Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #7 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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Reading through the "arguments" about what she was last seen wearing...

You are both correct IMO. She was last "seen" in the sharks shirt when she took the picture. I have faith in the tech guru's at the FBI that they have verified all of this.

Now, nothing says that she didn't take that picture, then take that shirt off, or change into a different shirt.

Just because she was last "seen" in that shirt doesn't mean she wore it out of the house.

My thoughts and opinions only.
It just seems to me after 26 days they have just about exhausted every avenue.

I am more concerned about the field workers who come and go like nomads sometimes. Now those would be harder to track down I would think.


I have less reason to believe it is a field worker than someone with a little more means and resources.

Having lived in california all of my life, and having many relatives who have farms, and hire workers, I have never heard of one of the farm workers pulling off an abduction like this.

There are cases of drunken assaults and rapes, but usually opportunistic cases, where a worker comes upon the perfect situation to rape and run.

But for the most part, these workers are religious, hard working family men who are struggling just to feed their kids. They have very little resources available to them to kidnap and transport a victim any distance.

If she was found in a field the next morning then I would look at them more closely. But I cannot think of very many cases at all where a serial killer or kidnapper of children has turned out to be a farm worker. There was that one guy in Texas [ I think] that followed the raildroad tracks and broke into random homes and killed everyone he came across. But he was a psycho.
Here are four scenarios I can come up with for the purse being tossed/placed where it was found, unless you guys can think of a fifth one?? All of the below scenarios assume the clothes in the purse WERE the clothes Sierra was wearing that morning.
1. Purse tossed as the vehicle drove AWAY from the home. Sierra could have been abducted while still inside her home, or close by her home.
a) This DOES make sense if the clothes were folded neatly while still in Sierra’s home, or in a nearby location. We really don’t know what time the purse was discarded. Sierra wasn’t reported missing for at least 12 hours.
b) This does NOT make sense if Sierra was wearing those clothes – there would not have been enough time to travel approximately two miles, remove her clothing from her and ‘fold’ them while struggling to subdue her.

2. Purse tossed as the vehicle drove BACK TOWARDS the home. Sierra would have been abducted and taken somewhere and was being held captive or disposed of.
a) I do not understand the reason for doing this! Why would the perp drive back TOWARDS Sierra’s home and hide the purse? The perp lives in that direction with someone who would have noticed and questioned the purse if it had been kept?
b) Someone thought hiding the purse would have made it seem like an abduction? That doesn’t make any sense – the cell phone would have been adequate for that purpose.

3. It was NOT an abduction. Purse was placed there by Sierra herself in an attempt to make it look like she was abducted.

4. It was NOT an abduction. Sierra was harmed by someone within her own home that knew her, and an abduction was “staged” by placing the purse and cell phone where they were found.
It`s my understanding that dogs picked up her scent to the bottom of the driveway, is that correct, Sheriff Smith?

SMITH: They did pick up her scent going out of her house. I`m not sure how far the scent had gone. And there`d been a lot of rain and wind that day.

There ya go
Could u take a photo of a photo?

just a thought!
Yes and they can actually look just like you took the photo with your phone. When I was working as a baby photographer sometimes the parents would ask to take photos of the computer screen photo with their cell phones. The pics come out pretty good.
Nope you're absolutely correct Cazzie about the sent ending at or thru the front doorway.. Sheriff Smith stated it in the last transcript re:Sierra on NG.. I'm via mobile at the moment.. But I know I posted a link to this very transcript just and hour or so ago.. It's a post of mine quoting OBE about the cactus and building.. But that link will take you to the transcript where the info was stated about the scent ending at or thru the front door..
Hope that Helps!

Still posting via mobile so plz forgive the large number of errors in my posts;)
Whew, thank you! From your link previously posted..NG transcript:

Here is what Sheriff Smith said (and the rest of what I mentioned was we, the posters, speculating about what the heck that meant):

GRACE: OK. So I`m just trying to figure out that timeline. We know her last text and e-mails were around 7:11, 7:15. So in the space of being (ph) to the school bus stop at 7:25, this all goes wrong.

It`s my understanding that dogs picked up her scent to the bottom of the driveway, is that correct, Sheriff Smith?

SMITH: They did pick up her scent going out of her house. I`m not sure how far the scent had gone. And there`d been a lot of rain and wind that day.
Muchas gracias for the reminder about how that convo here came about. :)
Smooth and everyone, there was also this quote you mentioned, which was part of that "driveway vs. front door" discussion here:

Smooth Operator said:
Interesting statements
SHERIFF LAURIE SMITH, SANTA CLARA COUNTY SHERIFF`S OFFICE: Absolutely not. From the last time we have a text, no one saw her walking to the bus. No one saw her leaving her home. Absolutely nothing. It is somewhat of a remote area.

COSBY: How do we know that she actually left her home?

SMITH: We don`t but she`s missing from her home. We don`t know why or at what point she became missing.

COSBY: That`s what I`m asking. Do we know if she physically -- we don`t know if she physically walked out of her house or something else happened to her.

SMITH: We don`t.
You started it! ;) You instigator... ;) :D
I really think that the FBI found nothing suspicious on her computer. I really wish they had. If she was going to leave willingly with him there just would have to be some communication about that made somewhere from either the computer or phone and if he was enthralled with her even if she didnt know it then he would still communicate with her on a regular basis, imo.

FBI just looks at so many sites where teens post looking for predators, I think they can spot something hinky a mile away..even if the postings seemed benign. Its just become second nature to the FBI unfortunately due to the amount of predators on line.


What I mean is, if she was taken by someone she knew to some degree, it could well be someone who is linked to her in some way on the computer, but not in any sinister way...just a casual friend of many. Nothing that would make LE look twice at them, or maybe even find anything if they did.
I have less reason to believe it is a field worker than someone with a little more means and resources.

Having lived in california all of my life, and having many relatives who have farms, and hire workers, I have never heard of one of the farm workers pulling off an abduction like this.

There are cases of drunken assaults and rapes, but usually opportunistic cases, where a worker comes upon the perfect situation to rape and run.

But for the most part, these workers are religious, hard working family men who are struggling just to feed their kids. They have very little resources available to them to kidnap and transport a victim any distance.

If she was found in a field the next morning then I would look at them more closely. But I cannot think of very many cases at all where a serial killer or kidnapper of children has turned out to be a farm worker. There was that one guy in Texas [ I think] that followed the raildroad tracks and broke into random homes and killed everyone he came across. But he was a psycho.

Yes, I do realize that and they are very prominent in our area also and they are great hard working people. Most of the time here if there is any trouble it is among themselves when they get drunk. They will either stab one of their coworkers/roommates and a couple in recent years have murdered their wives. They tend to use knives instead of guns. We dont see them being charged with rapes though very often. But we cant rule them out as having nothing to do with this. There is good and bad in all professions and all it takes is one.

The ones here do have vehicles. Now they may have one that has a vehicle and he will have 3-4 that rides with him and lives with that person altogether in one is usually mobile homes down here that they live in unless the farmer has housing on his property for the workers.

I think farm workers are the salt of the earth, and I have a lot of respect for them, but there again, there can always be a bad apple in the bunch.

Whoever this is knew the field workers werent going to work that particular field that day, imo.

I just had a horrible thought - if a stun gun was used on Sierra, she would have been incapcitated long enough to remove her clothing; especially if someone were in a van or vehicle that allowed for that much movement. That would explain the rumored urine on the clothing as well. :eek::mad: Time for a break.... this case is driving me nuts, and I am worried sick.
What I mean is, if she was taken by someone she knew to some degree, it could well be someone who is linked to her in some way on the computer, but not in any sinister way...just a casual friend of many. Nothing that would make LE look twice at them, or maybe even find anything if they did.

I dont think they checked out all of her friends like on FB because half the time the person doesnt even know the person they friend. I am on FB but I dont friend everyone that sends me a friendship request. I know everyone of my friends in my personal life but teens will befriend anyone most of the time.

So if there was no messages recovered between the two I dont think LE would check them out but if there was any correspondence at all even one......I do think LE would.

Yes, I do realize that and they are very prominent in our area also and they are great hard working people. Most of the time here if there is any trouble it is among themselves when they get drunk. They will either stab one of their coworkers/roommates and a couple in recent years have murdered their wives. They tend to use knives instead of guns. We dont see them being charged with rapes though very often. But we cant rule them out as having nothing to do with this. There is good and bad in all professions and all it takes is one.

The ones here do have vehicles. Now they may have one that has a vehicle and he will have 3-4 that rides with him and lives with that person altogether in one is usually mobile homes down here that they live in unless the farmer has housing on his property for the workers.

I think farm workers are the salt of the earth, and I have a lot of respect for them, but there again, there can always be a bad apple in the bunch.

Whoever this is knew the field workers werent going to work that particular field that day, imo.

That is all true. Sadly we cannot rule out any scenario right now.

For some reason I believe that if a farm worker wanted to grab a girl he would grab one in his own little world. There a zillion kids around the barrio.

I think a farm worker in a old car would be quickly noticed on that cul-de-sac. Unless it was a gardeners truck or something I suppose.

For some reason I think it was a stalker and it was someone that seemed unlikely and looked innocent for the time and place.

Why have we never been told to who/where Sierra sent/posted that picture of herself from her laptop??
Why not?? We've been told everything else including that her last text was to a friend and even what the context of the text was..
Why not the photo??
We've been told numerous times it's completely separate from the text sent from her phone at 7:11..
We've been told for absolute certain that it was sent from her laptop..
We've been told that it was sent from her laptop earlier in the morning than the 7:11am text MSG from her phone..
And it's even been stated that the photo was taken at 6:29am..which is the exact same time of her last twitter post.. BUT THAT PHOTO WAS NOT POSTED TO HER TWITTER.. She made a tweet with no picture attached..

So who in the hell was this photo sent to at 6:29am? And was it emailed, facebooked, what?? That info we still haven't a clue of to my knowledge..

One other thing related to this issue is that Marlene has become defensive about the timing of this photo as well.. At first I couldn't even understand why?? But she is determined in stating recently that this photo was snapped immediately before Sierra was walking out the door of the house.. She even tells NG that it was as late as 7:15 cuz Sierra was always rushing like that..(we know Marlene wasn't there)

When Sheriff Smith Stated in the same interview that the photo was from laptop and separate and prior to text MSG sent from the phone and that the text message was sent at 7:11am..

Why does Marlene feel the need to express or convince that the photo was taken immediately preceding Sierra leaving the house about 7:15???.. When she knows that it was taken waaaaaay before then??
I just don't get it??!?!?

Still posting via mobile so plz forgive the large number of errors in my posts;)

It's not an unreasonable scenario/theory that someone came to the door, etc...after Marlene left. She could have had a ride set up and didn't tell her mom. A friend came in and all went wrong. But she could have still tweeted and taken the photo before things went south (if that is what happened). It's very possible it happened in the house. Then the offender left and took her , her phone and purse so it appeared as though she left the house...or something along those lines.
Yes, I do realize that and they are very prominent in our area also and they are great hard working people. Most of the time here if there is any trouble it is among themselves when they get drunk. They will either stab one of their coworkers/roommates and a couple in recent years have murdered their wives. They tend to use knives instead of guns. We dont see them being charged with rapes though very often. But we cant rule them out as having nothing to do with this. There is good and bad in all professions and all it takes is one.

The ones here do have vehicles. Now they may have one that has a vehicle and he will have 3-4 that rides with him and lives with that person altogether in one is usually mobile homes down here that they live in unless the farmer has housing on his property for the workers.

I think farm workers are the salt of the earth, and I have a lot of respect for them, but there again, there can always be a bad apple in the bunch.

Whoever this is knew the field workers werent going to work that particular field that day, imo.


I'm also from a California farm family. The workers that my family hired were usually brought to and from the fields each day by either the foreman, or one other worker. Very, very few of them had their own cars. In California, the accident rate involving farm workers is very high. They usually are brought to the farm in a vehicle that is packed to capacity with other people. Seatbelts for everyone is not a reality. I doubt that many of the workers in the field near Sierra's house had their own car. If anyone from that farm is involved, it would most likely be someone who had their own car, or someone higher up than a picker.

I also doubt that a farm worker is involved. The majority of farm workers work very, very hard, and are incredibly dedicated to their families. They're usually very kind and religious people who are only concerned with earning enough money to support their families. When crimes do occur with this group, it's usually fights started by someone who has been drinking, or petty theft.
It`s my understanding that dogs picked up her scent to the bottom of the driveway, is that correct, Sheriff Smith?

SMITH: They did pick up her scent going out of her house. I`m not sure how far the scent had gone. And there`d been a lot of rain and wind that day.

There ya go

Oh I thought we were looking for a statement by Smith that said the scent went to the front door.

My bad......
Hhehehe! I didn't even post that snip about her possibly not ever leaving the house with regard to the scent.. I promise. Just thought it interesting that at even that stage of the case they couldn't say with certainty that she'd actually left out the house that morning...sorry for any confusion ..
It's not an unreasonable scenario/theory that someone came to the door, etc...after Marlene left. She could have had a ride set up and didn't tell her mom. A friend came in and all went wrong. But she could have still tweeted and taken the photo before things went south (if that is what happened). It's very possible it happened in the house. Then the offender left and took her , her phone and purse so it appeared as though she left the house...or something along those lines.[/quote]

That makes more sense than anything else.... it happened in the house, and the offender decided to make it look like she left the house - probably in the opposite direction from what he/she/they actually went. Back to the map to look at what is in the OPPOSITE direction from where the phone and purse was found. Uggh....
Reading through the "arguments" about what she was last seen wearing...

You are both correct IMO. She was last "seen" in the sharks shirt when she took the picture. I have faith in the tech guru's at the FBI that they have verified all of this.

Now, nothing says that she didn't take that picture, then take that shirt off, or change into a different shirt.

Just because she was last "seen" in that shirt doesn't mean she wore it out of the house.

My thoughts and opinions only.

LE is calling the shirt found in the bag a tee shirt. To me, that means a short sleeved shirt, although I suppose long sleeved shirts of the same style are called tees in some areas.

The shirt in the photo looks, to me, like a sweatshirt.

Seems a bit odd that Sierra would wear a Sharks shirt to school and pack a different Sharks shirt to change into later. Girls that age like clothes and they usually have quite a variety. But of course it would not be unheard of that she might choose two similar shirts, just as it would not be unheard of for a young person to own several team shirts.

I am not convinced the shirt in the bag is the same shirt as the one in the photo. I believe Sierra may have been wearing the one in the photo when she left the house but I have not seen it confirmed anywhere by LE that they are one and the same shirt. Or did I miss that?
I just had a horrible thought - if a stun gun was used on Sierra, she would have been incapcitated long enough to remove her clothing; especially if someone were in a van or vehicle that allowed for that much movement. That would explain the rumored urine on the clothing as well. :eek::mad: Time for a break.... this case is driving me nuts, and I am worried sick.

I hate that observation, but the same thing crossed my mind when I read/heard about the urine on the clothes.

Also, not to be sceptic, but there are a lot of things that happen with migrant workers that isn't reported on now a days because it's an election year and it's NOT considered PC (politically correct).

My heart has ALWAYS worried about this, always. Not saying all migrant workers are horrible people capable of this, but I have heard enough stories to be worried for Sierra.
Oh I thought we were looking for a statement by Smith that said the scent went to the front door.

My bad......

Nope. I mentioned it that night as I was watching it as I couldn't believe she wouldn't confirm the scent ended at the end of the drive. .but rather would only confirm that it went thru the front door ..this was also when she refused to clear the bf..
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