GUILTY Canada - Baylee Wylie, 18, found slain in burned home, Moncton, NB, 17 Dec 2015

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Missy June's FB post on 9/7 is chilling, knowing what we know now. I hope it's OK to write out some of it.

You wanna fxxx around and get stabbed, ill burn your body and hide the evidence.

Not quite following the first line of this post - have seen 'Missy' used here a few times now - was Marissa also known as Missy?

Does this read 'Missy June' fb on Sep 7? Or a fb post by Missy in June and some reference to 9/7?

Sorry, unable to decipher the exact meaning - not a fb subscriber. Tia!
Dont think this has been posted yet.
A question that has been burning me is where was her child while this was happening? Did marissa pack up her car and ditch her kid at her moms before Baylee even came to see her? (If so then the entire thing was planned, including the fire) Was the child home when this happened, or did she pick him up from somewhere after Baylee was murdered...

<modsnip re family member> This link states he is living in the Ottawa area and includes a picture of him and M. It does not state what employment he may have in Ottawa.

He added that he came to New Brunswick from Ottawa in late December to help in the search.

Details about MS packing up her 'things' on 17 Dec (or just before) are sketchy and am looking forward to a correct account of events.

What constituted 'things'? Clothing and other personal effects that could fit in her/a car? Toys?
Or were all the contents of her home packed up and moved?
Exactly what day was the move? She seems to have had access to the unit on 17 Dec.
Did she pack her own belongings? Were the units on either side of her occupied at the time and did one of them see her loading up her/a car?
Was WB in the unit when MS was packing/loading her things? Was anyone else there?
Was she seen leaving just before the fire?

Answers to the above would help paint a picture of any planning etc on her part. Jmo.
She has a couple of Facebook accounts, but the one she used most recently was under the name Missy June. She made a Facebook post on this account that said "you wanna fxxx around and get stabbed, I'll burn your body and hide the evidence" on September 7 2015. Which I agree is eery considering her situation right now!
<modsnip re family member> This link states he is living in the Ottawa area and includes a picture of him and M. It does not state what employment he may have in Ottawa.

He added that he came to New Brunswick from Ottawa in late December to help in the search.

Details about MS packing up her 'things' on 17 Dec (or just before) are sketchy and am looking forward to a correct account of events.

What constituted 'things'? Clothing and other personal effects that could fit in her/a car? Toys?
Or were all the contents of her home packed up and moved?
Exactly what day was the move? She seems to have had access to the unit on 17 Dec.
Did she pack her own belongings? Were the units on either side of her occupied at the time and did one of them see her loading up her/a car?
Was WB in the unit when MS was packing/loading her things? Was anyone else there?
Was she seen leaving just before the fire?

Answers to the above would help paint a picture of any planning etc on her part. Jmo.

I can definitely see if I can pull the links that I read regarding her packing her things and this is known, I remember reading it right after it was released that she was wanted for questioning.
If the dad lives in Ontario I'm sure he has tons of connections. Not saying he knows where Marissa is. Just saying.

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I'm so angry that Marissa left her little boy. How could she. Did she really think this would turn out ok? Whether she is hiding or has passed away her poor child. I know OT but after looking at her FB regardless of what she did she "seemed" to love that boy. Even if it was to have just another accessory that looks good on her. Moo

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Agree the fb post of Sep 7 2015 attributed to 'Missy June' aka MS is an eerie threat and downright foolish if someone was in fact planning on carrying out that threat.

That's part of my dilemma in this fwiw. The story so far, fb driven it seems is, MS packed up some or all of her belongings, dropped her son off in a safe place, participated in a vicious murder in her home (about to be her former home), set the home on fire and fled with TN and or others into the night.

Seriously? MS envisioned she and TN should become the new 'Bonnie and Clyde' - knowing she would never see her son while on the run? She is that type of person? She left that much of a cyber/physical trail up to 17 Dec 2015, yet she is so much smarter than the others enabling her to be still on the run on 16 Jan 2016?

Her father arrived in NB from Ottawa 'late' Dec 2015 to help in the search for his daughter and was still in NB on 13 Jan 2016 - but might be hiding her and or know her whereabouts? That's a long time to mess around in a place you don't live for an illusion - why bother? He could have stayed at home and waited/watched for some news.

He added that he came to New Brunswick from Ottawa in late December to help in the search.

The article is dated 13 Jan 2016.

Struggling with this story so far - maybe it will all turn out to be true. Idk.
How long does it take to drive from Ottawa to NB?

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My theory is that Marissa may not have been the person who committed the actual murder, but I believe it was pre-planned by her and her accomplices. I believe she lured Baylee to her home under false pretences and set him up. Whether he was supposed to die, or get hurt, or what, I don't know. But I think Marissa had removed her belongings and was prepared for what was about to happen.

I also don't believe for a second that the mother hasn't spoken to her. The dad I believe as it states he lives out of province. But he says he last talked to her on the 12th and no one has heard from her since the 17th which is when the murder took place. Whereas the mother keeps saying "since before christmas". That is vague. There is a week between the 17th and Christmas. How many times did she have contact with her daughter during that week? A week is a lot of time to move her somewhere "safe"....

All just my own opinion and ideas of course :)

This is also my theory and I agree with you about the mother. It's also hard for me to believe that Marissa wouldn't have tried contacting her son, who is apparently staying with her mom.

Could MS insisting on contacting her son/mom have been a reason for those that she was with to kill her? Using a phone would have been a risky cyber trail.
Ottawa to Moncton looks like about 11 hours per google maps.
I'm struggling with the reason for killing BW, what did they have to gain from that?

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I'm struggling with the reason for killing BW, what did they have to gain from that?

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Im hoping Marissa is found soon and then the police might release some answers. My assumption would be something involving drugs and/or "snitching". They seem to be common themes on the suspects social media pages.
I'm always really dumbfounded how people think it's ok to murder someone. Do people actually think it's better to snuff a life out? I really can't wrap my mind around that thought process.

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Yeah, I suppose as people who wouldn't commit murder, the motive isn't going to make a lot of sense to us!

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But, wouldn't MS be shooting herself in the foot by participating in BW's murder and the arson at her home if she wanted to be a high flying 'madam' of some kind? Not getting how putting herself on the run flies with her chosen 'venture'.

New question if I may - could these children (sorry but do not see 18 - 20 year-olds much more than still children), trying to enter a high level 'venture', have had a disagreement over the equitable split of profits? Or who was going to be the boss? Or how the venture would be run?

<modsnip> Fwiw, I once had a small commercial building with rental spaces - I didn't start killing the tenants when the rent started rolling in nor did I set the place on fire. Just don't get why MS would tamper with what she might have seen as a money making venture.

But, wouldn't MS be shooting herself in the foot by participating in BW's murder and the arson at her home if she wanted to be a high flying 'madam' of some kind? Not getting how putting herself on the run flies with her chosen 'venture'.

New question if I may - could these children (sorry but do not see 18 - 20 year-olds much more than still children), trying to enter a high level 'venture', have had a disagreement over the equitable split of profits? Or who was going to be the boss? Or how the venture would be run?

<modsnip> Fwiw, I once had a small commercial building with rental spaces - I didn't start killing the tenants when the rent started rolling in nor did I set the place on fire. Just don't get why MS would tamper with what she might have seen as a money making venture.

I think you are Giving Marissa and these boys too much credit. She wasn't thinking about the future. They think "in the moment" and in that moment, she wanted Baylee dead.

I actually believe every word of this "backpage" prostitution story because there are a lot of "backpage" references from Baylee himself before he died. He had a girlfriend and found her backpage as well. Marissa seemed to harass a lot of females about this kind of stuff too. It seemed to be big in their circle and Marissa appeared to think of herself as better than other females.
Okay, have done a little tidy-up of some posts. Hopefully in doing so I have been able to retain context.
I think you are Giving Marissa and these boys today much credit. She wasn't thinking about the future. They think "in the moment" and in that moment, she wanted Baylee dead.

I actually believe every word of this "backpage" prostitution story because there are a lot of "backpage" references from Baylee himself before he died. He had a girlfriend and found her backpage as well. Marissa seemed to harass a lot of females about this kind of stuff too. It seemed to be big in their circle and Marissa appeared to think of herself as better than other females.

For clarification - I am giving 'the boys' credit for this crime so far, having trouble giving Marissa any credit at the moment. Forgive me, thought I had been more clear on that.
My gosh these are kids. My son is 20. And I've had a rough road with him from addiction to prison to rehab. I've always loved my son but held him accountable for his actions. In fact he went to jail because I called police.
As much heartache that we've gone though I can honestly say my son would never consider murder. These kids on backpage!! My god why!!!!!! Go to school. Take care of your babies. Live your lives. Adulthood comes much to fast.

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