Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #4 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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I'll have to find the link but I do believe LE stated they were "freshly laundered" in the presser after finding the juicy bag. On my phone so it may take a min!

YES. I used the term 'freshly laundered' because I heard them say that originally, IIRC. But then we got off on the 'urine stained' tangent and I don't know what to believe anymore.
YES. I used the term 'freshly laundered' because I heard them say that originally, IIRC. But then we got off on the 'urine stained' tangent and I don't know what to believe anymore.

Being stun gunned can lead to urination so maybe the reporter that asked LE was aware of this and being aware of the guy trying to abduct girls using a stun gun it was a good question to ask.
Maybe she was stun gunned and urine was found at the end of her drive meaning that the clothes she was dressed in when she left (IMO not the ones in the bag) would have urine on them. The reporter having this info may have asked the question knowing that if there was no urine in the clothes in her bag that would rule them out as being the ones she was wearing
YES. I used the term 'freshly laundered' because I heard them say that originally, IIRC. But then we got off on the 'urine stained' tangent and I don't know what to believe anymore.

Jumping off your post. Here is a link to the full transcript of the PC:

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - CA CA - Sierra Lamar, 15, Santa Clara County, 16 March 2012 - #2

Nothing about the clothes being freshly laundered there, but I didn't watch the PC live, so I'm not positive that is the entire thing.

ETA: Here is the urine question.

Q: *inaudible* there might have been urine on the clothes?

Sgt. Jose Cardoza: You know, the specific details as far as the condition of the clothing, if they were wet or if there was any urine on them, we are holding that information, that specific detail uh, confidential right now because of the investigation. So, we can't confirm that detail right now.
Yes her essay was on teen depression. I am kind of concerned about how much she seems to mention it.. I mean sure be excited about it but she seemed to almost be infatuated with the project/ trying to get attention from others about the subject.

I remember seeing one tweet where she was basically like arggh why do I find this so interesting?! Then she posted a picture of some pills captioned "STRAIGHT UP fiend...... damn Project" and there were several others.

I dunno.. at this point I really don't think we are looking at a suicide IMO but having been 15 not too many years ago (I am 22 lol) I can imagine repeating things like she did over and over as a plea for help or for someone to recognise that maybe she was feeling depressed or having negative thoughts so she didn't have to come out and say it?

I mean she could have totally had a genuine interest in the topic but the whole plea for help/recognition is just something I haven't been able to shake!!

I do agree she had a dark period with the essay and the move from one school to the other.If she did commit suicide where would her body be.She made it to the end of the driveway and that's it.Unless she made a suicide pact with someone who picked her up,and then ditched everything,no need for it.Didn't she text a picture of her to her mom that morning? Was that a usual thing she did.Or to say good bye.I sure hope i'm wrong
I do agree she had a dark period with the essay and the move from one school to the other.If she did commit suicide where would her body be.She made it to the end of the driveway and that's it.Unless she made a suicide pact with someone who picked her up,and then ditched everything,no need for it.Didn't she text a picture of her to her mom that morning? Was that a usual thing she did.Or to say good bye.I sure hope i'm wrong

I seriously doubt that Sierra committed suicide. In suicide cases, the victim's remains are typically found within a few days, if not sooner.
I see no evidence of suicide either. If she did run away, it was because she wanted to have some freedom and some wild adventures, imo. Maybe she wanted to go to LA and get away from it all. I just hope that she didn't catch a ride with the exact wrong person/people.

I still think the most likely scenario is simpler. An admirer/stalker scoped it out and nabbed her. imo
A stun gun that is available to civilians doesn't carry enough voltage to cause someone to lose bladder control. It's the equivelant of shocking yourself on the light socket. IOW - civilian "stun guns" are basically useless.

LE or military personnel would have access to a taser that carries enough voltage to cause someone to lose bladder control.
Are their any military bases in that area? None come to mind for me.
Good, 'down-to-it' discussion on this thread tonight. Many thanks to all who posted with questions/answers, insights, info, theories, and more!

KlaasKids Fdn will be on the scene in less than the 8 hours I should be sleeping. :-o

Let us all wish them good fortune as they offer their wonderful resources in the search for Sierra!

Wow, this case is drawing a lot of postings! I've tried to read them all but just couldn't. I apologise in advance if I'm posting something repetitive.

I think there's a 99% chance she was abducted and a 1% chance she ran away. My reasoning is that I don't know of any teen girls who would voluntarily throw away their smartphone and a Juicy Couture bag but it can't be ruled out (there's always gotta be an exception). All the teens I know treat their smartphones like they are detachable body parts; they may put them down occasionally but they never get far from them.

I think she had packed a change of clothes either because she was hoping to go somewhere overnight after school or because she had PE that day.

If she was abducted, it didn't have to be anyone she knew. All the perp had to do was to get her to approach the side of the vehicle and she could then be pulled through the window in less than two seconds. I'm not exaggerating on the time; I've seen demos where the whole thing was over in literally the blink of an eye. One second there's a person walking near a vehicle, the next second, there's nothing to be seen but a vehicle pulling away.

I think whoever abducted her had probably sussed out her routine but it wouldn't take that long to do. Watching the house for a few mornings in advance would let a perp see that the adults left before Sierra did. Kids thrive on routine and unfortunately that gives predators an easier target.

When I think of what I'd do if I were abducting a 15 year old for sexual purposes, the first thing I'd do would be get her into my vehicle and force her into the footwell of the passenger side. Throw a blanket or two over her and no one outside the car could see her plus I would have increased physical control over her.

Sierra was a flier, meaning she was lightweight and flexible. Fitting her into the passenger side footwell would be no problem at all.

Then I'd get rid of her cell phone and any bag or backpack she was carrying for fear it would have some type of GPS tracker in it. Many of those GPS trackers can be set to email an alert to a parent if it moves outside a certain geographical area. Just grab the items and throw them out of the car as soon as it wouldn't be throwing them into someone's front lawn.

The point would be to delay discovery for a minimum of 30 minutes or so; just long enough to make a search radius unmanageably large to set up quickly.
If Sierra was abducted at or near the end of her driveway, and not reported missing until that evening, the distance between her home and where the juicy bag and her cell phone may be a moot point. IOW she could still be somewhere near the home, her belongings could have been ditched hours later. OR She may have been held captive near her home for some time and then removed from the area hours later and her belongings ditched away from where she ws held captive. In the latter scenario, the perp would not want LE to know where she was held just in case they left DNA evidence at the scene. LE finding her clothes or bag there would give LE reason to search for DNA of the perp or the victim. Maybe the perps own home, or an abandonned building. KWIM?
If Marlene was telling the truth on NG about not seeing the bag or its contents, I have to wonder why she wasn't allowed to. IMO, people have a particular way of folding clothes. For instance, I can definitely tell the difference in shirts that my mom folded, my ex folded, or my husband folded. That could have been a clue as to whether Sierra packed those clothes, or someone else folded them and placed them in her purse. I think they are keeping a lot of information confidential, so hopefully they did that and just aren't releasing anymore info about it. I wonder, does the military teach a specific way to fold clothes, like they teach "hospital corners" as a way to make a bed? Just a thought.
If Marlene was telling the truth on NG about not seeing the bag or its contents, I have to wonder why she wasn't allowed to. IMO, people have a particular way of folding clothes. For instance, I can definitely tell the difference in shirts that my mom folded, my ex folded, or my husband folded. That could have been a clue as to whether Sierra packed those clothes, or somesome else folded them and placed them in her purse. I think they are keeping a lot of information confidential, so hopefully they did that and just aren't releasing anymore info about it. I wonder, does the military teach a specific way to fold clothes, like they teach "hospital corners" as a way to make a bed? Just a thought.

They do in the Army. My DH taught me how to fold "his way," the Army way. ;)
To me the folded clothes means just that,they were just like they were originally packed and not disturbed in her backpack/purse.Her mom had probably folded them ,she took them out of her dresser and laid them in her pack,along with her books.IMO the bag was thrown out and not touched.In a hurry to get rid of it.
A stun gun that is available to civilians doesn't carry enough voltage to cause someone to lose bladder control. It's the equivelant of shocking yourself on the light socket. IOW - civilian "stun guns" are basically useless.

LE or military personnel would have access to a taser that carries enough voltage to cause someone to lose bladder control.

It wouldn't be impossible for a civilian to get hold of one of those though
lemme see does this work?
View attachment 21315

This btw is a real Deputy
The deputies were identified by the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office as Fabian De Santiago, a deputy sheriff for four years

Read more:

The image is a bit jumbled on my computer. How long after her abduction was this image posted?
Folded Clothes Thoughts

If placed there by Sierra this suggests to me that they were folded and placed there prior to all of this, and for some reason unrelated to her disappearance. Her parents might or might not be aware if this behavior was normal. In any case, I can think of a few reasons why Sierra might take a clean spare set of clothes to school.

If she were packing a spare set to run away with, why ditch them? Even if she brought a spare set to muddy the water, that would involve nothing more than a change of shirt.

If placed there by an abductor this suggests to me that her cloths were folded in a particular and perhaps unusual way as a message to both LE and her parents. If so, (in my opinion) there is a lot communicated (about both the status of the victim and the nature of the perpetrator) by this act. Even assuming that nothing else was folded along with the clothes -- no actual note or sign (weapon, body part, something unusual, etc), the folded clothes alone might suggest that the abductor wants LE to know that Sierra is in grave peril, and that this abductor is methodical, sadistic, patient, and in control of himself and the situation.

Under this scenario LE's statement could be seen as a response, telling her abductor, 'Message recieved.' Obviously I could easily be mistaken about this, and sincerely hope that this is the case.

As another option, it is possible (I suppose) that the clothes were not neetly folded, and that this is a deliberately false piece of information. Lots of possibilities there.

And that's enough random and largely useless mutterings from me for now. :)
It wouldn't be impossible for a civilian to get hold of one of those though

Respectfully, even assuming it is accurate that there was urine on the clothing, and I think that this is highly questionable at this point, a military grade stun gun (or any stun gun) is hardly necessary to account for it.
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