Canada - Canadian hockey team fatal bus accident tragedy, 6 April 2018

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I read earlier on CNN that the go fund me is the 5th highest all time.

I know there are more donations to come as many businesses are fundraising and/or donating the proceeds from sales of certain items to the fund. I imagine the go fund me also doesn't include the money from the NHL 50/50 draws last weekend, I haven't spotted them on the list yet, but they may just do that directly rather than going to the fund. I did notice that the "Go Fund Me Team" donated 25,000 themselves, and I heard today that they are waiving any fees.

I am truly in awe with all the support. From donations to the #putyoursticksout campaign. I got up early this morning and the first tweet I saw was a picture of sticks and a headset with the tweet "in case Tyler Bieber wants to call the game", it brought me to tears :(
I noticed sticks out in my (Toronto) neighbourhood today, including the local fire station. My husband plays hockey and this morning there were sticks at the entrance to the arena.

Everyone is feeling it.
:silenced::silenced::silenced::silenced: Seriously. I will still refrain from posting what I really think... but I'm not really good at that and the more I'm reading, the less refrained I am feeling.

With you on that.
The trees should definitely be cut back if possible. is animation was helpful thank you CARIIS.
The people living in the house beside them might not agree to it though as they are giving them privacy.

Not just privacy, but presumably shelter from the wind in a very flat and open landscape.
Respectfully I was not comparing the two countries. I am well aware how vast Canada is and the population differences. I was just stating that we do not have junctions like this one where I live in Scotland and I have never seen one like it before. I would not feel safe driving this junction and feel the stop sign with flashing light is totally inadequate.

My apologies. I misunderstood your original comment to imply that major changes should be made to the many, many intersections that are just like this.
With you on that.

In some parts of the world, an incident like this might cause some to immediately wonder if a terrorist attack had occurred. Thankfully I have not heard anyone bring that up in this situation, and I pray we never get to that point.
My apologies. I misunderstood your original comment to imply that major changes should be made to the many, many intersections that are just like this.

Thank you. No I just meant this junction if they cut the trees back and put the rumble strips down near the stop sign it will be a big improvement.
- As people mourn 15 lives lost in the Humboldt Broncos bus crash, others are praying for the dozen who remain in a Saskatoon hospital and their long fight ahead.

Dayna Brons, the junior hockey team's athletic trainer, was the lone woman on the bus.

"It's a waiting game now," relative Dale Brons told The Canadian Press on Tuesday.

He said the 25-year-old from Lake Lenore, Sask., suffered serious head trauma and had so far undergone two surgeries. She remained in critical condition.
Canadians across the country are planning to trade their usual weekday outfits for sports jerseys Thursday, to honour every one of those affected in the Humboldt Broncos bus crash tragedy.

A group of hockey parents from Langley, B.C. started the #JerseysforHumboldt plan over the weekend to show the victims' families that they are thinking of them.

Though they never meant for the idea to catch on worldwide, the Jersey Day idea has spread through social media. Dozens of sports organizations, school boards and local businesses across Canada, the U.S. and even Europe are encouraging their members and students to wear jerseys or green and gold colours on Thursday.
My partner has a million jerseys from basketball to hockey and everything in between. This I’m prepared for! And my son comes home tomorrow for a few weeks and off he goes to Teen Challenge. Jersey day will be in full at our household. ❤️

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I have assumed this from the beginning. Only because we were on the highway (a different one) at the same time that day and going West, the sun was bright on Friday, and with snow (the area of the accident has more snow then where I am), it was just that much brighter. After finding out a bit more about the trucking company, I am also going to assume (which I know I probably shouldn't ) that the driver was probably not that familiar with the area. I will refrain from posting my other thoughts about the company until I know more.

As for the highway having an intersection like that... they are all over Canada like this, the only thing that makes this intersection unique at the moment is that 15 people were killed last week and it is being highlighted. We have an intersection on the outskirts of the city I live in... there is a stop sign where the road meets a major highway. Numerous lives have been lost there, and every time we are there, I just don't understand what the problem is, unfortunately, it always boils down to driver error, whether it's the sun, the weather, etc, it's still the drivers responsibility to drive carefully and according to the conditions. I am sure we will find out in the coming days or weeks that rumble strips will be added to the highway the truck driver was on, I sure hope so :(

Hi missy, respectfully, i am not sure i agree with the statement that there are intersections like this all over Canada. I have lived and driven all over Canada and the only place i remember intersections like this is Saskatchewan. Yes, there are highways with roads leading on to them all over. But this is 2 intersecting 100 km/h highways. If someone is not used to driving Saskatchewan "highways", a stop sign in the middle of a 100 km/h highway is terribly dangerous. There should be ample warning starting hundreds of yards ahead of the stop sign. Big signs, flashing lights, rumble strips are all needed to let the drivers know you are approaching a stop sign that intersects another 100 km/h highway. The speed limit should also be significantly reduced approaching the stop sign as well. They are poorly thought out intersections.
This is one of my favorites, a simple cross at the crash site.

Saskatchewan is the most dangerous province in which to drive- by a long shot!

Even the Premier of the Province has an impaired driving conviction, and was involved in a fatal accident on another occasion.

As others have posted here, it is clear that the geography, weather, lifestyle/culture and road system all combine to make driving in Saskatchewan riskier than in other parts of the country. I'm not sure what can realistically be done about that. Please drive carefully!
Hi missy, respectfully, i am not sure i agree with the statement that there are intersections like this all over Canada. I have lived and driven all over Canada and the only place i remember intersections like this is Saskatchewan. Yes, there are highways with roads leading on to them all over. But this is 2 intersecting 100 km/h highways. If someone is not used to driving Saskatchewan "highways", a stop sign in the middle of a 100 km/h highway is terribly dangerous. There should be ample warning starting hundreds of yards ahead of the stop sign. Big signs, flashing lights, rumble strips are all needed to let the drivers know you are approaching a stop sign that intersects another 100 km/h highway. The speed limit should also be significantly reduced approaching the stop sign as well. They are poorly thought out intersections.

hmmm okay, maybe I worded it wrong lol Canada has a lot of open spaces, more so in Saskatchewan. I guess maybe I should have said in the not so heavily populated areas (which is basically the majority of Saskatchewan) there are intersections like this. The least they could have had there though was the rumble strips. Most major intersecting highways do have those nowadays, and I know some of the highways that we travel on the most had added them in the last 5-10 years, but there are still lots that don't.

I don't think we will ever see the trees go at that corner, they are put there to shield the house from the elements.

It does all boil down to driver error, and the rumble strips may have helped. The guy was only driving for a month, 2 weeks on his own. Who knows if the rumble strips would have helped in this case.
In some parts of the world, an incident like this might cause some to immediately wonder if a terrorist attack had occurred. Thankfully I have not heard anyone bring that up in this situation, and I pray we never get to that point.

ohhh I wasn't implying that, sorry if anyone came away with that.
Saskatchewan is the most dangerous province in which to drive- by a long shot!

Even the Premier of the Province has an impaired driving conviction, and was involved in a fatal accident on another occasion.

As others have posted here, it is clear that the geography, weather, lifestyle/culture and road system all combine to make driving in Saskatchewan riskier than in other parts of the country. I'm not sure what can realistically be done about that. Please drive carefully!

That just makes me scared to drive now :scared:

just saw this on twitter, love it. Wish they had included other countries as well though, the grief and support is not limited to just Canada.... as I can clearly see here on websleuths :)

Update on Go Fund Me:



Just fifteen minutes later and it's on 8,482,058... incredible... I know no amount of money will take their pain away but I hope it helps take away all concerns about expenses for all the injured and left behind and at last help ease the load they all carry a little that way.

The accident and later (one of) the vigil(s) were even on the news in The Netherlands... the whole world is mourning with this community.

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