Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #6 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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AND Marc Klaas just said the boy friend passed his lie detector and doesn't believe he's involved. FWIW

He said "apparently" they have taken and passed tests...but did not say who told him that...JMO

I am stuck on the sheriff saying no one has been ruled out when NG was asking only about the BD-she was not asked if anyone was ruled out, she was asked only about the BF and would not just say "yes, he has been ruled out", which would be easy enough to say. Why wouldn't she just say that? She would not say if he was at work on time, which of course makes some think maybe he wasn't. She stirred up a lot of $#%^ with her replies...I don't understand why she would do that, if he had been fully cleared.

The mom's issues were less of a concern to me, as I think she is probably in the dark and a mess...but I do wonder who left first...if she did, her head may be spinning, wondering, etc...but boy, I think she came off as even more defensive than Billie D. about her BF...

All JMO only
I wanted to hear they had all been cleared, BTW...was hoping to hear that...but didn't. So I can't help it if my brain is wondering.
If they did have the results and have 2 males DNA and Sierra's do you think they are going to release that info to the public? My guess is probably no.

That is a big IF and why do you think 2 ? Like it has been stated here to many times before that area is known as a teenager hangout to get drunk and do whatever . Also the place had been searched twice before. And all of the sudden they appear. I think someone either put them there as a bad joke. Or teenagers used them after the two searches were done.
I am logging out of this site now! My head is jumping to a scenario that I will keep to myself but my blood just ran cold... Im cold and it's very hot tonight in Jamaica. I cannot explain this but I feel something is very, very amiss. I'm praying I am wrong.....sticking to the facts is what it's all about, not gut feelings, only facts.

The LE know more. Just like they did in past cases where they stayed quiet for awhile or gave out the wrong info so as not to alert the suspect. Not sure why I feel this, but I do feel they are onto something.


BBM: I agree ... I think LE knows more than they are letting on to ...

I have had a "different opinion" from the beginning than what the more "popular opinion" is ...

There are a lot of things that have never "added up" here IMO ...

He said "apparently" they have taken and passed tests...but did not say who told him that...JMO

I am stuck on the sheriff saying no one has been ruled out when NG was asking only about the BD-she was not asked if anyone was ruled out, she was asked only about the BF and would not just say "yes, he has been ruled out", which would be easy enough to say. Why wouldn't she just say that? She would not say if he was at work on time, which of course makes some think maybe he wasn't. She stirred up a lot of $#%^ with her replies...I don't understand why she would do that, if he had been fully cleared.

The mom's issues were less of a concern to me, as I think she is probably in the dark and a mess...but I do wonder who left first...if she did, her head may be spinning, wondering, etc...but boy, I think she came off as even more defensive than Billie D. about her BF...

All JMO only
I wanted to hear they had all been cleared, BTW...was hoping to hear that...but didn't. So I can't help it if my brain is wondering.

Marc has been THERE in Morgan Hill with the family/friends, etc. He's not just sitting in a studio spouting off ... like some. He's been there himself with his beloved Polly. He knows more than he ever says but when he does speak ... I listen. JMO.
If officially LE has not ruled anyone out, why would they say they have just to appease Nancy Grace? I mean, since they don't have a body, they can't really rule anything out. There have been many cases of people passing polygraphs and still being involved. There have been many cases where people had airtight alibis and were still involved.

Until they can prove who did it, no one is ruled out.
Marc has been THERE in Morgan Hill with the family/friends, etc. He's not just sitting in a studio spouting off ... like some. He's been there himself with his beloved Polly. He knows more than he ever says but when he does speak ... I listen. JMO.

MK's opinion is the main reason I tune in...
I just don't know who told him about the LD tests, that's all...whether he heard it from LE or from those who took them. It is a fair question, I think.
I always listen to Marc Klaas and I respect him greatly. On occasion I have disagreed with him, but I think he is truly an amazing man. That said, I think (and I actually hope) that LE knows more about this case than Marc does as far as what has been done and the results.
People we are all doing it again. Even after Nancy's show which told us basically nothing we are starting to go after each other. I think it is because our frustrations of a 15 year old Sierra missing and nothing we can do.
I saw the same thing in the Laci Peterson case posters letting taking it out on each other. And yes I am as guilty if not more guilty as anyone.
With this said think I will log off as I am heading down in the morning to help search.
If I was the mother and NG talked to me like that when I was trying to reach out to the public for help finding my daughter I would never speak with her again. It's LE's job to interogate. NG IMO never mind.....
It is obvious that no one has been "cleared" as I understand is SOP in a case until the missing person is found. . Everyone has a right to their own opinion regarding the boyfriend or anyone else. . And has the right to express that opinion. .I do not see anyone violating any TOS with regards to this issue.. to each their own and all of our opinions are valid and just as important as the next persons..
Wecome Annie1004! Great first post!!

The way LE seems to be methodically searching specific places tells me they are acting on tips and possibly inside information. No doubt they have more than they are letting on.

I think ML is probably a bit in shock over what she is finding out about her daughter's online activities also. BUT many 15 year olds are at that age where they want to be an adult and fit in with adults but their minds are still so young and immature. I can see a lot of her posts being just that. Trying to be cool and not necessarily out of the norm. I think many parents might be shocked if they found out what their kids are doing online.

Hi there, I don't post often, but I wanted to agree with your post. I can identify a bit with the mother as I always leave for work before my teens and have always thought that I would never know what they wore to school, what books they took etc., if anything ever happened that they went missing and our school also doesn't call until after 6 pm (nor did my own high school). I can identify in the sense that my daughter isn;t exactly discreet on her facebook and has it so that I can;t comment. Maybe Im too leniant, but for the most part, I try to ignore it. I know my daughter and what her reality is and its nothing like it would appear online. It's not so bad lately as she has a bf now and hardly ever goes online and they're here 90% of the time.

I do feel that info can easily change during the search/investigation,so it may be possible that no one has been totally cleared.

Also, I wonder if cadaver dogs were in/around the house during searches.
There is a specific thread for posts regarding personal opinions of Nancy Grace.
Just a reminder
It is obvious that no one has been "cleared" as I understand is SOP in a case until the missing person is found. . Everyone has a right to their own opinion regarding the boyfriend or anyone else. . And has the right to express that opinion. .I do not see anyone violating any TOS with regards to this issue.. to each their own and all of our opinions are valid and just as important as the next persons..

I'm using Smooth's post to make a point. ONCE you post something and you send it and it shows up .... then look above (in this case as an example) you will see:
originally posted by SmoothOperator >

Click on the > to get you BACK to where you first posted a response. IF you don't you miss posts and that adds to confusion.

Public Service Announcement Over. :eek:fftobed:
I have some questions I hope someone more knowledgeable than me can answer or add some insight to... was mentioned by the Sheriff that the scent may not have led to the driveway but definitely led out her front door. Can someone tell me how that would happen? I mean even if she was attacked at the door and then dragged to a vehicle would not her scent still lead out to driveway since she had not other way to leave other than out the drive?

also...if she was killed and tracking dogs were tracking her. Is there a different dog for different things. I saw the water dogs today. I mean to say, if they went over her home and neighbors homes with certain sniffy dogs meant for tracking the living, would they hit on it if SL was deceased? Does this question make sense?
Did Nancy drop another bombshell :what:

Rethinking this whole situation

Actually, Nancy did not drop a "bombshell" :

Marlene's mother dropped a "bombshell" when Marlene said that her BF left AFTER she did that morning ...

From what I remember, Marlene said her BF left for work before she did ... and now there is a change in the timeline ...

Okay the Mom may have slipped but that would indicate lies and foul play.

I really think she got confused by Nancy when she challenged her saying she and Sierra were alone, that is when the grilling began again and the slip came out. I really am leaning towards the mother not lying in this situation, but getting confused with words. I think he left before her. I still love to beat my dead horse as I have been doing since the beginning and would love to know more about the BF, but will accept he has been cleared, for now anyway...

I reserve the right to change my opinions with any new evidence disclosed or updates...
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