CANADA Canada - Audrey Gleave, 73, Ancaster ON, 30 Dec 2010 #6

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I could buy into PK as a 'patsy' for a killer - what stops me every time though is the whole AG was ill for several days thing. Too many things wrong there, imo.
I could buy into PK as a 'patsy' for a killer - what stops me every time though is the whole AG was ill for several days thing. Too many things wrong there, imo.

Could you please elaborate on that a bit more Woodland. If he was set up, how does his knowledge of her illness factor in?

He seems to be the first one to know she was ill. Then LV knew she was ill, but it appears AG was killed after both of them were aware of her illness. So how do we think her illness factors in given she was brutally murdered, other than both knew she was in a somewhat weakened condition (which i guess can speak volumes).

ETA: My previous wording above made me sound snarky, and that certainly is not what I intended ... so I changed it up a bit. I am really interested in a set-up theory ... and could never be snarky with Woodland. I hope you didn't take it that way :blowkiss:
Imo, PK was not set up. I can see how some might be sympathetic to him being set up and there are good points to back this up.

Seems to me LV was the first to know AG was ill - AG cancelled coming over on Christmas Day due to illness. Or cancelled due to not wanting to mingle with people LV also invited - a few days before Christmas. 'Suzie's' view.

PK learned of the illness on Christmas Day, according to him.
Maybe my thought on AG's last e-mail to PK will explain what I'm getting at more clearly.

AG is discussing with PK that her friend LV is coming over, including why and what time that will be.

Where is the private/secretive person that does not discuss one friend with another?

Clean. Convenient. Covers a few backsides. Imo.
I agree totally with GT. I think she let her killer in the garage. She may not have been feeling well. I think she set everything aside to meet this person in her garage.
She may have felt forced to see him in some way.

ps: if I were guilty of murdering someone, I would not come onto a social site to answer questions like PK did. He was concerned because he was considered as being a suspect, and wanted to know "how that works".
PK to my mind, is innocent. His words are the only words we have and naturally we are going to pour over everything that he says. Much to his disadvantage.
I would think that he would have obtained a lawyer at one point. I would if I was a suspect. Because every time he speaks about it - he can dig himself in deeper in an innocent way. Just my feelings on the matter.
He was supposed to go to Audrey's house with his wife that day. His wife had to work, so he went on his own. She is a baker.
If other people within the group of friends said more, and came onto this site, then we would have their words to weigh against PK's. But, they have not. See what I mean?
All that we have heard from is PK>Hope I am not coming across as snarky. I am not. My back is killing me sitting on this computer chair, so am typing as fast as I can to get away from it.

Imo, PK was not set up. I can see how some might be sympathetic to him being set up and there are good points to back this up.

Seems to me LV was the first to know AG was ill - AG cancelled coming over on Christmas Day due to illness. Or cancelled due to not wanting to mingle with people LV also invited - a few days before Christmas. 'Suzie's' view.

PK learned of the illness on Christmas Day, according to him.

According to PK, he learned of her illness a couple of days prior to Christmas when she emailed him:

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Audrey Gleave, retired teacher, viciously murdered in home, Ancaster Ontario, #2

Some quick info about the scheduling of time to drop off the cake. I had originally planned to visit AG on Christmas day but she had emailed me a day or two prior to call it off because she was so sick. So, on Christmas day I called her to check in and that's when we set the definite time to get together around 10am on Thursday for me to drop it off. I do find the timing of the vet visit to be an interesting open question…

So, it sounds like both LV and PK knew around the same time.
Why does PK stop mid-sentence when talking about seeing AG on Thursday? See the 51 second mark. Imo, he looks worried about what he just said.

Looks like the mouth went dry, as if crumbs were stuck in the throat for a few seconds before being swallowed.
Sometimes a nervous speaker may hesitate to remember lines, then repeat them to get back on track.
Something about Thursday..
Seems to me LV was the first to know AG was ill - AG cancelled coming over on Christmas Day due to illness. Or cancelled due to not wanting to mingle with people LV also invited - a few days before Christmas. 'Suzie's' view.

I think i'm correct in saying that 'Suzie's' view that Audrey was invited for Christmas Day but cancelled would be based on info that came from LV. And it is from LV that we hear that AG came over on Boxing Day, and it is from LV that we hear that soup was brought to Audrey on Dec 27.

Not sure that we have the Boxing Day visit corroborated by anyone else ... or the Dec 27 bringing of the soup.

So if we are to consider LV as the possible perp (setting aside any theory wrt a possible conspiracy among friends or acquaintances), then we would rely on PK's input as trustworthy. In that scenario, PK would have been the last person to speak with Audrey on the phone on Christmas Day.

If we are to consider PK as the possible perp (setting aside..... conspiracy ..), then we would rely on LV's input as trustworthy. In that scenario, LV would have been the last person to speak/see Audrey on December 27.
Looks like the mouth went dry, as if crumbs were stuck in the throat for a few seconds before being swallowed.
Sometimes a nervous speaker may hesitate to remember lines, then repeat them to get back on track.
Something about Thursday..

He seems to be worried about the words he just spoke - imo.
IIRC Silly, I think AG herself, in her email to PK, talks about being sick and the secondary infection, etc., and then tells him LV will be bringing her soup. (paraphrasing)
IIRC Silly, I think AG herself, in her email to PK, talks about being sick and the secondary infection, etc., and then tells him LV will be bringing her soup. (paraphrasing)

That's very true rose, but all along we have also been questioning the authorship of the emails.
From thread #2, page 11, post #273.

I spoke to AG on Christmas Day and she stayed home all day. When she was sick, AG didn't go ANYWHERE. She would stay bundled up and hardly get out of bed and in fact it was a huge pet peeve of hers when people would go out and spread germs when they were sick. Incidentally that was another of her intense interests.... Finding the source of a particular bug. If I was ever sick, she would insist I stay home (and far away from her) but the first order of business on our reconvening would be to retrace my steps in intricate detail for the 48 hours preceding my illness.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Audrey Gleave, retired teacher, viciously murdered in home, Ancaster Ontario, #2

I don't know about AG being sick - who else did AG mention her illness to?
That's very true rose, but all along we have also been questioning the authorship of the emails.

sorry to quote self, but one of the more recent reasons to question the content and authorship of the emails is due to the "hell or high water" email sent on Monday combined with one of Audrey's coffee-klatch friends saying AG had emailed a member of their group on Monday to say she would not be attending Wednesday's coffee get-together.
Would I be breaking TOS if I threw out a possible scenario regarding LV?
I thought killers were notorious for trying to insert themselves into an investigation?
Would I be breaking TOS if I threw out a possible scenario regarding LV?

She's been named in MSM, and while we don't know 100% if LE considers her a person of interest, she would have to be until such time as they formally name someone suspected of being the perp. The only reason we know PK is a POI is because he came onboard and was upfront in telling us so.

While I don't think it's a TOS violation (because it's been alluded to in many respects in the threads), you don't have to take my word for it. If you are really uncomfortable in presenting a scenario, you could contact a Mod and they'll set it straight. Lord forbid this thread bites la dust.
I thought killers were notorious for trying to insert themselves into an investigation?

Doesn't always hold true, but certainly a consideration in any and all cases.
Det-Sgt IM - Hamilton PD - mentions in the article posted a couple of pages back that he is having forensic testing done inside and outside of Canada.

Is the Will one of those items? Can ink be dated?
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