Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #6 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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NG: t thing is, she tells me t BF had left before her

Guest: but now she's saying he left after her

NG: hold on...let me ask

Marlene (clarifying): BF was gone-he left before me

NG: ...I think she misspoke...

Nancy: _____telling me at this point the BF has been cleared
I am logging out of this site now! My head is jumping to a scenario that I will keep to myself but my blood just ran cold... Im cold and it's very hot tonight in Jamaica. I cannot explain this but I feel something is very, very amiss. I'm praying I am wrong.....sticking to the facts is what it's all about, not gut feelings, only facts.

The LE know more. Just like they did in past cases where they stayed quiet for awhile or gave out the wrong info so as not to alert the suspect. Not sure why I feel this, but I do feel they are onto something.
And a BIG something would be if Sierra's DNA were found on the condoms. IF it was and it showed 2 different men used those condoms then I would think we could safely say Mom's BF probably isn't involved. And IF that were the case I would think the chances of her being alive would be slim right now. And IF that were the case I don't think they would share that information with the public.
I think they have something too.

Meanwhile, the county crime lab is treating Sierra’s belongings and other evidence collected so far that might be related to the case as a “top priority,” according to spokeswoman Lisa McCrary.

Evidence reportedly found so far includes Sierra’s cell phone, which was found March 17, and her purse containing folded clothing that belonged to her on March 18. These items were found in two separate locations within two miles northwest of Sierra’s home.

The crime lab is also processing a cardboard box labeled “stainless steel handcuffs,” and two used condoms found at the west end of Palm Avenue – also about two miles from Sierra’s home. Authorities have not confirmed if they think these items are related to the case, but they were sent to the crime lab anyway for forensic testing.

“The case is a top priority for the lab,” McCrary said. “They’re working on it daily during the week, on the weekends, and some evenings to expedite the work.”

They are working on it. Good to know.
Nancy's guest speaking about the outside of t condom being compared to Sierra's DNA.

Not to ask a silly question but have we ever heard if the two condoms found had been used?

Would be two suspects if the condoms had two different dna's. Hummm.
I in defense of the mom must say, I have had brainfarts before. I have called my kids by the wrong name and when tired and under pressure/stress you can say the wrong thing, does not necessarily mean he actually left after her. Just playing devil's advocate and saying we are all human, we can mispeak at times.
I am logging out of this site now! My head is jumping to a scenario that I will keep to myself but my blood just ran cold... Im cold and it's very hot tonight in Jamaica. I cannot explain this but I feel something is very, very amiss. I'm praying I am wrong.....sticking to the facts is what it's all about, not gut feelings, only facts.

The LE know more. Just like they did in past cases where they stayed quiet for awhile or gave out the wrong info so as not to alert the suspect. Not sure why I feel this, but I do feel they are onto something.

Totally agree with you. Amazing the difference in the tone of LE, but that could be because there is more than one spokesperson for LE. I find myself going back to my original feeling three weeks ago. Good for NG for prodding the sheriff about the BF...
Totally agree with you. Amazing the difference in the tone of LE, but that could be because there is more than one spokesperson for LE. I find myself going back to my original feeling three weeks ago. Good for NG for prodding the sheriff about the BF...

AND Marc Klaas just said the boy friend passed his lie detector and doesn't believe he's involved. FWIW
NG: what's the issue w/the live-in BF?

Sheriff: until S home safely, we're not eliminating anyone...

NG: did he report to work on time?

Sheriff: we just can't release any info

Marc K: i know Rick and Steve have taken and passed polygraph exams; met Rick-seems like regular guy

NG: good to know
LE has not named anyone as suspects, so saying that the family, are not suspects, does not really "clear" them to me, at this point...especially after listening to the sheriff tonight. I am not saying I believe anyone that close to her was involved, but it seems it is still possible.

As far as the crime lab taking so long...I do not get that either...they should have results on the bag and the phone by now...the sheriff said tonight they do not have any results back at all and that she was not sure when the items were sent in....well, I would hope they were sent in as soon as they were found...

They said that all three of them are not involved in Sierra's disappearance. Cant get much plainer than that, imo.
Not to ask a silly question but have we ever heard if the two condoms found had been used?

Would be two suspects if the condoms had two different dna's. Hummm.

I don't think we ever heard but why would condoms be out of the wrapper if they weren't going to be used? I'm assuming it's pretty obvious that they weren't in the wrapper?
And a BIG something would be if Sierra's DNA were found on the condoms. IF it was and it showed 2 different men used those condoms then I would think we could safely say Mom's BF probably isn't involved. And IF that were the case I would think the chances of her being alive would be slim right now. And IF that were the case I don't think they would share that information with the public.

The results are not back yet I don't think. Last I read they were still processing them. I really don't think they have much right now . I live 38 miles north in fact I live in Fremont and all the local news station have not reported much except the search planned for tomorrow.
The reporter Nancy had on is from Sacramento almost 175 miles away. Who knows the last time he was down here. Mark Klass knows more than the reporter does trust me.
Nancy Grace prods a bit too much at times. Remember the Trenton Duckett case several years back? She questioned his mother incredibly harshly (which was deserved as I think she killed him or knew who did), but then the mother went and committed suicide so any information that could've been gotten from her was lost forever.
I in defense of the mom must say, I have had brainfarts before. I have called my kids by the wrong name and when tired and under pressure/stress you can say the wrong thing, does not necessarily mean he actually left after her. Just playing devil's advocate and saying we are all human, we can mispeak at times.

I feel very sorry for this mother. She has kept up the pace for over three weeks now. That will wear anyone down. Her brain is fried by now, imo.

She said twice that he left before she did and then I think she is so tired that she misspoke and got it backwards. You could tell she was tired because she added the police know.

The results are not back yet I don't think. Last I read they were still processing them. I really don't think they have much right now . I live 38 miles north in fact I live in Fremont and all the local news station have not reported much except the search planned for tomorrow.
The reporter Nancy had on is from Sacramento almost 175 miles away. Who knows the last time he was down here. Mark Klass knows more than the reporter does trust me.

If they did have the results and have 2 males DNA and Sierra's do you think they are going to release that info to the public? My guess is probably no.
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