GUILTY CA - Tobias Summers for kidnapping, rape of 10yo girl, Northridge, 2013 #2

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DNA Solves
I can't figure it out either, Cheese. I see where you're talking about.
Wow, Sleuthers!

I am impressed with all your research/sleuthing on this Tobias creature!

Yes! A male figure with antlers like your pic. The antlers go up slightly onto the woman's face. He's holding a scythe or trident or something in his hand to the left as you're looking at the pic. It falls about the middle of TS's arm.

ETA - more like a spear

Yes yes yes... So can you make anything out now with Blurity?
Yes yes yes... So can you make anything out now with Blurity?

I'm trying lol. Under the woman's face/head, where her lower neck would be, it just looks like a pole with swaths of material or bunting wrapped around it. Under that, extended to the left as you're looking at the pic is a stylized H. This is going to the left from about the butt area of the anter guy.

Lots of little pics that could easily be symbols on him but I have no idea what they'd mean.

I have the unregistered version of Blurity, so I can't save and post the unblurred pic segments. I'm going to see how much it costs because it's a really good app and I could use it on a lot of these cases.

ETA Oh God forget that. It's $39. I'm not spending that much. I'm cheap :)
You all are more thorough sleuthers than I. I have to admit to an aversion to looking at this guy, any more of his pictures of himself, or the tattoos of which he is inordinately proud. I just have no interest, none. I don't care where he's decorated himself or why. When it comes down to it, he's a lowlife of a human being who hurt a 10 year old little girl for NO reason at all. That's all I need to know.

No criticism at all, here, of your sleuthing. (You might turn up something I could not, due to that.) Just a difference in what interests me.
I'm trying lol. Under the woman's face/head, where her lower neck would be, it just looks like a pole with swaths of material or bunting wrapped around it. Under that, extended to the left as you're looking at the pic is a stylized H. This is going to the left from about the butt area of the anter guy.

Lots of little pics that could easily be symbols on him but I have no idea what they'd mean.

I have the unregistered version of Blurity, so I can't save and post the unblurred pic segments. I'm going to see how much it costs because it's a really good app and I could use it on a lot of these cases.

ETA Oh God forget that. It's $39. I'm not spending that much. I'm cheap :)

Don't purchase the full version. Just take a screen capture. :) All you have to do is press CTRL & also Screen Capture / Print Screen, then open up Paint, go to edit & choose Paste, then save it after you crop out all of the unnecessary extras on the page.

Have to run, bb in a bit. Good luck!
You all are more thorough sleuthers than I. I have to admit to an aversion to looking at this guy, any more of his pictures of himself, or the tattoos of which he is inordinately proud. I just have no interest, none. I don't care where he's decorated himself or why. When it comes down to it, he's a lowlife of a human being who hurt a 10 year old little girl for NO reason at all. That's all I need to know.

No criticism at all, here, of your sleuthing. (You might turn up something I could not, due to that.) Just a difference in what interests me.

The reason I'm looking at his tatts is to see if there's anything distinguishing & connect to an area that could show up on him. It could lead us in that direction to search.
You all are more thorough sleuthers than I. I have to admit to an aversion to looking at this guy, any more of his pictures of himself, or the tattoos of which he is inordinately proud. I just have no interest, none. I don't care where he's decorated himself or why. When it comes down to it, he's a lowlife of a human being who hurt a 10 year old little girl for NO reason at all. That's all I need to know.

No criticism at all, here, of your sleuthing. (You might turn up something I could not, due to that.) Just a difference in what interests me.

I was looking the other day at the tats and just couldn't stand to look at him anymore. I made the mistake of googling pe**s tattoo images.

Good luck to you sleuthers trying to decipher those tattoo's. You never know what little clue you might run across to help find this guy.
sometimes Cernunnos is depicted with more animalistic features than others. Such as this one.


I don't see anything helpful as far as location but then the tat is so full of image atop and merged with the next it is hard to discern some parts.

I do know that it is good work. This is no prison tat for sure. Wonder if, like most people, he has an artist he is partial to and uses for all his work. That could lead to friends and acquaintances which may be helpful.
I check in periodically to see if there's any progress here, as you know I can not handle looking at this guy or stomach this case at this time, but a quick glance of the sketch above reminded me of an episode of Hawaii 5-0...don't know if this is applicable, I didn't look at the tats...there is a goat god associated with, uh, bad stuff I can't type, and certain folks who have certain, uh, beliefs and rituals...I'm sure that's what you guys are already talking about....

Mexico, Rituals, reminds me of Mark Kilroy and Matamoros...
I check in periodically to see if there's any progress here, as you know I can not handle looking at this guy or stomach this case at this time, but a quick glance of the sketch above reminded me of an episode of Hawaii 5-0...don't know if this is applicable, I didn't look at the tats...there is a goat god associated with, uh, bad stuff I can't type, and certain folks who have certain, uh, beliefs and rituals...I'm sure that's what you guys are already talking about....

Mexico, Rituals, reminds me of Mark Kilroy and Matamoros...

Something makes me glad I don't know what the goat god, Mark Kilroy, and Matamoros is all about. :eek:
sometimes Cernunnos is depicted with more animalistic features than others. Such as this one.


I don't see anything helpful as far as location but then the tat is so full of image atop and merged with the next it is hard to discern some parts.

I do know that it is good work. This is no prison tat for sure. Wonder if, like most people, he has an artist he is partial to and uses for all his work. That could lead to friends and acquaintances which may be helpful.
I agree, this is the work of an artist and although all the tattoos may not have been done by the same artist, the majority of them probably are from the same person. I've known people who have had a drawing done for the artwork they want on their bodies, TS looks like he has a plan for full sleeves, chest and back. Sometimes this is planned out from the beginning and the tats are added a few at a time. It looks to me like he has had his arms done initially from shoulder to elbow and then has had them filled in as he's gone along. I don't think he has had any of these done in prison.
I see what The Cheese is talking about. There appears to be a woman's face at the top of his shoulder (right on the image, his left arm). She is located just above and beneath (as in underneath) the Cernunnos like image of the horned male. I can see what appear to be eyes peering out above that horned male image and her hair appears to be windswept round and round her face creating almost a muzzle across her lower face which would be located behind the male horned thing.

No clue if any of this will aid in locating him but what the hey. Worth a shot.

I don't know who his tat artist is or if that person was responsible for the drawings or simply rendered them but I agree, he looks to have been going for a full on sleeve which then progressed across his chest (and likely back) and merged with another intended full sleeve on his right arm (our left in the images we are examining).

I wish I knew if his tableau is meant to tell a personal story or just be so much tough coolness. The Cernunnos thing is what makes me think it is all just cool imaginary as I doubt this [unusual person] knows anything about Celtic mythology.
I check in periodically to see if there's any progress here, as you know I can not handle looking at this guy or stomach this case at this time, but a quick glance of the sketch above reminded me of an episode of Hawaii 5-0...don't know if this is applicable, I didn't look at the tats...there is a goat god associated with, uh, bad stuff I can't type, and certain folks who have certain, uh, beliefs and rituals...I'm sure that's what you guys are already talking about....

Mexico, Rituals, reminds me of Mark Kilroy and Matamoros...

I didn't even consider a ritual bc the victim was dropped off at the hospital by her attacker. I remember the Kilroy case & it disturbed me for years, literally - so my so that I warned my oldest about that kind of stuff. Going to a foreign place & not being acquainted with "some cultures and goings-on" can be dangerous. In Mark Kilroy's case, I think the idiot(s) responsible are whack jobs that should never have been permitted the breath of life.

Initiation I thought was a maybe possibility. Ritual? Just not seeing it yet. I'm sort of thinking the guy is a freaked out meth/heroin head that took an easy target to satisfy an itch he had at the moment. People on that stuff only think in the moment, which could explain why he detoured from the plan of a home robbery. I pretty much don't think he was on pot at the time bc if he'd have smoked some juju he mighta remembered & stuck to it. Idk, just guessing really...
when we were driving around TJ last night, i got to thinking... this guy is probably laying low all day and if he ever leaves the place he's hiding.. it's probably at night... when it's not so obvious how white he is! on top of that, he's probably accustomed to being a night owl, so it's not a change of lifestyle much for him. we can only hope that someone finds out about him and where he's staying and spreads the word... or he slips up and goes out during the day time & gets recognized. all i know is i'm a nervous wreck when it's dark out. never have been in all the years i've lived here... but now that this uninvited ________ (fill it in with your own favorite choice word) is in town, i'm going a little crazy!
"Tobias Dustin Summers, the 30 year old suspect, was possibly sighted in the Zona Norte area of the city. According to the AP release, Tijuana police received a call that Summers was seen in what the AP referred to as the “red light district”."

this is the same area that i drive through on my way home and the same area i mentioned the other day that had heavier LE presence. there are plenty of seedy hotels in that area & many "street workers" (what are they called these days?!) and it's DRUG CENTRAL. i hope more people in that area are aware of what he looks like and that these women don't do business with him!

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