Canada - Barry, 75, & Honey Sherman, 70, found dead, Toronto, 15 Dec 2017 #6

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No he couldn’t have. Corporations are separate entities and he had separate investors. It would be negligence, fiscal malfeasance or even embezzlement (conversion of others property into your or someone else’s benefit ) if he had attempted to.
I'm admittedly no business major, but I suspect that if you can put in an agreement in one company, you can put an agreement in another company. Even if you're right, it still doesn't cost anything to be a decent person and maintain a relationship with your young orphaned cousins, the exact same way their father did for you when your own passed away. JMO.
I'm really not concerned with what BS was legally allowed to do. If it was truly too much of a burden to new shareholders, there are other things he could have done to be there for those 4 children, much like how their father was there for BS. I think that they adults around the cousins let them down, including RT. JMO.

That is the responsibility of the trustees not Barry. You keep putting forth a “solution “ that was not legally possible. His bid was 20% higher than the next highest so he did look after the kids. They went to wealthy family and were taken care of. It’s not Barry’s fault they squandered what they were given and greedy for more.
I assumed all Jews worshipped God until I met Barry Sherman. Because Barry didn't believe in God, did this couple participate in the practices and the traditions of the Jewish people who do worship Jehovah or did they separate themselves from it? Did they attend a synogogue? Wouldn't Christmas be meaningless for them?
I think folks don't have to practice deeply religious traditions, but still identify culturally. I would assume that much of their weddings and funerals were observed in their jewish traditions, though.

Jewish people don't celebrate Christmas.
I don’t know if this has been mentioned yet. The Doctor of the couple who adopted the Winter boys just died in January.

The Winter boys were not mentioned in his list of survivors. Had the Winter sons cut all communication off from their adoptive parents?

I would be interestaed in knowing what the life was like with the two mixed families. They were all young children so arguments over who would be the richest when they grew up should not been in a conversation at this time.
I believe the surviving Winter sons were mentioned, expect KW.
That is the responsibility of the trustees not Barry. You keep putting forth a “solution “ that was not legally possible. His bid was 20% higher than the next highest so he did look after the kids. They went to wealthy family and were taken care of. It’s not Barry’s fault they squandered what they were given and greedy for more.
I've specifically said that I believe the adults around the children let them down, including the trustees. So he bid 20% higher to secure the company, great. I don't personally think he was thinking of the cousins when he did that, as he never again saw them for the next 20 years, but that's JMO. You would think that if he was thinking of the cousins in any capacity, he would think they would benefit from a relationship with him...

As for the rest of your post, keep reading, you'll get to how I interpret all of that. You don't have to share my belief, but from my own personal and professional experience, that's how I've come to those interpretations. Humans are pretty interesting that way. Your personal and professional experience has likely brought you to yours.
I found the article on the maid discovering the bodies along with the realtor. I think I posted on here, my computer will not let me paste (have to get my son to fix it). The article is at article dated January 22, 2018 I hope you can find it.

Were they searching the house together? That's kind of odd, who went into the home first on the Friday? If it was the maid she would see no one had slept in the Sherman's bed since she made it up, no one had showered since the last time she cleaned, no dirty dishes perhaps? If she found it odd did she alert anyone of what she was finding in the home or try to phone either BS or HS? Had she looked around the home on her own before reality lady showed up if she was in the home first (but not in pool area)? Vis versa for the reality lady if she was there first. Hmmm

That 's what I want to know too; How could BS purchase Apotex without using ANY of the assets, goodwill, property of business of the Empire companies?

Because they were sold with the company.
I just came across this article that was posted by The Globe and Mail which doesn't present a rosy picture of Barry and Honey’s relationship. Maybe after the couple met with the architect, Barry realized he didn’t want a future with his wife and snapped? People often hide what goes on behind closed doors or in a person's mind. There's alot of secrets. And Honey was killed elsewhere and her body was moved to the pool area. No signs of forced entry.

“They complemented each other, yet had clashing personalities.”

Friends close to the couple describe signs of discord in the Sherman's marriage, such as public ribbing about Barry's devotion to work, but they viewed it as shtick.

Interviews with friends, court records, Barry's memoirs and public tributes at the couple's memorial Thursday paint a portrait of two people with outsized personalities who were polar opposites.

When Barry lost his father when he was 10, he did not recall a great sense of turmoil. His detached, rational side was also evident while he was in the military reserves, where he would argue aggressively with a chaplain who preached Christianity.

In court cases, he was unyielding and combative. His judicial disputes embroiled a motley cast of people who crossed his path – relatives, contractors, business rivals.

At their parent’s memorial service, Jonathan hinted that in remarks that hinted that Barry and Honey weren't always on the same wavelength.
Were they searching the house together? That's kind of odd, who went into the home first on the Friday? If it was the maid she would see no one had slept in the Sherman's bed since she made it up, no one had showered since the last time she cleaned, no dirty dishes perhaps? If she found it odd did she alert anyone of what she was finding in the home or try to phone either BS or HS? Had she looked around the home on her own before reality lady showed up if she was in the home first (but not in pool area)? Vis versa for the reality lady if she was there first. Hmmm
I doubt the housekeeper was honestly there every single day of the week to notice any of those differences from the day before. In any sense, I'm sure the Sherman's could make their own bed and put their dishes in the dishwasher. She likely showed up for a days work and hadn't gone in the pool area. I don't know if they discovered the bodies together, but it sounds like she was present that day.
Not according to the court documents. They lost because BS didn't use ANY money, assets etc. from the sale of Empire to start APOTEX which IMO is highly suspect. This was stated in the court documents.

This is very interesting IMO

It talks about BS resisting the producing of financial documents and then produced limited versions. If you have nothing to hide why not freely share?


It’d not suspect. There were a few years in between.

And not sharing financial information with people who are trying to take your money is good legal advice and common practiceJMO
Were they searching the house together? That's kind of odd, who went into the home first on the Friday? If it was the maid she would see no one had slept in the Sherman's bed since she made it up, no one had showered since the last time she cleaned, no dirty dishes perhaps? If she found it odd did she alert anyone of what she was finding in the home or try to phone either BS or HS? Had she looked around the home on her own before reality lady showed up if she was in the home first (but not in pool area)? Vis versa for the reality lady if she was there first. Hmmm

The problem is we don't know the maid's schedule. It was a big house but we don't know how often she worked there and what her duties were.
I just came across this article that was posted by The Globe and Mail which doesn't present a rosy picture of Barry and Honey’s relationship. Maybe after the couple met with the architect, Barry realized he didn’t want a future with his wife and snapped? People often hide what goes on behind closed doors or in a person's mind. There's alot of secrets. And Honey was killed elsewhere and her body was moved to the pool area. No signs of forced entry.

“They complemented each other, yet had clashing personalities.”

Friends close to the couple describe signs of discord in the Sherman's marriage, such as public ribbing about Barry's devotion to work, but they viewed it as shtick.

Interviews with friends, court records, Barry's memoirs and public tributes at the couple's memorial Thursday paint a portrait of two people with outsized personalities who were polar opposites.

When Barry lost his father when he was 10, he did not recall a great sense of turmoil. His detached, rational side was also evident while he was in the military reserves, where he would argue aggressively with a chaplain who preached Christianity.

In court cases, he was unyielding and combative. His judicial disputes embroiled a motley cast of people who crossed his path – relatives, contractors, business rivals.

At their parent’s memorial service, Jonathan hinted that in remarks that hinted that Barry and Honey weren't always on the same wavelength.
Are you suggesting a murder-suicide theory at this point in time?
If the boys had been brought up by their bio parents they would have been part of their father's business and would have succeeded. Instead they were cheated out of a loving family and brought up by two people who did not love them and lanquished. For a kid to have to leave home at 15 yrs. old says it all. People on here who disagree, came from loving homes, do NOT understand. It's so easy to judge when you have not been in this situation.

That’s a huge leap. There are plenty of kids who grow up with loving parents and fail or are useless. You have no evidence that the adoptive parents weren’t not loving And at 15 he was doing drugs and kicked out of school. Perhaps the adoptive parents tried to correct him and he, like most teenagers, rebelled and left. You are awfully sympathetic to an admitted liar who blames everyone else and fails to take responsibility.

Btw, I have been in a similar situation so info understand and I think you are projecting


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Yes he died about the middle of January, I guess we can be grateful KW didn’t announce on TV how happy that made him, did he fantasise about decapitating him too?
The more I think about that comment the more despicable kW seems.
Lol tax write off

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Donations from corporations don't generate a wonderful tax write off, so ascribing his motive for philanthropy in this way is most likely not true.
I'm admittedly no business major, but I suspect that if you can put in an agreement in one company, you can put an agreement in another company. Even if you're right, it still doesn't cost anything to be a decent person and maintain a relationship with your young orphaned cousins, the exact same way their father did for you when your own passed away. JMO.

No you can’t. Some conditions are only for company “a” and not “b”. In this case it would have been a clause created simply because the children were heirs of Empire. They were not heirs on any other company so it is only related to the purchase of Empire IF they had taken the offer which they didn’t. And what bro you assume that it was BS not the adoptive parents as the instigator of no contact. Even if it was his lack of effort, he was a busy man, marriage, career, kids, business. He had more pressing obligations. Finally, just because you are related doesn’t mean you need or want a real relationship. I have plenty of cousins I haven’t seen in decades nor do I care to. Doesn’t make me indecent.
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