Found Deceased Canada - Chase Martens, 2, Austin, MB, 22 March 2016

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I didn't say anything about new laws at all?

Confused why you even brought that up?

Im thinking a simple TV commercial public service announcement as a reminder to people. Wouldn't hurt IMO. Some people need reminding.

No, you didn't say anything about new laws, sorry if I sounded accusatory of you. However, many times when there is an outcry about a "situation" and we have had many missing/dead children "situations" this past year, the solution we often get is a new "law". It's like "we will now have a law that parents must watch their children, with both (2) eyes, 24/7, or be charged with something".

I realize the above is stretching it, but maybe not. In the past couple of years I've seen laws passed that would have caused near revolution a few generations ago - alas, this is not the political thread. Children/people have always died from accidents and not too long ago disease was a vicious killer. During the Spanish Flu epidemic, 1918/1919, laws were passed against spitting on the sidewalk, not covering your mouth while coughing or sneezing, attending public funerals, etc, and I believe in one state at least, there was a law against shaking hands. It seems our government believes everything can be "cured" or "prevented" by a new "Law", but as the influenza pandemic proved, it just ain't so. Some of these old laws are still on the books in some states. In fact, not too long ago, someone got arrested for committing adultery.

The point I"m trying to make is this - it just ain't safe to call the govt's attention to anything or we might get another "Law".

I think the worst "punishment" for not watching your child is to have them die. So if that isn't incentive enough...then I don't think anything else would be either.

Accidents happen, no doubt. But some could have been prevented easily.
This video shattered my heart in a few places. Prayers of courage for these parents that somehow they will endure and still stand for their precious son. That somehow they will find mercy, grace and comfort. I am so very deeply sorry for their loss.
I don’t know if this was mentioned before, but each Spring Manitobans switch from ‘local daylight time’ to ‘daylight saving time’.

Although the day we turn our clocks ahead by one hour varies each year, this year we turned our clocks ahead on Sunday, March 13th, which means we now have more light in the evening.

Our time change, which occurred 9 days before Chase disappeared at approximately 6 pm, explains why it was still daylight when Chase was allowed to go outside and it could also be the reason he was allowed to go. His caregiver might have assumed that "as long as it’s light outside, he’s safe."

The sun set at 7:52 pm DST (daylight saving time) on Tuesday, March 22nd , approximately 2 hours after Chase disappeared from his yard. DST is the same as CDT (central daylight time).

Before we converted to daylight saving time on March 13th, it was dark by 4:30 pm.

I don't think the time of day matters. A two year old, in my opinion, should be supervised at all times.
I don't think the time of day matters. A two year old, in my opinion, should be supervised at all times.

Exactly. Now if we were talking about a 12 year old, things may be a bit different. (Well, maybe not when there's water nearby...depending on the child, I suppose.)
I don't think the time of day matters. A two year old, in my opinion, should be supervised at all times.

I agree that a two-year old should be supervised at all times but I doubt Chase would have been allowed to go out and play at 6 pm Tuesday evening if it was dark outside. As I mentioned in my previous post, before the time change, it was dark by 4:30-5:00 pm.

After we switch to daylight savings time in March, those who have stayed indoors after dark in the winter are glad knowing they can go outside in the evening rather than remain cooped up in their house. The time change in the Spring is very liberating and impacts our decisions and lifestyle.

I rarely go outside after dark during the winter because I don't feel safe walking alone but after the time change in March, when we have more daylight in the evening, that immediately changes and I will go outside because I feel safer.

Perhaps. Though I don't know if I would lump Chase's parents into "the people who don't supervise their children." I think they had the illusion of safety because they lived on a farm, she could see him out the window etc. They clearly loved him very much and never thought that this could happen.

The people who don't supervise their children are likely not going to be bothered by new laws or campaigns anyway. Lost cause, IMO.
This video shattered my heart in a few places. Prayers of courage for these parents that somehow they will endure and still stand for their precious son. That somehow they will find mercy, grace and comfort. I am so very deeply sorry for their loss.

Well said Onebest.

The video was devastating. I hope Chase's parents can find their way in spite of this terrible weight upon them It was heartwarming to hear the words spoken and to hear the travelling song.
Perhaps. Though I don't know if I would lump Chase's parents into "the people who don't supervise their children." I think they had the illusion of safety because they lived on a farm, she could see him out the window etc. They clearly loved him very much and never thought that this could happen.

I agree.

I was referring to the previous post where someone was suggesting some type of social media campaign or something. Not this case, specifically. Just a general statement. Campaigns like that aren't really going to help. If anything, pediatricians need to remind people of certain dangers.

Shame on the news media who always ignore the long term dedication of groups like WINSAR who ultimately found the missing boy.

Here is a bit about them:

Over the past 20 years, the Province of Manitoba Ground Search & Rescue Program has transformed from a virtually untrained group of volunteers, into a highly trained and dedicated Volunteer Search and Rescue Network and valuable resource to the Province of Manitoba.

The Winnipeg Search and Rescue Association was created in 2005 by off duty WPS members that wanted to contribute their skills and experience to the volunteer network. In 2007 the WPS members were joined by civilian staff and WPS volunteers who also wanted to participate in searches in support of other jurisdictions.

We are a non-profit organization of unpaid professionals from all walks of life. We will respond to urban or rural settings at the request of Police or Parks Canada. WINSAR is the Winnipeg area chapter of the Search and Rescue Manitoba Volunteer Association (SARMAN VA) and are supported provincially by the Manitoba Office of the Fire Commissioner.

Our members come from all walks of life including administrators, off duty police/fire/paramedics, educators, military, nurses, hunters, hikers etc., all with the same goal of finding missing people before they come to harm.

(ps: I am not a part of this group ... I just want to recognize them and thank them ... they prepare and train year after year , unseen , unpaid , but are right there the day we need them)
Chase Martens funeral will held today at 2 pm
Aww folks .. I know your hearts are truly in the right place, but please no pics of minor siblings on the board. :grouphug:
I pray for all that loved and knew Chase lots of love, support & healing, :rose:
Did LE find the spot where Chase entered the creek?

Not sure if they are going to reveal it .... but I think he was found close to where the path comes to the creek ..... I am going by the spot where the family placed the flowers.

I feel it would be educational to know more of the details for the next child who goes missing ..... was he still wearing his red hat and boots .... was he stuck under an ice floe .... what did they do different the day they found him compared to the previous days when they could not find him ... things like that.

This (sad) case confirms how far a toddler can travel in just a few minutes

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