Canada - Barry, 75, & Honey Sherman, 70, found dead, Toronto, 15 Dec 2017 #5

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A few Hercule Poirot quotes “Oh, my friend, have I not said to you all along that I have no proofs. It is one thing to know that a man is guilty, it is quite another matter to prove him so. And, in this case, there is terribly little evidence. That is the whole trouble.”
― Agatha Christie, The Mysterious Affair at Styles

“It is not the past that matters,but the future”
― Agatha Christie, Death on the Nile
After reading the Daily Mail article I feel sorry for Kerry. He said he didn't even know he had the opportunity to work for his father's company! He said he might not have gotten into drugs if this had happened. He did not murder them. MOO

I also think KW was cheated: BS didn't keep in touch with them as they grew up, it looks like he just snuck off with their inheritance. But I don't think that clears the cousins of suspicion, it really depends on their personalities, whether they'd do something so violent and risky.

In theory, the knucklehead thief and killer may have imagined that HS would have such a diamond collection and found they were sadly mistaken?

And as dotr pointed out, he mentions that HS was 'punched' - first time we've heard that.

By punched out he may mean punched out of life (like punching out a time clock), not actually being punched. Terrible thing to say, it makes him sound so callous. Just moo
“It's also hard to speculate what anyone would gain financially with the murder of the Sherman's. Apotex will still go on with or without BS.” (sorry, lost the exact quote link)

It’s not that hard. Obviously no one can be ruled out at this time. But, that the cousins are behind this? The cousins have been slugging it out for years. Anything is possible of course.

Even though Apotex is going to carry on, who was the bulldog that took on every lawsuit (not just the cousins’ suits) and was inured to them? Who was the founder of the company? Who has been passionate, savvy and strategic (understatement) his entire career? Who may have had a hand in the hiring of now exited CEO Jeremy Desai (JD) – JD who conspired to and did steal drug formulations/patents with his girlfriend? (How many others at the company may have also accomplished the same task, condoned and secretly praiseworthy, not dismissal-worthy? This of course is MOO, purely speculation based on how some corporations work, i.e. one brings or obtains secrets, has valuable connections. I can ONLY imagine how it works in the pharmaceutical business. Even when there is a high standard of ethics that most people will follow, there are always the few who do not and are willing to take risks.) If he didn’t have a hand in the hiring, it seems certain he had a say in stay or go and we see how that turned out now for JD. Drug and patent secrets – same or similar drug being manufactured with variations but just as effective? Growth, expansion, innovation, future products, future earnings.

It’s early days. Time will tell with the investigation.
I dunno, I bit my tongue early on re: murder-suicide vs. double-homicide, and I regret it. I'm just not prepared to, at this point in time, rule out the cousin(s). I'm completely prepared to be wrong, however, as the list of potential suspects seems endless, and all the different theories remain on mine. I appreciate that there are many other leads, all stemming to BS's world of business. Although, some would argue that in the case of the Cousin(s), it's business + personal vendetta.
By punched out he may mean punched out of life (like punching out a time clock), not actually being punched. Terrible thing to say, it makes him sound so callous. Just moo

In NY that expression, "punched out" means literally punched really hard, often knocking the victim out. jmo
“The cousin of the Canadian billionaire found hanging in his exclusive home alongside his wife in December, has rejected cops' findings that the couple were targeted victims of a double-homicide.

Instead, in an explosive interview with DailyMailTV on Wednesday, Kerry Winter has disclosed his belief that Barry Sherman, 75, murdered his wife Honey, 70, then took his own life - a view rejected by police.

And he told how Barry Sherman had twice asked him to arrange for his wife's murder saying: 'I want you to whack my wife.'

Winter, 56, told DailyMailTV: 'My gut tells me he killed her.

'That's my feeling [and] I don't believe somebody out there is going to be found because… Barry did the deed.

Winter's own immediate reaction on learning of their deaths, he said was: '*advertiser censored**ing hell he finally did it. Barry finally killed the b****.'

Read more:
W...T...F... :facepalm:

I've never given the Daily Mail much credence, but my goodness KW is a piece of work.
Kerry Winters newspaper interview must have given the police lots of little tidbits for when they do interview him, he is a real loose canon, his lawyer must despair of him.
Maybe he should be more careful what he says. The Shermans might sue him for slander, and they have the money to hire the best lawyers to do it. I think maybe once a person is dead, one can "safely" say evil things about them, because only living people can sue, but I am no legal expert, and am not sure about that. Still, the Shermans might find a way because what he is saying could hurt the family business, and cause stress and pain for the family. Any legal experts out there on Websleuth who can enlighten us ? IMO
It's possible. But in the legal world there's a saying: you can squeeze blood from a stone. Meaning he like has nothing for them to sue, financially.
Interesting, this is exactly as I thought it went down. I didn't expect the hogtied part, however. Again and as always, RIP. It's just awful to think of what they endured.

Strange, didn’t someone post here on WS a few days ago about them being hog tied? How would they know this?
Yes, I think KW's become extremely bitter after dwelling for years on thoughts about how BS cheated him, and he can't be taken seriously. The whole DM article kind of shows that, if you read it all the way through, but they can't resist exploiting some of his comments.

As to him being a suspect, I don't think he'd be satisfied by killing them, personally. I think what he really wanted was for BS to admit, and everyone else to agree, that BS cheated him, and to give him a big settlement, to justify the years he's now wasted on these lawsuits. It's not easy to give up that obsession to be proved right.
But what if he decided that he was never going to get that satisfaction? What would he or could he do then?

The man sounds as twisted as they come. Whether anyone thinks his disdain is warranted or not.
KW also suggests at the 2:02 mark of the clip that the Shermans were holding hands. That seems like new information. He mentions rope as well. TPS only mentioned belts.
This man is nuts. How would he know any of this? ..........Could he really be so bold as to be gloating of his crimes? Speculation, obviously. Just trying to wrap my head around this.
I'm not saying I believe KW, but I did wonder how well BS and HS got along when the family made their initial statement about the deaths. Since the family seemed to be asserting that murder/suicide was implausible I expected them to describe the couple's love for each other, and was very surprised that they were silent on that point. The relevant part of the statement reads: "Our parents shared an enthusiasm for life and commitment to their family and community totally inconsistent with the rumors regrettably circulated in the media as to the circumstances surrounding their deaths."

I think they just didn't want to make such obvious statements to the media, and risk sounding cliché. To them and all their friends and family, it goes without saying. I thought they're statement was perfection. Jmo.
I also think KW was cheated: BS didn't keep in touch with them as they grew up, it looks like he just snuck off with their inheritance. But I don't think that clears the cousins of suspicion, it really depends on their personalities, whether they'd do something so violent and risky.

It’s even possible that if the cousins had been raised knowing they had a place in whatever company BS had, they might have been more motivated to qualify to work there, as well as grateful not to be forgotten. Although BS did try to help them later, by then they were bitter and messed up...and greedy. It’s hard to know how far they would go seeking justice and vengeance. If guilty, thIs cousin just shot himself in the foot with the interview.
He (BS) drove a clapped-out old car, refused to buy a new television when his old one barely worked, bought cheap shoes and clothes and would sneak back into the theater when he went so that he could see a second movie for free.

In stark contrast, Winter said, Honey was rumored to have one of the world's largest diamond collections.

No information that anything was stolen. It stuck out to me that KW would mention HS's jewelry the way he did. In theory I can see this as murder with the secondary motive as stealing valuables.
I also think KW was cheated: BS didn't keep in touch with them as they grew up, it looks like he just snuck off with their inheritance. But I don't think that clears the cousins of suspicion, it really depends on their personalities, whether they'd do something so violent and risky.
Yep, I'm with you on this. I don't personally believe the way things went down was right. But this KW today, is something else, and it scares me.
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