Cadaver Dogs Hits and Info

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Well, whomever thought this case would prove skeptics wrong about psychics: this group of psychics currently have the county sheriff nipping at their heels over possible monetary crimes. Not only that, all of their searching failed to find Caylee, and they are upset that TES wouldn't share info with them. I think it is time to put this group to bed, let the authorities deal with their machinations, and for us to ignore them from here on out. JMO

I'm sure the psychic's heart is in the right place. But, preternatural abilities aren't going to replace a well laid out, coordinated search by skilled searchers in the right area. And just some dumb, blind luck to find what you are looking for.

I worry that psychics searching and being pretty obvious about it will just dilute the attention and resources away from the where it needs to be. Which is finding this little girl.
Well, whomever thought this case would prove skeptics wrong about psychics: this group of psychics currently have the county sheriff nipping at their heels over possible monetary crimes. Not only that, all of their searching failed to find Caylee, and they are upset that TES wouldn't share info with them. I think it is time to put this group to bed, let the authorities deal with their machinations, and for us to ignore them from here on out. JMO

Hate to break it to you but doesn't look like TES is getting anywhere either. If they want to search let them. I will never complain about somebody going out there and searching. Sure they aint looking in location where police are saying to but does police really know where she is? No, if they did she would've already have been found. If they want to search I say let them. If they find her great if they don't at least they tried.

They obviously aren't in this for publicity or else they'd be all over the media still but they quit that awhile back. No idea what is going on with the monetary issues though. I guess I'll let them handle that.
I support them at least they are out there looking. Every little bit helps

No! No it doesn't! Volunteers working under the direction and control of trained search personel and officials help. But there is alot more to it then simply wandering around beating the bushes. The search comand has reasons why and when they search spcific areas. They base their searches on legitimate hard data, in this case related to a criminal investigation.

The psychic team went into a search area with poorly trained or misrepresented dogs, based in part on psychic feelings and hunches. They publicly scored a "hit" with their dogs in an area LE had apparently already searched, and at least to their immediate mind ruled out. This hit nescesitated pulling the extremely limited resources of an actual LE k9 search team to come in and examine this hit. The hit was a dead animal. Something that well trained LE dogs would not hit on.

How many hours were wasted pulling the limited resources of the real search teams to do thus backtracking? And I hate to say it, but this is a fairly typical patern whenever these psychic groups gets involved. They are masters at sending limit resources off in unneeded and unwanted directions. Their intentions may be good, but their execution is almost always lacking.
No! No it doesn't! Volunteers working under the direction and control of trained search personel and officials help. But there is alot more to it then simply wandering around beating the bushes. The search comand has reasons why and when they search spcific areas. They base their searches on legitimate hard data, in this case related to a criminal investigation.

The psychic team went into a search area with poorly trained or misrepresented dogs, based in part on psychic feelings and hunches. They publicly scored a "hit" with their dogs in an area LE had apparently already searched, and at least to their immediate mind ruled out. This hit nescesitated pulling the extremely limited resources of an actual LE k9 search team to come in and examine this hit. The hit was a dead animal. Something that well trained LE dogs would not hit on.

How many hours were wasted pulling the limited resources of the real search teams to do thus backtracking? And I hate to say it, but this is a fairly typical patern whenever these psychic groups gets involved. They are masters at sending limit resources off in unneeded and unwanted directions. Their intentions may be good, but their execution is almost always lacking.

Maybe you're right. I don't really care honestly. Everybody else is trying to get a piece of the media. Yeah, maybe they shouldn't have but nobody ever told them not to.
I'd almost be tempted to tell any individuals or groups searching on their own, "Know what? Give us a call when you find a body Not a smell, not a hunch, not a suspicious looking beer can..... a body". Because you're absolutely right. Chasing after the psychics does pull resources away from places better spent, IMO.
Either way I honestly don't see this body or bones every being found
Ms. StJohn has said publicly they are trained cadaver dogs and WILL NOT hit on animal remains, or any remains that are not human if you reference her earlier interviews and audio recordings from her radio show.

That being said, I think that pretty much, in an objective way, demonstrates the amount of credibility in this event.

From what I understand, the reporting on that issue was off (geez, imagine that). I thought the police were not called, but were already in the area and were checking out a foul stench that was brought to their attention by the media. I have a hard time believing in this psychic stuff, but from what I gather, they're working their butts off looking for that little girl.

As far as the monetary thing goes...i'm sure the truth about that will come out soon enough.
From what I understand, the reporting on that issue was off (geez, imagine that). I thought the police were not called, but were already in the area and were checking out a foul stench that was brought to their attention by the media. I have a hard time believing in this psychic stuff, but from what I gather, they're working their butts off looking for that little girl.

As far as the monetary thing goes...i'm sure the truth about that will come out soon enough.

Thats what I heard to. I don't even think the dogs actually hit or something. And the police was already there so psychics never called police. just check out there website I guess dangit! can't explain or even remember it all :)
I'd almost be tempted to tell any individuals or groups searching on their own, "Know what? Give us a call when you find a body Not a smell, not a hunch, not a suspicious looking beer can..... a body". Because you're absolutely right. Chasing after the psychics does pull resources away from places better spent, IMO.

Here's the other big problem with "psychics" in these things. They attract media like flies for some insane reason. In this case they might not have alerted police until they found something credible. But there's a reporter there making a big thing out of the bad smell. So LE ends up having to drop whatever they are doing and go chase it down. LE would love to ignore the psychics, at least until or unless they come in with a credible piece of physical evidence. But the media fascination with the psychics measn LE isn't allowed to.

[I confess I do have more then a high degree of scepticism about psychics methods and motives. But that comes after a trio of them once sent me crawling through a narrow rat and trash infested abandonned underground tunnel, that their visions swore contained the little girls body, and that her spirit was crying out to be found. (the little girl in question was alive, 50 miles away, and in extreme danger at the time). The psychics had bought into the kidnappers lies and were freely embelishing on them. Which in turn comitted a 25 person trained ES rescue unit to somebodies fantasies and fiction. I never did succeed in getting the smells and stains completely out of my turnout gear. This is the sort of thing that tends to leave a lasting negative impression about those that wrongfully and idiotically sent a person down the trash tunnel.]
You know the other thing that bugs me about psychics? In most cases, there's no repercussions to them. If they even remotely predict something that comes true, then it obviously indicates they are an extraordinary psychic.

If their claims are unverifiable, then they will claim they are right (and an extraordinary psychic), and you just don't know the whole story yet.

On the other hand, if they aren't even close, then obviously, this isn't a science or something. Do they have to lead you right to the body or something? :doh:
Here's the other big problem with "psychics" in these things. They attract media like flies for some insane reason. In this case they might not have alerted police until they found something credible. But there's a reporter there making a big thing out of the bad smell. So LE ends up having to drop whatever they are doing and go chase it down. LE would love to ignore the psychics, at least until or unless they come in with a credible piece of physical evidence. But the media fascination with the psychics measn LE isn't allowed to.

[I confess I do have more then a high degree of scepticism about psychics methods and motives. But that comes after a trio of them once sent me crawling through a narrow rat and trash infested abandonned underground tunnel, that their visions swore contained the little girls body, and that her spirit was crying out to be found. (the little girl in question was alive, 50 miles away, and in extreme danger at the time). The psychics had bought into the kidnappers lies and were freely embelishing on them. Which in turn comitted a 25 person trained ES rescue unit to somebodies fantasies and fiction. I never did succeed in getting the smells and stains completely out of my turnout gear. This is the sort of thing that tends to leave a lasting negative impression about those that wrongfully and idiotically sent a person down the trash tunnel.]

I don't think they contacted the police at all though. The police just showed up. But who cares as long as this case closes?
I don't think they contacted the police at all though. The police just showed up. But who cares as long as this case closes?

I also heard that they (Gale and company) were standing by the side of the road wondering what to do and the police came by and asked if they needed assistance.
I also heard that they (Gale and company) were standing by the side of the road wondering what to do and the police came by and asked if they needed assistance.

Yes that is what was said happened.
Respectfully, have any of you heard updates as to "The Bodyhunters" involvement in Orlando?
Blink, the last I read they were on thier way home to Ohio because they ran out of funds and yesterday was the last day they could stay.
Respectfully, have any of you heard updates as to "The Bodyhunters" involvement in Orlando?

Last I read over there, late last night, Gale was waiting to see if she was going to be arrested and taken to jail. They claim to have proof that this woman is lying. I guess it will come out eventually.
I am curious if anyone knows or can help me find out the answer to this question. If you took a cadaver dog into an area and he hit on something, would he hit the area again a month later? If someone laid a body on the ground and then moved the body, for how long would the cadaver dog be able to sense that a body was there? I would imagine that weather would factor into the dogs ability.
I am curious if anyone knows or can help me find out the answer to this question. If you took a cadaver dog into an area and he hit on something, would he hit the area again a month later? If someone laid a body on the ground and then moved the body, for how long would the cadaver dog be able to sense that a body was there? I would imagine that weather would factor into the dogs ability.

The ones they train through UT Anthropology dept will hit if regardless what the weather has been. They have found bodies that have been buried or on the soil 30-40 years prior.

I assume all of them can do the same.
The ones they train through UT Anthropology dept will hit if regardless what the weather has been. They have found bodies that have been buried or on the soil 30-40 years prior.

I assume all of them can do the same.

Wow! That's impressive! Thanks for the info.
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