CANADA Canada - Billionaire Couple Barry & Honey Sherman Murdered at Home, Toronto, 15 Dec 2017 #23

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Yes, and if there were no signs of dragging the bodies to the staging site, then it would have taken 2 people to carry them. It was mentioned that Barry's legs were crossed. Apparently, if you are going to carry a body, or person, it is easier with the legs crossed, just saying. It may have been done, like the glasses positioned neatly on his face to give the impression that he was at peace when he died of suicide, but I suspect there would have been some involuntary movements towards the end of a strangulation. There are some things, like this, as well as leaving Honey's dropped phone, and Barry's dropped gloves and papers that suggest these were not professional hit men. It is more like they were in a bit of a panic, adrenalin pumping, after two murders, wanting to get the staging right by the pool, and get out of there without being seen, or leaving any signs of forced entry. The old question comes to mind. Who benefited most from the deaths of both Barry and Honey Sherman? Was there any touch dna on the clothing of Honey and Barry? Always follow the money. IMO
I must be the odd duck here. I can envision one culprit. I can see the murderer subduing and controlling HS, then the same when BS as he arrived later, then staging the home, including all items left out like HS wallet on kitchen counter with plenty of cash, phones, gloves, envelope, all part of the staging. I can think logically through facts we know that the murderer could have been attempting to frame a Winters family member leaving the pair as hanging puppets with as much disrespect as possible. Using the low cost belts part of the staging to. IMO if the inspection papers were important to the killer/staging scenario they would have been removed from the envelope and displayed the content. IMO the killer could care less what evidence HS dropped, as they got control of her and proceeded with their plan what ever that plan is. Then same when BS first arrived The only goal is to get control of BS. Once wrists were bound the culprit could be in control of 2 people most likely who are in shock dealing with the situation. If it was a person they knew, conversations were had, questions asked, defences down not expecting death as this final outcome.

my curiosity questions pertaining to the belts -

who was hung with BS belt he was said to be wearing? One belt was 2” smaller.
Did they use BS belt to hang someone and then hunt for another belt to use?

** If one belt was out and visible would that not have been 2 floors above the staging area- why is the murderer up on this floor?
I must be the odd duck here. I can envision one culprit. I can see the murderer subduing and controlling HS, then the same when BS as he arrived later, then staging the home, including all items left out like HS wallet on kitchen counter with plenty of cash, phones, gloves, envelope, all part of the staging. I can think logically through facts we know that the murderer could have been attempting to frame a Winters family member leaving the pair as hanging puppets with as much disrespect as possible. Using the low cost belts part of the staging to. IMO if the inspection papers were important to the killer/staging scenario they would have been removed from the envelope and displayed the content. IMO the killer could care less what evidence HS dropped, as they got control of her and proceeded with their plan what ever that plan is. Then same when BS first arrived The only goal is to get control of BS. Once wrists were bound the culprit could be in control of 2 people most likely who are in shock dealing with the situation. If it was a person they knew, conversations were had, questions asked, defences down not expecting death as this final outcome.

my curiosity questions pertaining to the belts -

who was hung with BS belt he was said to be wearing? One belt was 2” smaller.
Did they use BS belt to hang someone and then hunt for another belt to use?

** If one belt was out and visible would that not have been 2 floors above the staging area- why is the murderer up on this floor?
The biggest reason I think 2 or more were involved is because of the timing. Barry and Honey arrived about half an hour apart. Had she shopped for a little while longer or got gas, she could have arrived at the same time as Barry. What would the attacker do then? Had one tie the other one up at gunpoint? Maybe. Did they have a plan B in case that happened? We probably will never know.
If there were 2 attackers, would that mean that both victims were strangled simultaneously by 2 different people? That both attackers were that full of hate and willing to commit such a dreadful act? I find it possible but hard to imagine. Alternatively, if there was only one strangler, then the second victim had to watch the first victim, their life partner, being strangled to death. Horrible. And knowing they were next. So much horror and hate - is it even possible that money was the only reason? Surely there had to be more to it to engender such hatred and violence? Revenge even?
Just my burblings.
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If there were 2 attackers, would that mean that both victims were strangled simultaneously by 2 different people? That both attackers were that full of hate and willing to commit such a dreadful act? I find it possible but hard to imagine. Alternatively, if there was only one strangler, then the second victim had to watch the first victim, their life partner, being strangled to death. Horrible. And knowing they were next. So much horror and hate - is it even possible that money was the only reason? Surely there had to be more to it to engender such hatred and violence? Revenge even?
Just my burblings.
But whether one attacker or two, HS could have easily been dead by the time BS arrived home. There is no evidence that we are aware of that they were strangled simultaneously,or that one of them was forced to watch the other die. if there were 2 attackers, one of them could have done all of the murdering, and the other been a lookout. We just don’t know. I personally believe one person committed both murders, but whether someone else was there I don’t know.
I must be the odd duck here. I can envision one culprit. I can see the murderer subduing and controlling HS, then the same when BS as he arrived later, then staging the home, including all items left out like HS wallet on kitchen counter with plenty of cash, phones, gloves, envelope, all part of the staging. I can think logically through facts we know that the murderer could have been attempting to frame a Winters family member leaving the pair as hanging puppets with as much disrespect as possible. Using the low cost belts part of the staging to. IMO if the inspection papers were important to the killer/staging scenario they would have been removed from the envelope and displayed the content. IMO the killer could care less what evidence HS dropped, as they got control of her and proceeded with their plan what ever that plan is. Then same when BS first arrived The only goal is to get control of BS. Once wrists were bound the culprit could be in control of 2 people most likely who are in shock dealing with the situation. If it was a person they knew, conversations were had, questions asked, defences down not expecting death as this final outcome.

my curiosity questions pertaining to the belts -

who was hung with BS belt he was said to be wearing? One belt was 2” smaller.
Did they use BS belt to hang someone and then hunt for another belt to use?

** If one belt was out and visible would that not have been 2 floors above the staging area- why is the murderer up on this floor?
The killer couldn't expect to find 2 belts of the same design, unless he knew about the existence. I think, the killer used Barry's belt, after he unfastened it. Then went upstairs and found the similar one, well appropriate as the shorter or longer one just had served well. Certainly a men's belt was necessary in any case, rather than a women's belt.
The killer couldn't expect to find 2 belts of the same design, unless he knew about the existence. I think, the killer used Barry's belt, after he unfastened it. Then went upstairs and found the similar one, well appropriate as the shorter or longer one just had served well. Certainly a men's belt was necessary in any case, rather than a women's belt.
Yes, I think using those two belts, or at least the one Barry was wearing, and another from his closet was part of the staging plan, to make it look like Barry killed Honey, and then himself. The killer(s) really wanted it to look like a murder/suicide so that the law would not be coming after them. Also, that would establish that Honey died first, and if no one could produce her will, then by law the estate would be settled according to Barry's will. I suspect that the estate and the billions at stake were a big part of the motive for this double homicide.

It could have been someone outside of the family, but the familiarity with the house, knowing when Barry and Honey would be there alone, the use of the most remote area of the house, the pool room, for the murder staging, the belts, and the ability to enter and leave without being detected on camera, and not leaving any evidence of forced entry certainly looks like a lot of inside information to me, and again, I have to ask, who benefits the most from their deaths? IMO
Noting the staging in this murder by carbon monoxide case, it almost seems gentle compared to the Sherman's cruel deaths, imo, speculation.
2003 rbbm
''John High, 72, and his 74-year-old wife, Ruth, the parents of Duncan's homosexual lover, were killed Oct. 8, 1987 at their Houston home. Duncan hoped to use his lover's share of their $500,000 life insurance to save his collapsing computer business, according to prosecutors.

"It was all about money," Siegler said''

'' His wife was smothered, probably with a pillow, and her body was arranged in her bed to make it look like she died reading a book.''
''Their killer turned on a portable gas stove and locked the door behind him as he left''.
Jan 24 2024 lengthy.
''The application recently filed in Superior Court comes from two children of Honey's sister and best friend Mary Shechtman — 29-year-old twins Matthew and Rebecca. They want Shermans son Jonathon and his two fellow estate trustees to provide a full accounting of a mysterious "trust" Barry set up the year before he died. The Shechtman twins believe the trust holds more than $500 million and they and other members of the extended Sherman family are entitled to some of it''.
Matthew Shechtman and sister Rebecca are suing members of the Sherman family seeking an accounting of Barry Sherman's trust.
''The trustees of both Barry's estate and the 2016 trust are Jonathon Sherman, Sherfam money manager Alex Glasenberg, and Brad Krawczyk, who was formerly married to Sherman daughter Alexandra. It is those three men, the Shechtman twins allege, who have failed in their "fiduciary duties" to provide information on the trust to the beneficiaries. The lawyer for the Shechtman twins wants the court to suspend or remove the three trustees and appoint an independent trustee.''
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Jan 24 2024 lengthy.
''The application recently filed in Superior Court comes from two children of Honey's sister and best friend Mary Shechtman — 29-year-old twins Matthew and Rebecca. They want Shermans son Jonathon and his two fellow estate trustees to provide a full accounting of a mysterious "trust" Barry set up the year before he died. The Shechtman twins believe the trust holds more than $500 million and they and other members of the extended Sherman family are entitled to some of it''.
View attachment 474633
Matthew Shechtman and sister Rebecca are suing members of the Sherman family seeking an accounting of Barry Sherman's trust.
''The trustees of both Barry's estate and the 2016 trust are Jonathon Sherman, Sherfam money manager Alex Glasenberg, and Brad Krawczyk, who was formerly married to Sherman daughter Alexandra. It is those three men, the Shechtman twins allege, who have failed in their "fiduciary duties" to provide information on the trust to the beneficiaries. The lawyer for the Shechtman twins wants the court to suspend or remove the three trustees and appoint an independent trustee.''
Thanks Dotr. What a sad, sorry, disgusting mess
Jan 24 2024 lengthy.
''The application recently filed in Superior Court comes from two children of Honey's sister and best friend Mary Shechtman — 29-year-old twins Matthew and Rebecca. They want Shermans son Jonathon and his two fellow estate trustees to provide a full accounting of a mysterious "trust" Barry set up the year before he died. The Shechtman twins believe the trust holds more than $500 million and they and other members of the extended Sherman family are entitled to some of it''.
View attachment 474633
Matthew Shechtman and sister Rebecca are suing members of the Sherman family seeking an accounting of Barry Sherman's trust.
''The trustees of both Barry's estate and the 2016 trust are Jonathon Sherman, Sherfam money manager Alex Glasenberg, and Brad Krawczyk, who was formerly married to Sherman daughter Alexandra. It is those three men, the Shechtman twins allege, who have failed in their "fiduciary duties" to provide information on the trust to the beneficiaries. The lawyer for the Shechtman twins wants the court to suspend or remove the three trustees and appoint an independent trustee.''

This has Mary written all over it, imo. If so this will be her 4th public attempt at trying to obtain that $300-500 million she wants from the Sherman Estate. I get the impression she thinks SHE is Honey’s rightful heir, not her children. She previously asked the heirs for everything Honey had.

The only thing I can’t grasp is why she isn’t content with the dozens or hundreds of millions she already has due to Honey and Barry.

Here is a post I made a while back about the court activity. Adding this because there are screenshots from the Ontario Court site. (Just the basics, not details of the case.)

I couldn’t figure it out other than the fight centred around a trust Barry had in 2016. I’m so happy to read this article by KD that you posted!!
This has Mary written all over it, imo. If so this will be her 4th public attempt at trying to obtain that $300-500 million she wants from the Sherman Estate. I get the impression she thinks SHE is Honey’s rightful heir, not her children. She previously asked the heirs for everything Honey had.

The only thing I can’t grasp is why she isn’t content with the dozens or hundreds of millions she already has due to Honey and Barry.

Here is a post I made a while back about the court activity. Adding this because there are screenshots from the Ontario Court site. (Just the basics, not details of the case.)

I couldn’t figure it out other than the fight centred around a trust Barry had in 2016. I’m so happy to read this article by KD that you posted!!
That Mary and family would fight so hard and repeatedly for money that was supposed to be going to Honeys children. <modsnip: not victim friendly> What would have happened if the Shermans told Mary that actually, Honey wouldn’t be passing money to her, or at least not that huge $500 million amount? How would she or her children react? <modsnip>
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Just to look at it another way, if Barry created a trust and named all of that generation as beneficiaries (kids, cousins- and their kids), the beneficiaries may have a legitimate legal claim, even if the trust is discretionary.
Noting the staging in this murder by carbon monoxide case, it almost seems gentle compared to the Sherman's cruel deaths, imo, speculation.
2003 rbbm
''John High, 72, and his 74-year-old wife, Ruth, the parents of Duncan's homosexual lover, were killed Oct. 8, 1987 at their Houston home. Duncan hoped to use his lover's share of their $500,000 life insurance to save his collapsing computer business, according to prosecutors.

"It was all about money," Siegler said''

'' His wife was smothered, probably with a pillow, and her body was arranged in her bed to make it look like she died reading a book.''
''Their killer turned on a portable gas stove and locked the door behind him as he left''.
I'm watching this on Oxygen now.
Noting the staging in this murder by carbon monoxide case, it almost seems gentle compared to the Sherman's cruel deaths, imo, speculation.
2003 rbbm
''John High, 72, and his 74-year-old wife, Ruth, the parents of Duncan's homosexual lover, were killed Oct. 8, 1987 at their Houston home. Duncan hoped to use his lover's share of their $500,000 life insurance to save his collapsing computer business, according to prosecutors.

"It was all about money," Siegler said''

'' His wife was smothered, probably with a pillow, and her body was arranged in her bed to make it look like she died reading a book.''
''Their killer turned on a portable gas stove and locked the door behind him as he left''.
I'm watching this on Oxygen and it was thought to be M/S at first.
Jan 15 2024

''Toronto Star Chief Investigative Reporter @_KevinDonovan updates @MooreintheAM on Honey Sherman's family members suing for part of..''
I think this lawsuit is the right move, if for no other reason than to get someone impartial involved. It's just a shame that Barry didn't say who could get what amount.

I also wonder if this was one of the things JS and JK butted heads about before he was fired.
I don't understand, why BS trusted his own son so much, that JS became a trustee also to the 2016 trust. In my eyes JS doesn't have the right character traits to make decisions of this magnitude (who will get how much). Bad blood was inevitable. Didn't BS know it? BS could even have forseen, that JS/JK/AG would make a bad designed trustee-team, IMO.
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Jan 24 2024 lengthy.
''The application recently filed in Superior Court comes from two children of Honey's sister and best friend Mary Shechtman — 29-year-old twins Matthew and Rebecca. They want Shermans son Jonathon and his two fellow estate trustees to provide a full accounting of a mysterious "trust" Barry set up the year before he died. The Shechtman twins believe the trust holds more than $500 million and they and other members of the extended Sherman family are entitled to some of it''.
View attachment 474633
Matthew Shechtman and sister Rebecca are suing members of the Sherman family seeking an accounting of Barry Sherman's trust.
''The trustees of both Barry's estate and the 2016 trust are Jonathon Sherman, Sherfam money manager Alex Glasenberg, and Brad Krawczyk, who was formerly married to Sherman daughter Alexandra. It is those three men, the Shechtman twins allege, who have failed in their "fiduciary duties" to provide information on the trust to the beneficiaries. The lawyer for the Shechtman twins wants the court to suspend or remove the three trustees and appoint an independent trustee.''
Is this the 500 million MS was referring was to come to her? Not for HS to gift MS from her 300 - 500 million BS was planning to give HS? Now we are talking BS discussing and creating trusts for giving out 1 billion shortly before his death.
Is this the 500 million MS was referring was to come to her? Not for HS to gift MS from her 300 - 500 million BS was planning to give HS? Now we are talking BS discussing and creating trusts for giving out 1 billion shortly before his death.

That’s what I think. Her husband (AS) was an estate trustee up until the spring of 2017. If you’re set to be a trustee of such a big empire you’d have to be kept informed of what you’re expected to run one day. So I think AS would have known all about it, imo, and Mary would likely have been aware.

Maybe on the plane ride from Miami to Toronto on December 15th they spoke about it. Their three children were named in the trust. And because it’s a discretionary trust and Allen was no longer part of deciding who gets what, Mary may have decided to force the issue once she arrived. Which is what KD said she did.

I’m curious to know if Honey played a role in the 2016 trust.
I personally doubt that this trust was what was meant by the money promised to Mary. First and foremost, Mary isn’t a beneficiary of this trust as far as we know, so *none* of the assets in it can possibly go to her. Further, this trust was already established at least a year before Barry’s and Honey’s deaths (assuming the 2016 date in the name of the trust is accurate), whereas we have understood the gift to Mary to be coming or promised.

IMO this trust is a separate thing altogether, which has nothing to do with Mary or the money purportedly coming to her.

The main problem for the cousins is that the trust is *discretionary*. The question is— is there a legal basis to compel distributions to the Shechtman kids notwithstanding that the trust is discretionary? I don’t know the answer. We need more facts and a trust law expert. MOO
I don't understand, why BS trusted his own son so much, that JS became a trustee also to the 2016 trust. In my eyes JS doesn't have the right character traits to make decisions of this magnitude (who will get how much). Bad blood was inevitable. Didn't BS know it? BS could even have forseen, that JS/JK/AG would make a bad designed trustee-team, IMO.
Not too long before his death, Barry "joked" that Johnathan was trying to carry out a "palace coup", when he found out Johnathan was contacting his sisters saying that as "fellow shareholders" they should be concerned about the likely mental incompetence of their senior parent, Barry. Maybe Barry just could not believe he was in real danger because others wanted his billions, especially if it were family. Just a possibility. IMO

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