CANADA Canada - Amber Tuccaro, 20, Nisku, AB, 18 Aug 2010

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I believe that this attack was targeted and that she knew her killer. I doubt they would pick up just any woman that was hitchhiking. That would be a risk. Smartphones were available at the time of her disappearance, so the killer would be taking a risk if their prospective victim had one on their person. I used to hitchhike a lot back around 2004-2007- and I would text the licence plate of the vehicle that picked me up to a friend.
Well, talking to a victim who's on the phone with someone is pretty risky as well.

If she was targeted and she at least recognized her killer/s before entering their vehicle, they would likely be aware if she had smartphone or not. Also, in 2010 chances that young mother like her would be able to afford smartphone weren't very high, and there is no telling how tech saggy her killer was.
He could simply not care. And if we are talking a serial killer (which we likely do), he would be well aware that abducting and attacking a Native Woman won't make LE go all crazy on hunt to get him.

With texting licence plates... that would be interesting to know if she used to do something like that.
I've heard of calling a friend to tell from where someone is hitchhiking and when to expect them, texting description of a car, taking a pic or sending a snap.
If she was frequently hitchhiking she must have some safety procedure or strongly rely on a hunch. People who know her should know.

Assuming that day she was particulary desperate to catch any ride that wouldn't tell us much but...
How hard was for a young woman to catch a ride over there at the time? Pretty hard or easy?
If it was relatively easy and she was used to hitchhike then knowing her behaviour befor would say something about the killer.

If she was like big no no for catching a ride with male, two males, van or truck... and she ended up like that it would be very suspicious - and strongly imply that she might know him or them somehow.

Yes, you are technically correct. But hunting and fishing takes patience and I doubt that the profile of the guy that is killing these girls is capable of that kind of fortitude in his character. This guy just knows how to tie a few good knots and is probably into the BDSM scene and is some kind of sexual deviant.
Killing people that are marginalized on the fringes of society is like shooting fish in a barrel. I’m sure amber came from a good family and she did not live on the streets, but hitchhiking automatically branded her in the same category as the others that were found in the same area .
Well... depends what they meant by that.
Some people who like to fish and hunt are waaay more into adventure, being close to nature, exploring, camping, surviving extreme weather... while others just like to hunt something to eat by themselves... and psychos who are theoretically into fishing and hunting but basically just into killing. Usually other hunters and fishermans who are into it for years know or encounter that one weirdo who they pretty much don't want to have anything to do with.

I believe that it’s POSSIBLE that the medical appointment could have something to do with a POSSIBLE motive. If all other roads came to a dead end, why not go deeper into the reason of ambers visitation to Edmonton to begin with? - that’s my logic anyhow.
Might be.
Maybe it wasn’t a coincidence. Maybe she knew him and vice versa. A lot of people work in ft mac for weeks at a time and then go home to Edmonton and further places south. This would have happened during a time where we were trying to come out of an economic crash - people had to look for temp work or any work available of they were laid off, it could require travelling for work. Maybe he travelled to ft.Mac for work and they had met that way, it’s not too far from imagination to be a possibility.
Yeah... but if he was just temporaliry working there than delay with releasing his voice is detramental. No way that anyone is going to remember the voice of some briefly known guy for two years, especially if he disappeared from the area not long after Amber.
By the way I apologize if I’m not posting my replies or ideas properly in correct order on the threads- Im navigating this site using a smartphone with a desktop interface... If I need to delete and repost when I check from my desktop later I will do that. Sorry In advance!
These are good ideas so any order is good.
Amber was reportedly going into the city for “food”. We all know what “food” is street for, so I’m wondering if she had a lot of money on her to make a deal... maybe she or her friend had arranged to pick up off somebody that they had an internet connection with- she would have texted them from her phone when she was leaving. They could have been waiting for her and watched her leave and when she stuck her thumb out on the merge lane they would have been ready and waiting from a service road and quickly moved in right behind her. I guess her killer may have enjoyed fishing after all- (cat-fishing....)
Reports on this case may vary... pretty much.

Wasn't she going to the town to visit her brother in that jail?
That would explain how he knew to call her at that specific moment - he might be aware when she will arive and called to ask if she will make it or not... if she was already catching a ride she might just keep him on line as her mother frequently told her to do that if she will feel insecure about some situation (to keep on the phone or pretend that she's talking with someone).
Is it known for how long her brother was in that jail?
I mean... was that possibly her first visit over there or maybe she was there before?

I'm not sure if I'm not mixing it up with some other case because I now can't find anything to back it up and I could swear that I saw it somewhere and that it was about Amber...

Didn't her friend told that she saw her going into the car that exact evening and got clasified as unreliable whitness by RCMP?
By the same RCMP who destroyed potential evidence in case?
And amazed people with some cringy story about her missing report going missing, but switching it later to say that some totally super reliable whitness with mysterious identity (while family was obviously not notified about anything) SAW her, all good and well on some street few days after her disappearance, so they took her off the missing person's list for long enough to not have any possible surveillance anymore?
AND later sabotaged this investigation in almost every way possible, making family unsure even about that these remains really belonged to Amber? And publicly insulted her devastated mother?
Because that was for sure the same case where there was supposed call made by that girl who went missing, to her brother in jail, while she was obducted but it was unclear if it was like through illegal phone or like planned call for specific time or call which he didn't received until much later.
RCMP lacked ‘urgency and care’ searching for Amber Tuccaro - APTN News
2019 rbbm.
''Vivian, accompanied by her son Paul, unveiled a new poster about Amber’s disappearance.

She said the family is still anxious for clues to break the case.

And, ultimately, justice.

“For the people that know who the killer is you have blood on your hands, too,” she said.

“I don’t know how you could sleep at night, live with yourself, knowing what you know.”
I can't offer any insightful or valuable info, the only thing I can do is try to imagine what and why I would do in such circumstances. It might be right it might be totally wrong but...

Assuming that I have an medical appointment in town where I can't easily go to, it's quite a trip and I have to plan well ahead, I'm also quite short of money, have a little child with me and my brother with whom I'm pretty close with is in is incancerated in jail there.
I do if I have a friend who possibly also have some errands to do over there or is just willing to come there with me to accompany me.
I'm also well aware of the dangers of hitchhiking but I pretty much don't have any other choice to move around sometimes.

What do I do to not overspend?

If that medical procedure is rather serious and may require me to stay in the clinic for a day or two then hey, I would either ask some relative to take care of the child or if that friend is willing to help me, I ask her. To cut costs I go first, go through procedure and call her to inform her if and for how long I have to stay at the clinic so she can head there with my child on the day I'll be discharged and we can together do other things at that town as we planned.

If it some kind of checkup or a test which I'll be pretty much ok as soon as it end's, taking few hours tops then we head there all together, trying to get there at the best time, not having to pay for another day at hotel.
If it's afternoon appointment, I'll try to get there in the morning, have that appointment, do other things, rent a room, take a rest, possibly spent there another day or two to do other things.
But if I have to be in the early morning hours I would be aware that I might not make it on time... so we have to go there day before. Rent a room and still having a chance to get there on time to visit my brother of course I would try to do that, catching a ride as soon as possible, assuming that later in the evening hitchhiking becames considerably more dangerous.
Pat Carson was intensively interviewed about this dessapearance. And, he has never been linked to a killing, he has just been involved in some real slimy stuff to get young women to work for him at his ranch. Abduction and killing is not his MO. He prefers to exploit women into working for him and then manipulated with a psychological approach requiring more time and a different kind of victim. He does not go after young mothers or people that are chemically dependant because he knows work on his ranch would not be their first priority. This guy is a piece of *advertiser censored* for sure, but he does not have the same kind of MO that we are looking for with this particular case- and others that are like it. As bad as this guy is to society- people have to stop looking at him because he is not the killer. Now, the killer knows about this guy and most likely has used his name to sign up for stuff online as his real name so there is no doubt that <modsnip - reference was removed for bad source> But it’s not pat Carson. It’s somebody that knows that pat is a good smokescreen. If you were signing up to anything online, you would not use your real name for this kind of stuff. You’d use Pat Carson. Because he’s always suspect #1. The police ruled him out a long time ago.
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I disagree. I don’t even think that the guy used his own computer for any of that stuff.. I believe he used a public access computer at a library. If I were a serial killer, I’d do that. And I wouldn’t use my personal info to sign up on any kind of websites because, well, thats just begging to get caught. But,..I’d use the name of another locally known sex offender as my personal name..but I still think you’re right.. it’s him,.. he’s just using pats name - it’s a strong possibility! If there’s any way you can dig deeper I’d definitely encourage you too.

pat carson didn’t really go after any indigenous females, although he did like dark hair -he preferred fair skin, light coloured eyes
I assumed the brother called her. You can’t call people in jail, can you?

In Canada, you cannot call someone in jail and they don't have voice mail. So he likely called her. As for the time-line in getting the recording and getting it out the police likely didn't really care to fast track it, which is their attitude towards most missing and murdered Indigenous people. Ever hear of the starlight tours? Saskatoon police would take First Nation's men (mostly) for a drive out of city in horrible conditions with nothing to protect them from the elements and to find their own way home after beating them senseless. Usually while the victims were intoxicated. The police simply don't care. Most of them don't anyways.
(13) Amber Tuccaro's last phone call - YouTube

Jan 11, 2022
Indigenous leaders, victims' families call for urgent action as MMIWG report filed to province | Fort Mcmurray Today
''Tuccaro said the family is also working on a MMIWG2S+ learning module that uses Amber’s story. The family hopes to offer the course to schools across Alberta.''

“I would like to see them put their money where their mouth is and set something up where families who have been affected can help other families… whether it is going to the RCMP to get updates or anything,” said Tuccaro.

Adrienne South, a spokesperson for Wilson, said the province has responded to some of the calls for action. This includes initiatives like Clare’s Law, preventing violent offenders from legally changing their names, and creating a task force on human trafficking in Alberta.''

Jan. 2022
Justice delayed, justice denied, say families of murdered Indigenous women as Alberta announces completion of final MMIWG report | The Star
''Tuccaro has been developing a curriculum on MMIWG, using his sister’s story. When it’s completed, he wants to make it available to both Indigenous and non-Indigenous schools through Alberta Distance Learning.

He is also developing a website and “setting up a group” that will advocate for and guide other families of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls through the process.

As for Harpe, she and Kari Thomason, another grassroots advocate, have been conducting MMIWG gatherings across the province. Harpe says she’s also taken phone calls at 2 a.m. from families of missing and murdered women.

“We just need action. We’re sick and tired of talking, talking, talking, talking. We just need action but us grassroots advocates … (we) are doing the work. We haven’t stopped. We haven’t delayed. We’re just wanting to get more supports for grassroots advocates who are being impactful with action,” she said.''
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In Canada, you cannot call someone in jail and they don't have voice mail. So he likely called her. As for the time-line in getting the recording and getting it out the police likely didn't really care to fast track it, which is their attitude towards most missing and murdered Indigenous people. Ever hear of the starlight tours? Saskatoon police would take First Nation's men (mostly) for a drive out of city in horrible conditions with nothing to protect them from the elements and to find their own way home after beating them senseless. Usually while the victims were intoxicated. The police simply don't care. Most of them don't anyways.
Is this really a problem with the police? RCMP appears to be outrageously neglectful "even" with the cases of young white girls with zero drug/criminal history or connection. With Indigenous people more often than not it's hard to go through theories/possibilities without listing on (or very near) the top LE's involvement in at least covering up for someone, if not for themselves - and where is a smoke, there is usually the fire, they're probably indeed involved in many.
It's not one Amber and not one Saskatoon, and they don't exist in void. They have families, friends, neighbours - people, in eyes of which they want to look good, decent, respectable and admirable.
As long as there is not much of an issue with getting that - why would they care? From where that care could came from if it's neither expected or seen around?
Some people do care, and they care a lot. If they were majority, LE's attitude would follow their expectations - but they are not.
Feb 25 2023 rbbm lengthy article.

By Omar Mosleh
''For more than a decade, Tootsie Tuccaro and her family have been fighting to find her daughter Amber’s killer — but recently that fight has taken a turn into the sometimes dark world of social media.

Tuccaro has had to battle online trolls and impersonators who make fake Facebook profiles with Amber’s photo and send her racist and taunting messages about her murder.

“I don’t know what their thought process is in doing that. But it’s someone who’s real spiteful, real hateful. You don’t know how much it hurts, over and over,” Tuccaro said. “And now they’re using my baby’s picture for a Facebook profile?”

The case highlights the endless agony that comes with losing a loved one to homicide, but also the struggle people face in getting big tech companies to help them when they’ve been hacked, impersonated or harassed online.''

''Police put Amber’s photo on billboards in the Edmonton area, along with a link to the phone recording, and urged people to reach out if they recognized the man’s voice. Tuccaro said they’ve received around 1,600 tips over the years. None of them have led to an arrest.

On March 16, the family will be holding a press conference in Edmonton and say they will be revealing new information about the case.''
Sounds like it'd be beneficial for everyone to identify and investigate those individuals.
Well over ten years since Amber's abduction.
Her case got some exposure, but that was also years ago.
But her mom and family is harassed NOW.
Dear God, it doesn't sound like dark world of social media has much to do with it, it sounds like she got CLOSE and someone really wants to break her and stop her.

By Stephanie Swensrude March 16, 2023
“Please come forward, I beg you,” said Tootsie Tuccaro, mother of homicide victim Amber Tuccaro.

Amber disappeared when she was 20 years old in August 2010. She had flown from her home in Fort McMurray, Alta., to Edmonton International Airport and booked a hotel room with her 14-month-old son and a female friend.

The next day, police said, she caught a ride into Edmonton with an unknown man and was never seen alive again.''

''Nine years after her disappearance, the commanding officer of the RCMP in Alberta apologized to Tuccaro’s family for subpar police work in the early days of the investigation.

“Our Leduc detachment’s initial missing persons investigation was not our best work,” Deputy Commissioner Curtis Zablocki said at a news conference in July 2019''
The family of Amber Tuccaro is asking the public for information about the identity of her killer, still hopeful the 13-year-old cold case can be solved.
Amber Tuccaro's mother Vivian Tuccaro touches the photo of her daughter at the 2013 unveiling of a billboard posted by the family in hopes of solving the case.
Amber Tuccaro's mother

The remains of the 20-year-old woman were found by horseback riders in a field outside Leduc in 2012. She was last seen in 2010.

At an emotional press conference in Edmonton on Thursday, her family said they’ve never stop looking for the killer. They also challenged the RCMP to do better when it comes to investigating missing and murdered Indigenous people.

“She’s my baby girl. She’s my son’s baby sister. And last, but not least, she’s Jacob’s mom. And some dirty *advertiser censored* out there stole my baby’s life,” said Amber’s mother, Vivian “Tootsie” Tuccaro. “If you know something about Amber’s killer, what happened to Amber that day, please come forward. I beg you. Please help us find Amber’s killer.”

The young woman, a member of the Mikisew Cree First Nation (MCFN), was living in Fort McMurray with her 14-month old son when she disappeared.

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