Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #22 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

DNA Solves
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I have been following this case since I first saw it on the news in 2012. I have been waiting so long for this trial, I cannot believe that it's finally here. There is a lot of evidence but I don't think there is enough to convict him, to be honest. The landlord of the house where Sierra's mom was renting said that he had a property behind that house where some men were doing work. Remember that dogs last picked up her scent in her driveway so I'm thinking that maybe one of the workers abducted her there. JMO, but if AGT did kill her, then justice should be served. Again, I always judge based on evidence more than emotions, just want Sierra to get JUSTICE.
tracey kaplanVerified account‏@tkaplanreport 2h2 hours ago
Jury let out of #SierraLaMar trial. Trial resumes tomorrow morning. Court dark tomorrow afternoon & Friday.
tracey kaplanVerified account‏@tkaplanreport 3h3 hours ago friends w def's best friend, Maria Garcia. Lopez stresses Morgan Hill is a small town; Sgt agreed earlier it is small#SierraLaMar
tracey kaplanVerified account‏@tkaplanreport 3h3 hours ago
But Lopez says there is a much closer connection. Stephanie Del Rio (sister of one of #SierraLaMar's close friends Jocelyn Del Rio)...
tracey kaplanVerified account‏@tkaplanreport 3h3 hours ago
Leon says he knew a friend of #SierraLaMar whose sister knew another person who was friends w Def.
tracey kaplanVerified account‏@tkaplanreport 3h3 hours ago
On re-direct, Sgt says he has no evidence that #SierraLaMar'S friends were friends w def's friends.
tracey kaplanVerified account‏@tkaplanreport 3h3 hours ago
Jetta photos issued after interviews w Garcia-Torres. #SierraLaMar
tracey kaplanVerified account‏@tkaplanreport 3h3 hours ago
Sheriff put out stock photo of red Jetta to see if witnesses saw it. then put out pic of def's red Jetta w black hood. #SierraLaMar
tracey kaplanVerified account‏@tkaplanreport 3h3 hours ago
DA had tried to defuse that contamination comment earlier by asking Sgt Herman Leon if he was DNA expert. No, he said. #SierraLaMar
tracey kaplanVerified account‏@tkaplanreport 3h3 hours ago
DA has made much of fact that Def said he masturbates, throws tissues out the window ( in response to ?s re DNA by cops) #SierraLaMar
tracey kaplanVerified account‏@tkaplanreport 3h3 hours ago
Lopez is seizing on that, asking Leon if he was being truthful. Yes, he says. That may lend legitimacy to transfer notion. #SierraLaMar
tracey kaplanVerified account‏@tkaplanreport 3h3 hours ago
When Sgt. Herman Leon was trying to get Def to talk, he told Def that DNA cd come from spittle or be transferred. #SierraLaMar
tracey kaplanVerified account‏@tkaplanreport 3h3 hours ago
Also, her DNA on a strand of her hair on a rope in his trunk. Def argues rope hair came from cross-contamination or was planted.#SierraLaMar
tracey kaplanVerified account‏@tkaplanreport 3h3 hours ago
It may be difficult for jury to accept defense DNA explanation, however, b/c so much DNA (hers in his car) #SierraLaMar
tracey kaplanVerified account‏@tkaplanreport 4h4 hours ago
This the the 1st time that the MUTUAL FRIENDS theory has surfaced publicly. #SierraLaMar
tracey kaplanVerified account‏@tkaplanreport 4h4 hours ago
Leon acknowledges he has interviewed people who were friends w both #SierraLaMar & Def. Goes to how his DNA ON HER PANTS.
tracey kaplanVerified account‏@tkaplanreport 4h4 hours ago
Sgt Leon: #SierraLaMar def complained to cops abt GPS tracker, mentioned his constitutional rights.
tracey kaplanVerified account‏@tkaplanreport 4h4 hours ago
Garcia-Torres told Leon he went fishing the morning #SierraLaMar disappeared (at Chesboro & Uvas reservoirs), then cashed check, got gas
tracey kaplanVerified account‏@tkaplanreport 4h4 hours ago
Lopez portrays Def as regular guy on his way to go fishing w a friend when cops stopped him. He was cooperative. #SierraLaMar
tracey kaplanVerified account‏@tkaplanreport 4h4 hours ago
Point is, Def didn't expect 2 hear from Leon b/c he was guilty, only b/c he wanted 2 know who following him, tracked car. #SierraLaMar
tracey kaplanVerified account‏@tkaplanreport 4h4 hours ago
Lopez: When Def said to Leon, am I going to hear from u again, he wanted answer to his question who was following me. #SierraLaMar
tracey kaplanVerified account‏@tkaplanreport 4h4 hours ago
Lopez makes point that DA played only portions of longer interviews w "Mr. Garcia-Torres. #SierraLaMar
tracey kaplanVerified account‏@tkaplanreport 4h4 hours ago
Lopez setting up for DNA-transfer evidence. Says to Leon: You know def's group of friends associated w #SierraLaMar'S group of friends?
tracey kaplanVerified account‏@tkaplanreport 4h4 hours ago
Def lawyer Al Lopez cross-examining Leon. The drive from Def trailer park to #SierraLaMar bus stop took 13 min max. Def left at 7 am
tracey kaplanVerified account‏@tkaplanreport 4h4 hours ago
So far, this is what's known as "housekeeping," ID-ing maps, confirming dates/times, meat of taped interviews of Leon's work. #SierraLaMar
I haven't seen her twitter nor her sisters posts
It will be nice if there are screen shots to be posted here



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Update your bookmarks if you need to. Everything there is (99% anyways) I could find about this case is in the archive.

Main Sierra LaMar Case Archive: LaMar -CA-?sort=6&page=1

Pre-Trial - Justice for Sierra: - Justice for Sierra?sort=6&page=1

TRIAL and Beyond - Justice for Sierra: Beyond - Justice for Sierra?sort=2&page=1
tracey kaplanVerified account‏@tkaplanreport 51s51 seconds ago
He knew back roads in South county hills well w/o GPS or map (also at night) DA's point here: he cd have hidden #SierraLaMar'S body.
tracey kaplanVerified account‏@tkaplanreport 40s40 seconds ago
#SierraLaMar Def took her to outdoorsy places, he likes nature, being outdoors. She has been to his then- house
tracey kaplanVerified account‏@tkaplanreport 2m2 minutes ago
Def had Impala but there was a period when he didn't have a car. Prom in May 2009. They may have known each other only 1 year #SierraLaMar
tracey kaplanVerified account‏@tkaplanreport 6m6 minutes ago
She socialized w him abt once a month, for abt 2 years. He went to prom w her in 2009. She was 18. #SierraLaMar
tracey kaplanVerified account‏@tkaplanreport 8m8 minutes ago
#SierraLaMar trial resumes. DA calls formerSafeway clerk Azucena Cuyllar, worked w Def at Tennant Station store.
tracey kaplanVerified account‏@tkaplanreport 47s48 seconds ago
#SierraLaMar Def lawyer is putting less sinister spin on the outdoor outings, humanizing Def
tracey kaplanVerified account‏@tkaplanreport 2m2 minutes ago
Def lawyer Al Lopez elicits: they socialized w group of employees, BBQs at #SierraLaMar def's house, went 2 hills at night to look at view
tracey kaplanVerified account‏@tkaplanreport 7m7 minutes ago
Former clerk last saw Def at party in 2010. She says #SierraLaMar disappearance was "all over the news."
tracey kaplanVerified account‏@tkaplanreport 3m3 minutes ago
Gillis does analysis on hair=important in #SierraLaMar trial. Also fibers, glass, paint, unidentified debris
tracey kaplanVerified account‏@tkaplanreport 5m5 minutes ago
Gillis: I'm the guy who the agency submits trace evidence & asks "what is this"? #SierraLaMar
tracey kaplanVerified account‏@tkaplanreport 6m6 minutes ago
2nd witness - Trevor Gillis, DA's crime lab analyst for trace evidence etc. #SierraLaMar
tracey kaplanVerified account‏@tkaplanreport 2m2 minutes ago
This is start of crucial but mind-numbing forensic evidence. I'll spare u blow-by-blow info #SierraLaMar
tracey kaplanVerified account‏@tkaplanreport 2m2 minutes ago
DA focusing on series of proficiency tests Gillis has to take very often. Setting up for attack on lab's work by the defense. #SierraLaMar
tracey kaplanVerified account‏@tkaplanreport 7m7 minutes ago
On cross, Gillis says he has only testified once b4 as fiber expert - for grand jury in this case. Mostly testified re drugs. #SierraLaMar
tracey kaplanVerified account‏@tkaplanreport 59s60 seconds ago
Evidence is taped shut in bags #SierraLaMar
tracey kaplanVerified account‏@tkaplanreport 3m3 minutes ago
Preserves chain of custody. Def has raised ? Re how hair got on rope. #SierraLaMar
tracey kaplanVerified account‏@tkaplanreport 4m4 minutes ago
Gillis: lab labels each piece of evidence w/ bar code to track its path (also for security). Sheriff bar code also affixed. #SierraLaMar
tracey kaplanVerified account‏@tkaplanreport 2m2 minutes ago
They're called "reference samples," collected e.g. from #SierraLaMar's home.
tracey kaplanVerified account‏@tkaplanreport 3m3 minutes ago
Gillis: fibers can't be traced to particular manufacturer. They try to see if trace is part of #SierraLaMar environment or someone else's.
tracey kaplanVerified account‏@tkaplanreport 3m3 minutes ago
Microscopy, refractive indexes, fluorescence. Male juror in front row blinks fast, eyed a dropping closed, grabs his coffee. #SierraLaMar
tracey kaplanVerified account‏@tkaplanreport 8m8 minutes ago
Understatement of year: Gillis says of fiber process: "It's tedious, I won't lie." #SierraLaMar
tracey kaplanVerified account‏@tkaplanreport 10m10 minutes ago
Gillis made sure to examine clothing (Aug) and stuff frm Def car (Oct) during separate periods ( recent cross-contamination) #SierraLaMar
tracey kaplanVerified account‏@tkaplanreport 2m2 minutes ago
IR spectroscopy? DA David Boyd: I'm not asking for the hyper-technical (info). Gillis - tells us the polymers. #SierraLaMar
Gillis describes how lab uses spectroscopy to analyze the optical, thermal, etc. qualities of trace and reference samples. #SierraLaMar
Gillis said fibers from Jetta floor mats "indistinguishable" from those found on tape lifts from #SierraLaMar clothing.
Sounds like Trevor Gillis did a good job and followed procedures. Lets see how the defense attacks his testimony.
So that was it for Thursday morning testimony?

And I guess we only have Friday morning testimony today, eh?

Patiently :waiting: for 7pm here.... :)
So that was it for Thursday morning testimony?

And I guess we only have Friday morning testimony today, eh?

Patiently :waiting: for 7pm here.... :)
No court on Fridays, court is dark on Fridays
It's a wonder any cases ever get through trial with all the days that the court is "dark"!
That way tweets come thru make it difficult to follow, wish there was an easier way...
emi said:
No court on Fridays, court is dark on Fridays

lisette said:
It's a wonder any cases ever get through trial with all the days that the court is "dark"!

Totally agree! Let's get to Justice!


OldSteve said:
That way tweets come thru make it difficult to follow, wish there was an easier way...

Agree! Not too many reporters, I guess, at the trial or they are not tweeting everything happening in there! Dan Abrams is starting a new online streaming with live trials. First one, I believe, will be Aaron Hernandez' one! That should be entertaining as Jose Baez is his attorney! :D
Huge thank you to you, Emi. I'm unable to follow Twitter while court is in session and it's so nice to be able to come here and read your updates. Much appreciated!
Thank goodness for emi!

The best reports, imo are from Tracey Kaplan/mercury, but there's no video.

Reporters have gone from this trial to the flooding/weather problems, which is understandable because it affects everyone in the area.

Then there is the length of the trial... I guess they don't find it compelling since there are no cameras.

It's frustrating.

I update the Case Archive the every time there is news, but that is done the following day.

Thanks, emi.
Thank goodness for emi!

The best reports, imo are from Tracey Kaplan/mercury, but there's no video.

Reporters have gone from this trial to the flooding/weather problems, which is understandable because it affects everyone in the area.

Then there is the length of the trial... I guess they don't find it compelling since there are no cameras.

It's frustrating.

I update the Case Archive the every time there is news, but that is done the following day.

Thanks, emi.

All of the constant starts and stops doesn't help matters either, imo.

I wouldn't want to be on a CA jury because they take so long to try anyone. The juries may even forget things because of all the downtime. I sure hope they are taking good notes because they are going to need to refer back to them when it goes to deliberation.

Death penalty trials held anywhere else but CA are done way before they expect this trial to be over. I have seen several DP cases that were tried in 2-3 weeks and that included the sentencing phase.

Thanks Amanda for all of your hard work.......its much appreciated.
All of the constant starts and stops doesn't help matters either, imo.

I wouldn't want to be on a CA jury because they take so long to try anyone. The juries may even forget things because of all the downtime. I sure hope they are taking good notes because they are going to need to refer back to them when it goes to deliberation.

Death penalty trials held anywhere else but CA are done way before they expect this trial to be over. I have seen several DP cases that were tried in 2-3 weeks and that included the sentencing phase.

Thanks Amanda for all of your hard work.......its much appreciated.

Always look forward to your posts Ocean. I also appreciate the work others do here - EMI, Amanda, and all! I just hope the jury is able to follow things better than I can.. Wish we could have an unbiased reported give a detailed summary at the end of each day's session...

I don't remember Amanda Knox's trials being this difficult, but I'm also getting older and my attentions span is :bricks:
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