Canada - Anthony Raine, 17 mos, found dead, Edmonton, April 2017 *Arrests*

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they referred to "new and old injuries" they didn't say how old. coulda been a month old. we don't know.

From the article: The charges suggest that Anthony had injuries both recent and not, that his death, the result of head trauma according to Hunter, was not the result of a sudden single burst of temper, but rather part of ongoing treatment, and that Crier and Mack also failed to get him medical attention.

Mother has not been charged with anything in this crime. The two suspects are the ones charged as per the quote above. I watched the press conference and there is no mention of old injuries.
I feel like this article is an editorial and based on opinions. it could end up true, but it might not. and if the mother had not graduated, its quite possible she got equivalency and was taking a certified nurse assistant course, which is not that long, ony requires an equivalency and in fact American social services do send welfare recipients to this course. I am going to wait before judging.

Mom has been in "nursing school" for the last month. Does the program start in March?
they referred to "new and old injuries" they didn't say how old. coulda been a month old. we don't know.

Police have been very clear that this child suffered a lifetime of abuse, not a month of abuse. Either mom had no contact with her son OR ...

"In fact, according to Edmonton Police Homicide Staff Sergeant Duane Hunter, it’s unlikely the 19-month-old baby was ever happy. He lived a hideous life of abuse, “a terrible life full of violence,” as Hunter put it at a news conference late Monday."
The fact that Blatchford INVESTIGATED the MOTHER who had nothing to do with the death of her son disgusts me. It is ALL opinion. How about she investigate the two arrested suspects the way she looked up and reported about the mother's facebook information as fact (!) and her high school's yearbooks. SMH. Journalism is dead. JMO

I viewed her article as good old fashioned investigative journalism. The author does not tell anyone how it is or what to believe, but rather presents contradictory information that's been released by family and police. I was already wondering what sort of nursing program starts in March, and I still can't make any sense out of the claim from mom that her son has only been in the care of dad for a month, yet police tell us that the child has been abused throughout his life. If the child was with mom for the first 18 months of his life ... and the child lived a life of nothing but violence ... in my opinion it doesn't look good.
Residential schools, & colonialism in general, have caused a well documented phenomenon of intergenerational trauma in Indigenous communities throughout Canada.
he didn't say the part about it being unlikely he was ever happy, he said the quoted portion and it was not in context. it is POSSIBLE. but I am reserving judgement.

Police have been very clear that this child suffered a lifetime of abuse, not a month of abuse. Either mom had no contact with her son OR ...

"In fact, according to Edmonton Police Homicide Staff Sergeant Duane Hunter, it’s unlikely the 19-month-old baby was ever happy. He lived a hideous life of abuse, “a terrible life full of violence,” as Hunter put it at a news conference late Monday."

according to this link the classes are 4-6 weeks long so it is not outside the realm of possibility it started in march.

I viewed her article as good old fashioned investigative journalism. The author does not tell anyone how it is or what to believe, but rather presents contradictory information that's been released by family and police. I was already wondering what sort of nursing program starts in March, and I still can't make any sense out of the claim from mom that her son has only been in the care of dad for a month, yet police tell us that the child has been abused throughout his life. If the child was with mom for the first 18 months of his life ... and the child lived a life of nothing but violence ... in my opinion it doesn't look good.
Residential schools, & colonialism in general, have caused a well documented phenomenon of intergenerational trauma in Indigenous communities throughout Canada.

Doesn't make it OK to beat your child and dump him like garbage on the side of the road...
I feel like this article is an editorial and based on opinions. it could end up true, but it might not. and if the mother had not graduated, its quite possible she got equivalency and was taking a certified nurse assistant course, which is not that long, ony requires an equivalency and in fact American social services do send welfare recipients to this course. I am going to wait before judging.

Considering this is a Canadian case, making assumptions based on American social services practices seems unwarranted.
There is usually plenty of money that can be accessed for Indigenous students to pursue post secondary studies in Canada, and, in degrees such as social work, a certain number of spots are even held for these students. However, basic entrance requirements would not change.
The best I can guess is that she met the requirements for something like Health Care Aid at Norquest. Even universities don't require a high school diploma for admission, just certain courses. (Atleast in AB) That would explain the point raised in the Blatchford article.
Doesn't make it OK to beat your child and dump him like garbage on the side of the road...
Of course it doesn't. In no way was I insinuating that. I simply think that understanding historical context is important.
Of course it doesn't. In no way was I insinuating that. I simply think that understanding historical context is important.

Right, I get that. Guess I am just questioning if there is any historical context that is relevant in a case like this.
Right, I get that. Guess I am just questioning if there is any historical context that is relevant in a case like this.

I hear ya. It goes against everything natural. Parents are supposed to protect their children, not hurt them. It's so difficult to comprehend. I have read a few articles over the years by Paula Simon's about how Alberta continually fails to protect children in the care of the province, but this goes a step further. How did no one notice this poor child was being abused & intervene? Heartbreaking.
Considering this is a Canadian case, making assumptions based on American social services practices seems unwarranted.
There is usually plenty of money that can be accessed for Indigenous students to pursue post secondary studies in Canada, and, in degrees such as social work, a certain number of spots are even held for these students. However, basic entrance requirements would not change.
The best I can guess is that she met the requirements for something like Health Care Aid at Norquest. Even universities don't require a high school diploma for admission, just certain courses. (Atleast in AB) That would explain the point raised in the Blatchford article.

I am aware of that I was just citing an America equivalent

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Doubtful if he was shaken to death. Unfortunately, I am somewhat of an expert on this because of my line of work. The child is too big to be shaken- and it is most likely that he was beaten. Shaking does not produce bruises- the telltale signs are retinal bleeding and (of course) brain swelling.

The current term for shaken baby syndrome is abusive head trauma, related to violent shaking or throwing of an infant or child. It is often accompanied with other signs of abuse including bruising. A 17-19 mo. old child is very susceptible to injury from violent shaking, as they are typically very top heavy with mostly immature development of the musculature of the neck. It is typically seen in situations where an infant or child cries frequently with a carer that isn't used to the arrangement. New parents, a new care provider that hasn't adjusted to the child's temperament, etc. This little boy just recently went to live with his father, is at the age where speech development is limited and separated from his mother who seems to have been his primary provider. I would be surprised if abusive head trauma isn't the exact cause of his death. I was a child care provider in my home for 10 years, where we were expected to complete AHT training yearly. For prevention and to recognize the symptoms i.e. never accept a sleeping child into your care. I believe the World Health Organization has stated 5 years old as the age where AHT is typically not a factor in a child's injury or death. Just want to make sure we are providing as factual of information related to AHT as possible.
he didn't say the part about it being unlikely he was ever happy, he said the quoted portion and it was not in context. it is POSSIBLE. but I am reserving judgement.

The child suffered a life full of violence, but he died from the violence he experienced with his father and his father's girlfriend. If the child suffered a life full of violence and was in the care of his violent father for only the last six weeks, then do we know who inflicted the other 18 months of violence?

"A 19-month-old boy whose body was found outside an Edmonton church last week suffered a life "full of violence" and died from head trauma some time before he was abandoned, police say.

"He was living a terrible life, full of violence, and one that is incredibly sad, and that you don't even want to speak about," Hunter said Monday. "Bruises all over his body, and I'll leave it at that.

Anthony's mother, Dalyce Raine, told CBC News on Sunday that Crier had picked up the boy six weeks ago to look after him while she went to nursing school.
In the news video linked above with the accused's sister, she says the stroller seen in the video/photo released of the couple, was hers. It also shows the stroller back at her place, in the video interview. I wonder when it was returned to her, and where she thought the toddler was when it was returned, and why the couple no longer required the use of it.

Maybe her brother and the g/f dumped it in her yard. She mentioned her brother wanted to go to gf's mother's house so she may just have assumed they were mad at her and didn't want it anymore.
More troubling to me us her admission of baby being abused prior to this. Boy my brothers don't have a sister who minds her own business like Joey Crier does. If that was my nephew, brother or not, the child crisis team and CPS would've been up his butt with a flashlight. Is it because that's what people become used to or because it doesn't occur to them that someone, especially one so little could die? I don't understand why the beating if a 19 month old would not have been reported? Poor auntie 😢, she will probably feel awful the rest of her days. What about friends and other relatives? My God...That baby was completely defenseless...No one had his back and mama was soon dar away...Trying to make a better life for him and her other children...I think there were others? Grrr

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Of course it doesn't. In no way was I insinuating that. I simply think that understanding historical context is important.

That goes to my point about world wide horrors experienced by peoples all over the world in just the last century such as concentration camp survivors and most recently in Syria with the repeated use of biological weapons. Experiences of previous generations are unfortunate, but adults are responsible for their own lives and their own decisions. I can't claim that because something bad happened in my previous generations, I deserve special treatment. Everyone needs to understand this.

There is no way I will accept that European settlers are to blame for a 26 year old man and his girlfriend in 2017 beating a 20 month old child until he is dead. There is no one else to blame for this, and the aboriginal community needs to realize this.
Maybe her brother and the g/f dumped it in her yard. She mentioned her brother wanted to go to gf's mother's house so she may just have assumed they were mad at her and didn't want it anymore.
More troubling to me us her admission of baby being abused prior to this. Boy my brothers don't have a sister who minds her own business like Joey Crier does. If that was my nephew, brother or not, the child crisis team and CPS would've been up his butt with a flashlight. Is it because that's what people become used to or because it doesn't occur to them that someone, especially one so little could die? I don't understand why the beating if a 19 month old would not have been reported? Poor auntie ��, she will probably feel awful the rest of her days. What about friends and other relatives? My God...That baby was completely defenseless...No one had his back and mama was soon dar away...Trying to make a better life for him and her other children...I think there were others? Grrr

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This (see below) happened before the April 17 visit with the aunt, and if this trauma was significant enough to warrant charges today I highly suspect that there was something wrong with the child when the aunt saw the child ... something more than a bruise.

"Mack is charged with assaulting the boy on or about April 6."
This (see below) happened before the April 17 visit with the aunt, and if this trauma was significant enough to warrant charges today I highly suspect that there was something wrong with the child when the aunt saw the child ... something more than a bruise.

"Mack is charged with assaulting the boy on or about April 6."
Yes...That's what I mean!! My brother would've been answering to someone! My mom for sure!! Doesn't matter if they are 5 or 50...Mom still has that proverbial wooden spoon. She would've called CPS too. I guess no one wants to believe that of their siblings either. My way is "shoot....Ask questions later" when it comes to abuse. I would rather be wrong and have him mad at me than lose my niece or nephew. I am not at all blaming her...I feel a lot of empathy for her...She must be beating herself up mentally and emotionally for believing her brother.

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