Deceased/Not Found Canada - Catherine Todd, 48, Kitchener, 18 March 2013 *J. Parise guilty*

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Officers in white stood on either side of a gigantic blue sorting machine, sifting through trash with sticks and nets as it rolled past on the sorter’s multiple conveyor belts. An excavator in front of the sorter fed it with pile after pile of trash.

“It’s taking longer than we first expected,” Thaler said. “There haven’t been any setbacks; it’s just a matter of the amount of material.”

Police say they’re focusing on a specific section of the landfill, and remain fairly certain that the loveseat, and perhaps the missing woman’s body, are buried somewhere under the mountains of refuse.
taken from your link above, Chellebelle.

It appears that the trash they are sorting through is small stuff, going thru on the conveyor belts - so they would not find an entire loveseat that way, right? So possibly everything has been crushed/compacted at the landfill site by this point?

And if JSP did make a confession, as we'd speculated, wouldn't LE know if her body was there or not? All reports in MSM continue to say her body may be there... I suppose that may be that he has told them that's where it is, but they will not confirm that until they find her.

Vehicles weigh in and out at the landfill, right? So they should have a record of his truck in & out on a specific day at a specific time which they should be able to track to a specific dumping area that was in use at that time, unless he used a dumpster (perhaps on a construction site) which maybe they are unable to track as closely.

So hard for Catherine's family, to know that she's been treated like a peice of garbage... such indignity. Maybe that be a separate charge in addition to 2nd degree murder - indignity to human remains? I've done a bit of, but not yet enough, reading on it - it seems to be the offering of callous disrespect for human remains... which I feel it is, if she is in the landfill site.
taken from your link above, Chellebelle.

And if JSP did make a confession, as we'd speculated, wouldn't LE know if her body was there or not? All reports in MSM continue to say her body may be there... I suppose that may be that he has told them that's where it is, but they will not confirm that until they find her.

Yep. I think they do know it's there, it's just a matter of finding it. That's a huge volume of garbage to sift through. He may have made a confession, but I suppose there's a chance he's lying. They somehow seem more certain that the loveseat is there, and not 'as' certain of the body. So you're right, they probably have witnesses who saw him drive away with the loveseat in his truck, and the landfill site has a record of his vehicle dumping on that day, and quite possibly video surveillance of him dumping a loveseat, specifically, but they don't know for certain whether or not the body was IN the loveseat. They keep mentioning the loveseat "may have been covered by a blanket", and I imagine that would be to conceal blood and/or the body from anyone looking.

From the first article:

Thaler said it isn’t a random search. Material is moved into the landfill site in a planned way, he said.
“There’s a specific area” that’s being searched, he said.

And I agree with the rest, I think it should be considered an indignity to a body :(

I also do not envy the police their task. Can you imagine standing in heaps of garbage just waiting to be the one to find a body part? Ugh...
I think its amazing that somebody here said her body could actually be inside of it & now that appears to be something the police may thing as well.

Yeah, I said that. The only reason I thought that was that they said the loveseat may have a sheet on it, but they didn't say anything about Catherine. And then I thought, well, if they already think she is deceased and are concentrating on the landfill, it wouldn't just be to find the couch. That would be part of it, but I would think they would have another crew searching around the area for Catherine. And since I haven't read anything about that in the news (nor seen any activity around the city), I thought "hey, maybe she is actually INSIDE the couch." Not a thought I wanted to have. :( But I just want her found.
Do we know what floor she lived on? I thought it was 2nd... but even from a ground floor level, we are speculating that he moved that love seat (possibly with her body in/on it, covered by a sheet or blanket) from the apartment to his truck by himself? I know he was a bodybuilder & strong... but it would be awkward, moving it alone - and I think it would require holding it on different angles, etc to get through doorways - so how would he do that without her falling off/out of it or the sheet/blanket falling off? But if he'd had someone help him move it, surely that person would have seen a body... which would have led to accessory to murder charges if they didn't report it, I would think.

But if there were witnesses to him moving the loveseat, surely he could not have carried her body out separately at the same time.

So... I just wonder about the body in the loveseat angle... cannot figure out the logistics of it.

All MOO.
The apartment is a walk-up style. I can't imagine a scenario where a couch could be moved without help. The hallways aren't all that wide. And no elevator.
The apartment apears to have units in the basement and two floors with balconies
I don't recall which floor she lived on but I want to say second??
The apartment is a walk-up style. I can't imagine a scenario where a couch could be moved without help. The hallways aren't all that wide. And no elevator.

I agree, but then that suggest he had a helper. :what:

I think in the early reports, there was an indication that LE were not looking for anyone else in relation to her disappearance... but perhaps that has changed, and LE would not necessarily make that public.
Do we know what floor she lived on? I thought it was 2nd... but even from a ground floor level, we are speculating that he moved that love seat (possibly with her body in/on it, covered by a sheet or blanket) from the apartment to his truck by himself? I know he was a bodybuilder & strong... but it would be awkward, moving it alone - and I think it would require holding it on different angles, etc to get through doorways - so how would he do that without her falling off/out of it or the sheet/blanket falling off? But if he'd had someone help him move it, surely that person would have seen a body... which would have led to accessory to murder charges if they didn't report it, I would think.

But if there were witnesses to him moving the loveseat, surely he could not have carried her body out separately at the same time.

So... I just wonder about the body in the loveseat angle... cannot figure out the logistics of it.

All MOO.

You know, something I keep going back to, and it was mentioned more in the beginning of the investigation, was that the loveseat had a "cut in the right side"

"In addition, investigators are looking for a small loveseat that may be covered with a sheet or blanket that is missing from Todd's apartment. It is described as being cream coloured, with tweed material and a cut in the right side."

Did he admit to slicing one end of the couch to stuff her body inside? Otherwise, how would they know the loveseat had a cut in one side?

No elevator. A couple possibilities;

1) Being in construction, he may have had a dolly in his truck. If he slit one side of the loveseat and stuffed her body inside, it wouldn't take much, keeping the slit side up, to prop the loveseat vertically on a dolly and hand-bomb it down a flight of stairs and onto a truck.

2) This was her apartment. If he backed his truck up under her balcony, it also wouldn't have taken much for him to hike it over the balcony and onto the back of a truck. It surely would have made a big bang and would not have gone unnoticed, which is where the witnesses may come in. Someone looked out their window to see what the noise was, and saw him drive off with a loveseat.

I think the slash in the sofa and the dolly idea are real possibilities
Good points!

Police also said a loveseat from her apartment was missing. The loveseat is described as cream-coloured with a tweed pattern and a rip along the right arm. It is believed that the furniture was covered with a sheet or blanket.

BBM - so here it is reported the rip is along the right arm, not side... was it reported as side somewhere else?

And, picturing the construction of a loveseat, at least in general - the cushions come off, under which there is a relatively thin 'base' over top of springs - I'm not sure where exactly one could stuff a body? Maybe tied onto the springs underneath?

So, in this article it is the building superintendent saying that it would take two people to move the loveseat. Interesting. He certainly had quite a few buddies on FB, at least one of whom seemed to look up to him from the tone of the posts. He may just tell a buddy, just give me hand moving this thing, don't look around, don't ask questions. But then, any witnesses to the moving of the loveseat should have seen a helper.

James Solomon Parise, 25, was arrested by police in a parking lot Tuesday in Stratford.

No other arrests are expected, said Insp. Kevin Thaler, a spokesperson for Waterloo Regional Police.

At least at the time of JSP's arrest, LE did not seem to think there was anyone else involved... so if he had help moving the loveseat, LE must have been convinced that whoever helped did not know what they were moving or what had occurred. Hmmm.

ETA - this article also says the loveseat had a rip along the right arm. Would you call the whole end of the loveseat 'the arm'?

BBM - so here it is reported the rip is along the right arm, not side... was it reported as side somewhere else?

And, picturing the construction of a loveseat, at least in general - the cushions come off, under which there is a relatively thin 'base' over top of springs - I'm not sure where exactly one could stuff a body? Maybe tied onto the springs underneath?

So, in this article it is the building superintendent saying that it would take two people to move the loveseat. Interesting. He certainly had quite a few buddies on FB, at least one of whom seemed to look up to him from the tone of the posts. He may just tell a buddy, just give me hand moving this thing, don't look around, don't ask questions. But then, any witnesses to the moving of the loveseat should have seen a helper.

I've seen it reported as "a cut in the right side" and "a cut in the right arm", but nothing specific. Where on the arm was it cut - on the top, under the arm, or actually the side of the sofa itself? Without actually seeing the style of the loveseat, it's hard to say.
I think the dolly, as you suggested Chellebelle, seems the most realistic scenario. He could tie everything on securely, including the blanket/sheet to cover up anything that would arouse suspicion, maybe just have her laid under the cushions, and then move it by himself.

Over the balcony is possible, too, but I think he would worry that something might become exposed as it landed.

It was reported that the door to the apartment was not shut, I believe. Perhaps in his haste/panic, he took the dolly down the stairs, loaded it all in the back of the truck & took off without going back to shut the door? And maybe he'd be worried about going back yet again, more time there would increase the chances of witnesses seeing him.
I think the dolly, as you suggested Chellebelle, seems the most realistic scenario. He could tie everything on securely, including the blanket/sheet to cover up anything that would arouse suspicion, maybe just have her laid under the cushions, and then move it by himself.

Over the balcony is possible, too, but I think he would worry that something might become exposed as it landed.

It was reported that the door to the apartment was not shut, I believe. Perhaps in his haste/panic, he took the dolly down the stairs, loaded it all in the back of the truck & took off without going back to shut the door? And maybe he'd be worried about going back yet again, more time there would increase the chances of witnesses seeing him.

Yeah, I agree that hiking it over the balcony is probably the least likely scenario. It would just make too much of a racket, and as you say, he would risk something being exposed or even having her fall out.

This was one of the first articles I read about the cut in the couch:

"Police have asked the public for information regarding a tweed, cream-coloured loveseat that is missing from Todd’s apartment. The loveseat has a cut in the right side, and police believe it left the apartment wrapped in a blanket or sheet."

He's used to moving building materials up several flights of stairs in home constructions, I'm sure with a dolly he'd have no trouble hiking out a loveseat down one story. If this wasn't someone who worked in construction and who wasn't built like a brick ***** house, lol... I'd say it would probably take 2 people.

And am I the only one concerned about what happened to her dog? :blushing: I hope he's okay and they didn't just throw him in the pound. The dog was blind and will likely not get adopted out :(
Yeah, I agree that hiking it over the balcony is probably the least likely scenario. It would just make too much of a racket, and as you say, he would risk something being exposed or even having her fall out.

This was one of the first articles I read about the cut in the couch:

"Police have asked the public for information regarding a tweed, cream-coloured loveseat that is missing from Todd’s apartment. The loveseat has a cut in the right side, and police believe it left the apartment wrapped in a blanket or sheet."

He's used to moving building materials up several flights of stairs in home constructions, I'm sure with a dolly he'd have no trouble hiking out a loveseat down one story. If this wasn't someone who worked in construction and who wasn't built like a brick ***** house, lol... I'd say it would probably take 2 people.

And am I the only one concerned about what happened to her dog? :blushing: I hope he's okay and they didn't just throw him in the pound. The dog was blind and will likely not get adopted out :(

I hope her boyfriend or her family have taken in her dog. I think they would want to keep the dog close to them, one of the last things they'll have that was Catherine's.
The only way I can see hiding a body in a loveseat is if it is a pull-out bed style. By removing the mattress, there might be ample room to contain a small/petite body.

The only way I can see hiding a body in a loveseat is if it is a pull-out bed style. By removing the mattress, there might be ample room to contain a small/petite body.


Agreed. But then you would REALLY need help. Even with a dolly, those sofa beds are HEAVY!

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