Can Casey benefit from therapy?

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If she does have any kind of therapy, who do you all think will be paying for it?

I am in a constant state of shock at all the money she's already cost us FL taxpayers. I am apprehensive that if she does seek therapy, she will look for a way to have us finance that, too.
"1. inappropriate behavior when Caylee was "missing" And the inappropriate behavior since she was released. Shopping for $1 mil deals to tell her side of the story...cough, cough

2. mourning the death of Caylee She seemed to be dealing with Caylee's death fine according to her jailhouse letters to Cookie.

3. the effects of solitary confinement KC had more attention in solitary than any prisoner in the jailhouse. Checkout her visitor's list. She had mitigation people, attorneys, experts, etc. KC was anything but lonely."

I don't know who did these replies but they are all pretty much how I feel as well. Well said.

I would add to the whole "solitary confinement" thing that her DT keeps harping about.....she could have had family visits as well but she CHOSE not to. She was a regular social butterfly while supposedly in "solitary confinement" not to mention the better part of the last two years spend in court rooms and not just in her cell.
No. Sometimes evil is just evil and their is no "therapy" that will cure it and no "psychological" label that actually applies to it.
The only way therapy will work is if she really wants to be honest with herself, and if her therapist is an older take-no-**** type lady. My supervisor comes to mind. Anyone younger than 50 and she'll either attempt to manipulate them or just put on a big show. If it's a man, she'll flirt & come on to him so much that it would distract from the actual therapy.

If she thinks she can trust her therapist, she could possibly improve herself. matter how much counseling she gets, she'll still be a murderer.
For what it's worth I'm really split on the idea therapy can help Casey Anthony.

I believe it is worth a try. However I do believe she will lie to any therapist she works with. And further, I don't see her every coming clean even in a doctor/patient relationship what really happened to her daughter.

But, the biggest drawback I can see is that I think the mental health industry is a terrible joke. And, I speak from experience. Years of it. I can relate stories that would have you shaking your head, laughing out loud and running for the door.

On the other hand, maybe Casey can teach the therapists a thing or two.

I don't believe that FCA is or ever was a victim. She prefers to do the victimizing. She enjoys watching people squirm. Caylee Marie was the victim, and the conditions in which she was found clearly points that out. FCA is proud of how she paid back CA. See what you did, ma. It was all your fault. I guess I showed you, didn't I. You will always remember this lesson I taught you, keep your effin' hands off me. FCA really is a spiteful biotch. Ice water in her veins. She didn't even bother to "pretend" concern for Caylee Marie's whereabouts, her safety. It wasn't worth the effort, even while she blatantly lied to LE about the nanny fairy tale. FCA had no regrets. Probably never will, even as she finds that the end didn't justify the means. All she had to do was leave Caylee Marie alive, with CA and GA, and just walk away and never look back. Spite and evil revenge, these are key emotions which dwell inside of FCA, where a soul should be. FCA was all about FCA and Bella Vita.
If anyone agrees to "treat" FCA, and publicly acknowledges it, I would question their motives. FCA is poison, she is a toxic entity, and there is no cure for that bad seed.
Sorry, I haven´t read through this thread, so someone has said this, I´m sure. But anyway, Casey cannot benefit from therapy because I don´t think she can stop lying. You have to be honest to benefit the slightest from it.
I am very afraid for people Casey will get close to, friends, boyfriends, husbands, CHILDREN!!!
Sorry, I haven´t read through this thread, so someone has said this, I´m sure. But anyway, Casey cannot benefit from therapy because I don´t think she can stop lying. You have to be honest to benefit the slightest from it.
I am very afraid for people Casey will get close to, friends, boyfriends, husbands, CHILDREN!!!

Do you think Casey has the idea that she could get away with it TWICE???
Do you think Casey has the idea that she could get away with it TWICE???

IMO, YES!!!!!!!!! plus she would ( id think) be more carefull this time, not leaving anything behind to tie her to her next poor victim... after all she has more at stake, one mistake and next time she would be on death row( or if ohio doesnt have a death penalty, life in prison)-just moo
A little OT here ..
At womenincrimeink they have a handwritting expert named
Michelle Dresbold looking at her letters from prison
Pretty neat stuff if anyone wants to take a peek .
A little OT here ..
At womenincrimeink they have a handwritting expert named
Michelle Dresbold looking at her letters from prison
Pretty neat stuff if anyone wants to take a peek .

Interesting.. thanks for sharing!
I have never seen so many visitors in a jail in my life. This girl was not in solitary. If she was, she wouldn't have visitors. She was in protective enviable position. Inmates would give anything to have that cell. The THs don't know what they are saying when they make it sound like she was in solitary (the SHU) Big difference!

She had more visitors than all the inmates combined ever. I looked at her logs. Baez was there five days a week for quite awhile. He was visiting at night. Attorneys there can visit any time day or night. His visits often ran through the morning hours.

Later, he addedd all the other people who were taking turns sitting with her at night. I imagine this was to keep her quiet. She doesn't do alone and never will. Her nights were filled with people and many days were in the courtroom for three years. I have NEVER heard of a team of people investing their lives to a child murderer. Something stinks in Denmark and it ain't the cheese.
Do you think Casey has the idea that she could get away with it TWICE???

She doesn't think of the future. She lives in the moment...and is not capable of doing otherwise.
I have never seen so many visitors in a jail in my life. This girl was not in solitary. If she was, she wouldn't have visitors. She was in protective enviable position. Inmates would give anything to have that cell. The THs don't know what they are saying when they make it sound like she was in solitary (the SHU) Big difference!

She had more visitors than all the inmates combined ever. I looked at her logs. Baez was there five days a week for quite awhile. He was visiting at night. Attorneys there can visit any time day or night. His visits often ran through the morning hours.

Later, he addedd all the other people who were taking turns sitting with her at night. I imagine this was to keep her quiet. She doesn't do alone and never will. Her nights were filled with people and many days were in the courtroom for three years. I have NEVER heard of a team of people investing their lives to a child murderer. Something stinks in Denmark and it ain't the cheese.

What are you implying here? The information you had about the number of visitors is very interesting. So, she basically had baby sitters the whole time she was in prison? No wonder she liked Jose as her attorney so much!
TMZ is reporting that Casey won't do any interviews until she has had some treatment to deal with issues related to:

1. inappropriate behavior when Caylee was "missing"

2. mourning the death of Caylee

3. the effects of solitary confinement

Do you think this is true, and if it is, can Casey benefit, since it is believed that sociopaths and psychopaths cannot be "cured"?

Or is this just another scam?

:waitasec::waitasec::waitasec::waitasec: Didn't The DT manipulate the jury to believe that Caylee wasn't "missing" at all, that this precious child "drowned" in the pool and FICA was fully aware of Caylee's death so why would FICA need treatment to deal with issues of a "missing" child? This whole scenario reeks of BS and I admire the folks that hope FICA is able to receive some much need psychological couseling but JMO it's a day late and a dollar short. Not to mention the quackery of basing FICA's treatment plan on a bunch of lies...yep, that just seems so typical and fitting for the whole lot of them!
If electro-shock therapy and a frontal lobotomy are considered "therapy" then I vote "yes". Where can I sign her up?:woohoo:
I think there's a spot open at this place ...


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At some point, no matter what kind of crap upbringing a person may have had, there comes a time when you are in charge of your own life & choices. Nobody is a victim forever. There have been plenty of people on this earth who have suffered through worse things than living with the Anthony family, and i don't see an epidemic of baby killing being the product of a crummy childhood.

Lee seems to be able to hold down a job, have some sense of personal boundaries and morality, and he hasn't managed to murder any children, and he was raised in the same household.

I'm fed up with the culture of not taking personal responsibility. Nobody ever seems to be at fault for anything anymore- its always, "boo hoo, i didn't get the red tricycle I wanted from Santa when I was 3 and Daddy spanked me once for not eating my green beans... This is why i can't work and i spend all my money on weed."

Give me a freakng break!!

I do completely agree with your point on personal responsibility. But, I don't agree that Casey was not affected by growing up in the Anthony household. You are right, at some point we all got to put on our big boy/girl pants and suck it up, but Casey was in her early 20's and hasn't lived out of her house yet (except for the 31 days), I don't believe someone would be able to adjust to adult life and have a complete turn around with the issues you've suffered from being in that house.

There are people out there who have to have years of therapy to cope with the trauma they suffered in their childhood. And, you can't look at someone and say "well, that's not trauma, I've suffered worse." Trauma is in the eye of the beholder, only you know how it affects you, not how it'll effect someone else.

IMO, Casey would be taking on her personal responsibility by getting therapy for everything she's endured in life. It's not responsible to continue to bury things that are affecting your life and pretend they're not there.
I think there's a spot open at this place ...

LOL! :floorlaugh: "One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest" was actually filmed in Salem, Oregon at the state hospital. I live on the Oregon coast, but it's only about a 50 mile drive. Maybe they have brochures I can send her. :great:

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