CANADA Canada - Emma Fillipoff, 26, Victoria BC, 28 Nov 2012

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the woman who lived in the attic at the Merriman shelter said she chased after Emma that night as she ran away thru traffic. Emma might have been headed to the Hotel 760 where she had lived with a friend for about a month before she went missing.

After looking at the Harbour Air Terminal, I realized that the last flight leaves at 6:00 pm (at least, in 2015, I'd have to see if we'd be able to find the old schedules). The fare for flying from Victoria Inner Harbour to the Vancouver International Airport is about $150.00 or more. Is it possible that she bought the prepaid credit card in order to pay for that flight (which she may or may not have paid for in advance...), and that she arrived at the terminal too late to catch the flight?

This would explain why she ran away from the shelter in a hurry, and also why she then asked a cab driver to take her to the YVR airport.

Although there's one thing that isn't too clear about her ride in the taxi. I read two versions of this. In one, the driver said she had no idea where she was going, and in the other one, he said that she asked to be driven to the airport...
Shelley, I have a question for you (or for anyone who knows the answer). How much cash was there left on the prepaid credit card when the man tried to use it at Petro Canada?
I was working on an updated timeline and Satchie just posted one as well.

Thanks, haven't had a chance to peruse carefully but for your other questions:

I was referring to the 7/11 that seems to actually be on Government near Broughton, that was right near her old workplace and Harbour Air, where she caught the taxi.

I got the $200 amount of the credit card from the Fifth Estate documentary narrator.
Thanks, haven't had a chance to peruse carefully but for your other questions:

I was referring to the 7/11 that seems to actually be on Government near Broughton, that was right near her old workplace and Harbour Air, where she caught the taxi.

I got the $200 amount of the credit card from the Fifth Estate documentary narrator.

Having shopped at all the 7-11's downtown, the one in the video looks the most like the one on Government street.
Your link isn't working BTW... About which 7-11, the one closest to the women's shelter would be the 800 block of Douglas, just a short walk down a steep hill but that is not the one that is filmed in the 5th estate show. Unless they just used any random 7-11 for filming purposes or she did go to the one further away? Has it ever been confirmed exactly which one she went to as that would help a lot with the timeline, I think there are 4 or 5 in the downtown core.

Sorry, not sure why pic didn't upload. Here's the link:

Also, looks like the actual address for the one I thought she went to was 816 Douglas St. not 813 Douglas St.

Although, Satchie on this thread mentioned she might've even went to a Broughton St. one (the 37A-910 Government St. location close to Broughton).

So, as far as I know the exact 7/11 hasn't been totally confirmed I don't think...
she has nothing but the highest praise of Emma..she calls her the golden girl and thinks the world of Emma. No idea about the friend.

I remember reading that woman from the shelter's comments on the FB page, she seemed to take a shine to Emma.

I'm definitely curious about the other friend Emma might have seen that last night, who was this person? Did they exist and has LE looked into it? They must have right?
Thank you for the correction. This makes more sense, as it is only a four-minute walk from the shelter.

Again, no confirmation this was in fact the one she went to. I don't want to be putting wrong info out there! Seems like it could be though, so close...
After looking at the Harbour Air Terminal, I realized that the last flight leaves at 6:00 pm (at least, in 2015, I'd have to see if we'd be able to find the old schedules). The fare for flying from Victoria Inner Harbour to the Vancouver International Airport is about $150.00 or more. Is it possible that she bought the prepaid credit card in order to pay for that flight (which she may or may not have paid for in advance...), and that she arrived at the terminal too late to catch the flight?

This would explain why she ran away from the shelter in a hurry, and also why she then asked a cab driver to take her to the YVR airport.

Although there's one thing that isn't too clear about her ride in the taxi. I read two versions of this. In one, the driver said she had no idea where she was going, and in the other one, he said that she asked to be driven to the airport...

Now that seems totally possible and an interesting scenario for sure. Maybe she did get to Vancouver!

I also wonder if she knew any of the Harbour Air staff at all from working close by? Or if she did know them, if they might've given her a deal on a flight. I'm thinking this would have been publicized though...I haven't heard anything about her interacting with Harbour Air staff or prepaid tickets. Hhmmm....
If Emma was to switch teams so to speak, would she feel comfortable telling family?
Could Emma be under the influence/control of someone who might be taking advantage of her vulnerability ?
Now that seems totally possible and an interesting scenario for sure. Maybe she did get to Vancouver!

I also wonder if she knew any of the Harbour Air staff at all from working close by? Or if she did know them, if they might've given her a deal on a flight. I'm thinking this would have been publicized though...I haven't heard anything about her interacting with Harbour Air staff or prepaid tickets. Hhmmm....

Following on that idea

The 70 bus, which goes to the ferry terminal, leaves between 15-30 minutes around that time of day, and the last sailing is normally 9pm from Swartz Bay - which means the very last bus she could have taken to get there would have been the 7:45pm departure from Government and Superior, which is entirely plausable within the timeline.

It's also noteworthy that regardless of which bus between 6pm and 7:45pm she could have taken, they all would have only allowed departure on the 9pm ferry to Vancouver. The earliest bus is 6pm which doesn't get to the terminal until 15 minutes after the 7pm ferry departs, and that time of year is off-season thus no 8pm ferry.

Was security camera footage ever reviewed for the foot passenger area? I believe BC Ferries has quite a few cameras on the Swartz Bay end, and there is only one way onto the ferry as a foot passenger.
Now that seems totally possible and an interesting scenario for sure. Maybe she did get to Vancouver!

I also wonder if she knew any of the Harbour Air staff at all from working close by? Or if she did know them, if they might've given her a deal on a flight. I'm thinking this would have been publicized though...I haven't heard anything about her interacting with Harbour Air staff or prepaid tickets. Hhmmm....

thought I would throw this link in......sometimes there are ''specials'' on flight costs.....this link gives a fairly good look at the hoppers from Vic to Vcr
There is one thing that I find kind of odd about the timeline.

Apparently, she bought the cell phone at 5:54 pm at the 7 Eleven

Then she walked back to the shelter located at 809 Burdett Ave,

My assumption is the shelter staff saw her leave before she went to the 7-11, ie about 6 could mean 5:45.

To me, more likely she bought the phone - hence exact time of the transaction - lingered in the store 5 minutes, went out, hesitantly walked 1 or 2 blocks towards her old workplace/Harbout Air, finally hailed a cab. I doubt she phoned for a cab, it's not been mentioned. At that time of night they would be roaming around downtown.
Now that seems totally possible and an interesting scenario for sure. Maybe she did get to Vancouver!

I also wonder if she knew any of the Harbour Air staff at all from working close by? Or if she did know them, if they might've given her a deal on a flight. I'm thinking this would have been publicized though...I haven't heard anything about her interacting with Harbour Air staff or prepaid tickets. Hhmmm....

I haven't heard anything about her buying tickets either...

And there's also the fact that she didn't take her passport and laptop with her... If I were to move to another location, I wouldn't leave those behind. Unless she planned to be back to Victoria in a couple of days... or intended to ''fully'' disappear on her own (but I have trouble believing this last option).

And I see that the bus and ferry options are worth looking into. I'll do that later tonight when I get the chance. Little buddy is about to come back home, which means homework, supper, bath and everything else...
from Shelley (who has computer issues at the moment) Emma hadn't used the credit card he was the only one to use it so the full amount of $200 was still on the card when he found it.
I want to reference her reported mental state at the time, from the Find Emma facebook page "in emotional distress; fragile and vulnerable"

Personally, I don't think in that state her idea would be to go to Vancouver. No indication she'd ever been there, it's an ever bigger and more dangerous city. Plus getting there is complicated and all indications are she couldn't handle complicated tasks - which is what happens with various mental illnesses or a 'breakdown'. It becomes impossible to think logically and rationally "first I'll go here and catch a bus, then I'll get on the ferry, then I'll get off at x..." It becomes impossible to make decisions. Everything becomes too overwhelming for the person to face, they just can't do it. They may also be terrified they're 'losing their mind' and feel a lot of shame, and unable to explain themselves to others. It is a nightmare.

I believe, after her very bad day, someone in that situation would want to go somewhere where she'd feel safe, and that would be easy to get to. I wonder, was there some reason she no longer felt safe at the shelter? Otherwise that would be the obvious place for her to go. It was only a couple of blocks from the Empress.

I don't think she'd voluntarily get in a stranger's car, she was very wary and avoidant of interactions with anyone, even with the police who could have helped her.
I haven't heard anything about her buying tickets either...

And there's also the fact that she didn't take her passport and laptop with her... If I were to move to another location, I wouldn't leave those behind. Unless she planned to be back to Victoria in a couple of days... or intended to ''fully'' disappear on her own (but I have trouble believing this last option).

And I see that the bus and ferry options are worth looking into. I'll do that later tonight when I get the chance. Little buddy is about to come back home, which means homework, supper, bath and everything else...

As optimistic as Vancouver could be, I do agree with you that she wouldn't leave every single one of her belongings behind.

And doubtful she wouldn't give the shelter the courtesy to say she's leaving and free up a space for someone else, Emma strikes me as the conscientious type who if she knew she was leaving the shelter for a stretch, would let them know (if her thinking was rational of course).
from Shelley (who has computer issues at the moment) Emma hadn't used the credit card he was the only one to use it so the full amount of $200 was still on the card when he found it.

So, she didn't make it to the impound lot (also known because that's where it still was when she went missing).

And the money wasn't spent or taken from her from someone on the streets, desperate for cash and who knew she had it.

The card wasn't touched until the guy bought cigarettes with it, which tells me he didn't know how much money was on there and probably just took a gamble with it buying cigarettes. Otherwise if he knew there was a large amount of money he might've went on a spending spree more (TV, booze, etc.) like most credit card thieves do.

It seems like someone held onto this card for a week before planting it or accdidently dropping it, could've been Emma or someone who got it from her, JMO.
As optimistic as Vancouver could be, I do agree with you that she wouldn't leave every single one of her belongings behind.

And doubtful she wouldn't give the shelter the courtesy to say she's leaving and free up a space for someone else, Emma strikes me as the conscientious type who if she knew she was leaving the shelter for a stretch, would let them know (if her thinking was rational of course).

I'm thinking one major reason behind so many of her belongings (especially passport and laptop) being left behind is the fact that they were, at that time, impounded.

Did she just give up out of frustration and walk away? She was having a rough day---something may have happened at the shelter, in addition to the van being towed, and then the last interaction she had with LE. I'm thinking the LE talk may have been the last straw, and she snapped.
I want to reference her reported mental state at the time, from the Find Emma facebook page "in emotional distress; fragile and vulnerable"

Personally, I don't think in that state her idea would be to go to Vancouver. No indication she'd ever been there, it's an ever bigger and more dangerous city. Plus getting there is complicated and all indications are she couldn't handle complicated tasks - which is what happens with various mental illnesses or a 'breakdown'. It becomes impossible to think logically and rationally "first I'll go here and catch a bus, then I'll get on the ferry, then I'll get off at x..." It becomes impossible to make decisions. Everything becomes too overwhelming for the person to face, they just can't do it. They may also be terrified they're 'losing their mind' and feel a lot of shame, and unable to explain themselves to others. It is a nightmare.

I believe, after her very bad day, someone in that situation would want to go somewhere where she'd feel safe, and that would be easy to get to. I wonder, was there some reason she no longer felt safe at the shelter? Otherwise that would be the obvious place for her to go. It was only a couple of blocks from the Empress.

I don't think she'd voluntarily get in a stranger's car, she was very wary and avoidant of interactions with anyone, even with the police who could have helped her.

You're right, I think after that day she would be tired and just want to de-stress somewhere safe.

Maybe she planned on heading back to the shelter but decided to go to a friend's house first like she told police.

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