GUILTY CA - Tobias Summers for kidnapping, rape of 10yo girl, Northridge, 2013 #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
They woke me and took turns raping me while they held the gun to my boyfriends head. They also robbed the house. When he started to wake up they immediately put the gun on his head and made him lay on his belly and put his hands on the wall. One was the leader, the other followed his instruction. One of the first things they did was run their hands under the mattress and pillows checking for weapons. If I would have had a gun, they would have got it first. When the second one was on top of me the other one said hurry up we need to shoot them and get out of here. I said some things to try and distract them and my boyfriend reached for the gun and took it away. They all rolled over me and landed on the floor. My boyfriend stood there shaking as I yelled at him to shoot them. He tried to hand me the gun and finally took a shot as they were running out the door but he missed them. I was in shock and walked to the neighbors naked asking them to call the police. I don't remember doing this. They told me later. They were never caught.

This was when I was in college. I think DNA was in it's early stages at that time. It would have been 1986 or close. I quit college then and wasn't really thinking straight and had my daughter in 1/88. Her father ended up a full blown alcoholic. I raised her on my own. A very rough period in my life. There were no services offered back then. No counseling etc. Everyone was very cold. I had no support from anyone. I ended up not talking about it because of the response I got from family or friends when I did. I tried to go back to college but had a break down. I have chronic PTSD from it and a lot of other trauma in my life.

I tell this to try and educate. I wish I had the power, education and money to do more. I do what little I can to try advocate for victims and educate the public. Sorry, this really doesn't belong here, but like I said I try to protect victims and educate so others can understand and not victim blame.

That is HORRENDOUS! I'm so very sorry that happened to you. :(
People have a hard time believing that someone could have gotten in the house without being heard. I had intruders break in my home and I didn't wake up until I felt the barrel of the gun on my forehead. Screaming when someone was holding a weapon on me was not a option. I froze. My significant other was laying right next to me and I had to kick him as hard as I could under the covers several times to wake him. We had a dog (still a puppy, apparently didn't bark) but they let it outside and we never found him again. It still bugs me to this day, not knowing if I was targeting or it was just random.

The comments a lot of people are making under the articles are ticking me off. There is a lot of victim blaming going on as usual.

What a horrifying experience you had. I am SO SO sorry you experienced that. I truly hope you can continue to find healing. PTSD is hard to live with and affects life so much. You deserve true healing.
Anyway - your story is what freaks me out so much. I try so hard to do everything towards prevention. It really bothers me that no matter what you do, you can't prevent everything.
Do you think having an alarm system is an effective deterrent? I never had one but after I had my DD I got one. Protective Mama Bear. At least the alarm is linked to the cops and they come immediately, no delay. But still, it's so scary. I want shatterproof plexiglass on all my windows!!!
Thank you all for your kind words. I survived but I have lived in hell and tried so many things to heal. I don't want to/didn't mean to derail the thread. I will tell my whole story sometime on the survivor thread. There are a lot of different elements.

I am a massage therapist and energy work practitioner. I hope you receive as much bodywork (Craniosacral, Reiki, Polarity etc) as you can handle from someone skilled in somatic integration. It can be so healing.

Talk therapy can be helpful but when you've had a physical trauma, physical healing is deeper.
What a horrifying experience you had. I am SO SO sorry you experienced that. I truly hope you can continue to find healing. PTSD is hard to live with and affects life so much. You deserve true healing.
Anyway - your story is what freaks me out so much. I try so hard to do everything towards prevention. It really bothers me that no matter what you do, you can't prevent everything.
Do you think having an alarm system is an effective deterrent? I never had one but after I had my DD I got one. Protective Mama Bear. At least the alarm is linked to the cops and they come immediately, no delay. But still, it's so scary. I want shatterproof plexiglass on all my windows!!!

My house has a alarm system but the keypad broke. I don't have the money to fix it. I've gone through a rough time over the last several years and there have been many triggers that make it hard to function and focus. I lost my income source in Dec. so I am broke right now. I'm working on doing something about that now. I did feel much safer with the alarm system and would highly recommend one. Mine has interior motion sensors and is very loud like a tornado siren. I didn't pay for the alarm service but used the alarm system to alert me and I do believe it would scare off a perp once it went off.

This is some of what happens to me when my PTSD is triggered:

When the brain perceives a threat, the adrenal glands flood the body with adrenaline and cortisol. This is the body’s “fight-or-flight” response. Experts believe that the brain becomes trained over time to maintain its fight-or-flight response and that persistent states of hyper-arousal or dissociation may lead to permanent neurological changes. Cortisol regulates the immune system, blood sugar, and depression, and is thought to be connected to some of the long-term changes that the body undergoes in times of overwhelming stress.

This is chronic for me:
Psychological trauma causes both acute and long-term impacts on victims. The acute impact is the mind and body’s response immediately after the event and may include confusion, dissociation, panic, agitation, or amnesia. Some people will develop acute stress disorder (ASD), with symptoms recurring for up to four weeks. An estimated 80 percent of those with ASD will go on to develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a debilitating anxiety disorder marked by feelings of hyper-arousal, reliving the event, and avoidance.

Some may think that being on WS's may trigger me but it doesn't in any way. It has actually helped.
I am a massage therapist and energy work practitioner. I hope you receive as much bodywork (Craniosacral, Reiki, Polarity etc) as you can handle from someone skilled in somatic integration. It can be so healing.

Talk therapy can be helpful but when you've had a physical trauma, physical healing is deeper.

Oh would I love to have this, but can't afford it. I know this would help! I am so tense and don't have anyone available to give me a massage. I am back in weekly counseling now, but that is all I've ever received.
does that mean his family is looking for him to aid & abet/hide him?

Interesting, I never thought of that. (Well yes I did think of him possibly having associates that would help him, but not from the video) I just thought maybe they looked alike or something.
Wow! Did you here in that video that one of the tips they received turned out to be his brother in a pickup truck.

Yes! I'm glad someone had their eyes peeled and was paying enough attention to realize it could have been him. What a close call! My guess is, his brother might not want much to do with him at this point anyway.
this guys is a "master of disquises". Hope he is found soon.


does anyone know if the middle pic here (of him with the beard thing) is an original picture? or is the beard something that LE might have generated to show what he MIGHT look like with a beard? it just looks so off to me.

does anyone know if the middle pic here (of him with the beard thing) is an original picture? or is the beard something that LE might have generated to show what he MIGHT look like with a beard? it just looks so off to me.


I've never seen any other pictures with him with facial hair. It does look like a mugshot though.
"With one suspect apprehended in connection with the kidnapping of a 10-year-old girl from her Northridge home, detectives are hoping a recent sighting in the San Diego area of their second suspect will soon result in his arrest."

eta: i wish they would say what part of san diego!

I believe that was probably the reference to the tip from the hotel in San Diego where someone called in that they thought they'd seen him. Unfortunately, according to one article I read, while she noticed him (due to appearance/tatts), she didn't realize he was Wanted until 6 hours later, at which point she called authorities. By the time they responded, he was nowhere to be found. :-(

I wish there was a system in place to automatically plaster all TV screens 24/7 with an 'armed and dangerous' BOLO & photo when there is someone like this on the loose. How hard could that be? Even a running bulletin across the top of regional TVs would help.
Oh would I love to have this, but can't afford it. I know this would help! I am so tense and don't have anyone available to give me a massage. I am back in weekly counseling now, but that is all I've ever received.

there are a lot of places that offer free or discounted massage. check your local massage school. the student massage clinic should have massage for $20/hour once you get some cash flow going again.
some community centers/senior centers will have therapists come in once a week to do massage as volunteers. Ask the local massage school for resources. many massage schools need practice clients for their continuing ed classes. licensed massage therapists need to take 24 hours of Cont Ed every year, and these specialized courses require volunteers to receive the bodywork modality being taught. You deserve it!
I believe that was probably the reference to the tip from the hotel in San Diego where someone called in that they thought they'd seen him. Unfortunately, according to one article I read, while she noticed him (due to appearance/tatts), she didn't realize he was Wanted until 6 hours later, at which point she called authorities. By the time they responded, he was nowhere to be found. :-(

I wish there was a system in place to automatically plaster all TV screens 24/7 with an 'armed and dangerous' BOLO & photo when there is someone like this on the loose. How hard could that be? Even a running bulletin across the top of regional TVs would help.

at least maybe this means they have a recent location to go from, if it was him. it's better than not having any idea what city he's in.
Summers has convictions for receiving stolen property, grand theft, petty theft, possession of an explosive and presenting false identity to police, records show. In 2009, he was convicted of battery. Originally, he was also charged with annoying a child, but that charge was dismissed.

Between 2004 and 2012, Martinez was convicted of burglary, petty theft, grand theft, resisting a police officer and unlawfully entering a property, records show. In April 2012, he was convicted of threats of death or great bodily injury.
at least maybe this means they have a recent location to go from, if it was him. it's better than not having any idea what city he's in.

Hopefully they can get confirmation on video. Unfortunately, he had a six hour lead after the sighting. I find it odd that it was released in MSM. You would think they would want to keep it quiet if they are on his trail.

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