Canada - Barry, 75, & Honey Sherman, 70, found dead, Toronto, 15 Dec 2017 #13

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Dear MistyWaters.

Barry Sherman’s son raised concerns about Apotex founder’s investment strategy and business competence: Sources

There are 4 trustees to BS estate. It's been widely reported on who they are.
Jack Kay is 1 of 4 executors/trustees. He is no longer going to Trustee meetings as JS gained the confidence of the other 2 executors by advising them that JK has something to do with his parent's demise in order to remove him. Apotex is controlled by the 3 (majority) trustees. JS is not a shareholder and never will be. The company is up for sale and will be sold to the highest bidder. JS will never get his 1/4 share of the estate although his husband and his kids will file motions to inherit his portion.

Yes, Apotex is a private company but because it's a Canadian company they have to let people know who's on the board. I know that Brad Krawczyk was recently named to its four-member board of directors.

Brad, js, jk, Alex glasenberg. Make no mistake, js in in control.
Brad and js coordinated to move jk out.
Respectfully, JD was fired by Jack Kay. He didn't want to fire him but had no choice given that JD was engaged in corporate espionage with a rival firm (as well as putting his Weiner in the wrong slot as in not his wife's.)
Federal Court Dismisses CFAA Claims Against Former Executive, Allows CFAA and DTSA Claims Against Competitor in Pharmaceuticals Trade Secret Dispute | JD Supra

While claims against JD's co-conspirator were dropped the claims continue against Apotex. To minimize the damages against Apotex he had to cut bait and therefore followed through on Apotex lawyer's advice.

It's not widely known but Barry loved JD. Barry pursued JD for years to take over Apotex. Barry considered JD his intellectual equal. JD had nothing to do with Barry's killing. He made a few errors in judgment in being given access to Teva's, and cheating on his wife but he never would have crossed Barry.

There are other reasons why JD was terminated. Your examples are two Of a number of reasons.
Btw the lawsuit with Teva was settled some time ago.
Dear MistyWaters.

Barry Sherman’s son raised concerns about Apotex founder’s investment strategy and business competence: Sources

There are 4 trustees to BS estate. It's been widely reported on who they are.
Jack Kay is 1 of 4 executors/trustees. He is no longer going to Trustee meetings as JS gained the confidence of the other 2 executors by advising them that JK has something to do with his parent's demise in order to remove him. Apotex is controlled by the 3 (majority) trustees. JS is not a shareholder and never will be. The company is up for sale and will be sold to the highest bidder. JS will never get his 1/4 share of the estate although his husband and his kids will file motions to inherit his portion.

Yes, Apotex is a private company but because it's a Canadian company they have to let people know who's on the board. I know that Brad Krawczyk was recently named to its four-member board of directors.

Brad, js, jk, Alex glasenberg. Make no mistake, js in in control.
Brad and js coordinated to move jk out.
Respectfully, JD was fired by Jack Kay. He didn't want to fire him but had no choice given that JD was engaged in corporate espionage with a rival firm (as well as putting his Weiner in the wrong slot as in not his wife's.)
Federal Court Dismisses CFAA Claims Against Former Executive, Allows CFAA and DTSA Claims Against Competitor in Pharmaceuticals Trade Secret Dispute | JD Supra

While claims against JD's co-conspirator were dropped the claims continue against Apotex. To minimize the damages against Apotex he had to cut bait and therefore followed through on Apotex lawyer's advice.

It's not widely known but Barry loved JD. Barry pursued JD for years to take over Apotex. Barry considered JD his intellectual equal. JD had nothing to do with Barry's killing. He made a few errors in judgment in being given access to Teva's, and cheating on his wife but he never would have crossed Barry.
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This may not surprise you but it sure doesn’t clear it up for me, at all.

KD just wants to view the documents within the Estate File, that’s the stated reason for his original appeal. Even if the Estate of Barry Sherman has already been fully disbursed, it’s documents that create an estate file, which in turn prove the trustee’s actions were in accordance to the instructions of the will/s. No name change is ever required down the road - an Estate file is what it is - a file of documents pertaining to administration of an estate by the Trustees.

KW might care if the Estate has been disbursed by now given if by chance the SCC upholds his appeal and his civil suit goes to trial, if he were to win anything he’d be left to chase the money. But I doubt KD cares if the estate has been disbursed. He’s only interested in the story of who gets what. IMO

Dear MistyWaters.

I'm not surprised that it doesn't clear it up for you.

If the assertion that Barry Sherman 'on the advice of counsel for estate purposes' shed all his assets into a family trust then there would NOT be an "Estate of Barry Sherman". Nor would there be a heated court battle to unseal the 'estate'

Nor would Honey Sherman disclose to her friends, and her maid that she was getting a will done and was going to give her sister money. Rather she would have stated that she was going to alter their family trust.

And just so you are clear on estate matters. The estate file is limited to a copy of the will and the government forms which I referenced earlier. That's it. And you cannot disperse assets until all creditors, taxes, and litigation have been dealt with. The executors are responsible insomuch that they have unlimited liability for deliberately or unintentionally mishandling the file.

I'm sure you are aware of the SCC case 38899 Kerry J.D. Winter, et al. v. The Estate of Bernard C Sherman, deceased, et al.
Supreme Court of Canada - SCC Case Information - Docket - 38899

If Apotex was in a family trust wouldn't the SCC case be Kerry J.D. Winter vs Trust of Barry Sherman OR if the Estate has dispursed "IN-KIND" Apotex to the 4 Kids wouldn't the SCC case be listed as Kerry J.D. Winter vs 4 Sherman Kids?

To sum it up, Barry owned 90% Apotex. When he was murdered all of Sherman's assets went into his estate. An inexperienced judge sealed the estate file and made a bunch of legal errors doing so. The seal will be removed in less than 1 month and 10 days. Kerry's Winter's lawsuit against the Estate will continue or be settled.
Prior to final distributions from the estate all litigation, creditors and taxes will be settled.

Again I give full credit to the Toronto Star and Kevin Donavan for putting pressure on TPS. If it wasn't for Donavan being a pit-bull Jon would have gotten away with murder. My opinion is that KD should get an Order of Ontario for 'Excellence in Journalism'.

Again logically this all makes sense but as Forrest Gump once stated "SISD"

I trust this clears it up.
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Brad, js, jk, Alex glasenberg. Make no mistake, js in in control.
Brad and js coordinated to move jk out.

correct. That's why JK no longer attends board meetings or estate meetings. His vote doesn't mean anything (3 vs 1) and he can't look at gutless Jon without wanting to tear him apart.
Dear MistyWaters.

I'm not surprised that it doesn't clear it up for you.

If the assertion that Barry Sherman 'on the advice of counsel for estate purposes' shed all his assets into a family trust then there would NOT be an "Estate of Barry Sherman". Nor would there be a heated court battle to unseal the 'estate'

Nor would Honey Sherman disclose to her friends, and her maid that she was getting a will done and was going to give her sister money. Rather she would have stated that she was going to alter their family trust.

And just so you are clear on estate matters. The estate file is limited to a copy of the will and the government forms which I referenced earlier. That's it. And you cannot disperse assets until all creditors, taxes, and litigation have been dealt with. The executors are responsible insomuch that they have unlimited liability for deliberately or unintentionally mishandling the file.

I'm sure you are aware of the SCC case 38899 Kerry J.D. Winter, et al. v. The Estate of Bernard C Sherman, deceased, et al.
Supreme Court of Canada - SCC Case Information - Docket - 38899

If Apotex was in a family trust wouldn't the SCC case be Kerry J.D. Winter vs Trust of Barry Sherman OR if the Estate has dispursed "IN-KIND" Apotex to the 4 Kids wouldn't the SCC case be listed as Kerry J.D. Winter vs 4 Sherman Kids?

To sum it up, Barry owned 90% Apotex. When he was murdered all of Sherman's assets went into his estate. An inexperienced judge sealed the estate file and made a bunch of legal errors doing so. The seal will be removed in less than 1 month and 10 days. Kerry's Winter's lawsuit against the Estate will continue or be settled.
Prior to final distributions from the estate all litigation, creditors and taxes will be settled.

Again I give full credit to the Toronto Star and Kevin Donavan for putting pressure on TPS. If it wasn't for Donavan being a pit-bull Jon would have gotten away with murder. My opinion is that KD should get an Order of Ontario for 'Excellence in Journalism'.

Again logically this all makes sense but as Forrest Gump once stated "SISD"

I trust this clears it up.

Inspector I am no licensed legal expert. But it seems to me that if the appeal judge’s ruling was unquestionably correct, and the rational indisputable, the SCC wouldn’t have agreed to hear this case. They have lots of cases to choose from. MOO, and totally my hunch, but I believe the SCC will rule in favour of the executors. There is probably more pressure being exerted than a regular citizen like me can possibly appreciate. Imo.
Dear Ldlager

You are correct that Lawyer or Non-Lawyer doesn't matter. Anything can happen in court.

It is possible that the SCC will rule in favor of the Executors.

However please note:
The initial judge overstepped his authority and made an incorrect ruling which he covered up while admitting culpability for
"administrative errors."
[11] As a result of an error on my part, my short endorsement grating the Protective Order was not made part of the public file. As a result, Mr. Donovan and the Toronto Star not only found themselves denied access to the court files, but they were also denied access to enough of the file to understand the reasons for that state of affairs. That was not my intention. The request for access came while I was on vacation and in no position to locate or deliver that endorsement. I regret that mix-up as it was always intended that my endorsement explaining the reason for confidentiality of the file should be available. Mr. Donovan has prepared a thorough and well-researched Notice of Application despite the handicap my administrative error produced.

The court of appeal corrected the error and rebuked the estate judge for his critical errors.

The family appealed to the supreme court on the legal issue of very strong public policy in favor of open courts.

I would suggest that the Toronto Star and KD will be successful given the following
The virtues of openness were discussed by the Supreme Court of Canada in A.G. Nova Scotia v. MacIntyre which quoted eighteenth-century philosopher Jeremy Bentham:
In the darkness of secrecy, sinister interest and evil in every shape have full swing. Only in proportion as publicity has place can any of the checks applicable to judicial injustice operate. Where there is no publicity there is no justice. Publicity is the very soul of justice. It is the keenest spur to exertion and the surest of all guards against improbity. It keeps the judge himself while trying under trial.
As noted by the Supreme Court of Canada in Vancouver Sun the open court principle enhances the public's confidence in the justice system:

Public access to the courts guarantees the integrity of judicial processes by demonstrating "that justice is administered in a non-arbitrary manner, according to the rule of law". Openness is necessary to maintain the independence and impartiality of courts. It is integral to public confidence in the justice system and the public's understanding of the administration of justice. Moreover, openness is a principal component of the legitimacy of the judicial process and why the parties and the public at large abide by the decisions of courts.
The open court principle is linked to the freedom of expression and the freedom of the press which include the right of the public to receive information. The press plays a vital role as the conduit through which the public receives information regarding the operation of public institutions.

Canadian legislation
Section 135(1) of the Courts of Justice Act (Ontario) states the general principle that "all court hearings shall be open to the public".

Subsection 486(1) of the Criminal Code states: "Any proceedings against an accused shall be held in open court, but where the presiding judge, provincial court judge or justice, as the case may be, is of the opinion that it is in the interest of public morals, the maintenance of order or the proper administration of justice to exclude all or any members of the public from the court room for all or part of the proceedings, he may so order."

To sum it up. I feel the Estate Judge felt sympathy for the Sherman family, and didn't think that anyone would mind so agreed to seal the file.

Notwithstanding, the contents of the estate file have been wile revealed/leaked. There are only 4 Beneficiaries to Barry's immense fortune. Thus the seal is moot and based on all the evidence the SCC will reaffirm the open court principle.

But again anything can happen when it comes to a court ruling.
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I'm sure you are aware of the SCC case 38899 Kerry J.D. Winter, et al. v. The Estate of Bernard C Sherman, deceased, et al.
Supreme Court of Canada - SCC Case Information - Docket - 38899

If Apotex was in a family trust wouldn't the SCC case be Kerry J.D. Winter vs Trust of Barry Sherman OR if the Estate has dispursed "IN-KIND" Apotex to the 4 Kids wouldn't the SCC case be listed as Kerry J.D. Winter vs 4 Sherman Kids?

KW has filed an appeal with the SCC regarding the lengthy lawsuit against Barry Sherman, who was subsequently murdered. However it’s not possible to continue legal action against a deceased individual, so the SCC appeal has been amended to The Estate of Barry Sherman as is standard.

KW has not been awarded any money nor will the SCC do so. I think you’re confusing “the holder of the money” with a trial being held to determine that KW is entitled to any amount. Even after any civil suit has proven successful, it’s still up to the plaintiff to commence further legal action to collect whatever was awarded. The court doesn’t automatically hand it over by drawing it from the defendant and that’s where civil actions becomes complicated. In Canada many have won a civil suit but end up with nothing to show for it because it becomes a situation of following the money, not always easy to do.

JMO for one of probably several reasons, the fact that Barry is no longer alive and therefore cannot defend himself in any future civil trial, the SCC will toss out KW’s appeal on the blink of an eye. Had he died by suicide an argument that he intentionally avoided financial liability might’ve held some merit. But he obviously did not choose death through targeted homicide. So in my opinion the SCC filing by KW will become a mute point. But then will the Estate continue legal action against KW for the $7 or so million promissory note he signed? That could prove interesting as a promissory note is simply a promise to repay.
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KW has filed an appeal with the SCC regarding the lengthy lawsuit against Barry Sherman, who was subsequently murdered. However it’s not possible to continue legal action against a deceased individual, so the SCC appeal has been amended to The Estate of Barry Sherman as is standard.

KW has not been awarded any money nor will the SCC do so. I think you’re confusing “the holder of the money” with a trial being held to determine that KW is entitled to any amount. Even after any civil suit has proven successful, it’s still up to the plaintiff to commence further legal action to collect whatever was awarded. The court doesn’t automatically hand it over by drawing it from the defendant and that’s where civil actions becomes complicated. In Canada many have won a civil suit but end up with nothing to show for it because it becomes a situation of following the money, not always easy to do.

JMO for one of probably several reasons, the fact that Barry is no longer alive and therefore cannot defend himself in any future civil trial, the SCC will toss out KW’s appeal on the blink of an eye. Had he died by suicide an argument that he intentionally avoided financial liability might’ve held some merit. But he obviously did not choose death through targeted homicide. So in my opinion the SCC filing by KW will become a mute point. But then will the Estate continue legal action against KW for the $7 or so million promissory note he signed? That could prove interesting as a promissory note is simply a promise to repay.

Dear MistyWaters

Good God. You are going to believe whatever you want to believe.

In less than 40 days the Supreme Court will rule to unseal the files of Honey & Barry Estates. If the shares of Apotex are indeed held within his estate then perhaps you will recognize that you can be fallible? I doubt it but there is a remote probability that's it's possible.

I'm not confused about anything involving the supreme court. I trust you understand that Leave to appeal was granted in order to address an important issue of law. Cases heard by the SCC are based on merit. Without merit, the SCC would have declined to hear the case. By the way, there is no such thing as a mute point.
.... I have a mole in the TPS force and he swears that there will be an arrest before Dec 31st this year. He feels they have enough evidence to arrest now but they are looking for a bow to wrap the case up. Given that initially, TPS was going with murder-suicide theory it make it an easy case for the defense to defend.

.... Again I give full credit to the Toronto Star and Kevin Donavan for putting pressure on TPS. If it wasn't for Donavan being a pit-bull Jon would have gotten away with murder. My opinion is that KD should get an Order of Ontario for 'Excellence in Journalism'. ....
Are you saying police believe (via your mole friend in TPS force) that without KD's digging around, TPS wouldn't have caught onto what happened in this case?
Are you saying police believe (via your mole friend in TPS force) that without KD's digging around, TPS wouldn't have caught onto what happened in this case?

Inspector if your theory of js being involved is correct, imo we should be thanking KW for pursuing his lawsuit. That has potentially delayed the sale of the company, and kept js from leaving the country with his share of the estate. Just conjecture on my part, based on your assertions as to js involvement. Imo
Given that initially, TPS was going with murder-suicide theory it make it an easy case for the defense to defend.

Dear Misty Waters.

If I were defense counsel on this case that would be my starting point. You also have Barry's cousin Kerry who swears that Barry took out a hit on Honey years ago.

Dear Misty Waters

Respectfully, the defense will be looking for reasonable doubt. All it takes is 1 juror.
This isn't Matlock where some old sly slick attorney is going to trick the truth out of a witness or accused and the get an "I did it".

The prosecution tells a story then the defense tells a story.
The Jury will mull it over and then decide.

All I'm trying to say it there is no smoking gun. No confession. It's a circumstantial case.

So this upcoming trial, KW is going to become a defence witness promoting his M/s theory on behalf of JS, whom you believe is the guilty party? All it takes is that 1 juror.... Wouldn’t that make for a fascinating twist.

Or have I gotten it sort of backwards and JS will become the defence theory for a future defendant? Only time will tell.
Dear MistyWaters.

Barry Sherman’s son raised concerns about Apotex founder’s investment strategy and business competence: Sources

There are 4 trustees to BS estate. It's been widely reported on who they are.
Jack Kay is 1 of 4 executors/trustees. He is no longer going to Trustee meetings as JS gained the confidence of the other 2 executors by advising them that JK has something to do with his parent's demise in order to remove him. Apotex is controlled by the 3 (majority) trustees. JS is not a shareholder and never will be. The company is up for sale and will be sold to the highest bidder. JS will never get his 1/4 share of the estate although his husband and his kids will file motions to inherit his portion.

Yes, Apotex is a private company but because it's a Canadian company they have to let people know who's on the board. I know that Brad Krawczyk was recently named to its four-member board of directors.
My question to you is, if JS is responsible for this, why did he go to such extremes to get LE to abandon their murder/suicide theory?
Estate of Bernard Sherman and the Trustees of the Estate, et al. v. Kevin Donovan

Supreme Court of Canada - SCC Case Information - Docket - 38695
Decision on the motion for leave to intervene, Mar,
UPON APPLICATIONS by the Canadian Civil Liberties Association; Income Security Advocacy Centre; Ad IDEM/Canadian Media Lawyers Association, Postmedia Network Inc., CTV, a Division of Bell Media Inc., Global News, a division of Corus Television Limited Partnership, The Globe and Mail Inc. and Citytv, a division of Rogers Media Inc. (jointly); British Columbia Civil Liberties Association; and HIV & AIDS Legal Clinic Ontario, HIV Legal Network and Mental Health Legal Committee (jointly) for leave to intervene in the above appeal;

AND THE MATERIAL FILED having been read;


The motions for leave to intervene are granted and the said five (5) interveners or groups of interveners shall be entitled to each serve and file a factum not to exceed ten (10) pages in length. The deadline set by the Registrar on December 4, 2019, is varied and the interveners or groups of interveners shall serve and file their factums and books of authorities, if any, on or before March 5, 2020......


The Attorney General of Ontario and the Attorney General of British Columbia are each granted permission to present oral argument not exceeding five (5) minutes at the hearing of the appeal.



I wonder if this case has a specific connection with the Province of BC, noticing their Attorney General is presenting an oral argument.
correct. That's why JK no longer attends board meetings or estate meetings. His vote doesn't mean anything (3 vs 1) and he can't look at gutless Jon without wanting to tear him apart.
Not trying to be that guy, but do you have a link for this? There have been people on this board that have been reported and booted for posting insider information without links that might have supported a murder suicide theory, yet it seems the powers that be here are willing to overlook the rules so long as the person's theory jibes with their own?
Are you saying police believe (via your mole friend in TPS force) that without KD's digging around, TPS wouldn't have caught onto what happened in this case?

That's my belief. If you read KD's book he lays out his premise as to why this was initially deemed a murder-suicide.

The fact pattern is that all senior experienced homicide detectives were working on the gay serial killer Bruce McArthur file.

The rookie police looking at the BS/MS deaths had in fact wanted to deem this a murder-suicide and leaked it to the press.

In the history of murder-suicides, there has never been death by hanging.

Moreso, B/S was a bonafide genius on the same level as Einstein. If he was going to kill himself and his wife wouldn't you agree that he would use a drug?

I am not a fan of the Toronto Star and their elitest-left-leaning slant on the news - However, their Sports section is good and KD is great.

Here's how to star was set up:
Atkinson was the Star's editor from 1899 until his death in 1948.[citation needed] The newspaper's early opposition and criticism of the Nazi regime[19] saw it become one of the first North American papers to be banned in Germany.[20]
Atkinson had a social conscience. He championed many causes that would come to be associated with the modern welfare state: old age pensions, unemployment insurance, and health care. The Government of Canada Digital Collections website describes Atkinson as
a "radical" in the best sense of that term.... The Star was unique among North American newspapers in its consistent, ongoing advocacy of the interests of ordinary people. The friendship of Atkinson, the publisher, with Mackenzie King, the prime minister, was a major influence on the development of Canadian social policy.[21]

No country is free without a free press.
If you ever knew anyone who went through Nazi German, or the Old Soviet Union or Soviet Occupied Poland you'd understand this statement fully.

Kevin Donovan falls into that bucket and I feel that's he's earned the Order of Ontario for his high quality of journalist integrity and excellence.
Estate of Bernard Sherman and the Trustees of the Estate, et al. v. Kevin Donovan

Supreme Court of Canada - SCC Case Information - Docket - 38695
Decision on the motion for leave to intervene, Mar,
UPON APPLICATIONS by the Canadian Civil Liberties Association; Income Security Advocacy Centre; Ad IDEM/Canadian Media Lawyers Association, Postmedia Network Inc., CTV, a Division of Bell Media Inc., Global News, a division of Corus Television Limited Partnership, The Globe and Mail Inc. and Citytv, a division of Rogers Media Inc. (jointly); British Columbia Civil Liberties Association; and HIV & AIDS Legal Clinic Ontario, HIV Legal Network and Mental Health Legal Committee (jointly) for leave to intervene in the above appeal;

AND THE MATERIAL FILED having been read;


The motions for leave to intervene are granted and the said five (5) interveners or groups of interveners shall be entitled to each serve and file a factum not to exceed ten (10) pages in length. The deadline set by the Registrar on December 4, 2019, is varied and the interveners or groups of interveners shall serve and file their factums and books of authorities, if any, on or before March 5, 2020......


The Attorney General of Ontario and the Attorney General of British Columbia are each granted permission to present oral argument not exceeding five (5) minutes at the hearing of the appeal.



I wonder if this case has a specific connection with the Province of BC, noticing their Attorney General is presenting an oral argument.
I was thinking it was because one of the Sherman children resides in BC (IIRC)?
That's my belief. If you read KD's book he lays out his premise as to why this was initially deemed a murder-suicide.

The fact pattern is that all senior experienced homicide detectives were working on the gay serial killer Bruce McArthur file.

The rookie police looking at the BS/MS deaths had in fact wanted to deem this a murder-suicide and leaked it to the press.

In the history of murder-suicides, there has never been death by hanging.

Moreso, B/S was a bonafide genius on the same level as Einstein. If he was going to kill himself and his wife wouldn't you agree that he would use a drug?

I am not a fan of the Toronto Star and their elitest-left-leaning slant on the news - However, their Sports section is good and KD is great.

Here's how to star was set up:
Atkinson was the Star's editor from 1899 until his death in 1948.[citation needed] The newspaper's early opposition and criticism of the Nazi regime[19] saw it become one of the first North American papers to be banned in Germany.[20]
Atkinson had a social conscience. He championed many causes that would come to be associated with the modern welfare state: old age pensions, unemployment insurance, and health care. The Government of Canada Digital Collections website describes Atkinson as
a "radical" in the best sense of that term.... The Star was unique among North American newspapers in its consistent, ongoing advocacy of the interests of ordinary people. The friendship of Atkinson, the publisher, with Mackenzie King, the prime minister, was a major influence on the development of Canadian social policy.[21]

No country is free without a free press.
If you ever knew anyone who went through Nazi German, or the Old Soviet Union or Soviet Occupied Poland you'd understand this statement fully.

Kevin Donovan falls into that bucket and I feel that's he's earned the Order of Ontario for his high quality of journalist integrity and excellence.
I'm personally all for free speech and a free press and I have no issues with KD. It's just hard to believe that police wouldn't have easily come to the same double homicide verdict, without help from the press. Even harder to believe that a member of that same police force would admit to such a thing. So I was just wanting to confirm that's what you were saying. imo.
I'm personally all for free speech and a free press and I have no issues with KD. It's just hard to believe that police wouldn't have easily come to the same double homicide verdict, without help from the press. Even harder to believe that a member of that same police force would admit to such a thing. So I was just wanting to confirm that's what you were saying. imo.

Something I’d be curious to know, have KDs sources also spoke to TPS and shared the same information, providing a statement under oath? If not, then KD’s media reports and the actual investigation must be going in totally opposite directions.

Because during the PC in Dec/19 , by what was said, it sure appeared to me an immediate family member is not a suspect. If one was, I don’t Idsinga would’ve made it appear they were all working together in collaborative unison because that would discourages tips regarding any one of them.

....“The family and the police urge anyone who has reliable information regarding the murders, no matter how small or unimportant that information may seem, to contact the police,” Idsinga said.“......
Sherman murders: Private investigation concludes, Toronto police ask for help with new tip line

........“The Sherman family appreciates the hard work and dedication of the police officers working on this case,” he said as he read a statement on the family’s behalf. “They are committed to working with us and have full confidence that the Toronto Police Service will solve this crime.”.......

.....“I can’t imagine how disturbing it must be for the family and loved ones of these victims to continually read about speculation in the media,” (Idsinga) said.”......

.......“The Sherman family would also like to thank the public and the media for their continuing support during this difficult time. They request that their privacy be respected.

We would like to thank the Sherman family for their continued support and patience during this very lengthy investigation. Solving this case has always been the priority and responsibility of the Toronto Police Service, and our thoughts are always with the victims and their loved ones”.......

SHERMAN MURDERS: Toronto cops, family make statement
Estate of Bernard Sherman and the Trustees of the Estate, et al. v. Kevin Donovan

Supreme Court of Canada - SCC Case Information - Docket - 38695
Decision on the motion for leave to intervene, Mar,
UPON APPLICATIONS by the Canadian Civil Liberties Association; Income Security Advocacy Centre; Ad IDEM/Canadian Media Lawyers Association, Postmedia Network Inc., CTV, a Division of Bell Media Inc., Global News, a division of Corus Television Limited Partnership, The Globe and Mail Inc. and Citytv, a division of Rogers Media Inc. (jointly); British Columbia Civil Liberties Association; and HIV & AIDS Legal Clinic Ontario, HIV Legal Network and Mental Health Legal Committee (jointly) for leave to intervene in the above appeal;

AND THE MATERIAL FILED having been read;


The motions for leave to intervene are granted and the said five (5) interveners or groups of interveners shall be entitled to each serve and file a factum not to exceed ten (10) pages in length. The deadline set by the Registrar on December 4, 2019, is varied and the interveners or groups of interveners shall serve and file their factums and books of authorities, if any, on or before March 5, 2020......


The Attorney General of Ontario and the Attorney General of British Columbia are each granted permission to present oral argument not exceeding five (5) minutes at the hearing of the appeal.



I wonder if this case has a specific connection with the Province of BC, noticing their Attorney General is presenting an oral argument.

In layman’s terms does that mean the five media outlets get to provide supporting arguments for Kevin Donovan’s side, and the two Attorney Generals get to speak on behalf of the Estate’s side?
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