Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #6 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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I've spent a solid few hours looking and analyzing the great map that sjsleuth83 posted (thanks so much) and I there are still some things we need to know and info to be obtained, but basically it looks like two possible scenarios based upon my theory or lines of thinking.

A) If the handcuffs and condoms are related, then we really, really need to know about the homes and businesses on Palm. At the very end of Palm, there is a gate which leads to what looks like a farming or construction business, and as you drive down Palm there are a few barns and homes. I know the neighbors have been open to LE, but we really need to know if anything was seen, or tiretracks, or anything else back there that may seem linked. Going on the assumption they are related, that would the abductor(s) drove Sierra to the end of Palm and walked or drove into the mountainous area, on their way back discarded the cuffs, then drove back down Santa Theresa, throwing her phone, making a right on Laguna and hiding her purse next to the building, and probably kept going right onto the 101. At least to me, that makes the most logical sense.

B) If they are not connected to the case, it seems the most likely would be making a right after her street, continuing on Scheller and throwing her phone while she was still in the car as they got to the intersection. Then, and this is my speculation, they made a right onto Santa Theresa and then a left onto Bailey and headed to Calero Lake Park and the Calero Resevoir. To me, I don't think they got on to any highway with Sierra in the car, I think they will find her somewhere in the mountains and resevoirs they are currently searching. All MOO
Nancy Grace Show 4-6-12 :

snippets from :

GRACE: OK. Because you earlier told me no one else was in the home but you and sierra.

LAMAR: Well, he left. I`m sorry. I`m still in shock by everything I heard on your show. But he left after me. So the sheriffs know all the information.

GRACE: To you, Henry K. Lee, did the boyfriend report to work that morning? And how far away did he work?

HENRY K. LEE, REPORTER, SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE: Well, for all intents and purposes, I`m glad you asked that question. Because the sheriff`s office is saying to the public, if you know of anyone who has not reported to work, is acting suspiciously, has a strange injury, or has some unexplained absence, we need to know about it. As far as the boyfriend goes, I don`t have any information that suggests there was anything --

GRACE: OK. Let`s ask the sheriff. Sheriff, did he report to work on time that morning?

SMITH: We just can`t release information or evidence about the case. And we really can`t comment on that.

GRACE: David Lorh, did the boyfriend report to work on time?



:moo: WOW ... so when Nancy asked the Sheriff about Rick, the Sheriff clearly stated that they cannot release info or evidence about the case.

JMO, but if everything "added up", the Sheriff would have answered that question.

The Sheriff's answer is clear to me.


Not to me. The fact is, LE doesn't KNOW whether the b/f left before, after or at the same time as the mom, so they can't confirm it. And if this b/f is an independent contractor who doesn't punch a time clock, it may be a little difficult to find anyone who could confirm the exact time he arrived on a job site. They're not going to rule anyone in or out until they know all the facts.

I think the mom misspoke with the last answer... easy enough to do in a situation like this and being asked the same thing three or four times. NG is very good at getting people confused and flustered, she thinks that's the way to get to the bottom of a case.
I am sorry...I still don't know how to post links.:blushing:

copy the address that you see in your browser at the top by right clicking the http.or www.
then click the add link button when you make a comment and past it.
LE often takes a "no comment" stance, especially on a television talk show where one question leads to another, and answers can be misconstrued. Any answer to NG's question about the bf would only have led to more speculation. Smith was wise not engage her. IMO

Exactly, if I had a dollar for everytime I have heard LE state this very same thing in every case I have kept up with in the media... I wouldnt have to buy a lottery ticket hoping to win the lottery.

If they've been cleared, all 3 must have solid alibis, imo

Could they have been premature in saying family members including BF was cleared and based their assumption on interviews only without investigating the alibis? I'm trying to think of any other cases where family members were ruled out but then ruled back in. I can't think of any.

I have been reading about true crimes for decades and never, NOT once, have I ever seen LE rule someone out and then later on they were arrested as the suspect. It just does not happen.

LE is very careful before they say anyone has been ruled out. They have throughly checked out their alibis and may have even given them a polygraph and had long interviews with them.

No LE likes to have egg on their face. They make sure when they rule someone out that it is verified.

Why in the world are they beating up on this mom??? I hope she never goes back on that show ever again. (snip)

They asked a question. The answer she gave contradicted everything she has said publicly to this point, so the host asked for clarification. The mother confirmed the new version of events saying the discrepancy is not important and that the sheriff is already aware of it. Moments later, she backpedaled, saying that Rick DID leave before her.

This is very confusing, and I can see why the host might now press her to set the record straight. If she had only said once that he left after her, and when asked to reiterate, had reverted to the earlier sequence in which Rick left FIRST, saying she had mis-spoken, it would raise eyebrows, but would probably be considered insignificant.

But she CONFIRMED that she had not spoken in error by saying that she realized that this was not the information that had been released, but assuring the host that LE knew about it.

THEN she tried to make a u-turn and go back to the original story where she left after Rick. This is just WEIRD. Getting angry with the host and cutting off the interview didn't earn her any gold stars either.

Nobody was "beating up on" anyone and I think the remark by the sheriff, subsequent to Marlene's statement that NOBODY HAS BEEN CLEARED is telling.

IMO, theory only, LE only recently learned that Rick left after Marlene, perhaps through pings or someone in the neighborhood seeing him leave (or return, in which case Marlene herself might not have originally known) and while they were not going to say publicly that nobody had been cleared, they were painted into a corner last night because of the mother's statements.

I do not think that Rick or Marlene or Steve is involved, but I think that IF Rick had returned to the house for some reason between Marlene's departure and Sierra's disappearance, but had absolutely nothing to do with it, he'd be afraid of being lumped in with the Shawn Adkins' and Terri Horman's as a prime suspect, and decided it would be better not to mention it.
To each his own.

There are countless articles on the net that have said the same thing.

If it were not the case then they would not have assigned the Lts name to it, imo.


IMO, there are "countless articles on the net" that have said what they were told, based on the information released by LE in a single statement. This does not mean LE has repeated this numerous times, only that the statement has been repeated numerous times by numerous sources, none of whom conducted and investigation of their own, just reported what LE said. Kind of like "re-tweeting" I guess. :)

If new information came to light, such as someone's cell pinging near the house when they should have been at work (THIS IS AN EXAMPLE! I AM NOT AWARE OF ANY SUCH TURN IN THE INVESTIGATION) it might change their focus, but they might NOT immediately call a press conference to set the record straight, when they could be investigating the new lead to see if it means anything.
Just speculation and curiosity on another option on the possible location.
If anyone going on the searches today. If you find yourself near one of the car rental places. Go in and ask if any vehicles were rented around the time of the disappearance and have not been returned. If she was killed and stuffed in the trunk the vehicle could be parked somewhere.

This was all premeditated and thought out. And not something that occurred at the moment. And I have not forgotten about the 12 hours head start before anything seemed concerning.
I think it means she wouldn't give up easily and put up a fight or stay strong and use her wits if she was being held captive.
On that note, once again quoting from this program, as I did earlier. This woman's story (she was only 19 at the time) was such an inspiration and a lesson in what you said above. And, since Easter is here, check out what she says about praying:;contentBody

48 Hours Mystery: Escape From A Serial Killer

The stranger had forced her into the trunk of his car, but Jennifer Asbenson had no idea he was taking her to his favorite killing ground.

"When I was in the trunk, it was pitch black," she says. With her hands bound, she says, there was nothing she could do.

"He's gonna either torture me or put me in a dungeon somewhere, or whatever the most horrible thing I could think of."

Jennifer's fear was justified. In fact, after murdering Robbin Brandley, her attacker went on a killing spree. Before he was finished, four other California women would die.

The women were all prostitutes, dumped in the windswept desert just outside the city.

Julie McGhee was the first in the summer of 1988.

"She had been picked up in Palm Springs, taken out to this area of town that's - that's pretty much abandoned… and [was] shot and killed," says Palm Springs Lt. John Booth. "He left virtually no evidence behind."

The next year, Tammie Erwin was killed.

A few years after that, Denise Maney was tied up with twine and tortured.

In the meantime, in nearby San Diego, a fourth prostitute, Mary Ann Wells, was shot dead.

Four victims and similar crimes, but no one who investigated any of these crimes spotted a pattern. No one connected them - not to one another - and certainly not to a serial killer.

Photos: Urdiales' victims

"After exhausting all the leads, we still were nowhere," Lt. Booth tells Spencer as they drive in his patrol car.

"You almost can't help but wonder whether or not those women had any inkling of what was about to happen to them," notes Spencer.

"Yeah. I mean, you know, if you could rewind Monday morning quarterback, you'd say to yourself, 'Don't get in that car,'" he says.

But Jennifer Asbenson had gotten in that car. And as its driver was barreling down the highway, she lay in the trunk, terrified.

"I just laid there and just thought about how I was gonna die."

Desperate, she did the one thing that could bring some comfort.

"And that was pray. And I just started crying, saying, "God, if there's a God and you know that I'm in this trunk right now and you know that I'm about to be cut up into many pieces, please take my life or let me get away."

She thinks that what happened next was - pure and simple - divine intervention.

"And I just suddenly got hysterical strength… and I just started hearing all the twine busting behind my back… And I just busted it off. It was a miracle… But then I have this twine off. Now what?"

In the total darkness, with her life on the line, Jennifer discovered a confidence and ingenuity that surprised even her.

"When I was in that trunk, all I had to do was reach from one corner to the other corner and say, 'This is the width of the trunk.' And then I went like this [slaps her hands together]. I thought, 'That's where the lock is. So the mechanism to unlock the trunk is on the inside. It's with me.'"

Working only by feel, she ripped away carpet, yanked on wires and poked her fingers around the metal frame.

"And then I felt this thing. It just felt like a little lever. And it clicked and I saw light just coming in everywhere… And I just went, "Oh, my God. I can get out.' And then I got so excited that I lifted it even more."

Suddenly, her assailant was shouting and swearing; he'd just realized the trunk was open.

"He pulled over. And he came around. I grabbed the trunk and pulled it down. And [he pushed down] on it to make sure it was shut… So then he got back in the car. And he pushed the gas on all the way to the floor and he got stuck."

It was her only chance. "I just flipped it up and jumped out."

Barefoot and naked from the waist down, she ran for her life down the road.

"I was running like I was in the Olympics… And there was one car coming alongside of me."

Sprinting alongside the car, Jennifer begged the older couple inside for help.

"And the woman beat her husband with her purse or something and said, 'No! No! Go!'"

They sped up and drove off.

"Right after they took off, I looked back and he was chasing me with a machete. And I just started running faster…. And then I saw a truck coming."

Gasping for breath, this time Jennifer ran straight toward the oncoming truck.

"And then, I just heard their wheels screech."

The two startled men in the truck, both Marines, opened the door.

"I just started screaming, 'That guy, he - he tried to kill me," she recalls. "I said, 'The car - the car, right there.' And the car was gone."

Her attacker already had sped off.
The main reason I feel Sierra was not taken by someone living in her house was because of the text just as she would be leaving at 7:11 am. IMO a person living in the house would have acted sooner, just after her mom left.
Unless it was an act of rage, then it could have happened at any time.
I can't really say what I think right now. You all know I would love to..LOL.
Not as much as I'd love to hear your thoughts. You are clearly very familiar with the most extreme types of behavior, things many of us can not fathom (who eats eyeglasses?) so I suspect you are way more open to EVERY possibility in these cases than those of us who read the books and forums but haven't really been in the trenches.
Another interesting finding:

According to - there is/was a registered sex offender living 300 feet from Sierra LaMar's home.

Offender's last known address: 561 MONTEREY ROAD #B MORGAN HILL, CA

Here's a Google Map - (see E)



8:00am PST - KTVU News Update: Family will announce a REWARD today for information/whereabouts of Sierra LaMar.
There is a case I know of where a young teenage girl got into a vehicle with a man before school and it is thought that she was taken across the U.S.-Mexico border. She has not been found.
Could she have been taken across the U.S.-Mexico border?

With a twelve hour head start anything is and still is a possible theory.
We just have to establish more physical evidence to give us more of a way of travel. They still have three paths that lead back to the same road.

I had phoenix in mind, at least as a stop over. but diffidently South.
We will learn more as more physical evidence has been confirmed.

Good post!
People we are all doing it again. Even after Nancy's show which told us basically nothing we are starting to go after each other. I think it is because our frustrations of a 15 year old Sierra missing and nothing we can do.
I saw the same thing in the Laci Peterson case posters letting taking it out on each other. And yes I am as guilty if not more guilty as anyone.
With this said think I will log off as I am heading down in the morning to help search.

ITA. I feel like I accidentally logged into the Hailey Dunn forum three weeks in. It seems like there's a missing cheerleader, a mom with a live-in BF with apparent timeline issues, who Nancy Grace tripped up during an interview, and a divided opinion on WS flaring up in angry or sarcastic posts. I love WS, but don't like the snarkiness that sometimes takes over when involved parties' stories start falling apart. Sometimes "whodunnit" seems pretty obvious, at other times it isn't as clear. But there is nothing gained by posters getting angry at those who disagree with them, or baiting others into ugly debates.

Before you know it, some the people with the best ideas are on "time-out" and we do not benefit from their insight.

Please stop fighting, and if I may be so bold as to ask, if a comment is intended for the amusement of one or two members only, send it privately. It clutters the board with not only the comments, but the comments ABOUT those comments.

IMO, there are "countless articles on the net" that have said what they were told, based on the information released by LE in a single statement. This does not mean LE has repeated this numerous times, only that the statement has been repeated numerous times by numerous sources, none of whom conducted and investigation of their own, just reported what LE said. Kind of like "re-tweeting" I guess. :)

If new information came to light, such as someone's cell pinging near the house when they should have been at work (THIS IS AN EXAMPLE! I AM NOT AWARE OF ANY SUCH TURN IN THE INVESTIGATION) it might change their focus, but they might NOT immediately call a press conference to set the record straight, when they could be investigating the new lead to see if it means anything.

Why would Lt. Troy Smith, Media Officer, have to release it more than once? The media outlets meets with him or calls him and he gives them information about the case.

Who is talking about immediately? This has been put out by the Media Officer for a couple of weeks now.

I imagine national and local area reporters contact Lt. Troy Smith everyday to get an update on the case.

Concerning the case above that I just mentioned. It is also thought that a "family friend" who had committed a crime against the young teenager prior, is the one who took her across the border.

At this point in time anything is possible. As I was speculating after she tweeted I want to go to the mall someone take me. On the 12th I believe.
That instead of going to the mall that Friday, they planned on something else. But the person she was with read that tweet and made plans for that Friday morning. I would find it hard to believe she had no communication with the person that showed up that Friday morning as she was leaving the house for school. Maybe she had planned to skip school that Friday without telling anyone. And anticipated a change in clothing later on for whatever reason. But now I don't know. But it is all MOO and speculation on my part, based on what i have learned. But nothing posted as being fact unless otherwise known to be.
ITA. I feel like I accidentally logged into the Hailey Dunn forum three weeks in. It seems like there's a missing cheerleader, a mom with a live-in BF with apparent timeline issues, who Nancy Grace tripped up during an interview, and a divided opinion on WS flaring up in angry or sarcastic posts. I love WS, but don't like the snarkiness that sometimes takes over when involved parties' stories start falling apart. Sometimes "whodunnit" seems pretty obvious, at other times it isn't as clear. But there is nothing gained by posters getting angry at those who disagree with them, or baiting others into ugly debates.

Before you know it, some the people with the best ideas are on "time-out" and we do not benefit from their insight.

Please stop fighting, and if I may be so bold as to ask, if a comment is intended for the amusement of one or two members only, send it privately. It clutters the board with not only the comments, but the comments ABOUT those comments.


I really havent seen any snarkiness but then I dont get to read every post either.

But this case is nothing like the Hailey Dunn case though. Right of the bat, Shawn was a POI.

In this case, neither the mom, her boyfriend or her father are suspects. That came right out of the mouth of LE.

With a twelve hour head start anything is and still is a possible theory.
We just have to establish more physical evidence to give us more of a way of travel. They still have three paths that lead back to the same road.

I had phoenix in mind, at least as a stop over. but diffidently South.
We will learn more as more physical evidence has been confirmed.

Good post!

So, do you think that girls from the U.S. are being kidnapped and taken across the border for prostitution?
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