CANADA Canada - Emma Fillipoff, 26, Victoria BC, 28 Nov 2012

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I have another question. When Emma asked the taxi driver to take her to the airport, which one was it? Victoria or Vancouver? I just realized that I assumed it was Vancouver, but I don't know why.

I checked both departures and arrivals in Victoria and Vancouver International Airports on the evening she disappeared, in case she intended on meeting someone getting on or off one of those planes, and also in case she'd planned on getting onboard herself. We should take in consideration that there could be connecting flights too. For example, if someone arrived from Vancouver, they could've previously originated from somewhere else.

Arrivals in Victoria after 6:00 pm: Vancouver, Calgary, Seattle, Prince George, Toronto, San Francisco

Departures from Victoria after 6:00 pm: Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary

I'll have to come back later to post the ones to and from Vancouver as I just saw that I didn't write them down...
I have another question. When Emma asked the taxi driver to take her to the airport, which one was it? Victoria or Vancouver? I just realized that I assumed it was Vancouver, but I don't know why.

I checked both departures and arrivals in Victoria and Vancouver International Airports on the evening she disappeared, in case she intended on meeting someone getting on or off one of those planes, and also in case she'd planned on getting onboard herself. We should take in consideration that there could be connecting flights too. For example, if someone arrived from Vancouver, they could've previously originated from somewhere else.

Arrivals in Victoria after 6:00 pm: Vancouver, Calgary, Seattle, Prince George, Toronto, San Francisco

Departures from Victoria after 6:00 pm: Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary

I'll have to come back later to post the ones to and from Vancouver as I just saw that I didn't write them down...

i have to ask, maybe this has already been done but has any one checked east hastings in vancouver?
Not sure if I'm remembering this right (correct me if I'm wrong please)...but I thought someone on this thread (kokanee maybe?) mentioned that Vic PD wouldn't divulge any information about their conversation with Emma that night to other law enforcement outside of Victoria or something like that or that it would interfere with the file(?) I might have that wrong, maybe someone else can confirm or clear up.

In The Fifth Estate program, they do share some snippets of the conversation though, they talked with her approx 30-45 minutes, so sounds like they were concerned and assessing the situation, but their hands we probably tied to legally do anything :(

I was not allowed to read the notes but they told me two conflicting things: "we spent 43 minutes questioning her" and :she was essentially non-communicative".
I have another question. When Emma asked the taxi driver to take her to the airport, which one was it? Victoria or Vancouver? I just realized that I assumed it was Vancouver, but I don't know why.

I checked both departures and arrivals in Victoria and Vancouver International Airports on the evening she disappeared, in case she intended on meeting someone getting on or off one of those planes, and also in case she'd planned on getting onboard herself. We should take in consideration that there could be connecting flights too. For example, if someone arrived from Vancouver, they could've previously originated from somewhere else.

Arrivals in Victoria after 6:00 pm: Vancouver, Calgary, Seattle, Prince George, Toronto, San Francisco

Departures from Victoria after 6:00 pm: Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary

I'll have to come back later to post the ones to and from Vancouver as I just saw that I didn't write them down...

Emma was heading to the Victoria airport.
Sorry, not sure why pic didn't upload. Here's the link:

Also, looks like the actual address for the one I thought she went to was 816 Douglas St. not 813 Douglas St.

Although, Satchie on this thread mentioned she might've even went to a Broughton St. one (the 37A-910 Government St. location close to Broughton).

So, as far as I know the exact 7/11 hasn't been totally confirmed I don't think...

I believ she went to the one closest to the Empress Hotel but my memory is foggy on that.
It's hard not to question everything and everyone who recently had contact with Emma before she disappeared.

It was mentioned Emma had the same tow truck driver twice, this seems a little strange to me. Did she know a tow truck driver, have a regular one she used (this seems doubtful if she rarely used her van) or did this driver work for the storage business? If not, was the tow truck company a Victoria company or Sooke company?

*Update: I checked West Coast Super Storage in Sooke's website to see if they did towing to their facilities or if towing was included with any storage and didn't find anything about towing.
It's hard not to question everything and everyone who recently had contact with Emma before she disappeared.

It was mentioned Emma had the same tow truck driver twice, this seems a little strange to me. Did she know a tow truck driver, have a regular one she used (this seems doubtful if she rarely used her van) or did this driver work for the storage business? If not, was the tow truck company a Victoria company or Sooke company?

*Update: I checked West Coast Super Storage in Sooke's website to see if they did towing to their facilities or if towing was included with any storage and didn't find anything about towing.

I have been towed in the past. The driver may have given Emma his card to call him back. Possibly she knew she may need another tow and so kept his number. Towing is a very competitive business. Tow drivers seem to have their territory. If it was a larger tow company she may have called the main number and someone was dispatched.

If there was a great distance from Point A to point B and she needed another tow from Point B to Point C it may not have been feasible for the original driver to assist or they could have buried the costs in the price (mileage/gas/both ways).

I wonder if she was a BCAA member or had some sort of coverage for towing.
Just starting to re-read the FB pages posts and someone asks a really good question early on in Dec 2012, as to whether the police checked Emma's laptop's internet browsing history. I'm assuming the laptop was in the van while in it was in storage and she didn't have it with her at the shelter.

It sounds like she went to the library often to possibly to use internet/email and wasn't using her personal laptop. If she was using the internet at the library I would think she has to log in and it's somehow linked to her library card ID. LE would've had to have had a way to look at her browsing history at the library wouldn't they? If they had access to this, there might be important info there.

The Victoria police department's tech department was sadly lacking. I convinced them to let me "borrow" it and took it to a friend who checked it thoroughly. It provided us with some names. emails and numbers of friends and acquaintances. I got in touch with all of them without much success getting important information. The library was so uncooperative, rude and unfriendly that it continues to boggle my mind. I was able to discover that she was researching Japan and had hopes of going. Also, the books most recently borrowed were children's books. I have those in my possession. It only tells me that she remained interested in writing children's books and have her dad illustrate them or she was looking for a way to escape "real" life by enjoying the lyricism of these books.
The Victoria police department's tech department was sadly lacking. I convinced them to let me "borrow" it and took it to a friend who checked it thoroughly. It provided us with some names. emails and numbers of friends and acquaintances. I got in touch with all of them without much success getting important information. The library was so uncooperative, rude and unfriendly that it continues to boggle my mind. I was able to discover that she was researching Japan and had hopes of going. Also, the books most recently borrowed were children's books. I have those in my possession. It only tells me that she remained interested in writing children's books and have her dad illustrate them or she was looking for a way to escape "real" life by enjoying the lyricism of these books.
I have nothing positive to say about the lack of investigation into her laptop - gmab. [emoji35]

As for the library - did you experience that from one person, or multiple people? Is there any suspicion there?
Question... Who oversees the Victoria Police Department? Is there a time frame for the information they have gained to be turned over to a third-party whether it be another police department, investigator, or complaints board of sorts?

The police chief appears to be more in the background than anything as they have PR people to deal with the media, complaints etc. As far as I know there is never a time for them "turn over the information" to a third party. This is why I have hire a private investigator.

I was not allowed to read the notes but they told me two conflicting things: "we spent 43 minutes questioning her" and :she was essentially non-communicative".

The last comment is vague and can be interpreted in so many ways.

If Emma had suffered some kind of psychosis or break, this would explain her being non-communicative, but she seemed to function fine on the 7/11 video that morning when using the debit machine. If she was disorientated, would she have remembered her pin? Or if she was so disorientated, and left the shelter, if the staff at the shelter were so concerned wouldn't they have phoned police?

Maybe she was non-communicative with police if she was paranoid and weary of them or maybe she was non-communicative if she thought she might have been being watched or followed by someone.

In regards to whether Emma 'made up' going to a friend's house to appease police so they would leave her alone, I don't think she'd make this up. They might've asked to phone the friend first (maybe they even did) to confirm her plans if they were suspicious of her or concerned for her well being. If she wanted police off her back, she could have easily told them she was heading back to the shelter. Why involve tbe friend story?
I have been towed in the past. The driver may have given Emma his card to call him back. Possibly she knew she may need another tow and so kept his number. Towing is a very competitive business. Tow drivers seem to have their territory. If it was a larger tow company she may have called the main number and someone was dispatched.

If there was a great distance from Point A to point B and she needed another tow from Point B to Point C it may not have been feasible for the original driver to assist or they could have buried the costs in the price (mileage/gas/both ways).

I wonder if she was a BCAA member or had some sort of coverage for towing.

Good point, she could've have a towers card, and called someone she used before and was comfortable with for sure.
The last comment is vague and can be interpreted in so many ways.

If Emma had suffered some kind of psychosis or break, this would explain her being non-communicative, but she seemed to function fine on the 7/11 video that morning when using the debit machine. If she was disorientated, would she have remembered her pin? Or if she was so disorientated, and left the shelter, if the staff at the shelter were so concerned wouldn't they have phoned police?

Maybe she was non-communicative with police if she was paranoid and weary of them or maybe she was non-communicative if she thought she might have been being watched or followed by someone.

In regards to whether Emma 'made up' going to a friend's house to appease police so they would leave her alone, I don't think she'd make this up. They might've asked to phone the friend first (maybe they even did) to confirm her plans if they were suspicious of her or concerned for her well being. If she wanted police off her back, she could have easily told them she was heading back to the shelter. Why involve tbe friend story?

Very good points raised. The shelter not only failed Emma morally, they failed her legally. They are bound by law to involve menta; health professionals when a serious concern arises. They made the first phone call because of very unsettling behaviour and were told to call back if the situation worsened and it did but they never made the second call. Negligence at its worst. Without divulging private info, based on what THEY told ME, they should have insisted on an evaluation at the time of the first call.
I now know from personal experience that it is possible to remember things like your pin and still be in a state of perillous mental illness. Our brain fights to maintain/retrieve its power, its memory of highly important things. I often can't remember where I've parked my car, who I last spoke with or about what and yet, despite suffering from PTSD and major depression disorder, I recall virtually every detail involving Emma. The brain is a complex piece of equipment and can kick into high gear when necessary. Emma's body language was strange on all the videos I watched, not at all her usual demeanor. If she was running from something or someone, she could probably function well in order to escape her fears.
It is hard to know why she would not have admitted to staying at the shelter other than the fact that the police might have insisted on taking her back and again, based on what I was told by staff members, Emma no longer considered the shelter a safe haven. She started showing signs of severe paranoia approximately 10-14 prior to her calling me.
Public asked for help locating missing Victoria woman


Just to clarify, Emma WAS NOT last seen on Burdett, that was a so-called error in the Victoria Police Department's first press release. To this day, I believe it was a deliberate lie created to exonerate the police for the mistake of mis-reading the obvious clues of Emma's distress and letting her go. She was last seen in front of the Empress hotel, blocks away from Burdett.
does anyone recognize this Victoria woman at the beginning of this video?? Her name is Vikki and she is an advocate for the homeless. She met Emma previous to her disappearance according to a friend of Emma's. It needs to be confirmed or denied that she saw Emma in Fernwood area of Victoria as recently as 2013 with a male companion. If you know how to contact Vikki please let Shelley know.......
Could something have happened at the shelter with someone working there? Or maybe another female who was living there at the time?

Or, if she went there to "hide" or "get away" from someone, maybe the person found out that she was living there..?

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