Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #8 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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Same in my house.
My 16 yo daughter makes plans ahead of time without telling me frequently. This child is number 5 of 6 girls. She is a social butterfly and has done this since kindergarten. She is very irresponsible at getting permission and fails to inform me of her location when she doesnt come home from school. She has been really bad at this since her earliest years. Now that her friends are driving and have cars it has become a nightmare. I am always calling around to find out where she is and who she is with.

This daughter takes a pair of clean underwear in her purse daily. She will borrow friends clothing but not underwear.

Did Sierra normally ride the bus home from school? Did she ride home with any friends on did a parent pick her up at times? I wonder if someone had been grooming her by giving her a lift home on occasion.

Ya know when we are not home we dont really know do we?
We can think they are safe and soun d on the bus and they are riding around with friends.
They are comming of age where they can drive.

I bought my kids 5star emergency response! They carry it with them.
i also think i can put it in my sons car and it can track him without him knowing i know lol
I wonder if they got the forensic testing back on the items discovered purse,clothing,etc?

Well that depends on who is doing the LEO (Cardoza?) said nothing was found, another (Sheriff) said nothing has come back yet...
Thanks again, Inspector Gidget. I was just furrowing my brow over that same question. We heard that the forensic examination of the bag & its items revealed nothing but I am wondering if that meant nothing unexpected. If Sierra was wearing the Sharks top, that would have produced findings but perhaps nothing foreign to the situation. In Thread #7, there was a post expressing satisfaction that in this case, we had something to go on even though we are frustrated there isn't more. The discarded cell phone was no surprise, even though it may contain valuable identifiers like prints. The bag, & what is inside and what is surrounding it, is unique. I think it has a lot to tell investigators, only some of which is being shared with the public.
Please Lord let them find Sierra today.Marc Klaas and his foundation is such a blessing and has kept this case going.I know they have
other family members wanting them to help search for their loved ones.It is hard to see a case go cold,like Holly Bobo and many others.

Media attention starts to fade and we are back at the beginning with no answers.I am off from work today and wish I lived close so I could help search.
My kids just pack the clothes neatly in their bag they do not ask me
many times on friday they call around 2 (thats when our school lets out)
and say mom is it ok if i stay at so and so's his mom said it was ok ... it happens alot.

OBE im not saying she did this! Im just saying its an option!
I actually think she went out of the house in something entirely different!

My DD used to do the exact same thing. She took a change of clothes on FRIDAYS, just in case. And then at lunchtime the girls would make their plans for the evening and she would call me after school and say " Can I stay at Jenns's- Don't worry,you don't even need to bring me anything. " lol

Also, I think Sierra might have wanted to go see her big sis in Fremont that night. Maybe she took clothes just in case.
One of the friends mentions walking to McDonald's with Sierra EVERY day. I wonder if someone there noticed her and took a sinister interest.

You never know?
But i think its someone right around the home area.
I thought they said they found nothing!

I don't buy it,not for one minute.Why would they tell us that anyway?Remember this is not just for prints but blood,hair,body fluids,fibers.Maybe they didn't pick up a known print.Half truths.
IMO, nothing can be deduced from the contents of the bag (with the information the public has been given).

We dont know if the clothing was a spare or what she was wearing.

And books being there or not, mean nothing.

There are too many possibilities. She could have been planning on skipping her 1st class, or a few classes, and then going to school late.

We can read into this (limited) evidence all we want, and speculate, but as I said, the possibilities are endless.
One of the friends mentions walking to McDonald's with Sierra EVERY day. I wonder if someone there noticed her and took a sinister interest.
Brings up another question. How did she get home after school everyday? The closest Mcdonald's that I can think of to the school is probably 2 miles away, so I'm thinking the drove?
You never know?
But i think its someone right around the home area.

I also think it's someone local to Morgan Hill and the friend's message refers to Fremont later so probably the McDonald's is in Fremont. But a stalker wouldn't be deterred by a distance of 45 miles or so.
Maybe we should send the question in to the tipline regarding the discrepancies between the statements given by Smith and Cardoza? (JK, ok, only kinda, lol). I am honestly surprised that none of the media has picked up on it and gone down that road. Where oh where are the journalists??? (lots of reporters, but who's out there digging for info these days?)
For the masses things aren't nearly as confusing, as most aren't sleuthing every which way til Sunday, aren't pulling up Namus, FBI, re-reading transcripts, etc.
I was told most of the neighbors have refused to talk with media. This is becoming way too common particularly in rural areas.
Brings up another question. How did she get home after school everyday? The closest Mcdonald's that I can think of to the school is probably 2 miles away, so I'm thinking the drove?

Was it near the school maybe they went there for lunch!
The latest in the search for a missing Morgan Hill teen has the Santa Clara Sheriff's Office Underwater Search and Rescue Team reviewing sonar images from Chesbro and Uvas Reservoirs.

The sonar was taken in a search of the reservoirs earlier this week, said deputies. When the analysis of the imagery is complete, divers will be sent in later this week to investigate any suspicious objects that were detected.

At this time, the search for Sierra is concentrated on the Chesbro and Uvas reservoirs due to the close proximity to Sierra LaMar's mother's home in Morgan Hill.
I also think it's someone local to Morgan Hill and the friend's message refers to Fremont later so probably the McDonald's is in Fremont. But a stalker wouldn't be deterred by a distance of 45 miles or so.

I believe it is someone local too.Close and has been watching Sierra for some time.Considering the dead end streets and the areas things were dropped,I would say yes.
Was it near the school maybe they went there for lunch!

Most schools don't allow anyone except seniors to leave campus, as far as I know...would be good to know if they did this after school, during lunch, or only in Fremont?
There is no investigative reporting anymore, anyone notice? There are ways to get info, but what is allowed to be shared comes into play. Everyone is scared to tell things they know for various reasons.

There is no one to Sleuth. We are not allowed to talk about the people that live in/near the house. We have been told, in no uncertain terms that the father, mother, BF have taken polys and have "Apparently" been cleared. That is all we have and that is what we are told..

That leaves us, or should I just say me, in "Limbo"..
There is no investigative reporting anymore, anyone notice?


I am wondering why reporters are not questioning LE about the things that differ, depending upon which LEO is speaking...whether or not any evidence is back from lab, whether or not anyone has been ruled out, two examples that LE answered differently. Why wouldn't they be all over those things? Ask LE to clarify, even if they won't give specific info? JMO
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