Canada - Dawn Dumont Walker, 48, accused of abducting her son and faking their deaths, Saskatoon, 23 Jul 2022

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Another affidavit related to Dawn Walker.

She must have lied about her age for some time since everyone reported that she is 48 years old. The affidavit states that she is age 40. Walker stole her work colleague's identity documents in April 2022, and used them to open a bank account in May 2022. In June she transferred money into the fake bank account. She had identity documents in their original envelop that were mailed to her colleague's home, and a forged document giving parental consent for the child to travel outside of the country. The abducted child provided a false passport at the border. She was arrested while driving away and leaving the 7 year old child alone in an Airbnb in Oregon City.

"Dawn Marie WALKER (date of birth XX/XX/82)."

"During the interview, investigators learned that Adult Victim was close friends with
WALKER and that they worked together."

"Records confirmed that this bank account was in fact in the name of Adult Victim and was opened on May 16, 2022. Adult Victim stated that she did not open this bank account but that she (Adult Victim) had their identity documents (Indian and Northern Affairs Canada Certificate of Indian Status card and Saskatchewan driver’s license) stolen in April 2022."

"The child individual who purported to be Minor Victim presented a Canadian passport in the name of Minor Victim with assigned passport number XXXXX223."

Concerned about the safety and welfare of the child, and the fact that she was appearing to leave the child alone, investigators used the Airbnb provided code to enter the Airbnb rental and located the child in the living room. Investigators then conducted a protective sweep of the Airbnb and located no additional occupants.

The birth certificates were in their original opened mail envelope, which was addressed to Adult Victim’s address. I also located a notarized letter titled “STATUTORY TRAVEL DECLARATION” that purported to provide travel authorization by Minor Victim’s father for Minor Victim to travel into the United States, which was dated on June 28, 2022."
How did she intercept the mail?
And 7 years old is too young to be left alone…
Although Dawn Walker has not yet been found guilty, there are sworn statements that she is dishonest, that she steals important personal documents from friends and work colleagues, that she leaves her 7 year old alone in a rented unit in a foreign country, that she has stolen mail.

I don't believe a word she says about the reasons that she abducted a child. There is no good reason to do what she did.
How did she intercept the mail?
And 7 years old is too young to be left alone…
That's a good question. She's very devious. Perhaps she was stalking the work colleague's home and going through the mail every day until she found the documents she wanted.

The 7 year old must have been confused with the unexpected changes in his life, and then to be left alone while his mother drove away? The child was picked up by his father on August 5, and he is very likely getting the care he needs to recover from what would have been a scary experience.
So cold and calculating. She has just been arrested and told that people presumed that the child had died. She doesn't care about anyone. All she cares about is perpetrating her opinion about what the child wants.

"I also told WALKER that people presumed that she and her son died in the river, to which
she spontaneously stated “he doesn’t want to be with his father.”

Never foresaw such a situation! So despicable and evil. And looks like she will try to sell story.

Passports are the property of the issuing nation.

So, fraud charges from Canada as well as passport owner of her pursued victim/friend. Which probably she did presuming false bank account was opened in her name.

Wonder what the friend thinks about this
Well, if something unreported has been going on the police are not going to know about it. There are volatile home situations that go unreported and denied due to a fear factor. imo

It is just a suggestion, as we have all heard of cases where mothers feel they have no recourse but to flee with their child. Because the courts have no proof of allegations and keep child arrangements as they are.

I find this whole situation really puzzling. Everyone (especially her ... a lawyer) knows that the Hague Convention means there are no international borders where child custody is concerned.
tough to accept that she would go through all this without a good reason... the planning, the leaving, the cost, leaving her job, friends, family, pets, etc.
Never foresaw such a situation! So despicable and evil. And looks like she will try to sell story.

Passports are the property of the issuing nation.

So, fraud charges from Canada as well as passport owner of her pursued victim/friend. Which probably she did presuming false bank account was opened in her name.

Wonder what the friend thinks about this
I too am wondering about the work colleague with a child, similar ages (40 and 7), whom Dawn Walker (a.k.a Dawn Dumont) befriended, then stole from, and betrayed at every level. Unforgivable, especially since the work colleague reported that her identity documents were stolen in May, she would have told Dawn the friend, but Dawn stole those documents, and Dawn perhaps helped her friend replace the documents. Then Dawn Walker took control of photos for the new issue documents that she had stolen from a work colleague (FSIN ???) and friend ... with her colleagues address on the envelope.

So crafty, sneaky, deceptive and rude. To claim that she should get a pass because she is Metis? Seriously? Is what she is doing representative of Canadian Metis? I don't agree. Representative of missing women? I also disagree. The woman that Dawn Walker victimized is also a member of the Indigenous community. Keep perspective.

The work colleague, presumably FSIN, the victim of this identity theft ... yet the FSIN is standing behind the thief rather than the vicim? Both work at the FSIN? Why hasn't the employer, who was vocally eager to protect the rights of the child, clarified that Walker is the thief. She is not the victim, and the employer should take the same firm stance they had when they believed she was a "missing" at risk woman. Has an Indigenous woman who works at FSIN been victimized by a work colleague who befriended her?
tough to accept that she would go through all this without a good reason... the planning, the leaving, the cost, leaving her job, friends, family, pets, etc.
In my opinion, Dawn's reasons for doing this are related to her four year custody dispute with the child's other legal guardian; the father. In court documents, she describes the relationship as Indigenous women versus non-Indigenous men, with "colonialism" in play more than 100 years afterward.

Dawn Walker made two prior attempts to take the child to Ottawa and one to Victoria, three attempts to deny joint custody in four years. Walker's custody dispute includes allegations of domestic violence, and more recently child neglect. Did Dawn Walker use numerous allegations of domestic violence (thoroughly investigated; no charges), and now "child neglect" to make an argument that the father should not have joint custody? Just wondering. It wouldn't be the first time that abuse was alleged in a custody dispute.
I too am wondering about the work colleague with a child, similar ages (40 and 7), whom Dawn Walker (a.k.a Dawn Dumont) befriended, then stole from, and betrayed at every level. Unforgivable, especially since the work colleague reported that her identity documents were stolen in May, she would have told Dawn the friend, but Dawn stole those documents, and Dawn perhaps helped her friend replace the documents. Then Dawn Walker took control of photos for the new issue documents that she had stolen from a work colleague (FSIN ???) and friend ... with her colleagues address on the envelope.

So crafty, sneaky, deceptive and rude. To claim that she should get a pass because she is Metis? Seriously? Is what she is doing representative of Canadian Metis? I don't agree. Representative of missing women? I also disagree. The woman that Dawn Walker victimized is also a member of the Indigenous community. Keep perspective.

The work colleague, presumably FSIN, the victim of this identity theft ... yet the FSIN is standing behind the thief rather than the vicim? Both work at the FSIN? Why hasn't the employer, who was vocally eager to protect the rights of the child, clarified that Walker is the thief. She is not the victim, and the employer should take the same firm stance they had when they believed she was a "missing" at risk woman. Has an Indigenous woman who works at FSIN been victimized by a work colleague who befriended her?

Perhaps the friend/colleague used FSIN‘s address as her mailing address believing it to be more secure? Which brings to mind further speculation - how did DW amass the funds required in preparation for her disappearing act?

Knowing FSIN had a thief in their midst it would be prudent for the organization to have the books forensically audited, but because of the defensive stance they’ve taken regarding DW I somehow doubt they’d even care. JMO
It sounds like Dawn Walker has connections to prominent people who want the charges to be handled in Canada rather than in the USA. They are using the argument that Indigenous people can travel freely between the USA and Canada with proof of Indigenous status, so Walker should be able to return to Canada because the border doesn't exist for Indigenous people.

"Relatives of a Saskatchewan woman being held in custody in the United States say they want her extradited quickly to deal with her charges in Canada.

Marie-Anne Day Walker-Pelletier, a former chief of Okanese First Nation who is Walker's aunt, said a letter-writing campaign is underway to get federal officials to bring her home. "I'm hoping that with every effort … to have her extradited quicker than sitting in a U.S. jail," Day Walker-Pelletier said Tuesday in Regina.

She also called for an Indigenous treaty to be invoked, since Walker and her son are members of Okanese First Nation. "We have the Jay Treaty that reflects First Nation values and traditions, and hopefully the U.S. will consider that as part of her extradition," Day Walker-Pelletier said. The treaty, signed in 1794 between Great Britain and the United States, says Indigenous people in what is now Canada may travel freely across the international boundary.

She is being held as a flight risk.

The U.S. Department of Justice said on its website that if an extradition is approved by a judge, it can take months or years to return a person back to their home country."

"Day Walker-Pelletier is well-known as an advocate for women and children's issues. She helped the Okanese First Nation write its own legislation regarding child and family services."

Perhaps the friend/colleague used FSIN‘s address as her mailing address believing it to be more secure? Which brings to mind further speculation - how did DW amass the funds required in preparation for her disappearing act?

Knowing FSIN had a thief in their midst it would be prudent for the organization to have the books forensically audited, but because of the defensive stance they’ve taken regarding DW I somehow doubt they’d even care. JMO
The theft victim trusted Dawn and gave Dawn access to her house.

"Due to the friendly relationship between Adult Victim and WALKER and that WALKER had frequent access to Adult Victim’s house, I believe that WALKER ordered the birth certificates and then stole them from Adult Victim’s mailbox without Adult Victim knowing." (affidavit)

Interesting question about whether there are other incidents of deceptive, or theft, behaviour. It's quite something for the first criminal act to be establishing a false identity complete with vehicle, bank account and more.

We know there is an investigation into 2021 election irregularities with FSIN, and Dawn Walker is mentioned.

"The official who oversaw the Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations’ last election worries it was “seriously compromised” and is calling for a police investigation.

In a Monday interview, O’Soup Bushie said she had evidence FSIN staffers created emails for delegates and pre-registered them on an online voting platform, raising the possibility of voter privacy violations or fraudulent voting.

The FSIN wrote that it had provided internal documents “to the appropriate authorities to disprove these false allegations against the FSIN” and Walker, who is also the organization’s CEO. The FSIN did not immediately say who those authorities were and or documents had been provided.

“(The FSIN’s) integrity is at stake.”

This privilege that Indigenous people have to freely cross the Canada-USA border obviously has limitations. Law regarding criminal records is not waived. Prior to abducting her child, the biggest obstacle in her life seems to be that she could not take her son away from his father. There are problems at work with the FSIN and elections irregularities, but the organization is standing firm and united in denial. Furthermore, an investigation will take years.

Today, she's facing months in a USA jail, years of legal problems, years of restrictions on international travel, and the child will be raised by his father. When she returns to Canada she will eventually have supervised visitation with her son, but there will be many barriers to protect him from another abduction. There won't be any more visits to the river bank.

She will continue to claim that wealthy, successful, educated, accomplished metis women are treated unfairly in comparison to non-indigenous men, but I doubt anyone believes this. Joint custody compromises often feel unfair.

"I am fighting systems that continuously fail to protect me as an Indigenous woman and protect non-Indigenous men," Walker said." (link)

"It is going to be a tough legal road ahead for a Saskatchewan woman who is accused of illegally crossing the US border with her child.

Saunders said Walker is facing trouble on many grounds. “She has federal criminal charges. Then after the criminal charges are dealt with by the US government, she'll then have immigration charges for false entry into the United States. And then when she does eventually leave the US, I'm assuming the government is going to want to extradite her to Canada. She’s going to face, I believe, criminal charges in Canada for obtaining false Canadian passports. So I think she has, you know, years of legal issues ahead of her now.”

Saunders said Walker is likely looking at months in custody in the US before she’ll be returned to Canada.

For the aggravated identity theft charges in the US, Walker could face two years of jail time but Saunders said her defence could plead time served to reduce the sentence. He also said she will have trouble if she ever hopes to return to the U.S."

This privilege that Indigenous people have to freely cross the Canada-USA border obviously has limitations. Law regarding criminal records is not waived. Prior to abducting her child, the biggest obstacle in her life seems to be that she could not take her son away from his father. There are problems at work with the FSIN and elections irregularities, but the organization is standing firm and united in denial. Furthermore, an investigation will take years.

Today, she's facing months in a USA jail, years of legal problems, years of restrictions on international travel, and the child will be raised by his father. When she returns to Canada she will eventually have supervised visitation with her son, but there will be many barriers to protect him from another abduction. There won't be any more visits to the river bank.

She will continue to claim that wealthy, successful, educated, accomplished metis women are treated unfairly in comparison to non-indigenous men, but I doubt anyone believes this. Joint custody compromises often feel unfair.

"I am fighting systems that continuously fail to protect me as an Indigenous woman and protect non-Indigenous men," Walker said." (link)

"It is going to be a tough legal road ahead for a Saskatchewan woman who is accused of illegally crossing the US border with her child.

Saunders said Walker is facing trouble on many grounds. “She has federal criminal charges. Then after the criminal charges are dealt with by the US government, she'll then have immigration charges for false entry into the United States. And then when she does eventually leave the US, I'm assuming the government is going to want to extradite her to Canada. She’s going to face, I believe, criminal charges in Canada for obtaining false Canadian passports. So I think she has, you know, years of legal issues ahead of her now.”

Saunders said Walker is likely looking at months in custody in the US before she’ll be returned to Canada.

For the aggravated identity theft charges in the US, Walker could face two years of jail time but Saunders said her defence could plead time served to reduce the sentence. He also said she will have trouble if she ever hopes to return to the U.S."

For the band to now use her culture in an attempt to hasten the extradition is ironic given she intended to leave all that behind.

“We belong to Treaty Four. It’s her inherent right and treaty right to be returned to her homeland where the language, the culture, the spirituality exists,” said Daywalker-Pelletier. “So I think it’s very important that to be returned as quickly as possible.”
For the band to now use her culture in an attempt to hasten the extradition is ironic given she intended to leave all that behind.

“We belong to Treaty Four. It’s her inherent right and treaty right to be returned to her homeland where the language, the culture, the spirituality exists,” said Daywalker-Pelletier. “So I think it’s very important that to be returned as quickly as possible.”
The goal seems to be to have the USA charges dismissed, and to have the identity theft addressed in Canada - where the crime originated. There seems to be a strong expectation amongst Dawn's friends and family that Canada will give Dawn a pass for breaking the law on the basis that she is an oppressed wealthy, successful, educated, accomplished metis women.

It is perhaps not that surprising that she looks to the people that she fooled into believing that she was dead for support. It is surprising that instead of being viewed as an individual with a criminal mind (identity theft, faking the death of a child, abduction), she is viewed as an indigenous victim of the legal system.
It is abundantly clear now that Dawn Walker is implying that the child's father is a threat to her and the child. I'm curious whether the father will at some point decide to file slander charges against Walker. His reputation is in question due to Walker's repeated public allegations against him of violence and neglect.

"I left Saskatoon because I feared for my safety and that of my son," Walker said."

Being the preplanner the she is, I wonder if Dawn got pregnant on purpose, using a man so she could have a child?
Yes, that is harsh.
However, this chick has shown she only wants what she wants. Others be damned.
Writing fiction and living it.
You are totally on to her, Otto. Thank you for thoughts on this case.
DDW apparently has the support of other outspoken Indigenous women, but are there others who quietly are asking the question, "Et Tu Brute?''
speculation, imo.

''In a statement sent through her friend Eleanore Sunchild, who is a lawyer, Walker said she was “failed by the Saskatchewan justice system, the family law system and child protection.”

“I am fighting systems that continuously fail to protect me as an Indigenous woman and protect non-Indigenous men. This does not surprise me. Saskatchewan and the systems within have failed Indigenous people since colonization,” Walker said in her statement, which was collected by Sunchild from Multnomah County Jail in Portland.''
DDW apparently has the support of other outspoken Indigenous women, but are there others who quietly are asking the question, "Et Tu Brute?''
speculation, imo.

''In a statement sent through her friend Eleanore Sunchild, who is a lawyer, Walker said she was “failed by the Saskatchewan justice system, the family law system and child protection.”

“I am fighting systems that continuously fail to protect me as an Indigenous woman and protect non-Indigenous men. This does not surprise me. Saskatchewan and the systems within have failed Indigenous people since colonization,” Walker said in her statement, which was collected by Sunchild from Multnomah County Jail in Portland.''
It's a shame that she does not acknowledge the remarkable accomplishments of her aunt:

"Day Walker-Pelletier is well-known as an advocate for women and children's issues. She helped the Okanese First Nation write its own legislation regarding child and family services."


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