Canada - Barry, 75, & Honey Sherman, 70, found dead, Toronto, 15 Dec 2017 #12

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There is a moment in the video where she affectionately tucks in his tie. At the 3:26 mark of the video is where she makes the comment mentioned above:

@ldlager mentioned the attention to detail in the staging seems feminine. I agree. Feminine, affectionate or respectful, despite what happened.

It’s very intimate to get that close to a body and position the legs and glasses, IMO.

Would a hit man take note of the glasses and their importance if they had come off?

Off topic, but look at the body language in this still:

View attachment 215708

It may just be her resting facial expression, but she looks concerned or unhappy, in my view.
Exactly this video I had in my mind, when I spoke about HS' caring for BS' look. KD has also described the scene in detail, as I read in his book today. (11 King and Queen)
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Random thoughts, speculation, imo.
One might even begin to wonder if BS was killed first and HS "allowed" to attend to him first?
As per KD's book, wondering if the perp/s knew about HS purchasing 2 $9.99 men's belts at Canadian Tire?
Thinking about a comment made to a prospective employee about how nobody wears ties at Apotox and curious if by any chance the ligature used was a tie?
Random thoughts, speculation, imo.
One might even begin to wonder if BS was killed first and HS "allowed" to attend to him first?
As per KD's book, wondering if the perp/s knew about HS purchasing 2 $9.99 men's belts at Canadian Tire?
Thinking about a comment made to a prospective employee about how nobody wears ties at Apotox and curious if by any chance the ligature used was a tie?
Honey purchased 2 belts? Is there more info re: that? Thanks!
Exactly this video I had in my mind, when I spoke about HS' caring for BS' look. KD has also described the scene in detail, as I read in his book today. (11 King and Queen)
What I saw in the video was a couple who appeared to be very fond of each other and well-suited to each other's very different personalities :)
Random thoughts, speculation, imo.
One might even begin to wonder if BS was killed first and HS "allowed" to attend to him first?


Or (and I don't believe this at all), it actually was M/S, but HS was the perpetrator. In spite of her illnesses, she was definitely fitter than he was. (In that unlikely scenario, her facial injuries were caused by his attempt to defend himself.)
What I saw in the video was a couple who appeared to be very fond of each other and well-suited to each other's very different personalities :)
Too. BUT as well as some embarrassing spoon-feeding by HS to BS, which I won't have liked at all, if I were him (after 40 years of the same dominance, probably). The two have endured one another very well, chapeau. ;)
After viewing the video, I believe HS was a strong woman in the best sense of the word. A leader and a doer. She cared deeply for BS, and wanted him to look his best. Those gestures I believe were signs of kindness and affection. Both gave examples how they discussed charitable gifts together and appear to have acted collegially in most things. Based on their age, number of years they were together and the warmth displayed, I would find it extremely to accept if either was a murderer.
Or (and I don't believe this at all), it actually was M/S, but HS was the perpetrator. In spite of her illnesses, she was definitely fitter than he was. (In that unlikely scenario, her facial injuries were caused by his attempt to defend himself.)
Not that this is likely, but really who knows?
To clarify in case my comments were misinterpreted, not suggesting that HS killed BS, rather i was looking at the possibility that H "adjusted" B and was killed after BS.
JD notes in the book that each of B and H's wrists may have been attached together at one point, ie an inference due to the marks (ligatures) just on the outside of each wrist.
imo, speculation.
wait who is Kevin Donovan to the victims and how does he know what happened with the belts? because that sample upthread reads like he is stating the scenario as fact

sorry I'm coming in late to this news - thanks for any explanation
What I am saying is the crime scene fits a murder/suicide than it does a double murder. Show me just one instance of a double murder by hanging. The whole setup is just too bizarre. Murders just never happen like that. Suicides do.

As for saying that LE confirmed it, you are ignoring the point that they are either covering it up or mistaken. Lets not forget that they ruled Wayne Millard as a suicide. Its not like TPS has a perfect track record.

My understanding from the information released is that they were murdered by strangulation, not by hanging. Correct me if I am wrong but I thought it was determined the hanging by belts was staged?

Here is a case from my home town and with whom I had mutual friends of the 2 women who were both determined to have been murdered - strangled, no signs of forced entry or struggle, doors were locked to their home, and interestingly 1 of them may have been working with PPD as an informant for a drug case. I have been following this case since it happened because its just so sad that its become a cold case. How is it that there still are no viable leads?

AZ - AZ - Melissa Mason & Nicole Glass, both 27, Phoenix, 3 December 2010
If they aren't hiding them in life, there is no guarantee that they will be hidden in death.]

What is the link to the Sackler's and Sherman's? I didn't know that had been determined. What links them to the Opioid lawsuits? Were they making generic opioids and would this even effect them since they were in Canada and these lawsuits were in the US?
wait who is Kevin Donovan to the victims and how does he know what happened with the belts? because that sample upthread reads like he is stating the scenario as fact

sorry I'm coming in late to this news - thanks for any explanation
Kevin Donovan is the chief investigator for the Toronto Star, he is not connected to the Shermans, but has managed to acquire a great deal of information about this case.
He does not know, nor do we- exactly which men's belts were used to prop up H&B to the swimming pool railing after death.
HS had bought those belts just prior to the murders, it is speculation that those are the ones used, but it is certainly plausible, imo, speculation.
My understanding from the information released is that they were murdered by strangulation, not by hanging. Correct me if I am wrong but I thought it was determined the hanging by belts was staged?

Here is a case from my home town and with whom I had mutual friends of the 2 women who were both determined to have been murdered - strangled, no signs of forced entry or struggle, doors were locked to their home, and interestingly 1 of them may have been working with PPD as an informant for a drug case. I have been following this case since it happened because its just so sad that its become a cold case. How is it that there still are no viable leads?

AZ - AZ - Melissa Mason & Nicole Glass, both 27, Phoenix, 3 December 2010
Welcome to the thread HalesNTX, thanks for chiming in, will check out that thread!
wait who is Kevin Donovan to the victims and how does he know what happened with the belts? because that sample upthread reads like he is stating the scenario as fact

sorry I'm coming in late to this news - thanks for any explanation

Kevin Donovan is an investigative reporter for the Toronto star newspaper. He is professional, experienced and well regarded. He has written a book about the murders, and interviewed several hundred people in the process. I would think that his comments regarding the Canadian tire belts is accurate
Kevin Donovan is an investigative reporter for the Toronto star newspaper. He is professional, experienced and well regarded. He has written a book about the murders, and interviewed several hundred people in the process. I would think that his comments regarding the Canadian tire belts is accurate

did you read the sample?
how does he know the belts sat on a padded bench in the bedroom for weeks? (btw she purchased them 'recently' but they sat on a bench for 'weeks')
how does he know what Honey said to Sherman? was there a witness?
I think the glasses are a non issue. I can shake my head as hard as I can and my reading glasses don't move. IMO, he had them on, never took them off, and they simply didn't need to be adjusted.

From the beginning I have felt that Barry wearing his glasses was not an issue. I have had a lot of rough and tumble days in my life and never once had my glasses fall off .

Same as the 90 minute delay between finding the body and dialing 911 ...... not a big deal to me ....... folks have to realize when you work for wealthy or prominent people , whether as a cook , housekeeper , nanny , or real estate representative it is always a heads down discreet "mind your own business" setting ..... it would not be unusual to check upline with supervisors before taking any action such as calling 911.
Too. BUT as well as some embarrassing spoon-feeding by HS to BS, which I won't have liked at all, if I were him (after 40 years of the same dominance, probably). The two have endured one another very well, chapeau. ;)
Yes, I see that too, FromGermany, but I've also seen quite a few couples with those same similarities, who cared deeply for one another. Opposites do often attract, and some last longer than others ;)
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