Canada - Barry, 75, & Honey Sherman, 70, found dead, Toronto, 15 Dec 2017 #1

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On the side would not have been sufficient? Still trying to understand why the jacket has no effect on the position of the other body. My point is, we have no idea what we are seeing in that picture.

We are comparing the two bodies. One body is flat on the gurney while the other is not.
To me suicide is far easier to deal with than say an accidental death. The person went out on their own terms the way I look at it. The problem with the family hiring private investigators is that these investigators will say exactly what the family wants to hear and can draw their investigation, and their pay checks out for years. They are not impartial.

As for people sleuthing, I've got no problem with that. However when people bring up far fetched scenarios like mafia hits, without an ounce of evidence, I have a problem with that. Too many people watching movies. No evidence of an intruder, a struggle, or an entry point? Lets say it was a super assassin. Anybody check where Burke Ramsey was that night? :thinking:

A mafia hit, or something kind of similar-ish, isn't *that* far-fetched to theorize in this case, where the couple were billionaires, involved in a billion dollar industry, with a trail of lawsuits and accusations, unhappy family members, and etc. And the thing about the jacket sleeves being pulled down on the arms like that - lends itself to that kind of possibility, imho. What first-time murderer is going to think of that?

I disagree about the paid investigator NOT being impartial.. totally. Family just wants answers, real ones, not ones made up to cover any arses, or make up any fantasies, and they simply don't want to put all of their faith and trust in police, and frankly I wouldn't either. Two investigations should come to the same conclusion, really, if they both investigations are doing their best.

I always thought that the family 'left behind' in a suicide case, would be forever filled with different kinds of horrible feelings, than if their loved one had died accidentally, although both are horrible. I guess your way of looking at it is one way of looking at it.
I'm still leaning very strongly towards someone seeking revenge on the Shermans and wanting to humiliate Barry, devastate his loved ones and destroy his reputation. Timing is everything. I say the murders and scenario were planned, and it's no coincidence that the evil deed was done fairly soon after a big lawsuit was lost and before the holidays. If it was suicide, Barry wouldn't have picked one of the most painful ways to do it, nor would it have been staged as it was.
maybe the inspector was sued too ...

I find that difficult to believe. A house that cost 2.5 million to build, had to have 2 million in remedial work to make it right? Are there no building inspectors in Canada?
I might be totally wrong but there has been reports(and her son mentioned it in the eulogy) that Honey had arthritis. Maybe those spiral staircases were getting to be to difficult for her, so they were looking to build home without stairs.

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Well sure, we can 'maybe' all day, but I was merely wondering, only because I haven't been able to read every post and/or news article, whether anything had been said about this property issue.
Murder seems likely,
but if not, again thinking of the significance of sleeves rolled, 'get to work ' and the symbolism of a pool and a" cord " with returning to the womb.
imo, respectfully speculating.

dotr, just my opinion, but I think you are imagining (imaging) the sleeves in the wrong way.. not sleeves rolled 'up', but 'down'.. going back down the arms, from the back, which kind of ties you up, makes it difficult to use your arms, etc. jmo.
Jeez, if this was a murder, why the heck would the police, or anyone, want to keep this quite? The family doesn't want it public because they don't want the legacy of their father to be a suicidal murderer. By now cops should have a ton of evidence, phone usage, web searches, fingerprints, security footage, and the still aren't looking for suspects. What does that tell you?

I know you don't want to hear what I think because it is hard to believe, but sometimes police keep their mouths shut because they are told to.

Think of all the cases of abusers coming out in the states right now, many judges, law enforcement etc. They kept their mouths shut on many cases because someone had dirt on them, or they would be the next victim.

Nothing in this case makes sense. Anything is possible. I dont trust the Toronto Police sadly.

IF this is suicide-murder, what could've happened is knowledge of upcoming disgraceful news that would ruin his finances or his reputation. That was my initial thought on this case. I've since hopped on the fence, but when a man of his stature and age commit suicide, loss of finances or reputation can be the reason.

jmopinion at the moment
Coroner personnel didn't place the body on the gurney that way?

The other body is flat. If the presumption is 'the jackets' are the issue, the other body would not be without what you are assuming is the jacket in the picture in question.

Whatever the case, the coroner has known since the scene and certainly since the autopsy what, when, and where.

Yes, of course the bodies were placed onto the gurneys... however, one may have been in rigor mortis still, while the other may have passed that point by that time. Anything other than flat seems odd to me, but this was obviously not flat, so there must be a reason. I'm sure the coroner/ME examined the scene, but if one or more of the bodies were in rigormortis at the time the bodies were being removed from the home, they wouldn't have been able to make it/them flat.
Not too many Canadians are going to buy into the murder-suicide idea. These people were all about giving. The cousins, meanwhile, were all about what the judge called "wishful thinking" that part of that fortune belonged to them. It may turn out
to be the "perfect murder" though, so we may never know for sure. See how beloved the Shermans were:
The funeral service, which was livestreamed, was incredibly sad but beautiful, I thought. And for those who have suggested that close family could somehow have been involved in what happened, I'd say absolutely no way. The grief was very moving and very genuine. I sincerely hope some explanation of this tragedy is found.

It was a beautiful service. I hope the family find the truths, regardless of how hard the truth might hurt. No need for the world to know though. I am now sitting on the fence....totally unreal.
Is it odd that they took the bodies out the front door instead of the basement? Seems like it would be more difficult to roll the gurney up the spiral staircase than it would be to roll out of the garage directly to the coroners vehicle. Maybe it’s nothing, just got me thinking.
The police in Winnipeg in the Thelma Krull case the first year also assured us in the neighbourhood that they were not looking for any suspects. Yet it was quite obvious it was a murder. Weird eh? To this day I can't figure that out.

In this case, I think the police realize there is no serial killer out there, that the Shermans were targeted, and so they're saying there is no need for people to be afraid or alarmed.
I'm still leaning very strongly towards someone seeking revenge on the Shermans and wanting to humiliate Barry, devastate his loved ones and destroy his reputation. Timing is everything. I say the murders and scenario were planned, and it's no coincidence that the evil deed was done fairly soon after a big lawsuit was lost and before the holidays. If it was suicide, Barry wouldn't have picked one of the most painful ways to do it, nor would it have been staged as it was.

I saw a male older cousin on MSM being interviewed -- sorry cannot remember the source, but it was a short video. I think he may be the one who was a contractor, and who was very involved with the lawsuit against Barry. It was my impression that he was "off" somehow in an emotional sense -- too animated, and a glint to his eye that looked like he was secretly elated ( putting one over on everybody ) and that he had somehow got the better of the Shermans. A family feud that has gone on for years, then the humiliation of the lawsuit loss -- it may have driven someone who was prone to anger, and bitterness to seek a terrible revenge. Maybe he wanted to showcase the horror of the double hanging, and hoped that family would find them like that. I agree that I doubt that Barry would have wanted to put his family through that, and certainly not Honey. I hope the family really investigates this male cousin, and the others on the lawsuit. Did they hire professional to do this ? I hope that if my suspicions are right, that the private investigators, and/or LE can find a trail somewhere in the evidence. I watched the funeral live, and was struck by the obvious intelligence and strength among the mourners, even when grieving. I think they will hunt the killers down relentlessly, and they have the money to do it. I can see Mossad specialists being brought in, and I sure would not want them coming after me, if I were the killer(s). Either that or they will find the truth if it was a tragic murder- suicide, but I am thinking murder, and they need to look for someone who really has revenge as a motive. A business enemy would have been more likely to fake a car crash, or even a robbery to cover up murder. IMO
It was a beautiful service. I hope the family find the truths, regardless of how hard the truth might hurt. No need for the world to know though. I am now sitting on the fence....totally unreal.

Well if the world never knows anything more, murder/suicide will be the presumption, imo.
Yes, of course the bodies were placed onto the gurneys... however, one may have been in rigor mortis still, while the other may have passed that point by that time. Anything other than flat seems odd to me, but this was obviously not flat, so there must be a reason. I'm sure the coroner/ME examined the scene, but if one or more of the bodies were in rigormortis at the time the bodies were being removed from the home, they wouldn't have been able to make it/them flat.

I can't imagine that a coroner's goal would be to make a body flat. My point is, we have no idea what position that body is in based on that picture.

We have no idea what all the jacket business is about. Some reports say they were pulled down and others say they were tied.

Some reports say they were seated, which is not the position of the image we see on the gurney.
"We're not looking for suspects" is sometimes used to give the perps a false sense of security and let their guard down?

The form of death makes me think this was personal.
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