Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #9 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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As far as feeding the cats. I think anyone who has to go down that road to return home or to visit at the business or home at the end of Laguna might see them and begin feeding them daily. I live rural and saw a momma cat and her kittens living in a drain pipe area. I fed them daily. Traveled there specifically to feed them. I also adopted a kitten, got Momma to the humane society and the other two that survived got homes. I used Have a Heart trap after got them to trust eating ....So many people love animals, if they were noticed, could be anyone that loves cats.

Of course, it's always the best thing to do....I don't wrong anyone for feeding starving animals! All I was pointing to, is that there could be something LE could gain from speaking with the cat never know if they saw something suspicious but are scared to say....anything....
I'm not sure I agree with this at all. If she was killed she could have very well been buried or hidden. IMO

All possibilites should be looked at.


I think the reasoning is that this type of perpetrator is unlikely to invest the kind of effort that digging a grave entails. Digging a grave that is only deep enough to place the body in, say 18 inches deep, is a lot of hard physical labour.

I think it is the hard labour aspect more than any psychological factor that makes it fairly rare for adult victims to be placed in graves.

I think Sierra's body will have been concealed via location rather than in a grave. Someplace like a ravine, cliff, someplace where it is unlikely for humans to find it.

I also think checking out the reservoirs, etc, is a good idea because more and more people understand that trace evidence, such as DNA, is more likely to be lost if the body is submerged in water.
IIRC, the dogs are trained to find the NEWEST SCENT beginning at the front door, which ledt them to one end or the other of the driveway (this has been made unclear). That could be the trail she left on her way home Thursday, if she did not leave the house through the front door on Friday.

I don't know what procedure those specific dog handlers followed but in my area, trailing dogs are started at the last known location of the victim. Since Sierra's last known location was in one of the rooms inside the house, that is where the handlers (in this area) would have started.

Not at the front door! They would have started in her bedroom or in the hallway or in the kitchen, wherever it was she was located at the last sighting.

Handlers in this area really don't like to start at doorways because that includes an assumption that is not warranted.

As I said, I don't know what protocol was followed in this particular case but I'd be really, really surprised if they started at the front door. Make that really Really REALLY surprised.
JTribley, I totally agree there could be a witness in the cat feeder/lover. I was just making an comment because people were thinking perhaps it was SL that fed them. I think considering the distance from the home, very unlikely. Also someone was saying that it could be the perp, could be, but sadly most killers start with animals, and I am sad to say, IMHO we are dealing with a killer here. But as far as the urine on the purse being from the kitties, yup I agree especially if it was leather, my cats have done me in...yuck. And the feeder if nearby could have seen something, Maybe, something has to give in this case.
I don't really know how LE or anyone else that might be regularly involved in these searches does it. It is likely she isn't buried, but I can think of at least one case where they said it was unlikely or impossible (due to ground conditions) for the victim to be buried and then it turned out the person did bury the victim. Water seems like a good choice, but there are always other "random" areas-ravines, cliffs, random wilderness, shoved under something in the middle of nowhere, or some sort of random culvert/other structure like that. Or, even some sort of abandoned well.

She could be literally anywhere right now :( It is frustrating especially since it is likely someone did harm to her. I am hoping every day for a tip or lucky accident to lead to her coming home.
Personally, I don't see any connection with Sierra herself tending to the cats. It was to far from home. The fact that someone has been feeding the cats and her purse was discarded there might have something to do with her disappearance.

Me either. It was 2 miles from her home.

While catching up on posts from last night and today I see several posts regarding the inhaler and something came to mind that I thought I'd make mention of.. Probably of no significance or importance but if anything to me it does seem to possibly indicate Sierra's asthma was an issue for her(and what I mean by this is that as most know asthma can run the entire gamut from being mild for some individuals to being quite severe, and even life threatening for others)..

With that said, today I recalled one of Sierras tweets that could possibly be indicative that ATLEAST at times Sierras asthma could be an issue and even quite concerning.. I do not know the tweet verbatim and perhaps someone who is more familiar than I may be able to weigh in or add detail or their opinion on this particular tweet.. Iirc in the tweet Sierra was expressing what seemed to be the norm for her about her irritated nature she had towards mom, Marlene regarding what was obviously a somewhat concerning and continued cough that Sierra had.. Sierra was irritated that mom was continuing to check and ask was Sierra ok almost with every cough.. This made me think that it was quite possible that as a mom, Marlene was recognizing that Sierras asthma was "acting up" and this was concerning to mom therefor why she kept checking on Sierra and her continued cough..

I believe that just as most know that asthma this time of year does indeed "act up" or flare up during these seasonal months and this is likely what was occurring with Sierras asthma as well.. Mom realized this and was possibly keeping her "mom antennas" a little more alert than usual due to the fact she recognized this in her daughter.. We also know that several of Sierra s friends/pals have made mention of Sierras "weird" cough.. For me this further lends credence to the fact that Sierra was ATLEAST here recently having some issues or flare ups with her asthma.. I believe this is possibly why Marlene recognizing that Sierra didnt take her inhaler was such a big deal for Marlene for she as a mom was well aware that Sierra possibly was having quite a flare up with her asthma and knew that the likelihood was rather great that her daughter would be needing this inhaler.. Possibly GREATLY NEEDING HER INHALER..

Anyway just some thoughts that came to mind when I was in the process of catching up from last nights posts and reading several about the inhaler.. Thought I'd share..

**now back to catching up :)**

**Please forgive the large number of errors in my posts between posting via mobile and via tablet it's definitely taking some getting used to:crazy:.. My apologies:)
As far as feeding the cats. I think anyone who has to go down that road to return home or to visit at the business or home at the end of Laguna might see them and begin feeding them daily. I live rural and saw a momma cat and her kittens living in a drain pipe area. I fed them daily. Traveled there specifically to feed them. I also adopted a kitten, got Momma to the humane society and the other two that survived got homes. I used Have a Heart trap after got them to trust eating ....So many people love animals, if they were noticed, could be anyone that loves cats.

Way to go, Portabella!

Now if we could only get someone to follow your lead in Morgan Hill, and take mom and the kids to a a rescue .....or better yet take them in like you did.
I am such a sap for animals, now I find myself worrying about their well being.

Anyone in Morgan Hill want a family of beautiful Siamese kitties??:please:
This has probably already been linked in the past but I had not seen the uncut version to one of the interviews that Marlene and Steve did so I thought I would link it again.

In this interview she talks about how the Sheriff is keeping her abreast on the investigation and then goes on to say that the photo was taken shortly before Sierra left for school that morning. The reporter also asked her did she think Sierra would be wearing these same clothes (seen in her last photo) to school and she answered 'yes.' She says the shirt in the photo is a Shark's shirt.

This video is a lot lengthier than the first one the media put out that was edited and greatly shortened.

This may be an old video to some but maybe other posters haven't seen it yet. I found it quite enlightening. Marlene and Steve both are in pain over their daughter being missing but are trying to remain strong.

I think Marlene knows a lot of information about the inbestigation that the Sheriff has told her but doesnt want to impede the investigation.!/news/local/Sierra-Lamars-Parents-Interview/143967166
While catching up on posts from last night and today I see several posts regarding the inhaler and something came to mind that I thought I'd make mention of.. Probably of no significance or importance but if anything to me it does seem to possibly indicate Sierra's asthma was an issue for her(and what I mean by this is that as most know asthma can run the entire gamut from being mild for some individuals to being quite severe, and even life threatening for others)..

With that said, today I recalled one of Sierras tweets that could possibly be indicative that ATLEAST at times Sierras asthma could be an issue and even quite concerning.. I do not know the tweet verbatim and perhaps someone who is more familiar than I may be able to weigh in or add detail or their opinion on this particular tweet.. Iirc in the tweet Sierra was expressing what seemed to be the norm for her about her irritated nature she had towards mom, Marlene regarding what was obviously a somewhat concerning and continued cough that Sierra had.. Sierra was irritated that mom was continuing to check and ask was Sierra ok almost with every cough.. This made me think that it was quite possible that as a mom, Marlene was recognizing that Sierras asthma was "acting up" and this was concerning to mom therefor why she kept checking on Sierra and her continued cough..

I believe that just as most know that asthma this time of year does indeed "act up" or flare up during these seasonal months and this is likely what was occurring with Sierras asthma as well.. Mom realized this and was possibly keeping her "mom antennas" a little more alert than usual due to the fact she recognized this in her daughter.. We also know that several of Sierra s friends/pals have made mention of Sierras "weird" cough.. For me this further lends credence to the fact that Sierra was ATLEAST here recently having some issues or flare ups with her asthma.. I believe this is possibly why Marlene recognizing that Sierra didnt take her inhaler was such a big deal for Marlene for she as a mom was well aware that Sierra possibly was having quite a flare up with her asthma and knew that the likelihood was rather great that her daughter would be needing this inhaler.. Possibly GREATLY NEEDING HER INHALER..

Anyway just some thoughts that came to mind when I was in the process of catching up from last nights posts and reading several about the inhaler.. Thought I'd share..

**now back to catching up :)**

**Please forgive the large number of errors in my posts between posting via mobile and via tablet it's definitely taking some getting used to:crazy:.. My apologies:)

Coughing is a sign that you could be going into an attack!
When my child had a bad attack he coughs alot! then bam we end up at the hospital.
Just FYI- as many of you know a lot of her tweets to do with drugs seem to be quotes from her tumblr account- ie she is parroting things she has seen on the internet. Sounds cool to a 15 year old... she liked watching Skins (UK show about teens into hardcore drugs/ sex etc)
Her friends have said they miss pretending to be all 'ghetto' with her- hence the language and slang
She has a huge interest in rap and more tweets are probably quotes from rap songs which can be taken out of context
I do not think she was some junkie- rather some innocent young one talking the talk- but without researching- she does give the wrong impression. IMO the case is nothing to do with drugs or dealers or a run away as I think she was much more innocent than her internet persona leads to believe...

She is in such a remote location, and she went missing in such a narrow time frame- either it was the opportunistic kidnapping of the decade... or we are looking at someone local. The placement of the bag for me IMO indicates the same local knowledge... And nobody remembers anything odd... (that we know of) Statistically... she knew whoever did this IMO

For what it's worth I do believe the photo she sent was taken that morning and is an original- otherwise with technology these days they'd be able to tell otherwise. I do not believe she made it off her property. IMO she was attacked at home or got a lift because she believed she missed the bus because she left late... but the phone charger being at home? I never leave home without mine... and kids are more addicted to social media than I am! Leads me to believe she was in the house when she was attacked.
God I feel so sorry for this poor child. Do we hear much from her sister? I'd be interested to see what she is saying??
Way to go, Portabella!

Now if we could only get someone to follow your lead in Morgan Hill, and take mom and the kids to a a rescue .....or better yet take them in like you did.
I am such a sap for animals, now I find myself worrying about their well being.

Anyone in Morgan Hill want a family of beautiful Siamese kitties??:please:

Thank you for your concern for these lovely creatures. Most rescues in the bay area are so swamped with cats and dogs, they are no longer accepting more. Because of the down economy, donations which pay for food and care are also way down. Many fosters have been unable to continue to foster because they cannot afford to buy the food and litter etc. I have put calls out to several of the rescues locally. If need be, I will go and pick them up after trying to locate the feeder.

Adoption fairs at Petsmart etc. are not faring well. Many of the cute kittens become adults while going to adoption fairs.

Those cats may be semi feral, feral or a pregnant siamese housecat that was dumped because she was pregnant.

Just educating the uneducated. Not you, R.U.KIDDING:seeya:
This is correct. Also want to add that they are trained to follow the direction of travel. Sure they can make mistakes, but this is what they do.
So, say you walked from the south and took and path north. A dog should be able to come into the middle of the trail and head north as that is the way the scent is "going". It can be hard to wrap our heads around it sometimes, but they do have the ability to distinguish that the scent to the south is seconds older than the stuff heading to the north. HTH

Sorry, OT for a moment here, but I would love to study these dogs' brains!!! I know there are ethical and practical concerns, so I hope I don't offend anyone; I am just saying, they have amazing abilities to discriminate and I would love to know how that works, why some dogs have more of an aptitude than others, etc.
Thank you for your concern for these lovely creatures. Most rescues in the bay area are so swamped with cats and dogs, they are no longer accepting more. Because of the down economy, donations which pay for food and care are also way down. Many fosters have been unable to continue to foster because they cannot afford to buy the food and litter etc. I have put calls out to several of the rescues locally. If need be, I will go and pick them up after trying to locate the feeder.

Adoption fairs at Petsmart etc. are not faring well. Many of the cute kittens become adults while going to adoption fairs.

Those cats may be semi feral, feral or a pregnant siamese housecat that was dumped because she was pregnant.

Just educating the uneducated. Not you, R.U.KIDDING:seeya:

Thank you, thank you! I am so tempted to drive down there to rescue the kitties. I volunteer at the Peninsula Humane Society in San Mateo, and IMO, there are a lot of folks who would adopt the kitties. That 's a no-kill facility. Again, these appear to be purebred because the kittens are -- mixes come out in the offspring if the papa isn't a Siamese. There are too many predators outside and I hate to think the cats will become victims.

I will donate $$ to save the cats if anyone or any organization takes them in. Please let me know.

Thanks again for caring.

About those 'twits' on Twitter? I honestly believe nothing they say can be taken seriously at all..Almost everything is made up to enhance the DRAMA! The reality is there's ppl out there that will take this horrible situation & turn it into nothing but FUN & GAMES! Ugh!

I'm trying hard to catch up on Sierra's case..I've read about these "cats" that live near where her bag was found..I seriously doubt the perp is feeding them cos most likely he doesn't give a damn about them or any humans either especially Sierra..Is the consensus that whoever is feeding them may have seen something?

I believe Sierra left the house with more then that bag..A purse filled with her personal stuff like hair brush, makeup, keys, etc..I know this has not been addressed by her mom or LE but that doesn't mean she didn't..Has her mom said she always used her inhaler? Lots of ppl with asthma only need them on occasion & often don't take it with them when they go out..As others have said she may have had more then one & if so I'd add that as an item she'd put in her purse.

Talking with the neighbors (again) isn't a bad idea..It's partly what solved the Summer Thompson case..LE was informed the perp left the home & had not been seen again shortly after she went missing & many neighbors said he was very "strange"..IIRC, some even said he'd watch the kids coming home from school..There were other factors involved but this alone may have been enough to point LE in his direction.

I'm sad to say it's been way too long to have much hope that she is still alive..The area is also so rural I can def see her not being found for some time..She may even be miles away..Just because her things were found nearby doesn't mean she is too. :(
IIRC, Whisperer said there were some dwellings occupied by migrant workers that are behind the home and accessible only on foot. There's a path worn down, but not wide enough lane for a car. Also that some of the neighbors would see these guys on the path making calls on their cell phones, which were presumed to be lining up work or arranging transportation to a job site, and that they were a "community" and not a bunch of individuals coming and going from one day to the next.

I believe the five dwellings are at the edge of the Orchard. The orchard is not behind Sierra's house. RR runs behind Sierra's. The orchard runs parallel with her street but not her house...because she is at the top of the cul-de-sac. If you look straight on to the front of her house. The orchard is to your left.
In the print news linked above in this thread, it was said that it was leads which caused investigators to expand the search beyond a twenty mile radius of the home. For me, leads are different from tips. Leads can include evidence or detectives' thinking and are often much weightier than tips. I do think some real clues have surfaced.
I can't imagine the person feeding the cats not knowing by now that LE found her bag there...surely they would contact LE to let them know they were feeding the cats? Or, as we still don't know, did a searcher begin to feed them?
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