Canada - Barry, 75, & Honey Sherman, 70, found dead, Toronto, 15 Dec 2017 #7

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Today on from the Toronto Star...
[h=1]Sherman investigation initially focused only on Barry’s wife Honey as a murder victim[/h][FONT="]Search warrant documents obtained by the Star shed light on the early weeks of the police probe into the deaths of the billionaire couple.


Interesting article. I see there haven't been many tips to Police on the case hmmm.
That 2nd Pathologist was he the one who said babies/kids had been murdered but later it was found out they hadn't been murdered. Or was it to do with Sids deaths? Maybe the wrong Dr. not sure. I know it was some Canadian doctor/pathologist guy.
Interesting article. I see there haven't been many tips to Police on the case hmmm.
That 2nd Pathologist was he the one who said babies/kids had been murdered but later it was found out they hadn't been murdered. Or was it to do with Sids deaths? Maybe the wrong Dr. not sure. I know it was some Canadian doctor/pathologist guy.

Never mind I found an article on the Sids death cases. I have the wrong Dr. It was a Dr. Smith from Sick Kids Hospital same as where Dr. Chiasson worked at. Sorry for the mix-up.
But Dr. Chiasson was mentioned in the article as he was then chief forensic pathologist hmmm
Today on from the Toronto Star...
Sherman investigation initially focused only on Barry’s wife Honey as a murder victim

[FONT=&amp]Search warrant documents obtained by the Star shed light on the early weeks of the police probe into the deaths of the billionaire couple.


Well, this is very interesting. Evidently the first pathologist didn’t discover enough evidence to indicate to police that this was a double murder. One has to wonder why, and also what the second pathologist (hired by the family) came up with that the first one didn’t.
Former CEO of Barry Sherman’s drug company fights back in ‘pillow-talk’ suit

Jeremy Desai denies being romantically involved with the executive of a rival firm and obtaining valuable trade secrets from her

Mar 16, 2018
The former CEO of Barry Sherman’s pharmaceutical company is fighting back against a sensational lawsuit launched by the world’s largest generic drug-maker—insisting he was never involved in a romantic relationship with a senior executive at rival Teva, and that he never persuaded the woman to illegally leak him lucrative trade secrets.

In a new court filing obtained by Maclean’s, Jeremy Desai responds for the first time to a high-profile U.S. lawsuit initiated last July
Launched by the U.S. division of Israel’s Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., the lawsuit’s core allegation is that Desai—married at the time to a fellow Apotex employee—had a girlfriend who worked for Teva USA, and that the pair conspired to steal highly sensitive corporate records via email and USB flash drives. The lawsuit, which also names Apotex as a defendant, claims one of the misappropriated documents was a “Complete Response Letter” from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, detailing an application for a new generic medication identified only as “Product X.”
None of that is true, Desai says. In his written reply to the lawsuit, filed Tuesday at a Pennsylvania courthouse, Desai admits he did have a “personal relationship” with Sandhu and exchanged emails with her using his company account. But he is adamant she was not his girlfriend, that they never lived together, and that he never participated in an alleged “scheme” whereby Sandhu passed along proprietary Teva records.

“Desai denies that [Teva’s] trade secrets and other confidential information were improperly shared with him or with Apotex through him,” the document reads. If Sandhu did breach Teva policy and upload sensitive data to her personal computer, the document continues, “Desai denies causing, encouraging, being aware of, or benefiting from any alleged violation.”

Full article:
Police had attended the first autopsy on the Shermans, which was carried out Dec. 16 by a provincial pathologist. A second autopsy, conducted by a retired senior pathologist hired by the family, was done Dec. 20, the day before the funeral and the same day as the first series of judicial authorizations were granted by a judge. The Star has previously reported that it was the conclusion of the second pathologist, veteran Dr. David Chiasson, that helped police understand that both Shermans had been murdered.

Sources have told the Star that police did not talk to Chiasson until later in January after the Star reported Chiasson’s conclusion that it was a double murder — not murder-suicide.

So police found out through the newspaper about the second pathologist's conclusions, and didn't have any communication with him until about three weeks after the autopsies he conducted?

How is this possible? Wouldn't Greenspan have reported this to police, or did the Sherman family's private team just assume that LE were already in possession of this information from their own autopsy?
That Desai has mounted a defence is not the only development on the file. In yet another twist to an already bizarre case, Teva decided this week to drop Sandhu as a co-defendant in the lawsuit—for nothing in return, it appears. Fired in October 2016 (and later investigated by the FBI, in a probe that didn’t result in criminal charges), Sandhu’s suspicious activity is what sparked the lawsuit in the first place. Yet for reasons that remain a mystery, Teva filed a notice of voluntary dismissal on Monday, halting all claims against Desai’s alleged lover.

Why is she no longer being sued? Lawyers for Teva USA have yet to reply to a request for comment from Maclean’s. Lisa Mathewson, Sandhu’s Philadelphia-based lawyer, would only confirm that the parties did not negotiate an out-of-court deal. “Teva USA dismissed Ms. Sandhu from the case voluntarily, and not pursuant to a settlement,” Mathewson said via email.

What remains of the pillow-talk lawsuit is difficult to comprehend: Teva USA is still seeking damages against Desai and Apotex for allegedly stealing valuable company secrets, but it is not suing the ex-employee who allegedly leaked said secrets.

Apotex submitted its reply to the lawsuit on the same day as Desai, and like its former CEO, Canada’s largest drug-maker denies any wrongdoing. “Apotex has at all times acted in good faith,” reads the filing, which requests that the lawsuit “be dismissed in its entirety.” Apotex specifically denies acquiring any confidential documents from Teva—or that any such records were shared with multiple company executives, let alone used to “improperly profit at Teva USA’s expense.”
Ironically enough, the Teva litigation also comes as Apotex pursues a similar action against one of its own ex-staffers: a veteran chemist in Toronto who allegedly misappropriated millions of dollars’ worth of drug secrets from a laboratory computer, in the hopes of building a rival pharmaceutical factory in his native Pakistan
At one point, Apotex lawyers demanded that Hussain be imprisoned for 45 days for contempt of court because he allegedly refused to abide by a judge’s order to hand over email passwords and personal electronics
So police found out through the newspaper about the second pathologist's conclusions, and didn't have any communication with him until about three weeks after the autopsies he conducted?

How is this possible? Wouldn't Greenspan have reported this to police, or did the Sherman family's private team just assume that LE were already in possession of this information from their own autopsy?

IMO, both pathologists would have seen the same injuries on both bodies and come to similar/same conclusions. I can't so how they couldn't do.

The Star is in the business of selling newspapers and ran with the M/S version way past its sell by date.

The Star obviously reported it in a sensationalistic way, to sell more papers.

How could a newspaper or any media, for that matter, be wrong?? Very easily.

There was simply a time lapse between the autopsies and The Star made the most of it.
IMO, both pathologists would have seen the same injuries on both bodies and come to similar/same conclusions. I can't so how they couldn't do.

The Star is in the business of selling newspapers and ran with the M/S version way past its sell by date.

The Star obviously reported it in a sensationalistic way, to sell more papers.

How could a newspaper or any media, for that matter, be wrong?? Very easily.

There was simply a time lapse between the autopsies and The Star made the most of it.

So do you not believe the information that they were investigating it as only one murder up until around Jan 10? The conclusions seem to be drawn from both "police sources" and records of search requests etc. filed by LE. They are saying that LE was describing it as a single murder in court filings well into the second week of January. I don't know the process of how those filings work, so can't say whether this can really be used to draw conclusions.
Although interesting, your questions and assumption of my conclusions are incorrect. Totally. I never said any of that.

Both pathologists would have seen the same injuries on both bodies and would have come to similar/same conclusions.

An autopsy isn't just the examination of the corpse but many tests of many types/varieties of tissues.

These tests, esp, in a medical/legal examination can take a long time before there is a definitive answer.

Yes, some of the investigating police would have attended the first autopsy, thats their job.

There would be and was, shortly after, a cause of death for both Shermans. That was made public and 'should have' done away with the M/S theory. Possibly, the TPS wanted lab results before changing their working theory.

At the time, I stated that the family would be left to grieve in the manner of Judaism unless something very urgent came up. After sitting shiva, there is a 30 day grieving period and hopefully the family were given privacy.

Between the time needed to get forensic testing done and the grieving period, the police would be busy investigating other issues relating to the murder/murders. There was plenty to do, as shown by the number of filings and warrants they had to serve.

We don't even know if the forensics are completed at THIS point. What we know is that the police would NOT be meeting multiple times to rehash with a coroner what they already knew, COD.

Im fairly certain that the pathologists compared notes, had conversations etc about both autopsies and were no doubt in 'general' agreement. Greenspan would have been privy to all they had and it was at (approx.) the time the period of grieving ended, that Greenspan announced, that it was a double murder. The Star had a huge headline THEY WERE MURDERED. But we all knew that weeks before.

Kevin Donovan has simply done a timeline and added some information, albeit limited, from warrants and filings obtained by the Star.

This case is no doubt, very complex, swamped with paper overload and will take a very long time to be solved.

Its only been a few months but I wonder if the Sherman case will ever be solved.

I think the Star is just trying to keep it 'relevant' and on the front page esp. as the Bruce McArthur crimes threaten to overshadow it. TPS will not let that happen but its human nature to move to the newer crimes that seem to be happening almost daily.

The part I do not believe is that LE got their information from the Star, that is not only a stretch but laughable.
Toronto Sun is running a very similar story and pointing out its now three months since their murders.

They also are postulating that the focus being on Honey as opposed to both Shermans may have caused TPS to 'bungle' the case.

I think its no accident that these stories are up front now, its to keep it in the minds of the public and hope for help solving it.

One can presume that the forensics have not been helpful.
Well, this is very interesting. Evidently the first pathologist didn’t discover enough evidence to indicate to police that this was a double murder. One has to wonder why, and also what the second pathologist (hired by the family) came up with that the first one didn’t.
So police found out through the newspaper about the second pathologist's conclusions, and didn't have any communication with him until about three weeks after the autopsies he conducted?

How is this possible? Wouldn't Greenspan have reported this to police, or did the Sherman family's private team just assume that LE were already in possession of this information from their own autopsy?

If this is the case, that will also mean no LE was present during the second autopsy?

:fence: going back to the fence
If this is the case, that will also mean no LE was present during the second autopsy?

:fence: going back to the fence

I presume that LE was not present at the second autopsy, as the bodies had been turned over to the familiy by then.
Darn those rope marks on the wrists, only showing up 5 days after death.....:banghead:
Does anything think it is unusual that such a high profile case would only warrant 64 tips. Are they saying 64 legit tips or does it include all tips even those from crackpots? Sounds like TPS blurted out a theory of Murder suicide and just looked for evidence of that. I am guessing the access to the Sherman's medical records may be looking for meds for BS that maybe would list him as bipolar or some other condition that a lack of meds would cause a rage. Frustrating that TPS may have bungled this one.
Does anything think it is unusual that such a high profile case would only warrant 64 tips. Are they saying 64 legit tips or does it include all tips even those from crackpots? Sounds like TPS blurted out a theory of Murder suicide and just looked for evidence of that. I am guessing the access to the Sherman's medical records may be looking for meds for BS that maybe would list him as bipolar or some other condition that a lack of meds would cause a rage. Frustrating that TPS may have bungled this one.

I still can't believe those earrings or was it 1 earring found out by the sidewalk in front of the residence AFTER TPS had searched the area and home for close to 3 weeks or so? Was that evidence placed/dropped there after TPS had finished? And IF it was placed/thrown there after by whom? And why? I really can't see police missing the earring/earrings. As I'm sure they did a thorough search. JMO
I still can't believe those earrings or was it 1 earring found out by the sidewalk in front of the residence AFTER TPS had searched the area and home for close to 3 weeks or so? Was that evidence placed/dropped there after TPS had finished? And IF it was placed/thrown there after by whom? And why? I really can't see police missing the earring/earrings. As I'm sure they did a thorough search. JMO
Earring information refresh.
Could an earring found at the end of the driveway outside the Sherman mansion murder scene Saturday be a clue to help police catch the killers?

In a case with few leads, all clues are welcome.
“It was in the gutter down at the bottom of the driveway,” said crime specialist Ross McLean, who was also there.

“It could have been there for weeks or from all the action at the house the day before. It’s hard to tell.”
Toronto Police Det. Martin Woodhouse seizes two earrings at the end of the Sherman driveway on Jan. 27, 2018.


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From the beginning I was disturbed by the family running a parallel investigation. Many have said that early on police believed this was a murder/suicide, however when the family's investigation resulted in front page headlines proclaiming that this was a murder, LE seemed to pull a 180 and announced that they two believed it was a murder. Now with news that the mayor, premier and prime minister are all monitoring this case closely, one has to wonder if the decision was made to make this a murder case just to spare the good name of a prominent citizen, knowing that it would go cold and be forever unsolved? When the family has one on one time with the mayor at the funeral, who then meets one on one with the police chief the next day, it makes me believe that something shady is going on. It would be interesting to know exactly what evidence police have that would lead them to believe this is a double murder? Do they have anything except uncertainty?
From the beginning I was disturbed by the family running a parallel investigation. Many have said that early on police believed this was a murder/suicide, however when the family's investigation resulted in front page headlines proclaiming that this was a murder, LE seemed to pull a 180 and announced that they two believed it was a murder. Now with news that the mayor, premier and prime minister are all monitoring this case closely, one has to wonder if the decision was made to make this a murder case just to spare the good name of a prominent citizen, knowing that it would go cold and be forever unsolved? When the family has one on one time with the mayor at the funeral, who then meets one on one with the police chief the next day, it makes me believe that something shady is going on. It would be interesting to know exactly what evidence police have that would lead them to believe this is a double murder? Do they have anything except uncertainty?

Perhaps nothing is going on that ought not to be. Perhaps the Shermans, being politically well connected were simply friends with these people.

At the time of their deaths, BS and Trudeau were being investigated by the federal government, John Tory (although he officially is United Church) is actually a Jewish man through his maternal grandmother and no doubt friends of the Shermans. Kathy Wynne as premier would be representing the Ontario government and had no doubt met the Shermans at charity events.

Any family can hire a private eye/lawyer to oversee a parallel investigation and any family can hold a second autopsy. You just have to pay for it.

These days, often times, if a family wants an autopsy they have to pay for it on their own.

Approx. 1 in 3 'coroners autopsies' are wrong, so if there is any question, its well worth paying for a second opinion. I was just reading up on that last night.

I think the word 'monitoring' is incorrect, they are following the case, along with all of us but it doesn't mean they are 'influencing' the outcome.

Both coroners would have seen the same injuries and no doubt came to the same/similar conclusions.

IF/when there is a trial, we will find out more. Until then, its evidence that must be protected in the hopes of getting a successful prosecution. THAT is what the family wants most, I can assure you.
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