CANADA Canada - Barry, 75, & Honey Sherman, 70, found dead, Toronto, 15 Dec 2017 #16

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Still looking around for an artsy assassin who apparently prefers to asphyxiate then stage the victims.
Apologies for lengthy post and excessive, unintended bolding.
Excellent, large clear video at links.. fwiw.
Video: How Surveillance Cameras Tracked Two Russian Hit Men
``How Surveillance Cameras Tracked Two Russian Hit Men
By Malachy Browne and Drew Jordan•September 5, 2018
British investigators used security footage and flight records to track two Russian men who now stand accused of attempted murder in the March attack featuring the nerve agent Novichok.``

Video: Killing Khashoggi: How a Brutal Saudi Hit Job Unfolded

Have Russian hitmen been killing with impunity in Turkey?
``Ruslan Israpilov knew the Russians might come for him.
"They've been preparing something," he said in a message left on a friend's voicemail in late April. "Those two men they came here and hid their car among the trees and did surveillance. They've been seen here."
Sept 2021
Moscow Court Arrests Suspected Owner Of Dark-Net Site For Hiring Assassins
``The Investigative Committee said in a statement on September 9 that Magdanov was detained amid an ongoing investigation into the murder of a married couple in the Vladimir region, which borders the Moscow region.

The unidentified couple was assassinated by a hitman allegedly hired via Magdanov's website, which operated on the dark net.

According to the Investigative Committee, another hitman hired via the website was preparing to assassinate an individual in St. Petersburg.

Similar to owners of legitimate online marketplaces, the committee said Magdanov received a cut of the transactions conducted via his website.``

He was paid in cryptocurrencies as well as via digital wallets registered under other people's names, the committee said.
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Still looking around for an artsy assassin who apparently prefers to asphyxiate then stage the victims.
Apologies for lengthy post and excessive, unintended bolding.
Excellent, large clear video at links.. fwiw.
Video: How Surveillance Cameras Tracked Two Russian Hit Men
``How Surveillance Cameras Tracked Two Russian Hit Men
By Malachy Browne and Drew Jordan•September 5, 2018
British investigators used security footage and flight records to track two Russian men who now stand accused of attempted murder in the March attack featuring the nerve agent Novichok.``

Video: Killing Khashoggi: How a Brutal Saudi Hit Job Unfolded

Have Russian hitmen been killing with impunity in Turkey?
``Ruslan Israpilov knew the Russians might come for him.
"They've been preparing something," he said in a message left on a friend's voicemail in late April. "Those two men they came here and hid their car among the trees and did surveillance. They've been seen here."
Sept 2021
Moscow Court Arrests Suspected Owner Of Dark-Net Site For Hiring Assassins
``The Investigative Committee said in a statement on September 9 that Magdanov was detained amid an ongoing investigation into the murder of a married couple in the Vladimir region, which borders the Moscow region.

The unidentified couple was assassinated by a hitman allegedly hired via Magdanov's website, which operated on the dark net.

According to the Investigative Committee, another hitman hired via the website was preparing to assassinate an individual in St. Petersburg.

Similar to owners of legitimate online marketplaces, the committee said Magdanov received a cut of the transactions conducted via his website.``

He was paid in cryptocurrencies as well as via digital wallets registered under other people's names, the committee said.

Wow. That’s so interesting, thank you for posting this. I watched the video from your first link about the two Russian hit men. They walked, used public transit and trains (!!)

The clarity of the cctv footage and how casual they appear to be is surprising to me.
Maybe TPS are not the only ones looking for the suspect...
speculation, imo.
Israel's Hit Squads
''Top-secret assassinations are not unusual for the Mossad. But technology—from cameras to social networks—is making the assignments more difficult.

By Yossi Melman and Dan Raviv
February 2010 Issue
The goal of any top secret assassination is to kill your target and get back to base without losing your team members or leaving evidence behind. In the era of ubiquitous security cameras and rigorous background checks, of course, that’s almost impossible. But a group widely suspected to be the Mossad took that risk in January, when they assassinated a senior Palestinian Hamas man in Dubai.

Assassinations are nothing new for the Jewish state. Imagine you’re an Israeli leader aware of constant threats from terrorist groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah. If you try to play by polite rules and rarely resort to violence, you’ll be perceived as weak, and Israel’s deterrent ability will deteriorate. If you launch a military campaign, as Israel did in Gaza just over a year ago, you’ll likely end up killing innocents and be accused of war crimes. And if you go the American route, pursuing targets only using drone aircraft, there’s still a risk of collateral damage to civilians. So Israel chose to resort to the tried and true—its longstanding and mostly successful tactic of close-up, pinpoint, surgical assassination.''
The Dubai Job
''The Dubai Job
One year ago, an elite Mossad hit squad traveled to Dubai to kill a high-ranking member of Hamas. They completed the mission, but their covers were blown, and Israel was humiliated by the twenty-seven-minute video of their movements that was posted online for all the world to see. Ronen Bergman reveals the intricate, chilling details of the mission and investigates how Israel's vaunted spy agency did things so spectacularly wrong
By Ronen Bergman
January 4, 2011 rbbm.
''Monday, January 18, 2010. Morning
At 6:45 a.m., the first members of an Israeli hit squad land at Dubai International Airport and fan out through the city to await further instructions. Over the next nineteen hours, the rest of the team—at least twenty-seven members—will arrive on flights from Zurich, Rome, Paris, and Frankfurt. They have come to kill a man named Mahmoud Al-Mabhouh, a Hamas leader whose code name within the Mossad—the Israeli intelligence agency—is Plasma Screen.

Most of the operatives here are members of a secretive unit within the Mossad known as Caesarea, a self-contained organization that is responsible for the agency's most dangerous and critical missions: assassinations, sabotage, penetration of high-security installations. Caesarea's "fighters," as they are known, are the elite of the Mossad. They rarely interact with other operatives and stay away from Mossad headquarters north of Tel Aviv, instead undergoing intensive training at a separate facility to which no one else in the agency has access. They are forbidden from ever using their real names, even in private conversation, and—with the exception of their spouses—their families and closest friends are unaware of what they do. As one longtime Caesarea fighter recently told me, "If the Mossad is the temple of Israel's intelligence community, then Caesarea is its holy of holies."

George Jonas: Dubai assassination leaves terrorist dead, confusion alive | National Post
''Jun 15, 2010
On Jan. 19 this year a man named Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, described as a terrorist by Israel, was throttled in a Dubai hotel room. His killers, say Dubai officials, were Israeli agents. Dubai alleges that a traveling circus of Mossad assassins, 26 or more, participated in the hit, utilizing British, French, Irish, German and Australian passports.

Whether or not it takes a village to raise a child, it certainly seems to take one to put down a terrorist. A hit team of 26 sounds like overkill, though we should assume most were only roadies, pitching tents and picking up after the elephant.
Given all the paperwork involved, 26 may not even have been the full complement. On June 4, an Israeli citizen travelling under the name of Uri Brodsky was arrested by Polish border guards on arrival at Warsaw airport. The Poles were acting on German information that Brodsky had assisted the hit team in Dubai by helping to obtain a German passport for one of their members. Now the Germans want Poland to extradite the Israeli, so they can put him on trial for whatever role he played, if any, in obtaining a passport in Cologne for another person under the name of Michael Bodenheimer to travel to Dubai for the alleged purpose of participating in the hit.``

8 Deadly Jobs That Will Make You Filthy Rich
Potential Earnings: $15M + per hit
For a profession that deals with death quite literally, it's no surprise funding and risk run considerably higher than most occupations. While official stats are hard to come by in this ridiculously illegal field, hit-men advertising on the darkweb have listed their prices anywhere from $10K a hit (for a regular joe) to over $15 million for high-profile politicians.''

Thanks for the interesting information. I think such an elite organization would always have a plan B, and another team ready to supply replacement members, or use another plan, if things went south. Maybe that is why 26 were sent.

I have also read that the best way to make sure that the target is killed is to have someone standing or sitting next to him do it. To make this work, there are often diversions, and deflections, other people shooting from other areas, or someone looking like a sniper on a roof top, or high building, and maybe leaving the weapon behind, as was the case in the assassination of JFK. so that the real assassin is not suspected, or apprehended. Maybe a patsy takes the fall. IMO
I'm open minded to whether this is murder/ suicide, or double murder. I can see interpretation of publicly known evidence in both directions.

Not to disparage the victims, but to tear down a perfectly good multimillion dollar house while unloading a different multimillion dollar house a couple of blocks away? I understand the new property location was perhaps more prestigious, but isn't there something over the top for a man of humble beginnings to tear down a good house because his wife wanted a different floorplan? Why not renovate the multimillion dollar house they had, or live in the house at the better address?

I could see that last meeting about more millions (wasn't the new property house demolished that day) to reveal a difference of opinion/ values between husband and wife. Perhaps not. Perhaps they were both so greedily aware of appearances that demolishing houses for fun and building another house in the same place is a good idea.

They drove home in separate vehicles. She was attacked in the bedroom with his belt. Do I remember that correctly? All appearances are that they arrived home safely. I'm guessing they went to the bedroom to change out of suits and work clothing.

Wasn't she attacked in the bedroom and dragged to the pool room? Wasn't she planning on leaving for the beach a couple of days later?

I'm not convinced that this was a double murder. What is the international evidence that emerged recently?

The Shermans didn't raze their home, the children did, or at least it was JS's idea to demolish it, iirc. Perhaps the design of the original home was not conducive to the aging couple. HS apparently never went into the basement because she had bad legs. She had arthritis. Maybe their new home was going to be designed to accommodate future limited mobility.

My personal belief is that they were murdered, either by someone close to them, or by killers hired by someone close to them.
One killer for hire who used a variety of methods including strangulation to kill, if it is true that this brute refused to kill women or children, what might that suggest about HS`s killer..
With Over 100 Murders, Richard Kuklinski Was The Most Prolific Hitman In Mafia History
By Katie Serena
Updated September 28, 2021
“Assassin? It sounds so exotic,” the hitman replied with a hint of amusement and a small smile. Then his face turned serious. “I was just a murderer.”
``His methods were as variable as his victim selection; he shot, stabbed, strangled, poisoned, or bludgeoned according to his mood. His weapon selection shifted constantly — a decision that prevented the police from suspecting the rash of deaths in the area were the work of one man. He used everything from ice picks and bare knuckles to hand grenades.

According to a statement Richard Kuklinski once made, a nasal-spray bottle filled with cyanide was his favorite.``

``He had only two rules: no women and no children. Beyond that, anything was fair game``

Here's another detail that could suggest that the deaths were related to the properties and house purchase. In a house that is regularly cleaned, why was a document related to their existing property left on the basement floor leading to the body location?

View attachment 324644

That doesn't seem suspicious to me. When we were selling our old house and buying a new one at the same time, we had documentation for both transactions in the same file folder. Both Shermans had just come from a meeting with architects so having information regarding both homes with them at the time doesn't ring any alarm bells to me. IMO
Wow. That’s so interesting, thank you for posting this. I watched the video from your first link about the two Russian hit men. They walked, used public transit and trains (!!)

The clarity of the cctv footage and how casual they appear to be is surprising to me.
While it may sound odd in Canada, even in large cities, in London England and just about everywhere in Europe, public transport is never more than 5 minutes walk away and runs everywhere every few minutes.
The Shermans didn't raze their home, the children did, or at least it was JS's idea to demolish it, iirc. Perhaps the design of the original home was not conducive to the aging couple. HS apparently never went into the basement because she had bad legs. She had arthritis. Maybe their new home was going to be designed to accommodate future limited mobility.

My personal belief is that they were murdered, either by someone close to them, or by killers hired by someone close to them.
I've speculated before that the murders may have been triggered by them putting the Old Colony home up for sale. They were heading to Florida, and if the house sold quickly they might have moved into a rental when they came back, with better security, and likely also their new home would have built-in security, just to keep up the value.

ETA: I used "precipitated' but changed to triggered. Not thinking that the murders were motivated by the house going on the market, it just might have made it a now or never situation.

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I agree with you about the belts and the suspect being familiar with the home. Maybe he had a gun with him to subdue them?

A few months ago the Star reported this:

“First, while a man’s belt was tied around each of the Sherman necks, it was not what killed them, sources say. The marks of a more narrow ligature — speculation is that it may have been similar to a large “zip tie” used to bind wires or pipes — can be seen on the Sherman necks, sources say.”
What do the mysterious cases of Barry and Honey Sherman and Jeffrey Epstein have in common? A U-shaped neck bone to which too much significance is attached during a death investigation

I think the belts may have been used to restrain them and then the killer used the ‘zip tie’-type ligature. It’s a horrific thing to do, but I would think it requires little physical strength, imo.

Or they were bound by their wrists to the pool railing while alive, not by the belts. The bindings may have then been removed in order to stage it as a m/s.

ETA: Edited for clarity and remove repetition.

One thing that has always puzzled me is why their winter boots, as well as their coats were still on. When staging a murder/suicide, one would think it would look better if they were in regular indoor clothes, especially since Honey arrived home two hours earlier than Barry.

I do think it was staged, but the killer seems to have made some mistakes, like Barry's papers left on the hall floor, near where he entered the pool area from the garage, and Honey's cell phone on the floor of the powder room near the front door, where she entered.

I think it was reported early on that Toronto Police found drag marks on the carpet upstairs. My theory, and it is all speculation, is that others may have helped one or two killers get into the house, and make a successful getaway. Honey and Barry were each killed very quickly after coming in the door. Since their coats were pulled down to the midpoint of their backs as a way of restraining them, it looks like the killer grabbed them from behind very shortly after they entered the house, pulled their coats down, then quickly applied zip ties to the wrists, with arms behind the back. After that perhaps the plan was to make them walk to the pool area, where they would be strangled with something soft under a large zip tie, so it would look like the belts were the cause of neck compression. It seems Honey managed to run at least a few steps away from her attacker to the powder room, maybe she even got the door closed, and was trying to use her cell phone, but he quickly either got the door open, and grabbed her again, or he grabbed her just inside the door when she had her cell phone in her hand, and she then made a run for the powder room, but could not get the door closed. Marks on her face indicated she put up a bit of a fight, so I think she was killed on the spot upstairs, by restraining her with the zip ties on the wrists, and maybe holding her down on the floor face down, while she was strangled with the neck zip tie.

Another Websleuther mentioned that it almost looked like the suspect walking away in the video could have a small knapsack on his back, underneath the bulky coat. I think this is highly probable, and it was used to carry the zip ties, and perhaps some kind of a canvas harness that could be placed under the armpits of a body, so that it could easily be dragged. Being dragged down a flight of stairs may have caused some bruising on Honey's body, but if she were already dead, I believe the bruising, or marks would appear different than on the body of a living person. I think the coroners would have spotted that, but the information may have been withheld from the public.

Like I said before, I think the killer was very experienced in killing, maybe military, or ex-military, but it does not seem that he was very good at staging to make it look like a murder suicide. The items left on the floor at the point of attack, the coats and boots left on, and even the marks left on Honey's bed where someone had been sitting, likely picking out another of Barry's belts, make it look like a sloppy job. I think it was reported that both belts were Barry's. This no doubt was to make it look like he did it, but whether or not he was still wearing one belt, and 2 were taken from the closet, I am not sure. One could argue that Barry would not have cared about the winter clothing still on the bodies, but it does not seem plausible to me that by the time he got home about 2 hours after Honey, she would still be wearing a winter coat, and boots. I don't think the killer wanted to stay in the house any longer than he had to, and that is why he killed them both quickly after they entered the house, then hung them by the pool and left. He had to wait about 2 hours for Barry to return home after Honey arrived. We know this from her last phone call, and his last email at Apotex that evening, just before he left. The police said that the suspect was seen near the house, then was seen again walking away, after an important period of time. I believe this time period was close to two hours, so he may not have given too much attention to all the details of the staging, although it was good enough to fool the police it seems for a few weeks, until the second coroner's report stated that zip tie marks were found on the wrists, and we know no zip ties were found at the scene. Maybe that is one thing the police were looking for when searching street drains and sewers, but it appears they never found them. I think the killer carefully took that evidence away with him. IMO
While it may sound odd in Canada, even in large cities, in London England and just about everywhere in Europe, public transport is never more than 5 minutes walk away and runs everywhere every few minutes.

I agree with you, I used transit regularly in Toronto. I’m just more surprised that the Russian hit men and the suspect in the Sherman case weren’t whisked off in getaway cars.
In cases like this where cctv capture a suspect who's gender is indiscernible, would the term Mx be useful?rbbm. fwiw, imo. Who knew?
Guide to Addressing Correspondence
Mx. Is the universal title that can be used by anyone. It is gender non-identifying. Even if you identify specifically with a gender you may still use Mx. and you may see Mx. used when the sender is unaware of your title.

Addressing a Man
Mr. is the title designated for an adult man age 16 or older. Short for Mister or Monsieur in french.

The abbreviated plural for Messieurs is Messrs. While some are under the assumption that Messrs. is used for brothers, it is actually used to indicated multiple gentleman (or also multiple companies ie Messrs. Sotheby) Messers. could also be used to indicate two married men. We suggest that you ask male couples if they prefer to be Mr. and Mr. Smith or the Messrs. Smith.''

''NOTE: Traditionally, a woman’s name preceded a man’s on an envelope address, and his first and surname were not separated (Jane and John Kelly). Nowadays, the order of the names—whether his name or hers comes first—does not matter and either way is acceptable.
The exception is when one member of the couple ‘outranks’ the other—the one with the higher rank is always listed first.''
Remembering that it was Chanukah and many people in the area would likely be busy cooking for and entertaining family and visitors, or gone out of town for celebrations.
Maybe nobody was paying close attention if dogs barked in the night, or security lights flashed on and if anyone confronted a stranger walking about, he could say
they are visiting for the holidays and simply got lost. imo, speculation.
Chanukah 2017 - Hanukkah, the Jewish festival of rededication - חנוכה | Hebcal Jewish Calendar
''Chanukah (Hanukkah, the Jewish festival of rededication) for Hebrew Year 5778 began on Tuesday, 12 December 2017 and ended on Wednesday, 20 December 2017.

Hanukkah (Hebrew: חֲנֻכָּה, usually spelled חנוכה pronounced [χanuˈka] in Modern Hebrew, also romanized as Chanukah or Chanuka), also known as the Festival of Lights, is an eight-day Jewish holiday commemorating the rededication of the Holy Temple (the Second Temple) in Jerusalem at the time of the Maccabean Revolt of the 2nd century BCE.''

'Just looking at the map, Temple Eman-uel is nearly the mid-point between the Bannatyne address and the Sherman home. And, it seems the 8 nights of Hanukkah is being observed with some evening events at this temple this year. So, I was wondering if these similar Hanukkah evening events were also occurring in 2017, and if so, is it possible the perp spent any time at this location?

Chanukah - Temple Emanu-El
'Just looking at the map, Temple Eman-uel is nearly the mid-point between the Bannatyne address and the Sherman home. And, it seems the 8 nights of Hanukkah is being observed with some evening events at this temple this year. So, I was wondering if these similar Hanukkah evening events were also occurring in 2017, and if so, is it possible the perp spent any time at this location?

Chanukah - Temple Emanu-El
temple emanuel to 50 old colony road - Google Search

2 min (600.0 m) via Old Colony Rd
One thing that has always puzzled me is why their winter boots, as well as their coats were still on. When staging a murder/suicide, one would think it would look better if they were in regular indoor clothes, especially since Honey arrived home two hours earlier than Barry.

I do think it was staged, but the killer seems to have made some mistakes, like Barry's papers left on the hall floor, near where he entered the pool area from the garage, and Honey's cell phone on the floor of the powder room near the front door, where she entered.

I think it was reported early on that Toronto Police found drag marks on the carpet upstairs. My theory, and it is all speculation, is that others may have helped one or two killers get into the house, and make a successful getaway. Honey and Barry were each killed very quickly after coming in the door. Since their coats were pulled down to the midpoint of their backs as a way of restraining them, it looks like the killer grabbed them from behind very shortly after they entered the house, pulled their coats down, then quickly applied zip ties to the wrists, with arms behind the back. After that perhaps the plan was to make them walk to the pool area, where they would be strangled with something soft under a large zip tie, so it would look like the belts were the cause of neck compression. It seems Honey managed to run at least a few steps away from her attacker to the powder room, maybe she even got the door closed, and was trying to use her cell phone, but he quickly either got the door open, and grabbed her again, or he grabbed her just inside the door when she had her cell phone in her hand, and she then made a run for the powder room, but could not get the door closed. Marks on her face indicated she put up a bit of a fight, so I think she was killed on the spot upstairs, by restraining her with the zip ties on the wrists, and maybe holding her down on the floor face down, while she was strangled with the neck zip tie.

Another Websleuther mentioned that it almost looked like the suspect walking away in the video could have a small knapsack on his back, underneath the bulky coat. I think this is highly probable, and it was used to carry the zip ties, and perhaps some kind of a canvas harness that could be placed under the armpits of a body, so that it could easily be dragged. Being dragged down a flight of stairs may have caused some bruising on Honey's body, but if she were already dead, I believe the bruising, or marks would appear different than on the body of a living person. I think the coroners would have spotted that, but the information may have been withheld from the public.

Like I said before, I think the killer was very experienced in killing, maybe military, or ex-military, but it does not seem that he was very good at staging to make it look like a murder suicide. The items left on the floor at the point of attack, the coats and boots left on, and even the marks left on Honey's bed where someone had been sitting, likely picking out another of Barry's belts, make it look like a sloppy job. I think it was reported that both belts were Barry's. This no doubt was to make it look like he did it, but whether or not he was still wearing one belt, and 2 were taken from the closet, I am not sure. One could argue that Barry would not have cared about the winter clothing still on the bodies, but it does not seem plausible to me that by the time he got home about 2 hours after Honey, she would still be wearing a winter coat, and boots. I don't think the killer wanted to stay in the house any longer than he had to, and that is why he killed them both quickly after they entered the house, then hung them by the pool and left. He had to wait about 2 hours for Barry to return home after Honey arrived. We know this from her last phone call, and his last email at Apotex that evening, just before he left. The police said that the suspect was seen near the house, then was seen again walking away, after an important period of time. I believe this time period was close to two hours, so he may not have given too much attention to all the details of the staging, although it was good enough to fool the police it seems for a few weeks, until the second coroner's report stated that zip tie marks were found on the wrists, and we know no zip ties were found at the scene. Maybe that is one thing the police were looking for when searching street drains and sewers, but it appears they never found them. I think the killer carefully took that evidence away with him. IMO

Maybe I am thinking about this too much, but it just occurred to me that there could be a very logical, and devious explanation, for what looked like sloppy mistakes on the part of an assassin, who was hired to make it look like a murder/suicide so that no more police investigation would ensue. In the criminal world, and in the realm of intelligence agencies, worldwide, it is well known that deception and double crosses are part of the game. In fact the motto of The Mossad is " By Way of Deception We Will Wage War " .

Because the Shermans were so wealthy, and had been so generous with their philanthropic donations to Jewish causes, it is possible that the Mossad, if involved, allowed the assassinations to take place, but made sure that the murders were done in such a way that the cover-up story would fall apart, and hence the very sloppy, strange staging. This would ensure the reputation of Honey and Barry as important, respected philanthropists, and also make sure that whoever hired the assassins could be blackmailed, and under the control of a criminal/intelligence organization. I have heard that there is no such thing as ex Mossad, CIA, or MI-6. These retired individuals still have some contact with their organizations, and make sure they do not cross them. Perhaps it is similar with organized crime bosses, when major jobs are carried out. Again, all speculation on my part, and just trying to make sense of the evidence. IMO
The gait in the video may not be helpful to the public in general, but it could be useful for someone who deals with this person as an employee, associate, medical professional, etc. The video is meant for that person or persons. Maybe one will step forward with a name. That person could be a neighbor, familiar with the walk, but not the person, thus not under the person's spell or influence.
I'm not sure why, but I always thought that it was staged more to make a mockery of Barry and slow things down than to actually be taken seriously as a murder-suicide. Or to just completely confuse the investigation in the beginning.
I'm not sure why, but I always thought that it was staged more to make a mockery of Barry and slow things down than to actually be taken seriously as a murder-suicide. Or to just completely confuse the investigation in the beginning.

I hear you, but I think that if one of the motives was to mock Barry, and maybe Honey, that the bodies could have been displayed in a much more horrendous and undignified manner. Wanting to confuse the investigation, especially in the beginning, giving those responsible time to destroy evidence, and get out of the country is quite plausible. IMO
Here's another detail that could suggest that the deaths were related to the properties and house purchase. In a house that is regularly cleaned, why was a document related to their existing property left on the basement floor leading to the body location?

View attachment 324644

I think that the deaths were related to the property at Old Colony Road. There was a trail of lawsuits and probably immense anger as a result of the Sherman’s lawsuit against the designers and the contractors for the house. The suits were described in KD’s book. I think the asking price for Old Colony Road, along with the glowing description of the property, could have caused an explosion of anger from someone who was targeted by Sherman’s construction defect suit. After all, the Shermans were awarded $2M from a house that cost $2.3M…. They then stood to make a substantial profit on its sale. Those who were sued by Shermans might have faced ruin, as unlike a large pharmaceutical company, they would lack the resources to contest the suits. IMO, the perpetrator is not from any intelligence agency or even a hired hitman, although I accept that anything is possible. I think the perpetrator will be found much closer to home.
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