Deceased/Not Found Canada - Alvin, 66, & Kathy Liknes, 53, Nathan O'Brien, 5, Calgary, 30 Jun 2014 - #11

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An extremely principled man.. who stole and used a dead child's identity for years, accepted jobs offered based on false credentials, manufactured illegal substances, evaded for years his capture by LE to avoid taking responsibility for crimes he was convicted of, .. was there anything else this principled man had on his record? Does it really make sense that one would expect others to have principles, ethics, morals, while not being held to the same standards himself?

Maybe principled is the wrong word,, righteous may be a better fit, the hyper-hypocritical type, their rules are applied to the world but the same rules are never applied to them in any shape or form. He reminds me of something Calgary suffers a lot from, the trust fund set,, the crowd who lives on a hefty trust, has never actually had a job (or given a token well paying position in the firm), set for life and always quick to tell you how it really is and what it's all about.
Maybe principled is the wrong word,, righteous may be a better fit, the hyper-hypocritical type, their rules are applied to the world but the same rules are never applied to them in any shape or form. He reminds me of something Calgary suffers a lot from, the trust fund set,, the crowd who lives on a hefty trust, has never actually had a job (or given a token well paying position in the firm), set for life and always quick to tell you how it really is and what it's all about.
Can I ask - What is your basis for the "trust fund set" that "Calgary suffers a lot from"?
Like everyone else on here, I'm trying to figure out DG and his personality/character flaws. I do believe he is a Psychopath. He was arrested in BC for stealing a tractor trailer in 1999, as well as assault charges, which were stayed. He would have been around 39 years old. This, to me, would indicate career criminal, yes, these seem like petty incidents, but am curious as to why one would need a tractor trailer.....organized crime pops into my mind. IMO, ones character flaws would not be changed this late in life, speculation on my part. I'm also curious, does anyone know if he and PG are biological children of the G's? 8-10 years between children seems like a large gap. Just thinking out loud. IMO
Has anyone found usernames or emails for DG besides the agarland at telusplanet dot net?
An interesting article, not sure if posted yet. Some quotes (not sure if and where the writer got facts, sounds kinda novel-like, and almost fiction but still interesting if they are true facts):

"Douglas Garland, 54, was considered quiet, a loner. He was never seen at the bank, at local bars or shopping at the supermarket. Where most locals would honk and wave as they drove past, Doug would stare straight ahead through the steering wheel of his green Ford F-150."

“They’re great neighbours, everyone likes them,” says Jim Nevada, a retired chuckwagon racer who lives nearby. “But no one can tell you anything about Doug except his parents. There is a big blank at the end of the road and no one can fill it, not even the neighbors.”

Over the last weekend of June, hundreds streamed through the front door of the blue-grey clapboard house at 123 38A Avenue in Calgary – the Liknes home. One of the many vehicles to park near the house, police would later reveal, belonged to Mr. Garland, whose sister, Patti, was in a common-law relationship with Alvin and Kathryn Liknes’s son Allen. (BBM)

"Why he may have visited the Liknes home around the end of June remains a mystery and the subject of theories in Calgary and the town of Airdrie."

"According to the woman, Mr. Liknes wasn’t very visible during the sale. When her boyfriend returned the next morning, he also spoke only with Ms. Liknes."

"Both men may have also shared investments that went badly."
Seriously! Did I miss a memo?? Id love a trust fund! [emoji2]

Ha ha ha :) it's true though. I have encountered many such individuals and they are so out of touch with the everyday life of us hard working souls.
Ha ha ha :) it's true though. I have encountered many such individuals and they are so out of touch with the everyday life of us hard working souls.
To an extent. Imo its more a case of 3 types of people here in calgary.
1. Rig pigs - young guys who work oilfields and as a result make stupid money. You see a brand new dodge diesel all jacked up? This is the vehicle of choice of the rig pig.
2. Execs and family of execs - people who have high paying jobs on the corporate side of things. These people tend to get their children (a lot of whom are spoiled rotten) jobs in their companies and carry on the tradition of not really working so hard for their money.
3. Everyone else... Typically hard working, salt of the earth types.

Its a weird area. There is SO much money here. Working downtown, I cant even count the number of ferraris, porsches and bentleys I see on a daily basis.

Coming back to the liknes family... AL had dabbled in the o&g for years by all accounts. Yet their cars were not very flashy. With all the bankruptcy stuff as well as failed businesses it doesnt paint a flattering picture of him as a businessman.

I wonder if he had dg invest some money into a venture and it went bust. Not only would that piss dg off to lose money but I bet he would be irritated that he had lost money at the hands of a "lesser intellect" (in his eyes).
Can I ask - What is your basis for the "trust fund set" that "Calgary suffers a lot from"?

I've had both the fortune and misfortune of meeting/going to school/being related to this crowd,, the children of the Big Oil set. Calgary has a fair chunk of millionaires and a larger group of blue collar,, I grew up as the latter amongst the former,, kids who had Bragg Creek properties as gifts for graduating High School, a new car every year, companies given to them to run for summer jobs (it's funny as I write this I can name dozens of individuals in this fold, not all were rotters though),, everything the "regular" set earns through life came to the "trust fund" set without a thought or an exertion eitlher physical or mental. Some squandered these tools most of us would consider a lottery winning, others took those freedoms and worked them into something better, DG is of the former imo. My basis is experience.

The odd thing I should note is though the parents who set up the trusts were well meaning and such, they themselves started from scratch and some were really great people. One notable I'd love to name came from a very dire background and has done more for Cowtown in the last 30 years than the older original money set, but he also spoiled his kids rotten. A few of the parents even "managed" to get some of those kids of from serious charges that the rest of us would have done time for or a years worth of community service.

The newer (last 20 years exec) is flash and bling, the older set was almost going for the country club look/lifestyle, which many did belong i.e., Glencoe.
There was some discussion earlier in the thread about the greenhouse floor and if there was a drain or if floor was dirt. Found this pic, don't think it's been posted yet but the floor doesn't look like dirt. chopper4_1.jpg
To an extent. Imo its more a case of 3 types of people here in calgary.
1. Rig pigs - young guys who work oilfields and as a result make stupid money. You see a brand new dodge diesel all jacked up? This is the vehicle of choice of the rig pig.
2. Execs and family of execs - people who have high paying jobs on the corporate side of things. These people tend to get their children (a lot of whom are spoiled rotten) jobs in their companies and carry on the tradition of not really working so hard for their money.
3. Everyone else... Typically hard working, salt of the earth types.

Its a weird area. There is SO much money here. Working downtown, I cant even count the number of ferraris, porsches and bentleys I see on a daily basis.

Coming back to the liknes family... AL had dabbled in the o&g for years by all accounts. Yet their cars were not very flashy. With all the bankruptcy stuff as well as failed businesses it doesnt paint a flattering picture of him as a businessman.

I wonder if he had dg invest some money into a venture and it went bust. Not only would that piss dg off to lose money but I bet he would be irritated that he had lost money at the hands of a "lesser intellect" (in his eyes).

AL and DG were so opposite I could make long lists of the why's of they should never had met;

AL lived meager, kept giving It a go, yearned for steady security without having to be deceptive or a constant pitch guy.

DG lived in comfort and security with every tool at his disposal yet chose to live on the edge.

DG had what AL yearned.

AL had what DG could never attain.

it's almost Shakespearean.

one lived in solitude with deception as their kick, their tonic,,,

the other lived in a world thick with family and extended family, trying to get away to a more solitary way.
The L's were afforded a lack of knowing how to be private in Their business, we've sleuthed them down to nothing. Their paper trail is massive.

The G's are of the ultra private crowd, a very tough family to sleuth outside of D's pettier crimes, so little other than a few platitudes from their church and neighbours. I'd sure like to air their laundry for a change. They are so off the interwebs and anywhere that they are a very good upstanding family (mild sarcasm). Not much on DG, not much an AG.

privacy has its benefits.
There was some discussion earlier in the thread about the greenhouse floor and if there was a drain or if floor was dirt. Found this pic, don't think it's been posted yet but the floor doesn't look like dirt. View attachment 56188

Thanks for the pic.... I am curious of what looks like a square cut-out in the flooring. I wonder if it leads anywhere. I still think DG would be intelligent enough to build an underground hide out. I also think that if he did have one it would be well equiped to sustain him for a long period of time. I also think it would be on the property and that his parents would have no idea. IMO.
Dellen Millard is a prime example of a trust fund kid who thought he was Teflon,, he had more than many of us will ever attain yet went murderous in a very perverse and untouchable manner.

On another note; who will get the peas from AL's shell games? There will be a will but that won't surely have those monies attached if there is any.
Sure, lets torture an untried suspect and make him talk, because the public is curious and needs to know!

No kidding...that seems to be the expectation of a lot people. Douglas Garland is innocent until proven guilty and not before. There have been many cases that have been built up against people out of circumstantial evidence and an innocent party tried and convicted, only 25 years later to be released and told ... "Oops...our mistake...sorry dude". Here's some money for your troubles...meanwile he's spent 25 years in prison for a crime he did not commit. I'm sorry, but if LE make a mistake or want to save face by "bringing in a killer"...sometimes "Oops" and "our apologies for causing you infixable damage and we're sorry are just not enough, Sometimes...there isn't anything that could possibly be given or done for someone who has been wrongly convicted. I think we can wiat for the trial to find out what evidence do the LE reqlly have. Something isn't sitting right with me about the whole thing. Something is definitely very strange with the entire incident.\
No kidding...that seems to be the expectation of a lot people. Douglas Garland is innocent until proven guilty and not before. There have been many cases that have been built up against people out of circumstantial evidence and an innocent party tried and convicted, only 25 years later to be released and told ... "Oops...our mistake...sorry dude". Here's some money for your troubles...meanwile he's spent 25 years in prison for a crime he did not commit. I'm sorry, but if LE make a mistake or want to save face by "bringing in a killer"...sometimes "Oops" and "our apologies for causing you infixable damage and we're sorry are just not enough, Sometimes...there isn't anything that could possibly be given or done for someone who has been wrongly convicted. I think we can wiat for the trial to find out what evidence do the LE reqlly have. Something isn't sitting right with me about the whole thing. Something is definitely very strange with the entire incident.\

I couldn't agree more. Something very 'off' with this to me also. I think there is way more to this than DG and I'm still wondering if 'someone' close to AL/kl set things up so that DG would appear to be the likely perp, due to his criminal history and previous negative dealings w/ AL. It's possible someone or more than one "used" DG in a very minor role, a role he had no idea would lead to any of this. Was that really DG driving his green F150 around the L home?...or someone else?........or did someone offer him money to be a look-out but having told DG a lie, that they were merely going to confront AL, maybe 'rough him up'..and DG had no idea that murder was the plan? I just don't believe that DG was the mastermind here, I can't help but feel that he was set up as a convenient patsy, IMO.
I couldn't agree more. Something very 'off' with this to me also. I think there is way more to this than DG and I'm still wondering if 'someone' close to AL/kl set things up so that DG would appear to be the likely perp, due to his criminal history and previous negative dealings w/ AL. It's possible someone or more than one "used" DG in a very minor role, a role he had no idea would lead to any of this. Was that really DG driving his green F150 around the L home?...or someone else?........or did someone offer him money to be a look-out but having told DG a lie, that they were merely going to confront AL, maybe 'rough him up'..and DG had no idea that murder was the plan? I just don't believe that DG was the mastermind here, I can't help but feel that he was set up as a convenient patsy, IMO.

Hi! Out of curiosity, why do you think there is something more to this than just DG?

I'm interested to hear your theories!
AL and DG were so opposite I could make long lists of the why's of they should never had met;

AL lived meager, kept giving It a go, yearned for steady security without having to be deceptive or a constant pitch guy.

DG lived in comfort and security with every tool at his disposal yet chose to live on the edge.

DG had what AL yearned.

AL had what DG could never attain.

it's almost Shakespearean.

one lived in solitude with deception as their kick, their tonic,,,

the other lived in a world thick with family and extended family, trying to get away to a more solitary way.

Great, insightful post.
Hi! Out of curiosity, why do you think there is something more to this than just DG?

I'm interested to hear your theories!

Yes, and yes! I've always thought that was a good possibility. We have painted a picture of DG here based on what we have been spoon fed by media past and present. We have decided he is a heartless psychopath, an arrogant mastermind, but we don't, can't know, who he really is at this point.
I agree that he has not been pre-occupied with pastry-making out there on the farm since his release from prison, and that his circle of friends are likely not the type that would talk to the media about his character. But it remains to be seen whether DG alone was responsible for this triple murder, or whether he was just the guy out in front (the patsy).
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