CA CA - Susan Jacobson, 59, Sun City/Roseville, 2 May 2013 - #1

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Great questions. Along with something that was already mentioned -- who was the last person to see Susan alive -- and when -- excluding her husband.

Regarding the possible abduction scenarios that posters have detailed, if detectives believe that is within the realm of possibility, shouldn't the Roseville PD's public information officer be putting out press releases alerting the public to the danger that may be lurking in their community?

Very much so !! IMO they should also look at the similarities between this case and and the attempts of the woman in Petaluma to abduct TWO woman in the same morning and / or take their vehicles early in the morning in a Raley's parking lot less than two hours away from this one from which Susan disappeared.That woman is a fugitive and she could have hooked up with another person, male or female to help her this time. One with a vehicle. IMO I posted about the woman fugitive several posts back.
Great questions. Along with something that was already mentioned -- who was the last person to see Susan alive -- and when -- excluding her husband.

Regarding the possible abduction scenarios that posters have detailed, if detectives believe that is within the realm of possibility, shouldn't the Roseville PD's public information officer be putting out press releases alerting the public to the danger that may be lurking in their community?

Right, so it could be that perhaps she went missing on her own accord, or perhaps they have a person of interest that they are watching so therefore they don't need to alert the public, or they just don't have much of an idea, except that they are not releasing certain details, like info about the car. What info do they have about the vehicle (interior), and or video footage of the person driving the vehicle that they have not released or won't release.?
Its not unheard of to hear that ppl walk away from their lives.

That is true, but on one hand, Susan is retired, Susan has had previous hip surgery, Susan left without her driver's license, which would be her ID, Susan left without her car, all in the vicinity of where she lives.
What motivation would Susan have to just leave this life behind?
She is retired so she didn't have to work outside of the home.
She talked with her family as she didn't have many (or any) close friends.
So where would she have gone?
A double life then?
What would she do?
A secret stash of money? A secret person in her life?
What responsibilities, if any, would she have wanted to leave her life behind for?
She lives in a retirement community. She was looking forward to be a grandmother for the first time. If that meant so much to her, why would she leave?
Susan has anxieties, and personally, I would think the stress of leaving would cause anxieties, the stress of a new life would cause even more anxieties...
In My Opinion, only if Susan were leading a Double Life, would be the golden ticket out of her existing life if she were to walk away, because she could have left in the car, with her driver's license. She could have waited until the baby was born. There would be some logical rhyme and reason to all this....But there isn't. So she had a mental break and left on her own, or lead a double life, or something very sinister happened to her. In My Opinion.
One more thing to add, Kjac pointed out that Susan has social anxieties. In my opinion, her own home would be her "safe Haven". Why would she leave a place that is of comfort to her?
One more thing to add, Kjac pointed out that Susan has social anxieties. In my opinion, her own home would be her "safe Haven". Why would she leave a place that is of comfort to her?

That is my feeling too. And if she had a "secret live" she would have had to be communicating with someone in some way. If she had a mental break, where would that put her, two months later? She would still need funds to survive, or else be in a facility or homeless on the streets.
I don't think I am allowed to share my opinion about the identity of the responsible party because of the rules. Based upon all of the cases I have read about here on websleuths, I have to say that very seldom do these situations turn out to be the result of some convoluted abduction scenario. It is probably a pretty simple answer, but unfortunately, one that no one wants to discuss or accept. Its the elephant in the room.
I don't think I am allowed to share my opinion about the identity of the responsible party because of the rules. Based upon all of the cases I have read about here on websleuths, I have to say that very seldom do these situations turn out to be the result of some convoluted abduction scenario. It is probably a pretty simple answer, but unfortunately, one that no one wants to discuss or accept. Its the elephant in the room.

I think you just did...... ;)
I don't think I am allowed to share my opinion about the identity of the responsible party because of the rules. Based upon all of the cases I have read about here on websleuths, I have to say that very seldom do these situations turn out to be the result of some convoluted abduction scenario. It is probably a pretty simple answer, but unfortunately, one that no one wants to discuss or accept. Its the elephant in the room.

When my family was first in this situation, it was so shocking to us that its difficult to accept that it's even happening. But at a certain point, you realize you aren't going to get anywhere without putting everything on the table and considering every possibility. I have so much respect for kjac for his open analysis of his mom's case. I guess I just relate to how well I knew my mom, and give his opinion of his mom and dad the same weight. No one knows Susan and her husband like their own family. Every possibility is still open, but where does the very little amount of evidence lead? Statistically, if women are victims of violent crime, chances are high the perp is a boyfriend, husband, or ex. But again, the family has said there's no violent history in their 35 yr marriage nor evidence of any conflict. JMO, but I guess thet's why I lean towards a stranger-related crime. There is certainly no lack of crazy, drugged out people out there who wouldn't think twice about harming someone for $20.00. I pray for answers for this woman's family. The not knowing is hell.
I agree, every case is different, and with very little to go on (atleast for us sleuthers), law enforcement might have more info than they are sharing.
Atleast we hope they would, so that there can be movement in this case, and bring Susan home. IMO.
I think that the hardest position to be in right now is the one in which Kjac currently finds himself. I personally would never want to be in the position of having to look at one of my parents as a suspect. However, I am a firm believer that true faith in anything, means that you feel confident in asking questions/examinations. People always say they accept something on faith. I think that to truly be faithful or have a conviction about anything, you must be willing to challenge it through inquiry. The faith part comes into play because the believer is so confident that the outcome will be exactly as they expect and therefore they have no concerns about the process of asking questions. It seems to me if the examination is not made, and the situation never resolved, the question will always be lurking in the back of the mind. That nagging thought is something which generates stress and makes a person ill at ease with the other family member.
I personally would play devils advocate and have a go at all the information available to me. The "what if" questions would drive me batty otherwise.
When my family was first in this situation, it was so shocking to us that its difficult to accept that it's even happening. But at a certain point, you realize you aren't going to get anywhere without putting everything on the table and considering every possibility. I have so much respect for kjac for his open analysis of his mom's case. I guess I just relate to how well I knew my mom, and give his opinion of his mom and dad the same weight. No one knows Susan and her husband like their own family. Every possibility is still open, but where does the very little amount of evidence lead? Statistically, if women are victims of violent crime, chances are high the perp is a boyfriend, husband, or ex. But again, the family has said there's no violent history in their 35 yr marriage nor evidence of any conflict. JMO, but I guess thet's why I lean towards a stranger-related crime. There is certainly no lack of crazy, drugged out people out there who wouldn't think twice about harming someone for $20.00. I pray for answers for this woman's family. The not knowing is hell.

Well Not all wives tell they are abused. Many keep it to themselves.
Sometimes a wife might want a divorce and the husband just cant let her go.
There are many things that happen in marriages and the rest of the family is clueless.

Moms also wont tell their sons they are being abused by his father.

But this case is very very strange!
Exactly, how would a 59 year old woman be living, paying for food, a place to stay-how would she be travelling on her own without resources? If she left voluntarily, if she had an episode of some mental breakdown...if there was ANY likelihood of these scenarios, I could see her missing for a matter of days, maybe a few weeks at most, but where is she TWO MONTHS later? How easy would it have been for a car to pull up next to her as she's getting out of her car and pull her inside? She's such a tiny person and if she were caught off guard...I hate to suggest such a thing, but it makes more sense to me than to think this wife, mother, and soon-to-be grandmother, at her age, left voluntarily.

What if she was stashing money. A little every week from the grocery money
...finally had enough saved to leave.
I would like to know how the statistics change with age and/or the length of time a couple has been married. Quite obviously, spouses still harm each other in their 50's, 60's, and beyond. It is definitely possible; happens often. But I would just be interested to know if these chances decrease significantly the older a couple and more long-term a couple is. For example, is a couple in their late twenties whom have been married 2 years more likely to harm or murder one another than a couple nearing 60 whom have been married 35 years? This is excluding the idea of long-term abuse over those 35 years, which kjac has said not to have witnessed or had any knowledge of.
What if she was stashing money. A little every week from the grocery money
...finally had enough saved to leave.

That is possible, but why not take the driver's license? That would help out a lot in her future.....
Yes but I don't see much in the way of similarity between the two at all. And Ivy boarded her dog, so it was always clear she left on her own.

But her car was left in a parking lot!
She did not contact anyone.

All Im saying is ppl do walk away from their lives.
Online romance?

If she had an online romance then she fooled many people, because from what Kjac said she doesn't use the computer much, except for e-mails, so unless she was e-mailing a person(s) from her past, like say when she lived in Nevada...then yeah, I can see that that is a possibility, and if that person were to "take care of her", then she could live a new life, but I would think she would want her driver's license, as proof to who she is, especially because in only so many years she could apply for social security, and if she ever wanted to "marry" someone else, she would need to get a divorce first.
Maybe she has her personal items with her, like a birth certificate, social security card, etc.....I suppose she could get a duplicate driver's license....
Why did she retire?

Did husband have a GF? Sorry but I don't think anyone asked this question yet.
Who wanted her out of the way?

For some reason im not thinking abduction.

Who would abduct a 59 yr old? for what purpose?
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