusual but Marlene must have been lulled into a false sense of security or something. Having worked DOC, I never would have allowed my child to walk that route. I have come to realize that most of America doesn't think about criminals and the things that could happen. Yes, I am jaded..and paranoid about such things. It comes with the job. This is a violent country with more predators around than any other country, but most of the people living here dont even give it a thought.

Agree! Watching AMW tonight and seeing the walk to the bus stop - wow, seems to place her in way too venerable a place.
Also thanks for the on-site info you have provided.
I really thought we would know much more by today, the end of this week, after the whole car thing...:(
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