Canada - Barry, 75, & Honey Sherman, 70, found dead, Toronto, 15 Dec 2017 #8

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You had an entire hour and were unsuccessful in convincing Donovan of the truth as you see it? Reporters have many confidential sources and connections. He’s undoubtedly aware of far more information about this case than has ever been published by the media and it’s obviously not leaning toward a M/S, wouldn’t you agree?
It’s not my job to convince Kevin, you or anybody of what l believe to be the truth. Time will prove me right. There isn’t one shread of evidence that points to a targeted double murder. Not a single reporter has EVER seen crime scene photos.
Detective B. Price was a terrible poker player....l knew after my 4 hr interrogation that he was less concerned about me as a suspect than what l knew and from whom!!!!
Exploring the mind of Barry .......

Barry used some clever trickery when he sold the original Empire company. Nearly every business sale includes a non-compete clause.

For example if you buy an established and successful business it may include a building and real estate priced at the going rates (some value) it often has a lot of "goodwill" attached (very valuable) , it has a steady stream of clients and customers (very valuable) , it has a "good name" (very valuable)

A non-compete clause is part of a normal business sale ..... it states that if I sell you my business I will not open a new similar business across the street and compete head to head with you and undermine your chances of success. Otherwise you would never buy my business in the first place.

By splitting (legal) hairs he got away with it when starting an identical business (Apotex) by claiming Barry Sherman LLC and Barry Sherman are two different things. Technically correct but has a very bad aroma surrounding it. It certainly violates the intentions of the non-compete agreement.

And we must remember the first offer Barry made to the Empire trustees was rejected. His next offer was for more money and was accepted . In part because it also included future plans for the orphaned children and the deal was accepted by Royal Trust .

Remember that Royal Trust had the responsibility for the future of the children and Barry's "sweetener promise" of employment and share ownership appeared to satisfy the trust company .

But Barry was clever enough to add the caveat ... "only if he was still owner of the business" .

Fair enough , a careful businessman would want to protect himself from unseen circumstances. But Barry would have known full well it also released him from the future obligations and intentions such as the "sweetener clause" regarding the orphaned children which he signed with the trust company to get them to approve the original sale to him.


Regarding the trust company ....

Royal Trust maybe should have retained control of those proceeds (the sale of Empire) (many hundreds of thousands of dollars) They could have dispensed the proceeds on behalf of the Winter children including payments to the adoptive parents (who took on a huge responsibility) with a remainder of the funds dispensed to the children when they achieved adulthood.

Remember , back in those days (1970's) investment incomes and bank savings account interests were very high , some Government of Canada savings bonds paid 19% . If the net proceeds of the Empire sale was $300,000 even just a 10% return would be $30,000 per year , a handsome income in those days , even for a family with 5 children.

I expect that whatever the adoptive parents did with the funds was honorable , what they did is none of my business , and none of our business .

My point is that Royal Trust was obligated to take care of the future of the orphaned children. In hindsight they maybe could have done better ..... which I understand was one aspect of the legal actions taken by the Winter children . (I believe the lawsuit was against BOTH Barry Sherman and Royal Trust).

Barry sold the original Empire company without honoring the signed non-compete contact , along with the fact it removed the responsibility he signed with Royal Trust regarding the orphaned children .

By splitting (legal) hairs he got away with it by claiming Barry Sherman LLC and Barry Sherman are two different things. Technically correct but has a very bad aroma surrounding it.

The bad aroma was not enough to win the lawsuit on behalf of the orphaned Winter children , but it sure makes sense why they took the action in the first place. Not to mention that Barry and Apotex are known as the most lawyered up company in Canada. Not to mention the efforts a famous trust company would undertake to protect their good name.

The Winter children were up against a mountain of lawyers retained by billionaires .
Well said.
This isn't really off topic. I wasn't a WS member during the JonBenet Ramsey case. I just watched a two-part youtube documentary from 2016 which seems to prove that the Colorado DA (Alex Hunter) and some administrators made it their mission to protect the wealthy Ramsey's from the beginning of the investigation. Finally, both LE and the FBI demanded a Grand Jury inquiry, and Hunter replied "I need to get to my people, this is a political decision". That statement certainly gave me a dose of reality. Even after the Grand Jury voted to indict the Ramseys, Hunter spun it so the public thought the opposite, and the G.J's private vote wasn't revealed for years later.

This documentary (three hours) is well worth watching due to the illustrious panel of experts who reviewed the evidence. (they think son Burke killed his sister and the parents covered it up). Regardless of how you feel about their decision, it is relevant to realize how political clout can hamstring LE in a murder investigation involving wealthy suspects. The Sherman's were immensely wealthy and also politically involved at the highest level. I have to say that it has really made me pause, and reflect on the controversy that has developed in the Sherman case. I never thought that I would have doubts about the integrity of the investigation. It is not a good feeling.

This isn't really off topic. I wasn't a WS member during the JonBenet Ramsey case. I just watched a two-part youtube documentary from 2016 which seems to prove that the Colorado DA (Alex Hunter) and some administrators made it their mission to protect the wealthy Ramsey's from the beginning of the investigation. Finally, both LE and the FBI demanded a Grand Jury inquiry, and Hunter replied "I need to get to my people, this is a political decision". That statement certainly gave me a dose of reality. Even after the Grand Jury voted to indict the Ramseys, Hunter spun it so the public thought the opposite, and the G.J's private vote wasn't revealed for years later.

This documentary (three hours) is well worth watching due to the illustrious panel of experts who reviewed the evidence. (they think son Burke killed his sister and the parents covered it up). Regardless of how you feel about their decision, it is relevant to realize how political clout can hamstring LE in a murder investigation involving wealthy suspects. The Sherman's were immensely wealthy and also politically involved at the highest level. I have to say that it has really made me pause, and reflect on the controversy that has developed in the Sherman case. I never thought that I would have doubts about the integrity of the investigation. It is not a good feeling.

It’s almost impossible to compare a US murder to a Canadian murder case, if politics are the perceived tie because the Canadian political and judicial system is vastly different than in the US. Canada is a constitutional monarchy while the United States is a democracy known as a republic.

As a result Canadian Judges, sheriffs, police chiefs, coroners and prosecutors (district attorneys) are not elected, nor are they appointed to serve any specific term. Aside from having the power to pass laws and legislation federal, provincial or municipal politicians are not involved in directly applying the law or investigation of cases whatsoever.

For that and several other reasons, it’s not possible for politics and murder/criminal cases in Canada to have the same political overtones as they might have in the US.

Aside from that, what continues to baffle me is how can the Shermans, from beyond the grave, are able to control how investigation into their deaths are conducted. That’s impossible. Their children are not public figures and for all we know, the Sherman Estate may be disturbed in countless ways. Their children and other close family members are victims as well and imo do not deserve to be perceived as highly diabolical conspirators with an obsessive notion to preserve “a legacy” that after death, doesn’t matter one way or another.

There’s another key difference between the Jon Benet Ramsay case and the Shermans. JBR was a child who’s surviving family all proclaimed no involvement in her murder. In the Sherman homicides, it’s the surviving family who are supporting the determination of double homicide and as a result, the ongoing investigation as well, as opposed to wanting focus on their deaths shut and closed (except for KW of course).
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It’s almost impossible to compare a US murder to a Canadian murder case, if politics are the perceived tie because the Canadian political and judicial system is vastly different than in the US. Canada is a constitutional monarchy while the United States is a democracy known as a republic.

As a result Canadian Judges, sheriffs, police chiefs, coroners and prosecutors (district attorneys) are not elected, nor are they appointed to serve any specific term. Aside from having the power to pass laws and legislation federal, provincial or municipal politicians are not involved in directly applying the law or investigation of cases whatsoever.

For that and several other reasons, it’s not possible for politics and murder/criminal cases in Canada to have the same political overtones as they might have in the US.

Aside from that, what continues to baffle me is how can the Shermans, from beyond the grave, are able to control how investigation into their deaths are conducted. That’s impossible. Their children are not public figures and for all we know, the Sherman Estate may be disturbed in countless ways. Their children and other close family members are victims as well and imo do not deserve to be perceived as highly diabolical conspirators with an obsessive notion to preserve “a legacy” that after death, doesn’t matter one way or another.

There’s another key difference between the Jon Benet Ramsay case and the Shermans. JBR was a child who’s surviving family all proclaimed no involvement in her murder. In the Sherman homicides, it’s the surviving family who are supporting the determination of double homicide and as a result, the ongoing investigation as well, as opposed to wanting focus on their deaths shut and closed (except for KW of course).
I agree, in fact given the criticism TPS has received about apparently overlooking the crimes of Dellen Millard and Bruce McArthur (not rich, but white middle-class), they will probably be extra diligent about not giving anyone a 'get out of jail free' card in this investigation. I would imagine that extends to carefully investigating the family members, as well. The media talk about 'the family' as a united front, but likely there is one sibling who has taken the lead in this. All the siblings need to be viewed as possible suspects, they certainly have the most to gain.
While kerry winter claims there isn't one shred of evidence that supports the possibility of a double murder. He alludes to who may or may not have examined crime scene photos or any other evidence. We nor Kerry really knows who has examined crime scene photos and any other possible evidence. Kerry is blinded by rage and his opinions as to what happened in this case aren't guided by deep rooted hatred of barry sherman. He has made many claims here that there will be newspaper and magazine articles that support his theories, yet they do not seem to appear as he claims. In my view the Fifth Estate interview along with the failed lie detector results more than debunked any shred of credibility that Kerry winter might have had. When asked by the lie detector administrator what percentage does he think he may have embellished or made up the barry hiring a hitman theory, he said it was 100%. He has admitted on national television he is not to be believed so my question is why believe anything he says here. Subsequent to the Fifth Estate interview, Kerry has been deemed mentally incompetent to represent himself his claims on this site border on ridiculous and have no basis in reality. The idea that everyone is involved in a conspiracy to hide the truth of what actually happened and is subverting justice is preposterous and defies logic. Everyone that involved in an official capacity in the barry/honey Sherman investigation that doesn't support Kerry's ridiculous theories is either branded a terrible poker player or outright liar. The truth is Kerry winter doesn't have one shred of credible evidence to support what actually happened to the Sherman's. Perhaps the police will one day solve this case until such time it anybody's guess. Kerry has claimed so strongly since the beginning that he knew what happened, he is only guessing and hasn't offered one shred of evidence. His hatred of the Sherman's has blinded him completely and the idea that he comes to this site as somebody who has something credible to offer in the way in this case is, as the judge said in his case against the Sherman's, "is wishful thinking and beyond fanciful".
While kerry winter claims there isn't one shred of evidence that supports the possibility of a double murder. He alludes to who may or may not have examined crime scene photos or any other evidence. We nor Kerry really knows who has examined crime scene photos and any other possible evidence. Kerry is blinded by rage and his opinions as to what happened in this case aren't guided by deep rooted hatred of barry sherman. He has made many claims here that there will be newspaper and magazine articles that support his theories, yet they do not seem to appear as he claims. In my view the Fifth Estate interview along with the failed lie detector results more than debunked any shred of credibility that Kerry winter might have had. When asked by the lie detector administrator what percentage does he think he may have embellished or made up the barry hiring a hitman theory, he said it was 100%. He has admitted on national television he is not to be believed so my question is why believe anything he says here. Subsequent to the Fifth Estate interview, Kerry has been deemed mentally incompetent to represent himself his claims on this site border on ridiculous and have no basis in reality. The idea that everyone is involved in a conspiracy to hide the truth of what actually happened and is subverting justice is preposterous and defies logic. Everyone that involved in an official capacity in the barry/honey Sherman investigation that doesn't support Kerry's ridiculous theories is either branded a terrible poker player or outright liar. The truth is Kerry winter doesn't have one shred of credible evidence to support what actually happened to the Sherman's. Perhaps the police will one day solve this case until such time it anybody's guess. Kerry has claimed so strongly since the beginning that he knew what happened, he is only guessing and hasn't offered one shred of evidence. His hatred of the Sherman's has blinded him completely and the idea that he comes to this site as somebody who has something credible to offer in the way in this case is, as the judge said in his case against the Sherman's, "is wishful thinking and beyond fanciful".

Shoot the messenger! That's helpful.

I followed this case until the day that the family successfully forced the police to change their analysis and understanding of the crime scene from murder/suicide to double murder. As soon as that interference occurred, I lost faith that police can act independently.

Today, I do believe that the family is much happier having the deaths categorized as an unsolved double murder rather than family violence. That's what Barry would have wanted.
I wonder if the lack of blood on her clothing was because it had had time to clot after 'whatever happened' and/or she may well have been dead at that time, so the blood ceased flowing. just speculation of course. MOO, IMO, JMO
That would make sense, considering the 'hired investigators' believe the couple were strangled before being hung for display.

"The Shermans were both strangled with leather belts, then positioned, seated, with the other end of each belt looped around a pool railing, holding them upright."

Sherman investigation initially focused only on Barry’s wife Honey as a murder victim | The Star

"In Chiasson’s examination, it was determined that they were likely not strangled with the belts. Instead, they were strangled with some other type of ligature, and the belts were then put around their necks."
How the investigation into the deaths of Barry and Honey Sherman turned from murder-suicide to double homicide | The Star
That would make sense, considering the 'hired investigators' believe the couple were strangled before being hung for display.

"The Shermans were both strangled with leather belts, then positioned, seated, with the other end of each belt looped around a pool railing, holding them upright."

Sherman investigation initially focused only on Barry’s wife Honey as a murder victim | The Star

"In Chiasson’s examination, it was determined that they were likely not strangled with the belts. Instead, they were strangled with some other type of ligature, and the belts were then put around their necks."
How the investigation into the deaths of Barry and Honey Sherman turned from murder-suicide to double homicide | The Star

It's nothing new to commit suicide with a belt and a railing. Ryan Alexander Jenkins, a Canadian murder suspect, hanged himself from his neck by a belt in a motel in a British Columbia town called Hope.

Is it worthwhile to speculate that it was murder? Perhaps, but the simplest explanation is that he did it by himself: suicide.
It's nothing new to commit suicide with a belt and a railing. Ryan Alexander Jenkins, a Canadian murder suspect, hanged himself from his neck by a belt in a motel in a British Columbia town called Hope.

Is it worthwhile to speculate that it was murder? Perhaps, but the simplest explanation is that he did it by himself: suicide.
Yes, it makes sense, and may be true.

But police can't operate on the kiss principle (keep it simple, stupid). Since that might involve murderers getting away with it. And possibly, emboldened by their success, doing it again. And people like Tim Bosma being killed.
I agree, in fact given the criticism TPS has received about apparently overlooking the crimes of Dellen Millard and Bruce McArthur (not rich, but white middle-class), they will probably be extra diligent about not giving anyone a 'get out of jail free' card in this investigation. I would imagine that extends to carefully investigating the family members, as well. The media talk about 'the family' as a united front, but likely there is one sibling who has taken the lead in this. All the siblings need to be viewed as possible suspects, they certainly have the most to gain.

I strongly agree with what you write. The recent past history regarding recognizing homicides in general hasn’t been entirely favourable toward LE.

Had the Sherman children not strongly disputed the possibility of M/S and if that had been the deemed manner of death, I can almost imagine the rumour mill alleging one or more of them staged the deaths of both their parents because they stood to benefit financially. Maybe the parents were considering donating too much of their estate, had cut them off or were too stingy in their giving, yada, yada, the list of possible motives would be as long or even longer than Dellen Millards.

The exact opposite occured and you’re exactly right - in disputing M/S, each of them also put themselves forward to be investigated.
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That would make sense, considering the 'hired investigators' believe the couple were strangled before being hung for display.

"The Shermans were both strangled with leather belts, then positioned, seated, with the other end of each belt looped around a pool railing, holding them upright."

Sherman investigation initially focused only on Barry’s wife Honey as a murder victim | The Star

"In Chiasson’s examination, it was determined that they were likely not strangled with the belts. Instead, they were strangled with some other type of ligature, and the belts were then put around their necks."
How the investigation into the deaths of Barry and Honey Sherman turned from murder-suicide to double homicide | The Star

Yes. Google also leads to several forensic experts who’ve written detailed medical articles that describe how the study of marks, hemorrhaging and other neck injuries reveal several differences between suicidal hanging versus homicide, or how that can also indicate the type of ligature that resulted in death.

As none of us here are trained to conduct autopsies nor were we privy to the procedure, I can’t think of one good reason to doubt the Shermans’ autopsies involved the application of the same type of medical science, even if expert opinion was sought from outside of the country.

Others have mentioned crime scene photos. Except for medical determination and if death was possible in the placement of the bodies based on how they were found, the crime scene in itself is secondary to the medical findings.
While kerry winter claims there isn't one shred of evidence that supports the possibility of a double murder. He alludes to who may or may not have examined crime scene photos or any other evidence. We nor Kerry really knows who has examined crime scene photos and any other possible evidence. Kerry is blinded by rage and his opinions as to what happened in this case aren't guided by deep rooted hatred of barry sherman. He has made many claims here that there will be newspaper and magazine articles that support his theories, yet they do not seem to appear as he claims. In my view the Fifth Estate interview along with the failed lie detector results more than debunked any shred of credibility that Kerry winter might have had. When asked by the lie detector administrator what percentage does he think he may have embellished or made up the barry hiring a hitman theory, he said it was 100%. He has admitted on national television he is not to be believed so my question is why believe anything he says here. Subsequent to the Fifth Estate interview, Kerry has been deemed mentally incompetent to represent himself his claims on this site border on ridiculous and have no basis in reality. The idea that everyone is involved in a conspiracy to hide the truth of what actually happened and is subverting justice is preposterous and defies logic. Everyone that involved in an official capacity in the barry/honey Sherman investigation that doesn't support Kerry's ridiculous theories is either branded a terrible poker player or outright liar. The truth is Kerry winter doesn't have one shred of credible evidence to support what actually happened to the Sherman's. Perhaps the police will one day solve this case until such time it anybody's guess. Kerry has claimed so strongly since the beginning that he knew what happened, he is only guessing and hasn't offered one shred of evidence. His hatred of the Sherman's has blinded him completely and the idea that he comes to this site as somebody who has something credible to offer in the way in this case is, as the judge said in his case against the Sherman's, "is wishful thinking and beyond fanciful".

My perception of KW and his need to place himself as an authority figure regarding the Sherman deaths, given the total absence of proof —- trying to best put it in words....

It’s as if disparaging the name of Barry Sherman after death has become a satisfactory substitute to how he would’ve reacted had he won the civil suit instead. The two situations have almost morphed together to become one and simply put, Barry continues to be the devious, bad guy versus Kerry, the all-knowing truthful one. Just my opinion.

As you point out, failing a lie detector test and admitting to embellishing and fabrication, then poof goes the “proof”. Maybe his new secret proof is a means of continuing to be protected by a mental disability, I don’t know. Other than that, I can’t imagine why he’s only been interviewed by TPS only once way back in February, as he claims to know many confidential details about the case. I recall at one point he told us there exists an audio recording of Barry murdering Honey.
Yes, it makes sense, and may be true.

But police can't operate on the kiss principle (keep it simple, stupid). Since that might involve murderers getting away with it. And possibly, emboldened by their success, doing it again. And people like Tim Bosma being killed.

Or police might be doing an outstanding job like they did with Russell Williams.
I strongly agree with what you write. The recent past history regarding recognizing homicides in general hasn’t been entirely favourable toward LE.

Had the Sherman children not strongly disputed the possibility of M/S and if that had been the deemed manner of death, I can almost imagine the rumour mill alleging one or more of them staged the deaths of both their parents because they stood to benefit financially. Maybe the parents were considering donating too much of their estate, had cut them off or were too stingy in their giving, yada, yada, the list of possible motives would be as long or even longer than Dellen Millards.

The exact opposite occured and you’re exactly right - in disputin

g M/S, each of them also put themselves forward to be investigated.

When you hold up Russell Williams, a man behind a wall, and Millard, a man behind a depressed family, I think police should not be criticized for standing behind the crime scene analysis of murder/suicide.

The Shermans looked at their next gigantic property together on the night that they died. The original down-sizing property had already been demolished on the night that they walked the property. Didn't I read that the original home on the property belonged to a friend of Barry?Wasn't it demolished on the day that they both died.

Perhaps the verified insider can answer the question of whether Barry had ever been to the property of their next new bigger better down-sizing house at the demolition site prior to the night that he murdered his wife.

I agree, in fact given the criticism TPS has received about apparently overlooking the crimes of Dellen Millard and Bruce McArthur (not rich, but white middle-class), they will probably be extra diligent about not giving anyone a 'get out of jail free' card in this investigation. I would imagine that extends to carefully investigating the family members, as well. The media talk about 'the family' as a united front, but likely there is one sibling who has taken the lead in this. All the siblings need to be viewed as possible suspects, they certainly have the most to gain.

The Bruce McArthur gay murder in the garden was really hard to solve. Have you seen the interviews with people who lived where he buried his victims? It's not that there wasn't awareness, but that police needed that one piece to connect and confirm. So many people saw nothing in the Bruce McArthur case.

Police get it, but there isn't always enough to act.

Is it inconceivable that Barry's wife demolished a house he loved, and he was really upset - so upset that she died, so he snuffed himself and staged it to look like a double murder to save face? Seems reasonable to me.
When you hold up Russell Williams, a man behind a wall, and Millard, a man behind a depressed family, I think police should not be criticized for standing behind the crime scene analysis of murder/suicide.

The Shermans looked at their next gigantic property together on the night that they died. The original down-sizing property had already been demolished on the night that they walked the property. Didn't I read that the original home on the property belonged to a friend of Barry?Wasn't it demolished on the day that they both died.

Perhaps the verified insider can answer the question of whether Barry had ever been to the property of their next new bigger better down-sizing house at the demolition site prior to the night that he murdered his wife.

The Bruce McArthur gay murder in the garden was really hard to solve. Have you seen the interviews with people who lived where he buried his victims? It's not that there wasn't awareness, but that police needed that one piece to connect and confirm. So many people saw nothing in the Bruce McArthur case.

Police get it, but there isn't always enough to act.

Is it inconceivable that Barry's wife demolished a house he loved, and he was really upset - so upset that she died, so he snuffed himself and staged it to look like a double murder to save face? Seems reasonable to me.

Demolishing a house does not happen overnight.
Yes, it makes sense, and may be true.

But police can't operate on the kiss principle (keep it simple, stupid). Since that might involve murderers getting away with it. And possibly, emboldened by their success, doing it again. And people like Tim Bosma being killed.

Police assess a situation when they enter a crime scene, EMS is involved if there is a body. Between the realtor and house-keeper, homicide detectives, EMS, coroner, and crown prosecutor, they probably figured out what happened in the house on the night that Barry's wife was murdered and he committed suicide.

I highly doubt that the same persons who killed Tim Bosma were involved in the Sherman deaths. In fact, the Bosma killers were arrested and convicted of serial murders. The Shermans had no reason to fear for their lives. Barry had not changed his business practices, and he was an old man with a sick (cancerous) wife. On the night that his wife was murdered, did he learn that the down-sizing house of an old friend had been demolished so his wife could built another architectural monstrosity in Toronto?
I strongly agree with what you write. The recent past history regarding recognizing homicides in general hasn’t been entirely favourable toward LE.

Had the Sherman children not strongly disputed the possibility of M/S and if that had been the deemed manner of death, I can almost imagine the rumour mill alleging one or more of them staged the deaths of both their parents because they stood to benefit financially. Maybe the parents were considering donating too much of their estate, had cut them off or were too stingy in their giving, yada, yada, the list of possible motives would be as long or even longer than Dellen Millards.

The exact opposite occured and you’re exactly right - in disputing M/S, each of them also put themselves forward to be investigated.


And what? What recent past history of what is what? Police investigations are not about favourable or not, they are about enough evidence to lay charges according to the criminal code. Have at it - find a suspect for the Sherman double murders, or look at the fact that no one else was there and he might have been really pissed at her.
It’s almost impossible to compare a US murder to a Canadian murder case, if politics are the perceived tie because the Canadian political and judicial system is vastly different than in the US. Canada is a constitutional monarchy while the United States is a democracy known as a republic.

As a result Canadian Judges, sheriffs, police chiefs, coroners and prosecutors (district attorneys) are not elected, nor are they appointed to serve any specific term. Aside from having the power to pass laws and legislation federal, provincial or municipal politicians are not involved in directly applying the law or investigation of cases whatsoever.

For that and several other reasons, it’s not possible for politics and murder/criminal cases in Canada to have the same political overtones as they might have in the US.

Aside from that, what continues to baffle me is how can the Shermans, from beyond the grave, are able to control how investigation into their deaths are conducted. That’s impossible. Their children are not public figures and for all we know, the Sherman Estate may be disturbed in countless ways. Their children and other close family members are victims as well and imo do not deserve to be perceived as highly diabolical conspirators with an obsessive notion to preserve “a legacy” that after death, doesn’t matter one way or another.

There’s another key difference between the Jon Benet Ramsay case and the Shermans. JBR was a child who’s surviving family all proclaimed no involvement in her murder. In the Sherman homicides, it’s the surviving family who are supporting the determination of double homicide and as a result, the ongoing investigation as well, as opposed to wanting focus on their deaths shut and closed (except for KW of course).
Come on, I've never heard something so ridiculous in my life. Barry Sherman has been probably the most politically manipulative person in Canadian history. He knows how to work the system, and rules mean very little to him. He knew who to give money to, and when a political party ruled against him, he simply set out to replace them. If you don't think that his children learned from this tenacity, you are mistaken. The fact that they assembled their own legal team very early in this investigation suggests that the outcome was extremely important to them. Barry Sherman may be dead, but the Barry Sherman legal machine lives on, exactly as it has for decades.
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