CANADA Canada - Barry, 75, & Honey Sherman, 70, found dead, Toronto, 15 Dec 2017 #16

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great work!
Lexiintoronto said:
I brightened my screen and slowed it down to .25x

It seems like his face is purposely blurred out, imo. I watched it and focused not on him, but things around him. I can see the trees, neighbours’ lights, hydrant, snow details etc. all clearly.

Response by Sphinx :
This may seem far fetched, but I remember reading, when researching the death of Princess Diana, that MI6 agents had a cream that they could apply to the face that would make their face appear very blurred in any photo. IMO
(Cannot seem to access, maybe someone else can)
Dec 18 2021 rbbm.
CFRA Live – 4 years after the Sherman murders, police try to identify an elusive suspect
''Family members and close friends of Barry and Honey Sherman have waited 4 years for a sign. It’s been 4 years since their bodies were discovered inside a North York millionaire mansion. And yet, the search for justice continues. However, police investigators might have caught the break they’ve been looking for, releasing footages of a potential suspect on Wednesday. Kevin Donovan is a Chief Investigative Reporter for the Toronto Star and he is also the author of ‘The Billionaire Murders’. He joins Andrew Pinsent on CFRA Live to discuss the latest developments.''
I agree with you about the belts and the suspect being familiar with the home. Maybe he had a gun with him to subdue them?

A few months ago the Star reported this:

“First, while a man’s belt was tied around each of the Sherman necks, it was not what killed them, sources say. The marks of a more narrow ligature — speculation is that it may have been similar to a large “zip tie” used to bind wires or pipes — can be seen on the Sherman necks, sources say.”
What do the mysterious cases of Barry and Honey Sherman and Jeffrey Epstein have in common? A U-shaped neck bone to which too much significance is attached during a death investigation

I think the belts may have been used to restrain them and then the killer used the ‘zip tie’-type ligature. It’s a horrific thing to do, but I would think it requires little physical strength, imo.

Or they were bound by their wrists to the pool railing while alive, not by the belts. The bindings may have then been removed in order to stage it as a m/s.

ETA: Edited for clarity and remove repetition.

Thanks for that, I am a bit behind on all the details. I did hesitate to say it would require alot of physical strength, but I was thinking more of if he (and I do think it is a he) had to lift the bodies at all. I do think he had a gun too. He must be at the very least fit, to do all that walking to and from the scene though!
(Cannot seem to access, maybe someone else can)
Dec 18 2021 rbbm.
CFRA Live – 4 years after the Sherman murders, police try to identify an elusive suspect
''Family members and close friends of Barry and Honey Sherman have waited 4 years for a sign. It’s been 4 years since their bodies were discovered inside a North York millionaire mansion. And yet, the search for justice continues. However, police investigators might have caught the break they’ve been looking for, releasing footages of a potential suspect on Wednesday. Kevin Donovan is a Chief Investigative Reporter for the Toronto Star and he is also the author of ‘The Billionaire Murders’. He joins Andrew Pinsent on CFRA Live to discuss the latest developments.''

Thanks—it worked for me after I refreshed the page and a commercial loaded.

-Donovan agreed with host that it was surprising that the video was released

-host said he has spoken to retired LE that have said it’s impossible to ID this suspect by this video


-said the police should have told us that this video was taken more than a km away, not ‘close to the Sherman home’

-unusual that the person is walking in this neighborhood at ‘10 or 11 at night’

-person heads right up to Sherman property, then leaves

-possible this suspect is the same ‘person of interest’ named previously

-not enough to name a person as a suspect

-feedback from retired LE and readers—this video should have been released 3 years ago

-possible Hail Mary, took too long to engage the public.

-believes this suspect was only identified recently (!!)

-Sherman family doesn’t have a PI anymore, to Donovan’s knowledge

-Sherman family had 3 day’s notice of recent press conference

-Donovan hasn’t spoken to family about this video or since the press conferenc

ETA: I tried to be as accurate as possible, but please listen to the interview and make any corrections if needed. Thanks to dotr for posting it!
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North York does seem to have more than its fair share of Russian billionaires. Barry and Honey led a relatively modest life in comparison. Just saying.
Is the person in the video left-handed?

This person is swinging his right arm, while hardly moving his left arm. That is perhaps the most fascinating thing about his gait. I started to think about who else does that. It's explained here.

“Gunslinger’s gait”: a new cause of unilaterally reduced arm swing

Just chiming in to say I see the same thing. The persons left side, leg and arm seem much stiffer than the right side. It looks like the person has something in their left pant leg, something up their left sleeve or something inside their coat on the left side?

It also kind of looks like the person is "holding" themselves like they slipped and hurt themselves off camera moments before.

Am I dim or @Gina20 did you include that particular link because it mentions Russian government officials? This says right arm though. If this were the explanation for the limited movement/weird gait, would that mean this person in the video might be left handed or shoots with their left?

From the abstract in the link:
"Results: We found a similar walking pattern in President Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and three other highly ranked Russian officials, all presenting with a consistently reduced right arm swing in the absence of other overt neurological abnormalities."
Video released of suspect in Barry and Honey Sherman murder | Toronto Sun

A screengrab from video released Dec. 14, 2021 by Toronto Police of a suspect in the 2017 slayings of Barry and Honey Sherman.
“We have been unable to determine what this individual’s purpose was in the neighbourhood,” Price said.

“This invidividual’s actions are highly suspicious.”

Late last year, investigators said a person of interest had been identified in the case, but so far, no arrests have been announced''

''Price said video analysis shows the individual is 5’6 to 5’9 tall, but they are unable to say the individual’s, sex, race or other identifiers.''

The video shows the individual walking with an unusual gait in his right leg.

"Referred to in the Supreme Court as an assassin"

Dec 15 2021

I've watched this video over and over again. My impressions are the suspect is a male of stocky build, mid range height, in good shape, probably 50 or older. He appears to be wearing a flat cap that a lot of older Brits and European men wear. This one seems to have ear flaps. He's walking briskly but relaxed. I've seen that gait before and it was an individual with a prosthetic leg with a hinged knee. There's a few videos on YT that train amputees how to walk with a prosthetic leg. They have to train themselves to push their pelvis forward to bend the knee which does cause the foot to lift a little higher than normal since a prosthetic foot doesn't flex. Two-legged individual swing their arms normally when walking but someone with a prosthetic leg has to relearn the process. Fear of losing their balance could affect the normal process of moving one's arm in sync to the opposite prosthetic leg. Depending on the length of time they've been an amputee they may not have had access to therapy to train their bodies to respond naturally.

Whoever this person is he appears to know where he's going. I think it's possible he cut through Temple Emanuel over to Vyner Road and Bannatyne Drive to Stubbs Drive ultimately to end up on Leslie St. Maybe someone picked him up there or a vehicle was parked there for him.

All speculation on my part.
Just chiming in to say I see the same thing. The persons left side, leg and arm seem much stiffer than the right side. It looks like the person has something in their left pant leg, something up their left sleeve or something inside their coat on the left side?

It also kind of looks like the person is "holding" themselves like they slipped and hurt themselves off camera moments before.

Am I dim or @Gina20 did you include that particular link because it mentions Russian government officials? This says right arm though. If this were the explanation for the limited movement/weird gait, would that mean this person in the video might be left handed or shoots with their left?

From the abstract in the link:
"Results: We found a similar walking pattern in President Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and three other highly ranked Russian officials, all presenting with a consistently reduced right arm swing in the absence of other overt neurological abnormalities."

This person's walk reminds me of the right-handed Russian officials in the video explaining the BMJ research. A left-handed person using the gunslinger's gait would swing the right arm and restrict movement in the left arm intentionally. The weapon would be on the left side for a left-handed person.

It's worth noting that this gait is a learned behavior the researchers found in a KGB training manual. The researchers believe it is taught by other military or intelligence agencies, too.

Why Do Russian Leaders All Have the Same Weird Walk?

“Gunslinger’s gait”: a new cause of unilaterally reduced arm swing
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My feeling is that he took public transportation. Where could he possibly park a car that wouldn't arouse suspicion between 9 pm and midnight on a cold wintery night? Even as a trained killer, that would have to be really nerve-wracking worrying that someone is going to call the cops on a random car parked somewhere.

It occurs to me, the suspect couldn't have been able to predict when Honey and Barry would each arrive home, I don't think they'd planned that themselves. So, how long would the suspect have been lurking to see that everyone had left the home, and then to watch for Honey to arrive home alone? And had they lurked on other nights, when the coast was not clear, or the Sherman's arrived together, etc? My mind boggles a bit, at how this was done.

The Sherman's were very lax when it came to security. They had no working exterior cameras and they rarely locked their doors. That leaves the door wide open as to who would have known that. Family, friends, service people, etc.

It's very possible that the person(s) who killed the Sherman's were already in the house before Honey got home. I don't think it mattered to the killer that they didn't arrive together because they had all night to fulfil their instructions. And I personally think it might have been serendipitous for the killer(s) that the Sherman's didn't arrive together since it would be much easier to subdue one person at a time. IMO
''Grudges and gossip: A rocky start in the search for Barry and Honey Sherman killers
Newly released police documents show family members and friends started dropping names after billionaires were murdered at home.
Grudges and gossip: A rocky start in the search for Barry and Honey Sherman killers

Sun., Dec. 19, 2021
One year ago, the Toronto Star obtained police search warrant documents that described the first three months of the investigation into the deaths of billionaires Barry and Honey Sherman. We learned about the discovery of the bodies, the police missteps, including the focus on murder-suicide, and how the four Sherman children insisted that was “ridiculous.” Today, the Star reveals the next two months of the investigation — the period from April to June 2018 — based on newly released police documents.

Six months into the Toronto police probe of Barry and Honey Sherman’s murders, homicide detectives were nowhere. Whodunnit theories and tips were flying at them — one came from a man who overheard “gossip” in the hot tub at a fitness club. An aunt and a nephew figured it might be a “religious” crime. And the four Sherman children were pointing fingers at several people. Everything had to be checked out.''
''Grudges and gossip: A rocky start in the search for Barry and Honey Sherman killers
Newly released police documents show family members and friends started dropping names after billionaires were murdered at home.
Grudges and gossip: A rocky start in the search for Barry and Honey Sherman killers

Sun., Dec. 19, 2021
One year ago, the Toronto Star obtained police search warrant documents that described the first three months of the investigation into the deaths of billionaires Barry and Honey Sherman. We learned about the discovery of the bodies, the police missteps, including the focus on murder-suicide, and how the four Sherman children insisted that was “ridiculous.” Today, the Star reveals the next two months of the investigation — the period from April to June 2018 — based on newly released police documents.

Six months into the Toronto police probe of Barry and Honey Sherman’s murders, homicide detectives were nowhere. Whodunnit theories and tips were flying at them — one came from a man who overheard “gossip” in the hot tub at a fitness club. An aunt and a nephew figured it might be a “religious” crime. And the four Sherman children were pointing fingers at several people. Everything had to be checked out.''

Since it is behind a paywall and I cannot read it, does it mention any local neighborhood Russian oligarchs? Not a joke.
Interesting, HS thought that a 14 yr old ''made ''an 18 yr old gay. imo. rbbm
Grudges and gossip: A rocky start in the search for Barry and Honey Sherman killers
''Andrew Liss told police that he started dating Jonathon when Andrew was 14 (Jonathon would have been 18 at the time) and that Barry invested $50 million in a house “building and selling” business Andrew founded in his early 20s. Barry’s condition, Andrew told police, was that Jonathon sign a document agreeing to work at Apotex and have nothing to do with Andrew’s business.''

''As to his relationship with Barry and Honey, Andrew told police he respected Barry but “Honey did not like him because Honey thought Andrew made Jonathon gay.” The business collapsed, Jonathon and Andrew broke up, Andrew recalled and he felt “betrayed because he considered (the Shermans) as family.”
I almost immediately thought of someone being involved, who worked in the house, or came there on a regular basis, because it is highly probable that to pull off these murders, and have lots of time to do it, the killers had to have up to date information on Barry and Honey's busy schedules, and know about others who might be in the house at any time. I also suspect that these killers did not work without a "look out" of some kind to make sure there were no surprises with unexpected visitors. IMO
There is something that I am confused about. Video of the "suspect" is one person. A straight out simple killing, like shooting seems simple for one person. But the way the S's were posed and moved makes me think more than one. Forgive me if this has been asked, but where are we on the theory of killer or killers? TY
Aside from Honey's apparent taste for Diet Coke and lemon, that we know about, does the Star article mention her charity connection to billions made in Russia? Honey knew some major players, and the charity work was hardly bake sales and raffles.

At least the Shermans didn't own anything as conspicuous as a yacht.
From Russia with Blood: The Kremlin's Ruthless Assassination Program and Vladimir Putin's Secret War on the West by Heidi Blake
''The untold story of how Russia refined the art and science of targeted assassination abroad -- while Western spies watched in horror as their governments failed to guard against the threat.''

These Russian assassinations are related to Russian state (Putin’s) objectives. They mainly kill journalists, dissidents, exiles and those they consider traitors. Most victims are Russians or citizens of former Soviet republics. I don’t see anything in Barry Sherman’s history that would make him a target of the Russian state. Russia has its own pharmaceutical industry, and Apotex would not be a player in Russia’s business environment, which is not a free market.

The Apotex business model only makes sense in societies where pharmaceutical companies are able to use patents to their advantage, with minimal government intervention in drug pricing.

Although the murder of the Shermans has a bizarre aspect, with the posing of the bodies, I don’t think this is a signature of a government operation. An assassination carried out by a government agency would be unlikely to involve the unusual posing of the bodies. Also, Barry would likely have been targeted alone. If a government body carries out murders and also “sends a message,” the message would be explicit and the source of the underlying animosity readily understood. The death of the Shermans seems much more personal, IMO.

The problem identifying motives and suspects is that Barry Sherman led a life that made him enemies in many sectors, from his business rivals and personal dealings (such as his house) to family conflicts.
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Aside from Honey's apparent taste for Diet Coke and lemon, that we know about, does the Star article mention her charity connection to billions made in Russia? Honey knew some major players, and the charity work was hardly bake sales and raffles.

At least the Shermans didn't own anything as conspicuous as a yacht.
2018 rbbm.
SHERMAN MURDERS: Did organized crime kill billionaire? | Toronto Sun
“Big Pharma doesn’t take out hits on people, at least not in North America,” Robinson said. “They’ll plant a kilo of cocaine in the trunk of your car or embed kiddie *advertiser censored* on your computer but they won’t murder you.”

Russian and Chinese organized crime syndicates, on the other hand, play by different rules. Robinson said some Russian hitmen “fly in on Monday, do the job, then they get on a plane and disappear on Tuesday morning.”

Another possibility that the writer entertains is that it was Honey Sherman who was the real target.

“She was well-known as a pain in the *advertiser censored*, maybe somebody had something against Honey,” Robinson said.
In homicide probes detectives usually have just 72 hours to solve the case. That time span has come and gone and now investigators will be “looking at all of his relationships, talking to everybody they knew.”

“What worries me is that there hasn’t really been much progress on this and he pissed off a lot of people,” the New York-based writer said.
“Someone really wanted him dead.”
These Russian assassinations are related to Russian state (Putin’s) objectives. They mainly kill journalists, dissidents, exiles and those they consider traitors. Most victims are Russians or citizens of former Soviet republics. I don’t see anything in Barry Sherman’s history that would make him a target of the Russian state. Russia has its own pharmaceutical industry, and Apotex would not be a player in Russia’s business environment, which is not a free market.

The Apotex business model only makes sense in societies where pharmaceutical companies are able to use patents to their advantage, with minimal government intervention in drug pricing.

Although the murder of the Shermans has a bizarre aspect, with the posing of the bodies, I don’t think this is a signature of a government operation. An assassination carried out by a government agency would be unlikely to involve the unusual posing of the bodies. Also, Barry would likely have been targeted alone. If a government body carries out murders and also “sends a message,” the message would be explicit and the source of the underlying animosity readily understood. The death of the Shermans seems much more personal, IMO.

The problem identifying motives and suspects is that Barry Sherman led a life that made him enemies in many sectors, from his business rivals and personal dealings (such as his house) to family conflicts.

I totally agree with you regarding the personal element of these murders. Whether they were committed by a hired killer or by individuals who harbored animosity toward the Sherman's it's undeniable to me the personal aspect.

I also believe that the two murders, at their heart, arose from different elements. I believe one was revenge and the other for pleasure. Initially, I believed Honey was collateral damage but I don't feel that way anymore.
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