Canada - Dawn Dumont Walker, 48, accused of abducting her son and faking their deaths, Saskatoon, 23 Jul 2022

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Does this mean that DDW is likely to tell 'her story' if she gets to return to Canada?
She would have even more support, if she states right now exactly how her son is at risk.
Since he is now iirc, with paternal g. parents, will that be enough to reassure DDW that he is safe? imo.
Aug 11 2022 rbbm.

"Dawn felt that she had no other choice, but that is her story to tell," Beaudin said. "But our story — as family, as friends, as colleagues, as women — is to stand and to say, 'We want you safe and home here on your own treaty lands to tell your story.'"

''Currie, who specializes in transnational criminal law, said one option would be for Walker to bounce between Canada and the U.S., answering to criminal charges in both countries.

"She could be extradited back here to be tried on the Canadian offences and then re-extradited back to the U.S. to be tried on the American offences," Currie said.

"If she's convicted in either country, she can be sent to serve a sentence in one country, and then sent to serve a sentence in the other country."

Alternatively, Currie says there is a chance the U.S. could drop their charges against Walker given their nature.

"I would say the most serious of the allegations involve things that are supposed to happen in Canada. It's not unusual for the Americans in that situation to say, 'OK, you know what, we're going to drop our charges and and just go ahead with extradition,'" he said.''
Does this mean that DDW is likely to tell 'her story' if she gets to return to Canada?
She would have even more support, if she states right now exactly how her son is at risk.
Since he is now iirc, with paternal g. parents, will that be enough to reassure DDW that he is safe? imo.
Aug 11 2022 rbbm.

"Dawn felt that she had no other choice, but that is her story to tell," Beaudin said. "But our story — as family, as friends, as colleagues, as women — is to stand and to say, 'We want you safe and home here on your own treaty lands to tell your story.'"

''Currie, who specializes in transnational criminal law, said one option would be for Walker to bounce between Canada and the U.S., answering to criminal charges in both countries.

"She could be extradited back here to be tried on the Canadian offences and then re-extradited back to the U.S. to be tried on the American offences," Currie said.

"If she's convicted in either country, she can be sent to serve a sentence in one country, and then sent to serve a sentence in the other country."

Alternatively, Currie says there is a chance the U.S. could drop their charges against Walker given their nature.

"I would say the most serious of the allegations involve things that are supposed to happen in Canada. It's not unusual for the Americans in that situation to say, 'OK, you know what, we're going to drop our charges and and just go ahead with extradition,'" he said.''
The child is at home with his father. As you say, if Dawn Walker truly believes that the child is at risk, why does she choose to remain silent about her concerns until she is back in Canada? It sounds like she's trying to bargain with information that is already stated in custody dispute affidavits, where she'll tell her friends the details if they fight for her extradition.

"In coordination with Canadian law enforcement, Oregon Department of Human
Services took custody of WALKER’s son and notified the biological father. The biological
father is anticipated to be reunited with his son today
(August 5, 2022)."

The identity theft originated in Canada, but she used the stolen identity and documents in the USA. I think she should be treated the same as any other person who faked a child's death, abducted the child, stole mail from a friend's mailbox, obtained false passports and used those documents in a foreign country. She's 48 years old and has a law degree. She's not a vulnerable person who needs her friends after she got caught. She does not deserve special privilege because she is Metis.

Walker is blaming Canada's judicial system for her choices, but the only issue is that the Saskatchewan Custody Act prevents her from depriving the child of a relationship with his father. She, along with many divorced parents, has to accept that.

"Organizers issued a release encouraging the public to join them in their rally, saying, “It is our position that a broken legal system, justice system, policing system, and social system, on top of broken treaties and genocidal policies of colonialism and destruction and privilege which have benefitted many at the cost of many others, are what is at play here.” (link)
I'm curious whether Dawn Walker is desperate to return to Canada in time for the Leacock Medal Gala Dinner on September 17. She will be disqualified if she does not attend in person - and being in a foreign jail will not excuse her for the absence.

The nominees were announced on August 3, after she had faked the death of a child. I'm curious whether she knew in advance about the nomination - perhaps she thought that as a tragic missing Metis woman she could still receive the award. Perhaps she did not know about the nomination until August 3 and is desperate for a chance to receive the $25k award.
The child is at home with his father. As you say, if Dawn Walker truly believes that the child is at risk, why does she choose to remain silent about her concerns until she is back in Canada? It sounds like she's trying to bargain with information that is already stated in custody dispute affidavits, where she'll tell her friends the details if they fight for her extradition.

"In coordination with Canadian law enforcement, Oregon Department of Human
Services took custody of WALKER’s son and notified the biological father. The biological
father is anticipated to be reunited with his son today
(August 5, 2022)."

The identity theft originated in Canada, but she used the stolen identity and documents in the USA. I think she should be treated the same as any other person who faked a child's death, abducted the child, stole mail from a friend's mailbox, obtained false passports and used those documents in a foreign country. She's 48 years old and has a law degree. She's not a vulnerable person who needs her friends after she got caught. She does not deserve special privilege because she is Metis.

Walker is blaming Canada's judicial system for her choices, but the only issue is that the Saskatchewan Custody Act prevents her from depriving the child of a relationship with his father. She, along with many divorced parents, has to accept that.

"Organizers issued a release encouraging the public to join them in their rally, saying, “It is our position that a broken legal system, justice system, policing system, and social system, on top of broken treaties and genocidal policies of colonialism and destruction and privilege which have benefitted many at the cost of many others, are what is at play here.” (link)

I am sure that if authorities thought that this child was at risk with his parent they wouldn't have placed the boy there. It's sad this woman can't accept that she has to 'share' the child with the other parent and is still sticking to her narrative from a US jail. She needs psychological help. I can only imagine what she has told this kid for years and has alienated him from his paternal family. She should only have supervised visits once this is done going through the courts.
I am sure that if authorities thought that this child was at risk with his parent they wouldn't have placed the boy there. It's sad this woman can't accept that she has to 'share' the child with the other parent and is still sticking to her narrative from a US jail. She needs psychological help. I can only imagine what she has told this kid for years and has alienated him from his paternal family. She should only have supervised visits once this is done going through the courts.

Yes I agree, no doubt in my mind the child has been subject to mind games for years in an attempt to convince him he’s in danger from his paternal side of the family. IMO

What I don’t quite get is what was the attraction of faking their deaths, tossing their identity, going to such drastic measures as to cross the border? It’s as if there was some other attraction there. Her band and the FSIN along with her other vocal advocates could’ve made the very same argument about her inherit indigenous rights, lack of appropriate justice had DW simply refused to turn over her son to his caucasian father on his next scheduled custody visit in her very own homeland. Her own actions including identity theft are what caused the extradition issue but they don’t seem to comprehend that. It’s as if they perceive she holds no responsibility for her personal decisions whatsoever but anyone with that mindset is ultimately headed toward disaster regardless of race. JMO
Yes I agree, no doubt in my mind the child has been subject to mind games for years in an attempt to convince him he’s in danger from his paternal side of the family. IMO

What I don’t quite get is what was the attraction of faking their deaths, tossing their identity, going to such drastic measures as to cross the border? It’s as if there was some other attraction there. Her band and the FSIN along with her other vocal advocates could’ve made the very same argument about her inherit indigenous rights, lack of appropriate justice had DW simply refused to turn over her son to his caucasian father on his next scheduled custody visit in her very own homeland. Her own actions including identity theft are what caused the extradition issue but they don’t seem to comprehend that. It’s as if they perceive she holds no responsibility for her personal decisions whatsoever but anyone with that mindset is ultimately headed toward disaster regardless of race. JMO
Exactly, not to mention she committed identity theft! This obviously didn't happen, but if she'd, let's say, had a mental break and fled on foot across the border with her son, she might have escaped being charged. LE could possibly say it was a private matter and she needed treatment. Maybe we'd all have a bit of sympathy, many people have struggled during and after the pandemic.
However, by faking their deaths, running up search bills in the thousands, and committing fraud, she ensured that charges will be laid and sane people will have no sympathy for her.
Something else that doesn’t really make sense, her advocates claim the reason for her escapade is because the Canadian legal system failed her, yet they want her extradited back to Canada to face the Canadian legal system? She can tell her story through a defence lawyer in the US where the crime of illegal entry was committed, just as easily as in Canada. Or maybe is it perceived the Canadian court system will be far more lenient than the US and that’s the reason? Its as if they’re talking out of both sides of their mouth. JMO

“People defending Walker believe there is more to the story than meets the eye, and they want officials to bring her closer to home.

"I really support and hope that they will extradite her back to Canada so that she can face those charges here on her homeland," Walker's aunt, Marie-Anne Daywalker-Pelletier, said at a support rally in Regina Tuesday night.

Erica Beaudin, the executive director of Regina Treaty/Indian Services, encouraged others at the rally to amplify calls for extradition.

"Dawn felt that she had no other choice, but that is her story to tell," Beaudin said. "But our story — as family, as friends, as colleagues, as women — is to stand and to say, 'We want you safe and home here on your own treaty lands to tell your story.'"…”
Exactly, not to mention she committed identity theft! This obviously didn't happen, but if she'd, let's say, had a mental break and fled on foot across the border with her son, she might have escaped being charged. LE could possibly say it was a private matter and she needed treatment. Maybe we'd all have a bit of sympathy, many people have struggled during and after the pandemic.
However, by faking their deaths, running up search bills in the thousands, and committing fraud, she ensured that charges will be laid and sane people will have no sympathy for her.

I‘m curious as to the reason she chose to cross the border to the US, as opposed to hiding under a fake identity somewhere within Canada, unless she had intentions of heading to Mexico? How did she intend to support herself in the future? If she applied for a job under her newly assumed identity when prior employment references were checked the gig would be up.
I‘m curious as to the reason she chose to cross the border to the US, as opposed to hiding under a fake identity somewhere within Canada, unless she had intentions of heading to Mexico? How did she intend to support herself in the future? If she applied for a job under her newly assumed identity when prior employment references were checked the gig would be up.
Wondering if the child was pre-enrolled to start school in Oregon or wherever the ultimate destination would be?
School starts early September in Sask., hopefully V.J settles back nicely into class, besides- he has a great ''what did I do on my summer vacation'' story!
Thia James
Aug 12, 2022

''With supporters of Dawn Marie Walker calling for her extradition to Canada, the StarPhoenix asked experts how the process works.''

''For an understanding of extraditions and how the process works, Postmedia contacted Vancouver-based extraditions and appeals lawyer and scholar Gary Botting, Saskatoon and Vancouver-based lawyer Haidah Amirzadeh, and Saskatoon-based lawyer Chris Veeman, both of whom specialize in immigration law.

Q: In cases where someone faces legal proceedings in both Canada and the U.S. or in Canada and another country, whose legal process takes precedence?

H.A.: “Individuals who have been charged by the State for the offence for which their extraditions are requested, cannot be extradited to Canada. The purpose of this exclusion is to ensure that an individual is not charged twice for the same offence. Individuals who have been charged by the state for the offence unrelated to the extraditions, would have their extraditions postponed until the proceedings in the state have been concluded.”


''Q: Under what circumstances does the Canadian government make a request to the U.S. or another government to extradite someone to Canada?

G.B.: “It is used when a person suspected or convicted of a crime absconds or travels through or is found in or expected to travel through the requested country, thereby avoiding or escaping the justice system of the requesting country.”
Wondering if the child was pre-enrolled to start school in Oregon or wherever the ultimate destination would be?
School starts early September in Sask., hopefully V.J settles back nicely into class, besides- he has a great ''what did I do on my summer vacation'' story!
I highly doubt it. I have 7 year old twins, I can't imagine sending them off to school, telling them they have to pretend their names are not A and K but now John and Jane Doe, that mission would fail within minutes.
Something else that doesn’t really make sense, her advocates claim the reason for her escapade is because the Canadian legal system failed her, yet they want her extradited back to Canada to face the Canadian legal system? She can tell her story through a defence lawyer in the US where the crime of illegal entry was committed, just as easily as in Canada. Or maybe is it perceived the Canadian court system will be far more lenient than the US and that’s the reason? Its as if they’re talking out of both sides of their mouth. JMO

“People defending Walker believe there is more to the story than meets the eye, and they want officials to bring her closer to home.

"I really support and hope that they will extradite her back to Canada so that she can face those charges here on her homeland," Walker's aunt, Marie-Anne Daywalker-Pelletier, said at a support rally in Regina Tuesday night.

Erica Beaudin, the executive director of Regina Treaty/Indian Services, encouraged others at the rally to amplify calls for extradition.

"Dawn felt that she had no other choice, but that is her story to tell," Beaudin said. "But our story — as family, as friends, as colleagues, as women — is to stand and to say, 'We want you safe and home here on your own treaty lands to tell your story.'"…”
Dawn Walker seems to be able to pull the wool over people's eyes without too much difficulty. She requested official birth certificates for a colleague and her child, then found a way to check that colleague's home mailbox until the documents arrived. She used those documents to apply for false Canadian passports. The colleague might have been one of the most vocal people regarding Dawn being a victim of domestic violence when Dawn faked the death of a child. Dawn took advantage of people, manipulated them for her own benefit.

I think that the reason Dawn Walker wants the USA charges dropped, and to only face charges in Canada with the Okanese First Nation, is because she can request a Sentencing Circle.

"The sentencing circle is one process by which the sentencing judge can obtain a clearer picture of the offender and consider sentencing options other than the `usual punishment'. It is an opportunity for the offender to address the consequences of his or her actions and to seek the help of community and family."

In my opinion, she prefers to present herself as a helpless victim of the unjust Canadian justice system, rather than a wealthy, well educated, accomplished, successful, sneaky, dishonest woman with a law degree. There will be minimal consequences with sentencing circle justice. She doesn't want to be judged by the Canadian Criminal Justice system, she wants the easy way out where everyone rallies around her as the victim.
Dawn's press statement almost sounds like she's priming the audience for the next chapter in a book ... run for their lives, scared to the core, more to come, stay tuned!

I hope that people who view faking the death of a child as little more than a desperate cry for help put themselves in the shoes of that erased child and think carefully what Dawn planned for him. She tried to erase is identity, name and existence. If she had gotten away with faking his death, he would one day be an adult with no identity except if he exposed his mother. The alternative would be to continue using a stolen identity and hope that he did not get caught. If that isn't setting a child up for failure, I don't know what is.

“So many women and children before us have had to run for their lives to protect their children,” Walker said in a statement provided to The Canadian Press.

Saskatchewan lawyer Eleanore Sunchild spoke with Walker on Monday and dictated Walker’s words. In the statement, Walker said she was failed by the Saskatchewan justice system because “nothing was done” after she reported domestic abuse to police and child protection authorities.

She said she witnessed something with her son that scared her to the core and she has been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder. She said more information will come out in time.

“Any potential or any previous allegations made by Dawn Walker were thoroughly investigated and no charges resulted as a result of those investigations,” said Huisman."

The woman who claims that she had to "run for her life" took a months long detour to think of, and carefully plan, an "elaborate scheme". Was she running for her life, or was this the fourth attempt for Dawn Walker to deprive the child of a relationship with his father?

"Jansen and Walker were partners four years ago, he said, and since then Jansen said Walker has tried to move away with the seven-year-old three times, including twice to Ottawa and once to the Victoria area.

When asked why he thought Walker might try to move away from Saskatoon, Jansen said he wasn’t entirely sure. “Part of it was work related, but I think part was maybe for a fresh start,” he said.

Members of the Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations who are close with Walker have alleged instances of domestic abuse at the hands of a former partner. Jansen was adamant he’d never hurt Walker, or anyone else."

Aug 2, 2022 (link)

"An affidavit filed in Oregon court from Clinton Lindsly, a special agent with Homeland Security, says Walker and the boy’s biological father had been engaged in a lengthy custody dispute and she was supposed to return the child on July 25.

The document and other court records also accuse Walker of coming up with an elaborate scheme to fake the deaths, including stealing the identities of a co-worker and the co-worker’s child to open a bank account, buy an SUV and drive across the border." (link)
Something else that doesn’t really make sense, her advocates claim the reason for her escapade is because the Canadian legal system failed her, yet they want her extradited back to Canada to face the Canadian legal system? She can tell her story through a defence lawyer in the US where the crime of illegal entry was committed, just as easily as in Canada. Or maybe is it perceived the Canadian court system will be far more lenient than the US and that’s the reason? Its as if they’re talking out of both sides of their mouth. JMO
Schrodinger's legal system - it both fails and favours Indigenous women?
I wonder whether the Stephen Leacock Associates are waiting for Dawn Dumont, a.k.a. Dawn Walker, to withdraw from the book award nomination. Dawn Dumont abducted her son on July 22. The Leacock Associates were informed on Aug 3 that she was missing, and on Aug 5 that she was found. She will be disqualified if she does not attend the award gala. Perhaps it would be better for her to withdraw than to be disqualified because she's has been arrested for identity theft and other charges related to faking the death of a 7 year old child.

"Concern about Dawn Dumont

We have only just been made aware of a situation with Dawn Dumont, one of the finalists for the Leacock Medal, and have added this statement to our shortlist press release today:

While the Leacock Associates are happy and proud to include Dawn Dumont as one of the finalists for the Leacock Medal in 2022, we are extremely concerned for the current safety of Ms. Dumont, who also goes by the name Dawn Walker. She and her son Vincent have been missing in Saskatchewan since July 22. Saskatoon police and the RCMP continue their on-going investigation.

August 3, 2022

UPDATE: We are glad and relieved to hear that Dawn and her son have been found safe in Oregon today.

August 5, 2022"


''Dawn Walker, who is 48and a member of Okanese First Nation, remains in federal custody in Oregon after she fled to the U.S. with her seven-year-old son by allegedly using false identification.

The Native Women’s Association of Canada said it is in the best interest for Walker to return to Saskatoon where she can face her Canadian charges.''

“I would like her to come back to Canada where she will spend her day in court, and the facts will be known,” association president Carol McBride said Monday in a phone interview from Ottawa.''

Saskatchewan’s Ministry of Justice said Saskatchewan’s Public Prosecutions remains engaged with U.S. authorities to have her returned home and expedite the legal process.

McBride said the association is concerned officials on both sides of the border will fail to take into account the circumstances involved when Indigenous women believe they are not safe.

“Indigenous women who are fleeing domestic violence require special consideration. I totally believe in that,” McBride said''

''Walker’s next court appearance is in Oregon City, Ore., on Sept. 7.''
I'm curious whether the Stephen Leacock writing award associates are still contemplating giving the award to a woman who tried to fake the death of a 7 year old child. Surely there is no way to rationalize that for a woman who is in prison during the Gala.


All three finalists must be available to attend the Gala Award Dinner in September. Failure to attend may result in forfeiture of the Medal and prize money!
Publishers who are submitting books on behalf of their authors MUST check with them that they are available on that date." (link)

Why has the Stephen Leacock award not separated itself from the woman who interfered with a child's life, who is in jail for that interference?
Dawn Dumont, aka Dawn Walker, made four attempts in four years to start a new life in Ottawa, Victoria, and the USA. With each attempt, she sought to violate child custody law. Dawn Dumont was always safe. Her 7 year old son, whose identity she tried to erase, was not safe.

And what's this about fundraisers for Dawn Walker after she transferred $70k in hidden funds to a to fraudulent bank account? There was $100k in the account. Dawn Walker does not need money ... so why are people associated with Dawn Walker's community asking for money?

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