Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #9 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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I think she might be talking a load of rubbish. Someone else posted that they had seen that item in the news during the week (unrelated) but she claims she found it today and it's already all DNA confirmed :waitasec:

Also she is now claiming the perp is after her and threatening her... Oh the DRAMA

If you notice that person is from Houston how the heck would she know. I think enough of the twitter for awhile folks.
Supposedly "confirmed" to be hers by LE?

I saw that sweatshirt recently connected to the Huffington Post crime blogger (forgot her name). She was claiming this sweatshirt was found last week and there are DNA tests being performed, but I never read that any place else. Another rumor IMHO.
I just don't think we have enough evidence at this point to say if this was a stranger abduction, or someone who knew Sierra. Some of the most horrible crimes EVER were committed by strangers, and often in situations where everyone just KNEW it had to be a family member - Jessica Lunsford, Danielle Van Dam, Jessie Duggard, even Elizabeth Smart's family was suspected for a while. I am keeping an open mind, but this just does not FEEL like a family abduction to me! The earlier post by SmoothOperator was fabulous, and I actually agree with everything Smooth said!!! In Sierra's case, however, I can still see a situation where a complete stranger.... or VERY peripheral person (i.e. stalker) found a reason to be on the road that morning and used something like a stun gun on Sierra, which resulted in a VERY quick, totally inescapable situation where she was in the vehicle incapacipated before you could count to 25.
I think she might be talking a load of rubbish. Someone else posted that they had seen that item in the news during the week (unrelated) but she claims she found it today and it's already all DNA confirmed :waitasec:

Also she is now claiming the perp is after her and threatening her... Oh the DRAMA

I haven't finished catching up on my reading tonight so if this has already been addressed, I apologize. If the picture on twitter is the one of the jacket/sweatshirt with the nike logo on it that looks all beat up, it's been on the local news about a week ago. Searchers found it, looked like it had been there for a while and it was NOT found today. These kids playing on Twitter need help, if you ask me. JMO.
Perp dressed in a uniform of authority...
This is an angle I hadn't thought of in this case!

It's an excellent thought. Say a person was dressed as a police officer and even had a car that from a distance could pass as an official vehicle. This might not be noticed as a ruse immediate by Sierra. But on top of that, it might not raise questions if a neighbor saw the vehicle or the person that morning because police were in the area later on that day once Sierra was reported missing. A person who saw someone who looked official there earlier in the day might not connect that it was too early for them to be there "officially" and thus may not have reported having seen them.

Sorry for the ramble...lack of sleep. I hope it makes sense. I had not considered this myself, but it is a possible perp ruse that maybe should be considered.
I just don't think we have enough evidence at this point to say if this was a stranger abduction, or someone who knew Sierra. Some of the most horrible crimes EVER were committed by strangers, and often in situations where everyone just KNEW it had to be a family member - Jessica Lunsford, Danielle Van Dam, Jessie Duggard, even Elizabeth Smart's family was suspected for a while. I am keeping an open mind, but this just does not FEEL like a family abduction to me! The earlier post by SmoothOperator was fabulous, and I actually agree with everything Smooth said!!! In Sierra's case, however, I can still see a situation where a complete stranger.... or VERY peripheral person (i.e. stalker) found a reason to be on the road that morning and used something like a stun gun on Sierra, which resulted in a VERY quick, totally inescapable situation where she was in the vehicle incapacipated before you could count to 25.
Reannan actually.I must admit that with the news(if true) that another 16yr old was attempted abduction within days of Sierra and a stun gun being used.. you are absolutely correct that IMO it puts the stranger as a valid possibility still on the table.. the reason I say if true is I know Cardozo made a statement about the accusations were unfounded.. I don't know why but he did say that early on..

PS.. I hate autocorrection
As far as the cats are concerned.... I hope they can send the perp away to prison forever because they find cat food lodged in the tread of his tires where he parked to stash Sierra's purse!
I saw that sweatshirt recently connected to the Huffington Post crime blogger (forgot her name). She was claiming this sweatshirt was found last week and there are DNA tests being performed, but I never read that any place else. Another rumor IMHO.

Likely another rumor considering the source. I wonder what her deal is--just likes to see her name in print and nothing else matters, maybe?
It is time for me to put myself in the corner for awhile, as I don't see this going forward. We don't have much to discuss. We have more we are not allowed to talk about than we have facts we can talk about.

I am discouraged right now...and have learned a lesson. I was taken to school on this case.

It is time for me to put myself in the corner for awhile, as I don't see this going forward. We don't have much to discuss. We have more we are not allowed to talk about than we have facts we can talk about.

I am discouraged right now...and have learned a lesson. I was taken to school on this case.


I hope you don't. You have great insight. But if you must. I have done the same. Don't go :(
Just checked -- sounds like G-K was busted by LE. He also deleted his Twitter account. There are some scary folks out in cyberspace. These kids don't need to be intimidated by the sick bully types.

His account I'm sure was reported to Twitter. They deleted it.
I saw that sweatshirt recently connected to the Huffington Post crime blogger (forgot her name). She was claiming this sweatshirt was found last week and there are DNA tests being performed, but I never read that any place else. Another rumor IMHO.

Let's back up.

HERE: sorry: link is banned here

QUOTE from ^^^ An article on Huffington Post made mention of a retired FBI agent who has been involved in this investigation via his private organization. Harold Copus mirrored my own thoughts exactly in this piece, and I've decided to delve deeper into my developing profile of this case and publish it.

to the REAL story:

AND about Mr. Copus from the above link:
"I think at this stage, since this guy probably feels he was successful in getting away with it, he will do it again," said Harold Copus, a retired FBI agent who is not involved with the LaMar case but has worked hundreds of homicide and missing-person cases.

SEE how this happens?
It is time for me to put myself in the corner for awhile, as I don't see this going forward. We don't have much to discuss. We have more we are not allowed to talk about than we have facts we can talk about.

I am discouraged right now...and have learned a lesson. I was taken to school on this case.


NO!!!! Don't go!!! I have valued your post a lot!!!! Just get some rest. Honestly, the thing is, these cases can wear you down... especially if you care, and I think it is obvious a lot of us really DO care. This is NOT a game... it is VERY serious business, and I have cried myself to sleep more nights than I care to remember over cases that my family can't understand, yet I am consumed by. Every so often, it is OK to take a break - or be uplifted by some of the rest of us. That is what we do... we seek the truth, and we stand by those who are seeking it.
I'm going to be in the minority here but I gotta say it. It's the distinct LACK of information, lack of press conferences, the vague statements put out by the Sherriff's department that lead me to believe they have quite a bit more than we think they do.

They are NOT going to send divers into every body of water in the area without a good reason to do so. There had to be a credible tip or reason to do it. There is a reason the handcuff/condom DNA evidence hasn't been released. There is a reason they will NOT confirm whether or not urine was found on the clothes (unless that one has been cleared up and I just missed it). How simple would it be for the LE to say (assuming their test results were negative): We'd like to clear up the rumors. To date, no urine was found on the clothing. After DNA testing, there appears to be no link to Sierra's case. I just don't believe for a second that LE has nothing. I just don't.
As far as the cats are concerned.... I hope they can send the perp away to prison forever because they find cat food lodged in the tread of his tires where he parked to stash Sierra's purse!

I bet stranger things have happened in other cases!
Yay Meow Mix!:woohoo:
It is time for me to put myself in the corner for awhile, as I don't see this going forward. We don't have much to discuss. We have more we are not allowed to talk about than we have facts we can talk about.

I am discouraged right now...and have learned a lesson. I was taken to school on this case.


Whisperer please don't stop posting....what you say/post is very enlightening do not be discouraged.
from the way earlier articles were written it seemed as though they really searched the neighbors' homes. (one neighbor described even having his kids' tree house searched).. maybe they are expanding out the knock and talk?

Man, I truly hope they get the lead they need... just one tip or lead could make the difference imhoo

What does everyone else think? Does anyone think they have more than what they are telling the public at this point?

:seeya: :nurse:

BBM: Oh ... to be a fly on the wall at LE's headquarters and in the evidence room ... and then we'd know for sure ... lol !

JMO ... but I think absolutely there are some things that LE has not shared with the public :

For sure some of the forensic / lab results have come back ... and LE certainly does know IF there were any other items in Sierra's purse that were found, besides the clothing ... and they know IF any DNA/trace evidence were found on the clothes ... and IF the clothes were "freshly laundered" or recently worn ... And LE has read the content of the text message / twitter that was sent the morning Sierra went "missing" ... LE has cell phone records and alibi's and statements ...

I guess I could keep going, but you know what I mean ...

LE has "something" but they do not have Sierra ... and JMO but they have not made that "connection" to the "perp" !

Now ... I do wonder IF LE has some poi's or suspects on their "radar" ... and for sure, they are not going to share that info because they never seem to do that any more ...

And JMO, but since it is an ongoing investigation, I don't think they will share anything with the public until Sierra is found !

:innocent: I sure wish they would share though ...

It is time for me to put myself in the corner for awhile, as I don't see this going forward. We don't have much to discuss. We have more we are not allowed to talk about than we have facts we can talk about.

I am discouraged right now...and have learned a lesson. I was taken to school on this case.


I took a break too. Did me a world of good.

Helps to clear the head and not get tunnel vision. BIG BOX out there. Let's all just think and get out of that box of where mom, dad and mom's boyfriend did the unspeakable. It's all possible. THINK......

A Teacher?
A worker that works/lives near by?
Friends of "family"?
Neighbors? I know you met a few, but there are "others".
Met at cheerleading/not campus (Fremont/Washington HS) group... as in another "coach"?
This is what I was trying to say I imagine my response would be, I think I would just keep thinking "When he turns his back I'll..." or other such thoughts.

You also said you think more victims would fight back with the advantage of a weapon or other such security, this is what I feel as well. I am actually considering getting a weapon after a lifetime of not believing in carrying one under certain legal point that I seem share... with myself :blushing: I just do NOT want to be defenseless! I'm so SCARED to know this world as it is. The hippie in me is losing strength and the paranoid uptight gun-weilding crazy pants is gaining control! (Those are all descriptive words that describe ME and not describing those with guns).

Just keep in mind: only 10% of soldiers on the battlefield shoot to kill.

Think about that.

Soldiers go through 12 weeks of basic training plus whatever other training they get. They are trained to kill. They are put into situations where it would seem like the only choices are kill or be killed.

And yet, most of them don't.

Not just "a few" don't. Not just "many" don't. MOST don't.

To get 100% performance (as in elite military units) takes 2-3 years of intensive full time training. Along the way, 25-50% fail training.

I don't know many (any, actually) civilians that invest that much time and energy into their self defence training. Just trying to get people to put in regular time on the shooting range is almost impossible. It's like going to the gym: everyone knows they should do it but...

Before you buy that weapon, please read Gavin de Becker's The Gift of Fear. It is absolutely the best read on self defence I have ever read. It makes sense, it is practical, it is written by someone who has been there, done that and lived to tell the tale.
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