Deceased/Not Found Canada - Alvin, 66, & Kathy Liknes, 53, Nathan O'Brien, 5, Calgary, 30 Jun 2014 - #12

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I have no idea if they or anyone did, but when thinking about it I wondered about other family members / close resemblances between some of the large extended family and maybe the children ? Close enough for a quick glance by a customs guy at a border crossing if the child was sleeping . Just an idea.
I still haven't completely given up on the post on the other forum that everyone else here seems to feel was false - the one about the man who looked like AL only younger driving a green truck at 4:30 am that morning. It bothered me then, it bothers me now. Why they might do it I cant answer. Except if they thought it was somehow helping the Liknes' .
Sounds crazy but gives the tiniest thread of hope ...

On another note, I read a newspaper article about AL and it commented on him ha I g to sell a lot he owned on Vancouver Island to cover a company debt previously. So more property incase it wasn't noticed already.
It's got to be a challenge these days with so many remarriages and consequently - older parents. There are first time parents at 50. With a highly educated and accomplished population as in the case of Calgary, this wouldn't be a glance
In response to why the Calgary investigators are in Mexico, their spokesperson said "We are just dotting our i's and crossing our t's". I think that they have reason to explore if any other people had motives for targeting AL and KL, either unrelated to DG, or trying to connect them to him. Either that, or they just want to tear the condo apart for paper evidence.
Having covered a lot of miles travelling over the long weekend, some of those near the acreage in question, I was once again reminded how vast and dense the area surrounding it is. It also occurred to me then that there's a chance that one of DG's parents had driven the green truck in question recently and maybe knew the approximate mileage on it, and they provided that info to LE? Maybe that's why they seem so confident in why they will find where the bodies are? They "know" he couldn't have gone too far.

Also count me in the group that finds the neighbour talking to the media super tacky.
We can not post from other forums, which is why your links are snipped.

Yes, I made that mistake yesterday by posting comment quotes from that site that were deleted. Sorry about that mods and others, I still consider myself a WS newbie. Very interesting info though, I'm trying to hunt down MSM or a link I can use here.
I was also surprised to see the car in the driveway when watching the report. The reporter also commented on how the house was looking different and showed the balcony and a window. I do believe that the neighbour was referring to a moving company after the fact and that when he commented on the carpet and the wall being washed he seemed to be implying that this was due to the crime. He also did state that the man had said the items where being moved into storage. Why would the car be back in the driveway when all the other pictures and video we have seen showed no vehicles in the drive?
I was wondering as well why the car is still there. As mentioned the front porch still has items remaining. Perhaps the owner has been kind to extend the family a grace period to help them get sorted.
It is not clear whether police released the information or media was tipped off and gave police no choice but to respond with a statement.

Yes, the reference to the info being "confirmed" by the spokesperson leads me to believe it was the media and LE had no option but to address it to avoid it spinning out of control OR LE leaked it with a view to stirring the pot and controlling it :thud:
Having covered a lot of miles travelling over the long weekend, some of those near the acreage in question, I was once again reminded how vast and dense the area surrounding it is. It also occurred to me then that there's a chance that one of DG's parents had driven the green truck in question recently and maybe knew the approximate mileage on it, and they provided that info to LE? Maybe that's why they seem so confident in why they will find where the bodies are? They "know" he couldn't have gone too far.

Also count me in the group that finds the neighbour talking to the media super tacky.

YYC Lady that is an excellent point. Perhaps the father of DG knew the approx. mileage on DGs truck . May sound like a stereotype but I speak from my husbands history that it is a guy thing to know miles or km's on a vehicle especially for older cars and vintage models. So perhaps LE does have a boundary to work with in terms of km's and radius.
Further to the neighbor Al (not AL) interview. Located a written quote of what he said to the reporter.
“The moving truck was here and I came over to talk to the man, and he said ‘would you like to see the inside of the house?'” says Al, who didn’t want to give his last name. “He showed me around, and I noticed that rug was picked up and there was a lot of cleaning on the wall.

“The reason he was here, in his words, were the sale didn’t go that well and he was moving this stuff out

In terms of what the neighbor said, "that rug was picked up" in looking at all the kijiji ads I had only seen one rug that was loosely laying on the floor versus fastened as carpets are to an underpad. The carpet I was thinking of was the one in the office den that was greyish and bunched up. WS made comments about that carpet in the past. In terms of the wall condition, sadly that is self explanatory.

Wouldn't this neighbor had to have known the house real well to even notice/make mention of a rug being picked up? Like a big area rug? IMO it would make more sense for a large portion of carpet to have been cut out somewhere. Although the article is written very poorly, I get the sense by what this neighbor is quoted as saying, that maybe English isn't his first a lot of cleaning on the wall. That being said, a little difficult to really interpret (again, based on poorly written article) what he was really saying.

Shame on the "man" who offered to allow neighbor to snoop around inside, if for no other reason than to just be a lookie-loo. How disrespectful and sick, IMO.
news calgary

Calgary at 6, August 5, 2014
Transcript of CBC news report regarding the Calgary Police Service sending investigators to Mexico.
This is not an official draft, and is not connected to any of the participants.
This is a rough draft, and alll errors are my own.

Cross Border Case
News Anchor = Rosa Marchitelli = RM Reporter=Devon Heroux = DH
Law Enforcement Instructor, Bow Valley College = Bill Hargarten

RM: Tonight on CBC News Calgary, Cross-Border Case: Calgary Police take the investigation of the deaths of Nathan O'Brien and his grandparents out of the country and into Mexico….
Thanks for joining us. I'm Rosa Marchitelli, Rob is off today.

CBC News has learned the case into the deaths of Nathan O'Brien and his grandparents, Alvin and Kathy Liknes, is now a cross-border investigation.
Devon Heroux uncovered the information today, and Devon what more do we know?

DH: Rosa, Calgary Police have now taken part of their investigation out of Calgary, out of Canada, and into Mexico.

Now, investigators here tell me they are working with local authorities there in Mexico, but that's about it for details. Police remaining tight-lipped about where exactly they're searching in Mexico and what they're looking for.

But this is what we do know. Just prior to the disappearance of Nathan O'Brien and his grandparents, Alvin and Kathy Liknes had an estate sale to sell of many of their Calgary belongings and move to Mexico at least for a time, reportedly, in Mazatlan. Now, the pair, along with their grandson, Nathan O'Brien, who was over having a sleepover, were reported missing at the end of June. For weeks, police searched several locations for the missing three, then finally, on July 25th, Douglas Garland was officially charged with two counts of first degree murder and one count of second degree murder despite the fact that the victims' bodies have yet to be found.

Now, earlier today, I spoke to a former police officer who says even though there are these charges, police, no doubt, are still looking for more evidence.

BH: They have to do due diligence. They can't have tunnel vision and just focus in on one suspect. They have to keep an open mind, look around, go down to Mexico, co-ordinate with the local police, and find out relationships or other things they may have to learn in Mexico.

RM: Devon, I know you've been making a lot of calls on this today, looking to dig up more information, so what are you hearing from Mexican police?

DH: Yeah, Rosa, I contacted both local and state police. Interestingly, both agencies said they're unaware of the Calgary Police investigation in Mexico. However, they did forward me to Interpol Mexico, and a representative with that agency did not deny any knowledge of the investigation. However, much like Calgary Police, opted to say no other words, no other details regarding this now international and highly sensitive case, Rosa.

RM: OK. Thanks Devon. Devon Heroux live from Police Headquarters.
YYC Lady that is an excellent point. Perhaps the father of DG knew the approx. mileage on DGs truck . May sound like a stereotype but I speak from my husbands history that it is a guy thing to know miles or km's on a vehicle especially for older cars and vintage models. So perhaps LE does have a boundary to work with in terms of km's and radius.

Jumping off that idea, if the truck can be filled with the purple gas from the farm, unfortunately there probably won't be any gas station videos to give clues as to where the vehicle may have travelled
A horrendously poorly written article. I believe he meant the carpeting had been pulled up - as in wall to wall carpeting. So pulled up and removed from the premises. The reporter should be sacked! So should her editor.

For a comparison there is also a video of this interview for the article, in the same link...
Jumping off that idea, if the truck can be filled with the purple gas from the farm, unfortunately there probably won't be any gas station videos to give clues as to where the vehicle may have travelled
Aw yes, that is true sillybilly. Well done. It is points like this that make sense.
I've missed a few days here over the past 2 weeks and too busy to try and read them all. I belong to a local Airdrie FB group [modsnip]. I ask those posting this to provide a link from the media, or was this perhaps just rumor. The one person who posted it states she'd read this in the media but is away camping at present so not able to search online now to find the link. Was any of this posted here? Is this 'news' to anyone else here?

If true, I'm curious if the previous attempts were by the same, one person repeatedly or by other people? Could be gossip, but sometimes gossip is true.
It was stated in at least one of the news articles that LE was following up on lead(s) received (in regard to their trip to Mexico, whether or not it was a previous or recent lead(s), and also that LE cannot be deemed to have tunnel vision). Isn't it possible that something came to light, as in perhaps further examination into *other* vehicles spotted in that same video camera which vehicle(s) may have been known to family members, which *could* have perhaps prompted them to look further into perhaps yet a different individual's whereabouts at that time? Or perhaps after reviewing all traveller names flying from AB to Mexico during a specific period and something caught their eye leading them to want further info? Perhaps a phonecall or tip from Mexican police or public to CPS regarding something of potential interest in regard to a particular property on that side of the border? MOO
"Calgary Police confirm to Global News that investigators are following up on leads in that country, into the disappearance of Alvin and Kathryn Liknes, and their five-year-old grandson Nathan O’Brien." (BBM)
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Did anyone else notice this quote from LE, regarding the dropping of the impersonation charges against DG?:
“The evidence from the impersonation will be used as part of the murder case so there was no need to have separate proceedings,” said Parker." BBM
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Regarding the newspaper article quoting the neighbour - the article was written on August 5th and stated that neighbours were saying that furniture was moved out of the Parkhill residence 'recently'; considering that the Liknes' lease with the new owner was apparently supposed to expire on July 31st, the timing would be correct for having the remaining belongings moved out of the house last week, which would be 'recently'.
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Regarding the Garland minister's public plea to the public, IMHO I do not think it at all implies that DG's parents believe their son is guilty, but rather, that DG is already being presumed guilty by so many people, probably including many people in their church community as well, and it is undoubtedly destroying these poor parents' lives. They also have to contend with their property being suspected of being part of a horrible crime, their daughter's devastation in being sister to the accused when she is married to the victim's son, and their son being suicidal. Their world is shattered, whether or not DG is innocent or guilty.

And.. if any of you were charged with a horrific crime which had huge national and even international MSM attention, and the majority of the public had already publicly decided you were guilty and were calling for your death, and LE was seeming to focus their investigation on you, and your sister was devastated because she was married to the victim's son, and your parents were devastated by the effect on their lives, wouldn't you be suicidal, whether you were innocent or guilty? I don't think suicidal implies guilt, MOO.
It was stated in at least one of the news articles that LE was following up on lead(s) received (in regard to their trip to Mexico, whether or not it was a previous or recent lead(s), and also that LE cannot be deemed to have tunnel vision). Isn't it possible that something came to light, as in perhaps further examination into *other* vehicles spotted in that same video camera which vehicle(s) may have been known to family members, which *could* have perhaps prompted them to look further into perhaps yet a different individual's whereabouts at that time? Or perhaps after reviewing all traveller names flying from AB to Mexico during a specific period and something caught their eye leading them to want further info? Perhaps a phonecall or tip from Mexican police or public to CPS regarding something of potential interest in regard to a particular property on that side of the border? MOO

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Did anyone else notice this quote from LE, regarding the dropping of the impersonation charges against DG?:

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Regarding the newspaper article quoting the neighbour - the article was written on August 5th and stated that neighbours were saying that furniture was moved out of the Parkhill residence 'recently'; considering that the Liknes' lease with the new owner was apparently supposed to expire on July 31st, the timing would be correct for having the remaining belongings moved out of the house last week, which would be 'recently'.
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Regarding the Garland minister's public plea to the public, IMHO I do not think it at all implies that DG's parents believe their son is guilty, but rather, that DG is already being presumed guilty by so many people, probably including many people in their church community as well, and it is undoubtedly destroying these poor parents' lives. They also have to contend with their property being suspected of being part of a horrible crime, their daughter's devastation in being sister to the accused when she is married to the victim's son, and their son being suicidal. Their world is shattered, whether or not DG is innocent or guilty.

And.. if any of you were charged with a horrific crime which had huge national and even international MSM attention, and the majority of the public had already publicly decided you were guilty and were calling for your death, and LE was seeming to focus their investigation on you, and your sister was devastated because she was married to the victim's son, and your parents were devastated by the effect on their lives, wouldn't you be suicidal, whether you were innocent or guilty? I don't think suicidal implies guilt, MOO.

So if the evidence from the impersonation charges will be used for the murder case, does that mean that it is also evidence linking DG to the murders?
It was stated in at least one of the news articles that LE was following up on lead(s) received (in regard to their trip to Mexico, whether or not it was a previous or recent lead(s), and also that LE cannot be deemed to have tunnel vision). Isn't it possible that something came to light, as in perhaps further examination into *other* vehicles spotted in that same video camera which vehicle(s) may have been known to family members, which *could* have perhaps prompted them to look further into perhaps yet a different individual's whereabouts at that time? Or perhaps after reviewing all traveller names flying from AB to Mexico during a specific period and something caught their eye leading them to want further info? Perhaps a phonecall or tip from Mexican police or public to CPS regarding something of potential interest in regard to a particular property on that side of the border? MOO

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Did anyone else notice this quote from LE, regarding the dropping of the impersonation charges against DG?:

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Regarding the newspaper article quoting the neighbour - the article was written on August 5th and stated that neighbours were saying that furniture was moved out of the Parkhill residence 'recently'; considering that the Liknes' lease with the new owner was apparently supposed to expire on July 31st, the timing would be correct for having the remaining belongings moved out of the house last week, which would be 'recently'.
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Regarding the Garland minister's public plea to the public, IMHO I do not think it at all implies that DG's parents believe their son is guilty, but rather, that DG is already being presumed guilty by so many people, probably including many people in their church community as well, and it is undoubtedly destroying these poor parents' lives. They also have to contend with their property being suspected of being part of a horrible crime, their daughter's devastation in being sister to the accused when she is married to the victim's son, and their son being suicidal. Their world is shattered, whether or not DG is innocent or guilty.

And.. if any of you were charged with a horrific crime which had huge national and even international MSM attention, and the majority of the public had already publicly decided you were guilty and were calling for your death, and LE was seeming to focus their investigation on you, and your sister was devastated because she was married to the victim's son, and your parents were devastated by the effect on their lives, wouldn't you be suicidal, whether you were innocent or guilty? I don't think suicidal implies guilt, MOO.
Just thought it should be clarified that the identity theft charges have not been "dropped" but rather "stayed" meaning they can re-file the same charges within a year of the initial charges. This doesn't necessarily mean the charges relate to the homicide charges, but my guess is they are related if only to establish a pattern of crime by the accused.
Out of all the news reports I have been watching all evening, only one has claimed that the Mexico property is owned jointly by a Garland and the L's. I really am wondering where that reporter got that info and if it is indeed true...
Could It of been a pay and talk phone? Maybe she had lots of prepaid minutes on her phone when she was killed...

I work in the cellular industry. Pay and talk minutes typically expire in a short period of time. At that time, I believe it was 90 days (just going back from memory.) It does depend on the amount that is pre-loaded onto the device. Usually it's 30 days for the smaller amounts of pre-paid talk time.

And I can also confirm that as long as an account is active, voicemail is not altered in any way.

In PrincessButtercups situation, blah. I hate that. It's disgusting and shameful.
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