Deceased/Not Found Canada - Alvin, 66, & Kathy Liknes, 53, Nathan O'Brien, 5, Calgary, 30 June 2014 - #7

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Mind you, finding the deceased's vehicle in the suspect's trailer at the suspect's mother's house was a pretty large find in itself.

How long did it take to find Tim Bosma's remains after his disappearance, and would LE have even cracked the case had the remains not been left on the suspect's property?
In regards to DG and an accomplice theory, just putting it out there….Did DG get someone else as 'muscle' and he was the brains and that way he could stay out in the truck being on the lookout since his truck was seen numerous times in the neighborhood? Was DG driving around the area waiting to pick up his partner who was inside the Liknes home? Also, if one person took the trio the other could stay behind to clean up and then get picked up later (albeit very risky). Risk didn't seem to matter to this person(s) if they were brazenly outside cleaning the sidewalk though!!!

Another thought - I still can't shake why to take/involve little NO. One reason I came up with that someone would take him with the grandparents if it wasn't part of the plan is if NO could recognize the person, otherwise they could have dropped him off in the middle of nowhere unharmed. I wonder how often DG came to family gatherings and if NO even knew who he was or would've recognized him even? If DG wasn't around much and NO hadn't really seen/met him before, makes me think the person in the house wasn't DG but someone little NO knew more closely, otherwise he easily could've been let go.

I still think there's another location that was used other than the G property, somewhere between Calgary and Airdrie. DG seems like he'd have a hiding place for things that only he knows about (MOO). Another poster mentioned somewhere he was familiar with in his youth, I can totally see that being the case!

Only MOO, can't get this poor little boy out of my head, so heartbreaking and it's just not fair :( I hope I didn't break any rules, mods please let me know if I do or did.

Great theory! Very similar to mine, except the was take NO. If DG was the "lookout" then someone else was in the home? And, yes. very brazen.

You would think the LAST place to place remains would be on your own property (if you caused the person to become remains in the first place)!

But Willie Pickton had remains on his own farm. Sometimes people just don't think they'll get caught.
This is way out in left field, but, perhaps the grandparents accidentally "hurt" Nathan, therefore, took him and left.

Half of me believes they left willingly, and half of me does not. I'm sorry I do not have any facts to back this up, just a theory.

I have a question: Were the Liknes' vehicles left at the home? TIA.
But Willie Pickton had remains on his own farm. Sometimes people just don't think they'll get caught.

True, some of these criminals seem to be extremely arrogant and think they're smarter than everyone including LE! It just takes one slip up... I hope there's a slip up in this case and this suffering family gets some truth or closure.
True, some of these criminals seem to be extremely arrogant and think they're smarter than everyone including LE! It just takes one slip up... I hope there's a slip up in this case and this suffering family gets some truth or closure.

But to get rid of three people so quickly, I wonder...
You would think the LAST place to place remains would be on your own property (if you caused the person to become remains in the first place)!

It's beginning to seem like there are no remains on the property, so you may be right.
This is way out in left field, but, perhaps the grandparents accidentally "hurt" Nathan, therefore, took him and left.

Half of me believes they left willingly, and half of me does not. I'm sorry I do not have any facts to back this up, just a theory.

I have a question: Were the Liknes' vehicles left at the home? TIA.

Police stated early on that the couple's vehicles were accounted for. For me, that was the one big thing that made it *not* look like AL, KL or both if them had left on their own for any reason. Could that have been the perp's slip up? Why wasn't one of the Liknes' vehicles used and dumped somewhere? If there had been no blood and no missing child, the fact that their vehicles were there could have been a problem if the perp was hoping to make it look like they took off on their own accord.
Could be anyone's vehicle that was used though! If someone came to settle a disagreement, or maybe even to say goodbye, someone that had a riff with either grandparent, someone that wanted the child, at this point, we don't even know the motive, nor who was injured! Could be that neither grandparent nor NO are injured, but that someone else came there and caused problems, and were injured, and the grandparents and NO left in that person's vehicle.

Heck, anything is possible at this point! We don't know enough details about the scene itself to draw much conclusions, nor do we know who was injured!!

Stranger things have happened, where the kid was the motive, and the adults were in the way and murdered. BUT, I don't remember the adults being removed from the home in those cases. Hmmmmm....

While I can see DG maybe having a part in this, I don't feel he is the main perp! I just have this feeling that the wrong tree is being barked at.

Unfortunately, contrary to early reports of this couple having no enemies, nor a reason for anyone to target them, it looks like they might have several reasons for someone to be upset with them. I'm still not sure why they weren't forthcoming about where they were going to live, or visit, etc. Maybe they felt it was nosy busy bodies that didn't need to know. Maybe they were hiding that knowledge because someone might want to find them. (Though IF that's the case, then were they planning to stop all internet advertising, and footprints?)

I think the word 'estate' sale was a marketing ploy. Often yardsales are advertised as multi-family yardsale to draw in a larger crowd. I typically think of estate sale as the selling of the entire contents, and possibly the real estate. While I've been to a few tag sales that were estate sales, most were auctions. A moving sale would probably more accurately describe the sale this couple had.

As for the Grandfather helping at the sale....I'm not sure how much he was there, or how much he helped. One article said his office was cleared the same day. So, he couldn't be two places at one time. Maybe he was bringing stuff from the office to the house as the sale went on? Maybe the office furniture was the better furniture, so it was put in storage to be moved later into their new home? I don't know!! I didn't see filing cabinets, desks, etc mentioned in the sale ad.

I want to know if their cellphones, computers, and the money from the sale are accounted for.
I think this is the general layout of the house, although room proportions are estimates. There are two chimney's on the roof, so one is for the furnace, and one is for a fireplace. I was curious about what route would be taken to get to the side door. I'm assuming that there are stairs off the kitchen heading to the next lower level - where there is the side door. The attack could have been on the level where there is the garage, but I'm guessing it's more likely that they were awake (interior lights on in the morning) and on the main floor when someone came to the house. Click on the image for a virtual tour.

Sheesh otto ... you been holding out on us for 10 years !!! :biggrin:

Thanks ... great work :applause:
We haven't heard if debit/credit cards have used either, have we?? I guess they haven't, but can't say for fact. Was there a closing of accounts prior to their disappearance? Was either grandparent taking any med that would thin blood? Like coumadin, aspirin, motrin, etc? If so, a head injury could bleed A LOT without it being a deathly injury.

I'm not convinced there was any clean up done at the residence either. If someone is fully clothed, perhaps even wrapped in a rug/comforter/sleepbag, etc and drug on a concrete sidewalk, you wouldn't expect to see clots of blood, nor a darker pattern. Likewise, doubtful it would be bright red either. Dark stain more describes it, though it could definitely be a lighter stain if most of the blood was contained. I've seen no evidence that a clean up happened.

Amber Alert: Brother says search for missing Calgary trio has gone ‘really quiet’

From the above linked report (dark blue font):

'Randy Prevost, Kathryn’s brother, said he was hopeful about the direction police were taking their investigation early on, but he’s now been left largely in the dark.

“Lately, it’s been really quiet. I haven’t heard a thing that’s changed,......”'

'........There were still signs that something was amiss, however, as chalk had been used to circle several stains on the front driveway and a blue residue was left on the door where it appeared forensic teams had dusted for fingerprints.'

'Prevost said the Likneses had been planning to move to a condo in Mexico for a year and would then return to live in Evansburg, Alta.
“They were investing in cheaper property so they could enjoy the rest of their lives,” he said. “I am sure they were just trying to protect themselves with the money they did have.”'

(Notice here KL's brother said the L's planned to move to Mexico for a year, while most accounts I've read said it's for 6 months.)
Yabut... the article stated, "A source close to the police investigation told CBC News there is "bad blood" related to money between Garland and the missing grandfather, Alvin Liknes." (BBM!)

Then the qualifier at the end reiterates that it was 'a source close the the police investigation', but not an 'official police spokesperson', meaning, whoever it was, was not allowed to speak and be quoted by the press... but.. that could have been virtually ANYone, police, non-police, friend of police, family member, husband of reporter who happens to know the secretary at CPS who overheard someone talking.. perhaps someone who misunderstood what they heard or were told, ... you know how words get mixed up, and interpretations are different, and things get expanded upon as they get further down the chain, etc.

And anyway, if there was bad blood... when? Something like 7 years ago they had a falling out? Nothing since? Then all of a sudden he's prime POI because perhaps his vehicle was seen circling... what time? During the sale? After the sale? In the middle of the night? How many times? Do we even know? He 'knows' the L family, and he could have noticed activity, or heard something and went to check it out, and drove around to be nosey/curious?

Or perhaps he could have been making trips to the dump from the farm as a matter of course (the farm appears to be immaculate, and it seems that is what he does, is look after the farm?). We don't really know the times/dates he was seen driving around?.. and.. perhaps LE are looking for evidence to support that claim, if that could perhaps be what DG's excuse was for driving in the area? (Is the L home kind of in between teh Airdrie property and the dump? Perhaps LE was looking for his identifiable trash to corroborate his story, (if that was his story)?

To me, it is much more likely that someone freshly hurt by recent actions (like say actions that came to obvious public attention on June 25th when the doors closed to the business, and over the weekend when the office equipment was being physically moved out?) would be a more likely candidate than someone who had held a grudge for perhaps years already without incident?

Yabut !! Playing with words here .. notice the reference to "official police spokesperson". There are lots of peeps close to the investigation but not that many "official police spokespersons".
I would hope that CPS and RCMP would release additional information to the public so we can help in some other way, asking for help but not providing info or a direction to help in is like asking a a baby to run before walking!!!!!

i want my username posted, lololol also re: body found in reservoir there has been zero update in the news on it today which leads me to nelieve it was most likely the missing patient from hospital
Do we have a specific time frame for when Alvin was at his office clearing it out that fateful weekend?
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