Deceased/Not Found Canada - Alvin, 66, & Kathy Liknes, 53, Nathan O'Brien, 5, Calgary, 30 June 2014 - #6

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There seems to be much being said about various business activities of AL. When one examines his history I can appreciate how maybe the optics aren't that good on paper....HOWEVER-- I think it isn't really such a big deal considering where he lives. I think people who aren't from these parts may find it difficult to really understand so I'm going to try to explain:

I'm an Albertan. Much of my family works in the oil patch. Many own their own companies--most have folded their companies more than once or sold out to who then sold to someone else and then started fresh all over again. Whether it be well servicing, pipeline services, or contractor services for large entities like Suncor, Entrepreneurship is the Alberta way. People take risks out here in the wild west. The oil business to Albertans is like technology is to Silicon Valley. Sometimes it works out...sometimes it doesn't. If it doesn't, you cut your losses and start something new. If it does, you sell your share and start something new. Sometimes these start ups are nothing more than two pipe fitters with an idea and a dream. They work a couple years, make a heap of money doing contract work in well management and servicing in order to fund the their startup then bring on a few more workers while they invest in their venture. At some point they then decide it is time to take a year off to travel or move out of province to get out of the oil-patch for a few years so they sell or fold. When they come back they start a new business. Exploration and resource extraction technology development is really risky and it looks like AL was willing to take the gamble. The last few years have been hard on small enterprise in the oil patch. The royalty structure has changed to reward big oil and squeeze out the little guy so to me it makes sense that he had a few unsuccessful ventures.

It sounds to me like AL is/was somthing of an inventor so IMO it would make sense that he would have a few failed start-ups.

Maybe AL owed people money. Maybe he had his finger in a few pies. IMO he may have been targeted by someone or people who felt wronged by him or wanted re-payment of debt. I accept all of that as reasonable hypotheticals. What I don't accept is the fact that there was a 5 year old boy involved and that I'm pretty sure if he was going to plan his own vanishing act he wouldn't have involved his 5 year old grandson. Just saying.

Let's face it the perp or POI or whoever took these people could have drove far far away to dispose of the evidence. I'm talking past Edmonton into northern alberta, or remote places like nordegg. I fear we may never find them. It would be very interesting to know how DG accounted for his movements in and around the time the family went missing.

Lastly, I think LE knew for days they were likely dealing with a homocide but didn't want to admit publicly as they wanted to keep the story outfront in the hopes of getting more tips.

I hope I'm wrong.

Calgarian here too with O&G running in the family from me through just about everyone I know and yes Junior O&G companies are born and die daily. The problem with AL is that not a single enterprise that AL was involved had a website. Now one could say, lots of companies opt out as the business doesn't require the need. Except, one of AL's companies was Calcap Investments and if I'm an investor or potential investor, I want to know now what's up and happening in the company without having to ring them up. Secondly, KL was a webpage marketer and you would think that at some point she would have suggested to her husband "why don't I make a webpage for your latest enterprise?". Thirdly, in my sleuthing of all his companies, at least one hit of a notable O&G exec or other investment house would have come into play, but they never do or did.
If KL is a licensed realtor wouldn't she have to maintain her licensing fees, which are substantial as I understand it. Realtors are usually connected to a large corp/real estate company. Therefore, I guess I am curious about her being able to afford the fees, etc, without actually selling any homes or properties.
I believe on one of the newscasts the reporter stated that the Calgary Real Estate Board said the KL was a licensed RE agent but had not worked in 2 years. Of course the sale of the house could have been done privately.

I remember someone mentioning on here that they found the actual sale of the house was May 2013. Perhaps the closing date was December 2013 and the lease back began after that?
FWIW-I was at the vigil tonight and we had to walk by the Liknes house from our parking spot. The front window panes are all in order... There are no panes missing as it appears in previous photos. It could have been removed and replaced - not sure. But no window panes appeared missing on the front on the pass by.

According to this image, the Liknes residence was protected by a security system - BML Security. Given the condition of the sign, and in light of the fact that a sign placed in that location, outdoors, exposed to the Alberta elements, wouldn't survive the winter/spring season , I'm thinking that the system was installed fairly recently. Which is odd, considering they had sold the home in 2013.
Has there been any information as to how long AL and KL have been married? TIA.
Married 25 years

I understand what is said about the oil and gas industry, but I do agree that the absence of a website for those companies seems very unusual. How can a company draw business without a website? Another thing about the companies that the grandparents started is that they seem to be all over the place. We have oil and gas, housing, mining, patents that didn't work, marketing, website templates for moving companies, real estate and who know what else. It looks like throwing it all at the wall to see what sticks.

What is apparent is that there is a long financial trail, and one of those financial deals is probably behind their disappearance.
Just wanted to say how much the presence and participation of those with knowledge of the AB O & G Industry is to this thread. It is wonderful to see so many new members actively involved.

That being said, PLEASE be aware of the fact that the mods mean business when they say do NOT post information naming other family members. If you have a question, please PM a mod. They are generally pretty cool. Except nursebeeme - she's known to poke you with her needle if you get out of line.

I'm just sharing this because I REALLY don't want to see newbies put on time out or the thread get shut down altogether.
It appears someone on July 8 also tweeted this info to @calgarypolice.

It's good to report it by official means anyhow. I haven't been following the CPS twitter during this investigation, but I have followed it before and generally any reports tweeted at them are met with a response along the lines of "we can't take reports via social media"

According to this image, the Liknes residence was protected by a security system - BML Security. Given the condition of the sign, and in light of the fact that a sign placed in that location, outdoors, exposed to the Alberta elements, wouldn't survive the winter/spring season , I'm thinking that the system was installed fairly recently. Which is odd, considering they had sold the home in 2013.

Those signs weather fairly well, I don't know if it's necessarily indication of a brand new system (I live in Calgary).

It has been posted a few times upthread with links that there were drag marks that were recently cleaned. If someone took time to clean the drag marks outside, why wouldn't they clean the blood inside?


Drag marks outside the house would tip neighbours off earlier, giving less time to get away. Blood marks inside the house have to be found by someone who has access.

So does this mean that both DG and AL had business in Panama? There are flights direct to Panama from Calgary around 6 and 8 am, Would one need a passport?

Next thing that I have been wondering is, how much stuff would have been left over from the estate sale? If things needed to be packed up, where were they going to put the excess?? Storage, moving van, other family homes? Has any of that been explored?

My question with this is if they're flying on a commercial airline, how would they get NO through? If one parent wants to travel out of the country with their child, the other parent has to give consent for it to happen (I'm not sure how sticky the rules are on what is considered consent). If two people with different last names from NO were trying to take him out of the country I'm sure there would have been some sort of questioning. Even if they were travelling with fake ID's and claimed NO as their own child, they would have had to have a fake ID for NO that matched them altogether as a family.

Wow...and here I had thought that Airdrie was a lovely quiet farming /? community..

Not so much. Airdrie is quite close to Calgary (less than a 30 minute drive to get to downtown Calgary). Since the commute is reasonably short it's often used as a cheaper city to live in while working in Calgary, so you end up with all the same types of characters.

I believe on one of the newscasts the reporter stated that the Calgary Real Estate Board said the KL was a licensed RE agent but had not worked in 2 years. Of course the sale of the house could have been done privately.

I remember someone mentioning on here that they found the actual sale of the house was May 2013. Perhaps the closing date was December 2013 and the lease back began after that?

I'd never even heard of this website until searching around today, but it appears that KL was at least dipping her toes in the real estate game as of April 2014
My daughter frequently travels with my parents from Canada to the US and back. In order for her to cross the border, I provide a notarized letter authorizing travel and medical p.o.a. I also include a copy of my custody documents which state that I am the sole custodial parent and guardian and the only person authorized to give permission for her to travel. My contact information and lawyer info is attached to those documents.

I don't know if it is what is required, it's just what I do personally. Because she's a minor, not travelling with me, and the court involvement in her custody matter - I've always erred on the side of caution.
There is a picture in the news today of JO. I will not post it because I don't believe in showing folks at the most difficult times of their lives.

The picture was absolutely heart wrenching for me, and if anyone has any doubt about the depths of this woman's grief, it will be removed to see the face of this young woman who is experiencing unspeakable loss and is devastated beyond words.
How far can the planes that AL has fly? And have they been accounted for? I wonder if its a possibility that AL, KL and NO are hiding somewhere...say perhaps Panama??? I know there was evidence of a physical crime at the residence and that one person could be in need of medical care....Perhaps its not one of the Liknes who is injured. No way in the world am I trying to turn the victims into the perpretrators and when I reference the possibility of it being a third party who was injured I mean in self defence. I still think that AL, KL and NO were set upon by someone.
One article said that leaning forward into the monitor would give one a better view of the courtroom. Maybe he was looking to see who was (and wasn't) sitting in that room??
Thanks I had wondered about that too when I first read about it but then
It's good to report it by official means anyhow. I haven't been following the CPS twitter during this investigation, but I have followed it before and generally any reports tweeted at them are met with a response along the lines of "we can't take reports via social media"

Those signs weather fairly well, I don't know if it's necessarily indication of a brand new system (I live in Calgary).

Drag marks outside the house would tip neighbours off earlier, giving less time to get away. Blood marks inside the house have to be found by someone who has access.

My question with this is if they're flying on a commercial airline, how would they get NO through? If one parent wants to travel out of the country with their child, the other parent has to give consent for it to happen (I'm not sure how sticky the rules are on what is considered consent). If two people with different last names from NO were trying to take him out of the country I'm sure there would have been some sort of questioning. Even if they were travelling with fake ID's and claimed NO as their own child, they would have had to have a fake ID for NO that matched them altogether as a family.

Not so much. Airdrie is quite close to Calgary (less than a 30 minute drive to get to downtown Calgary). Since the commute is reasonably short it's often used as a cheaper city to live in while working in Calgary, so you end up with all the same types of characters.

I'd never even heard of this website until searching around today, but it appears that KL was at least dipping her toes in the real estate game as of April 2014

So strange:

Posted on: Monday, 07 April, 2014 21:26
Updated On: Tuesday, 08 July, 2014 06:14
Expires On: Saturday, 04 October, 2014 21:26
Reply to: (Use contact form below)
Just read the articles about the vigil. Couldn't stop crying :(. I feel for the, so much. Having a child close in age to NO I just can't imagine. :( :( :(

Curious, given the Real Estate Council of Alberta said she had not been practising as a realtor for two years.
As of 07 back when I was involved in real estate here you could not go longer than two years 'inactive ' without ha ring to basically start over , as in rewrite your realtors exam etc . Which isn't cheap . She also would have had to pay her provincial realtor association fees and take the mandatory courses to keep current during those two years.
If she herself declared bankruptcy that too would effect her license as she would then be very hard to bond which is required of every realtor.
Just a few thoughts .
The mods are doing a good job to keep the Websleuths site clean. We are not allowed to post names/pictures of family of victims or POI... so this post may also be deleted. I think we can delete them ourselves

Yes I believe we can only post initials
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