Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #6 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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One question I have, is did Sierra ever post or tweet her new address after she moved, i.e. to a friend or someone else, where others could have seen it.
Just a thought:

From the kidnapped for prostitution angle-or trafficking, if you will.

From just about every account I have read, the kidnappers get their rape in, as they refer to it as a kind of "conditioning" of the victim before she/he is delivered to the imprisoners.

Lots of people desperate for money, and those already predisposed, pedos, would have a motive for collaborating with traffickers.

Dont they usually kidnap children who are runaways though? Children who will not be missed and doesnt have a loving family?

Hey guys... I want to try and catch up on this case really bad!!! For what it is worth, my EARLY instincts about this case was that it was NOT family related. I can't explain why.... it is just something that happens after years of following this kind of crime. This case just does not have the same "feel" that the Hailey Dunn, Kyron Hormon, or Haleigh Cummings case had. I have thought much more about the Tina and Cody Hermann case where Sarah Maynard was missing. No other family have been harmed or even threatened in Sierra's case as far as I know. For some reason the Shasta Groene (Joseph Duncan) case comes to mind as well. My heart breaks for Sierra, and I still have hopes that she is out there somewhere - alive. Keep up the good work WS'ers.... this case is one of the reasons forums like WS's is important.

It has never had the same feel to me either, Reannan.

I have always believed that someone siezed on the opportunity that presented itself and kidnapped these young beautiful girl away from the ones who love her.

I think this is going to be an evil pedophile stranger, and imo, that is why LE is having a hard time tracking a suspect down and they are having a difficult time finding Sierra's body too. When the suspect has no personal link to the victim it is a much harder case to solve or even to find the missing victim.

Dont they usually kidnap children who are runaways though? Children who will not be missed and doesnt have a loving family?


I know accounts of kidnapping from loving families. Some of the victims were able to escape, some get lost in the cold case files.

For example, there was the young woman kidnapped into prostitution who was told at her shopping mall job that she could be a makeup artist. The kidnappers met with her at a restaurant, and when she went out to retrieve her sweater from her car, they grabbed her. Sorry, don't have all of these cases at my fingertips.

She had a very loving family. She was held captive for years.

Probably old news. I just visited her tumblr site for the first time. Even though I don't understand what it is about or what if any message may be there. I did click on profile at the bottom to take a look and a window to sign on for AIM/AOL appeared. So this is probably old news and has been searched for a possible connection to anyone.?

They found nothing mentioned in the searches South yesterday. And so far I have not seen anything physical to indicate she is in fact deceased. So until I do I am still thinking of her as being alive and somewhere.
IDK..but, whenSierra's sister was home from school over the break,did she stay with her mom and Sierra at any point ? Or did she spend the whole break over at her dad's house ? TIA

From what we have heard, her older sister went right to Dad's house the first night of her spring break and stayed there with him, never going to her mom's.
I have to say that i thought it was a bit odd. My first thought is that a freshmen co-ed is going to want to go home and see her mom and little sister during her break from school. But maybe it was because dad was in Fremont, where her friends would be?

Also, according to what i read on Hinky, Dad was a lot more lenient than mom, which was one reason the girls liked living there.

Probably old news. I just visited her tumblr site for the first time. Even though I don't understand what it is about or what if any message may be there. I did click on profile at the bottom to take a look and a window to sign on for AIM/AOL appeared. So this is probably old news and has been searched for a possible connection to anyone.?

They found nothing mentioned in the searches South yesterday. And so far I have not seen anything physical to indicate she is in fact deceased. So until I do I am still thinking of her as being alive and somewhere.

I am pretty naive as to what kind of forensics can be performed on SM. I don't know if they can capture everything off of a computer and phone or not. Twitter was especially annoying for me and I found very dangerous for a teen to be using. I saw one post by a teen that said Twitter is the only thing parents haven't ruined for us yet. One person trying to sleuth through all the contacts would take months. I am just hoping LE has the tools to do this. I would think the next best thing to LE to know all these things about the different SM sites would be a teen. Someone yesterday made mention to them having a child that might be able to look into that?
I have been reading about true crimes for decades and never, NOT once, have I ever seen LE rule someone out and then later on they were arrested as the suspect. It just does not happen.

LE is very careful before they say anyone has been ruled out. They have throughly checked out their alibis and may have even given them a polygraph and had long interviews with them.

No LE likes to have egg on their face. They make sure when they rule someone out that it is verified.


What I've seen in the past with people who were not ruled out are statements like "So-and-so is cooperating with the investigation" or "So-and-so is assisting the investigation."

It's more than just the prospect of egg on the face. After a few high profile cases where the lives and careers of innocent people have been ruined, there have been multi-million dollar judgments against LE agencies.

That's a budget item you can't hide from the taxpayers under "office supplies."
I am pretty naive as to what kind of forensics can be performed on SM. I don't know if they can capture everything off of a computer and phone or not. Twitter was especially annoying for me and I found very dangerous for a teen to be using. I saw one post by a teen that said Twitter is the only thing parents haven't ruined for us yet. One person trying to sleuth through all the contacts would take months. I am just hoping LE has the tools to do this. I would think the next best thing to LE to know all these things about the different SM sites would be a teen. Someone yesterday made mention to them having a child that might be able to look into that?

I assumed they were visiting her social sites to see if there were any communications with anyone that would explain what may have happened that Friday morning. And I agree about asking someone younger. That tumblr site to me looked like a page with pictures and music. To someone younger and involved in theses sites perhaps they would see something different.

She has an interest in the black scene from what I could tell. I am only guessing but no blacks went to her school I am just guessing. So to chat with them had to be online and maybe from tie to time at the mall if she had any communication with them at all. I wonder if she did if that would be something she would have hid from her family and friends.
Okay so I have been watching the newreels of where the purse was found between the cactus and the building over and over. I went to the two closest buildings to Laguna and lo and hold I found the spot. I had to use my sons eyes as I went ga ga after a bit, but he figured it out and then showed me and sure enough.... What I am finding though is that the road on which it was found leads to nowhere, dead ends at the tracks unless you take a farm trail to the left at the end and follow it along the tracks. So thinking it was a deliberate stop to place items there....not enroute.

approx. 147
I am not sure I believe that LE has not received ANY results from the lab, in three weeks time...surely they know whether or not there were any recent prints on the items found belonging to Sierra...JMO
Okay so I have been watching the newreels of where the purse was found between the cactus and the building over and over. I went to the two closest buildings to Laguna and lo and hold I found the spot. I had to use my sons eyes as I went ga ga after a bit, but he figured it out and then showed me and sure enough.... What I am finding though is that the road on which it was found leads to nowhere, dead ends at the tracks unless you take a farm trail to the left at the end and follow it along the tracks. So thinking it was a deliberate stop to place items there....not enroute.

approx. 147

What direction is this from the house?
Dont they usually kidnap children who are runaways though? Children who will not be missed and doesnt have a loving family?


Being noticed goes against their business model, as it were. Human traffickers fly under the radar because they don't call attention to themselves.

Also, the general flow of trafficking is from poverty stricken areas to wealthier areas. The poor make good prey because they don't have the resources to make as large a fuss as the rich do.
From what we have heard, her older sister went right to Dad's house the first night of her spring break and stayed there with him, never going to her mom's.
I have to say that i thought it was a bit odd. My first thought is that a freshmen co-ed is going to want to go home and see her mom and little sister during her break from school. But maybe it was because dad was in Fremont, where her friends would be?

Also, according to what i read on Hinky, Dad was a lot more lenient than mom, which was one reason the girls liked living there.

Given the family history this dynamic just seems... really unusual. I wonder about it... She never did go to mom's to stay ? Probably not important in regard to Sierra's disappearance. But still. I have actually never heard of young females living with an male RSO parent ? Especially if that parent had offended with young female kids. Almost always this would be considered as an unsafe home environment. Probably just me reading more into this than there actually is... And I personally don't think any family members were involved in Sierra's disappearance. But always interesting to see the family dynamic...MOO
Okay so I have been watching the newreels of where the purse was found between the cactus and the building over and over. I went to the two closest buildings to Laguna and lo and hold I found the spot. I had to use my sons eyes as I went ga ga after a bit, but he figured it out and then showed me and sure enough.... What I am finding though is that the road on which it was found leads to nowhere, dead ends at the tracks unless you take a farm trail to the left at the end and follow it along the tracks. So thinking it was a deliberate stop to place items there....not enroute.

approx. 147

Can you link a map to your post? thanx
I don't have an issue with the mom possibly having been confused and said the wrong words. But I do think it is a leap to assume the sheriff of the county is out of the loop on such a high-profile case and wouldn't know whether or not anyone would be ruled in or out. JMO


To think that the sheriff of the county, who has been chosen/briefed/cleared to speak on behalf of the department on a national television program specifically about a single case involving a missing teen is out of the loop is a stretch.
Given the family history this dynamic just seems... really unusual. I wonder about it... She never did go to mom's to stay ? Probably not important in regard to Sierra's disappearance. But still. I have actually never heard of young females living with an male RSO parent ? Especially if that parent had offended with young female kids. Almost always this would be considered as an unsafe home environment. Probably just me reading more into this than there actually is... And I personally don't think any family members were involved in Sierra's disappearance. But always interesting to see the family dynamic...MOO

I think this family dynamic is very interesting and perhaps important. I agree that none of the family members are involved in her disappearance, imo. I don't think her father had anything to do with that. But I do wonder what affect that whole RSO mess had on Sierra. She obviously loved her dad and so did her sister love their dad. They seemed to be very close. So would that have any affect on their own views of men in their lives. Their dad did jail time for abusing one of their little friends, and yet nobody in the family has any issues with the girls living with dad when he comes home from jail.
I really do find that odd. And it makes me wonder if it opened Sierra up to dubious choices in males in her life. Like would she be less judgmental about one's reputation because of it. I don't know, but she probably was very defensive about her dad. And did not like people judging him harshly or unfairly.
I also have to wonder if any of dads friends or associates met Sierra or saw her pictures while dad was in jail.
I assumed they were visiting her social sites to see if there were any communications with anyone that would explain what may have happened that Friday morning. And I agree about asking someone younger. That tumblr site to me looked like a page with pictures and music. To someone younger and involved in theses sites perhaps they would see something different.

She has an interest in the black scene from what I could tell. I am only guessing but no blacks went to her school I am just guessing. So to chat with them had to be online and maybe from tie to time at the mall if she had any communication with them at all. I wonder if she did if that would be something she would have hid from her family and friends.

I was just on her Tumblr also. I really wish I had someone that could help educate me on this. You may be wondering what I am. All the reposts of the photos and you can see who reposted them so you can go to their page. One photo, the link took me to anothers page that had graphic bondage pics and body mutilation. Maybe you saw what I saw. I can't remember what led to verify this is actually her tumblr account.
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