Found Deceased Canada - Chase Martens, 2, Austin, MB, 22 March 2016

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DNA Solves
I just watched the Presser. Where are you little man? You are so loved :crying:
That article says a Collision reconstruction crew has been brought in? I wonder why, what they're thinking?

BBM above

...The mission of the CRS is to improve public safety through the application of forensic science in collision reconstruction (Royal Canadian Mounted Police [RCMP], 2005). This group of forensic investigators determines how and what occurred in a collision in order to assist other investigational units to decide if criminal or provincial statute offences have occurred.

Read more on Page 7 here
Is it possible someone ran over Chase? I hope not.
Clearly his parents are devastated.

Where is Chase???
Is it possible someone ran over Chase? I hope not.
Clearly his parents are devastated.

Where is Chase???

I almost fell over reading they were bringing in the CRS...SADLY I have had a feeling a tarabull accident may have played a role here. :moo: :cow:

Where is Chase?

Ahh geez. This is not a direction I'd even considered. I'm not that knowledgeable when it comes to the ocean of criminal charges out there, but this (and other cases) have left me wondering-- are there charges out there that address wasting incredibly valuable resources such as these, on top of just failure to report, etc?! It's OT, I know, but there ought to be some sort of horrendous charge just for the kinds of people who allow searches like this to go on when they know it's futile. Ugh
Is it possible that the accident reconstruction team isn't attending in that specialized capacity, but just as regular officers helping in the search? A reporter might have simply read the markings on the car that they arrived in and mistakenly reported it. The police would need to have an accident scene for an accident reconstruction team to examine, and there's no indication that they found anything of the sort. Given the number of searchers and reporters in the area (plus the news helicopters overhead) that's not the type of thing that they would be able to keep secret.
I'd love to be optimistic, but CRS coming in to assist seems rather odd. It seems like a car accident on the road would have been heard. Ugh, not liking where my mind is taking me right now.
I've just watched the clip of the parents speaking to the media. It was gut wrenching. I hate to draw this comparison, but it was a stunning contrast to the parents of DeOrr Kunz.

Anyway, I stand firm that these parents are devastated beyond comprehension and if there was an accident, it was an outsider, and not one of the parents.

I'm still stuck on the dog. Can't let it go.
Would there be any wild animals in that area? Bears,Bobcats,coyotes?I would think if that were the case though,an article of clothing would have been dropped and the dog would bark.
That article says a Collision reconstruction crew has been brought in? I wonder why, what they're thinking?

I think either they are just participating because they are available, or they are skilled at detecting signs of a vehicle's tire tracks.
I think either they are just participating because they are available, or they are skilled at detecting signs of a vehicle's tire tracks.

I'll bet that's it - tire tracks. Looking for any sign of an outsider coming in and whisking Chase away.
Our little 4 lb dog barks like crazy whenever someone comes down our driveway.Can't understand the dog not barking!
Hopefully the video at the store is checked.Someone might have set their sights on Chase in the store,and followed the truck when it left.

Where are you Chase?


ETA: check pics #8, 10, 18, 33, etc...
This must be the darkest and coldest of nights for Chase's parents and his sisters must be confused and missing him terribly too.
Wish there was some relief in sight for this family- wondering how the dog is behaving now?

Lost & Found: How a Three-Year-Old Survived 52 Hours in the Woods (and How You Can Too)
06/07/2009 05:12 am ET | Updated Nov 17, 2011
Earlier this week, three-year-old Joshua Childers wandered away from his home in southeast Missouri wearing only a T-shirt, sneakers and a pull-up diaper. After intensive searching for more than 52 agonizing hours, the 35-pound toddler was found alive three miles from his home in the wet, chilly and rough terrain of the Mark Twain National Forest, home to bears, mountain lions, and snakes.

“I went on a hike,” the boy said after the ordeal. Then he asked for a glass of milk.

Searchers had been feeling pessimistic about finding Joshua alive. He had been lost in the wet, cold woods for almost three days. “It’s a miracle,” says Sheriff David Lewis. “I’m so happy, you can’t believe it.”

Without doubt, little Joshua’s survival is a real cause for celebration. It also reveals the fascinating science of “lost person behavior” — who gets lost, why, and who has the greatest chance of survival. And it presents an opportunity to revisit the most important survival rule if you lose your way in the woods (or anywhere else for that matter).

Expert trackers say that an average person leaves behind two thousand clues for every mile he travels. Each step you take produces evidence — a footprint, a broken twig, a clump of mud, a twisted blade of grass.


[Joshua Childers somehow managed to travel beyond the predicted range for a child of his age. He was found lying on the ground in a hollow at the bottom of a creek. When his rescuer said, “Hey, Bud,” the boy jumped right up and grinned. “You ready to go home?” the searcher asked. Joshua replied: “Yeah.”]
For the love of everything that is good in this world, where are you baby boy? Come home Chase. Your family needs you.

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