CANADA Canada - Emma Fillipoff, 26, Victoria BC, 28 Nov 2012

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Could something have happened at the shelter with someone working there? Or maybe another female who was living there at the time?

Or, if she went there to "hide" or "get away" from someone, maybe the person found out that she was living there..?

This is a possibility, we simply have so little to go on.
One of the people in that video is Tavis Dodds, and the man in the beginning (as captioned) is David Arthur Johnston referred to in this video. They are friends on FB. I can't find any Vikki though. The girl doing the headstand is Kristen Woodruff, as named in this video.

Not sure about how YouTube works, but have you tried messaging the person who posted the video? They appear to be quite active in the Victoria homeless community.
does anyone recognize this Victoria woman at the beginning of this video?? Her name is Vikki and she is an advocate for the homeless. She met Emma previous to her disappearance according to a friend of Emma's. It needs to be confirmed or denied that she saw Emma in Fernwood area of Victoria as recently as 2013 with a male companion. If you know how to contact Vikki please let Shelley know.......

Fernwood, is an artsy, bohemian, hippie-ish neighborhood that borders on the fringe area as well. Some of the drug addicts, street people, homeless and transient wanderers seep into the Fernwood neighborhood, so it's kind of a little of both depending where you are in Fernwood.

There is Crystal Pool (swimming pool/rec centre) where some of the transients/homeless go as sometime they're given a free swim. Since Emma went to the Y, she might have frequented Crystal Pool. But I think people would have recognized her, Victoria is such a small city…Then again, her appearance is easily changed and she could easily blend in within certain neighborhoods and in Victoria in general since many people can be seen often around the city with a similar look and style of dress as Emma's.

I found a Vikki Reynolds when I searched online, looks like the woman in the video to me except with short hair.

Here is her website and there is a contact area, hopefully it's the same one and Shelley can contact her:
Fernwood, is an artsy, bohemian, hippie-ish neighborhood that borders on the fringe area as well. Some of the drug addicts, street people, homeless and transient wanderers seep into the Fernwood neighborhood, so it's kind of a little of both depending where you are in Fernwood.

There is Crystal Pool (swimming pool/rec centre) where some of the transients/homeless go as sometime they're given a free swim. Since Emma went to the Y, she might have frequented Crystal Pool. But I think people would have recognized her, Victoria is such a small city…Then again, her appearance is easily changed and she could easily blend in within certain neighborhoods and in Victoria in general since many people can be seen often around the city with a similar look and style of dress as Emma's.

I found a Vikki Reynolds when I searched online, looks like the woman in the video to me except with short hair.

Here is her website and there is a contact area, hopefully it's the same one and Shelley can contact her:

Not sure. This video shows her profile---very different nose. I don't think it's her.

This describes a meeting in 2008 about homelessness in Victoria. The author mentions a "Vicky _______", a homeless advocate and vocal attendee of City Council meetings.

Apparently, the meetings are online.
Could something have happened at the shelter with someone working there? Or maybe another female who was living there at the time?

Or, if she went there to "hide" or "get away" from someone, maybe the person found out that she was living there..?

I'm wondering that too - was it the shelter and people there itself that she didn't feel safe from or was it a case of someone finding out she was there that made her not feel safe there anymore.

Shelley mentioned the shelter was concerned about her state/behaviour approx. 10-14 days prior to her calling her mom. Since her records are sealed, no one knows why. It would be interesting to know if her change was brought on by mental health issues or by an outside source of distress.

The shelter must have a curfew for women to return by before they call police. It still boggles my mind the timing of all these events, it's almost unbelievable the way this all happened...Emma's mom arriving unplanned all the way from Ontario within hours of the exact, particular day Emma doesn't return to the shelter and on the exact, particular day Emma purchases a cell phone and credit card (out of character for her) and on the day at least one concerned acquaintance calls police and they even speak to her but she then, she slips through everyone's fingers :(

I can't imagine how frustrating this is for her friends and family, it's frustrating for me to even think about!
thanks ya we thought that was the same vikki but the friend of Emma's said its not so still hoping to contact her...
K and V rented rooms from Luke on Pine Street in Vic West which is a stones throw from the E&N trail which goes out to Langford where the credit card was supposedly found. K was good friends with J. Emma was also good friends with J and lived in his room at the Hotel 760 for a month. Emma had also met K. J told K that V had seen Emma in Fernwood with a boyfriend in 2013 and they were renting a room in a house there. V had met Emma previously. If this is true then it places Emma in Fernwood long after the last sighting 28Nov2012.
Random questions,
Are there specific shelters for endangered, expectant women in B.C.?

Did many people in her Ontario hometown, know that Emma's mom was going to fly out that day and time to see Emma?
Fernwood, is an artsy, bohemian, hippie-ish neighborhood that borders on the fringe area as well. Some of the drug addicts, street people, homeless and transient wanderers seep into the Fernwood neighborhood, so it's kind of a little of both depending where you are in Fernwood.

There is Crystal Pool (swimming pool/rec centre) where some of the transients/homeless go as sometime they're given a free swim. Since Emma went to the Y, she might have frequented Crystal Pool. But I think people would have recognized her, Victoria is such a small city…Then again, her appearance is easily changed and she could easily blend in within certain neighborhoods and in Victoria in general since many people can be seen often around the city with a similar look and style of dress as Emma's.

I found a Vikki Reynolds when I searched online, looks like the woman in the video to me except with short hair.

Here is her website and there is a contact area, hopefully it's the same one and Shelley can contact her:

Thank you!!
I just finished watching this documentary. There's a website as well:

Had Emma become close with Vikki (Vicky, Vicki, or Viki?) and others? Is it possible she shared the sentiments expressed in the documentary? Some of these people express strong opinions about money (they refuse to use it). She was experiencing similar struggles to the people involved in this movement---possessions being seized, living in a shelter, being questioned by police...
thanks ya we thought that was the same vikki but the friend of Emma's said its not so still hoping to contact her...

Yeah, too bad not the same one. Is her name spelled distinctly with the two K's for sure do you know? There can't be too many Vikki's spelled with two K's around but hard to say if she changed her name or switches it up.
Thank you!!

Sorry it doesn't seem to be the right person unfortunately, wish it was. I'll keep trying to online search for Vikki, might be hard if she doesn't have an online presence. If her friends do, there might be dots to connect.
I found a Viki that's connected to squatting….Viki Vukmirovic. I hope it's okay to post this, if not, mods please let me know and i'll PM kokanee and shelley.

Found this post from this link (BBM):

"this is viki vukmirovic the vuk[wolf] i wish to inspire us to do our own cop watch after my expeirience at janion oct 23 the betrayal is too great govt unions church betrraying the people and unfortunately activists seem to be icing the cake. we cant have it and eat it too the priorities are severely flawed as egomania overides peoples lives. stay tooned"

ETA - it's an old post, from 2006 but I think the last name sounds extremely close to when Viki/Vikki yells her full name and address in the YouTube video. Also, I don't think the profile she posted with is hers, maybe her male friends, that's why she states her name at beginning of post. Or it could be a male Viktor, that goes by Viki, so hard to say.

*Update: when I google VV, this person has attended city council meetings, maybe it's her?? Hope so, then there's a least a last name to help find her!
I found a Viki that's connected to squatting….Viki Vukmirovic. I hope it's okay to post this, if not, mods please let me know and i'll PM kokanee and shelley.

Found this post from this link (BBM):

"this is viki vukmirovic the vuk[wolf] i wish to inspire us to do our own cop watch after my expeirience at janion oct 23 the betrayal is too great govt unions church betrraying the people and unfortunately activists seem to be icing the cake. we cant have it and eat it too the priorities are severely flawed as egomania overides peoples lives. stay tooned"

ETA - it's an old post, from 2006 but I think the last name sounds extremely close to when Viki/Vikki yells her full name and address in the YouTube video. Also, I don't think the profile she posted with is hers, maybe her male friends, that's why she states her name at beginning of post. Or it could be a male Viktor, that goes by Viki, so hard to say.

*Update: when I google VV, this person has attended city council meetings, maybe it's her?? Hope so, then there's a least a last name to help find her!

Found this meeting's minutes:

...and the video of that meeting. It's her. 1:27:25.

Also, at 1:14:08.
I'm wondering that too - was it the shelter and people there itself that she didn't feel safe from or was it a case of someone finding out she was there that made her not feel safe there anymore.

Shelley mentioned the shelter was concerned about her state/behaviour approx. 10-14 days prior to her calling her mom. Since her records are sealed, no one knows why. It would be interesting to know if her change was brought on by mental health issues or by an outside source of distress.

The shelter must have a curfew for women to return by before they call police. It still boggles my mind the timing of all these events, it's almost unbelievable the way this all happened...Emma's mom arriving unplanned all the way from Ontario within hours of the exact, particular day Emma doesn't return to the shelter and on the exact, particular day Emma purchases a cell phone and credit card (out of character for her) and on the day at least one concerned acquaintance calls police and they even speak to her but she then, she slips through everyone's fingers :(

I can't imagine how frustrating this is for her friends and family, it's frustrating for me to even think about!

In case she was really being stalked and the people at the shelter knew about it, aren't they supposed to share that information with LE? I understand that they are not supposed to speak about their ''customers'' but I think that someone going missing after saying she was being stalked and acting like it should force them to speak.

In case this was ''only'' paranoia induced by a mental illness or something else, then I think they're bound to keep the information private. But still... the way Emma's mother was treated by the staff from the shelter seems highly suspicious to me. Why not try and give the woman some support/comfort instead of acting like they did? Do they have something to hide?

And the same thing goes with the public library staff. Is is simply a lack of empathy or is there more to it?
In case she was really being stalked and the people at the shelter knew about it, aren't they supposed to share that information with LE? I understand that they are not supposed to speak about their ''customers'' but I think that someone going missing after saying she was being stalked and acting like it should force them to speak.

In case this was ''only'' paranoia induced by a mental illness or something else, then I think they're bound to keep the information private. But still... the way Emma's mother was treated by the staff from the shelter seems highly suspicious to me. Why not try and give the woman some support/comfort instead of acting like they did? Do they have something to hide?

And the same thing goes with the public library staff. Is is simply a lack of empathy or is there more to it?

From what I gather, the issue of homelessness in Victoria is a sensitive one for many, and I get the impression that some people living there may be hasty to categorize and pick sides. Her living in the shelter would lead a lot of people to jump to conclusions, and they may not realize how harmful such judgmental behaviour is. Furthermore, there seems to be a bit of a disconnect/clash between LE and the shelters (there was in 2008 anyway, during the "right to sleep" debate, don't know how it stands now).

She knew people who were a thorn in LE's and the city's side.
In case she was really being stalked and the people at the shelter knew about it, aren't they supposed to share that information with LE? I understand that they are not supposed to speak about their ''customers'' but I think that someone going missing after saying she was being stalked and acting like it should force them to speak.

In case this was ''only'' paranoia induced by a mental illness or something else, then I think they're bound to keep the information private. But still... the way Emma's mother was treated by the staff from the shelter seems highly suspicious to me. Why not try and give the woman some support/comfort instead of acting like they did? Do they have something to hide?

And the same thing goes with the public library staff. Is is simply a lack of empathy or is there more to it?

Yeah healthcare and health records and privacy are in the news lots with people fanatic about privacy, which is understandable but can also be a roadblock with situations like this.

I wonder if LE asked to check her library card history or if only Emma's mom asked for it? Seems sloppy if the police didn't go as far as to check it (or maybe they did).
From what I gather, the issue of homelessness in Victoria is a sensitive one for many, and I get the impression that some people living there may be hasty to categorize and pick sides. Her living in the shelter would lead a lot of people to jump to conclusions, and they may not realize how harmful such judgmental behaviour is. Furthermore, there seems to be a bit of a disconnect/clash between LE and the shelters (there was in 2008 anyway, during the "right to sleep" debate, don't know how it stands now).

She knew people who were a thorn in LE's and the city's side.

Victoria is a polarizing city in a way. It's a university city and very progressive, I'd go as far to say one of the most progressive cities in Canada but on the other side - there's lots of old money and 'old English' attitudes, and some quiet prejudicial undertones especially towards First Nations other ethnic/cultural groups (East Indian, Asian) and probably more towards the drug addicts than the homeless.

I've lived in both Vancouver and Victoria, and in Vancouver everyone there is exposed to many cultures and people no one bats an eye, but Victoria still has this veil of ignorance attached to it somehow for such a progressive city it's strange. Also, Vancouver has a different type of crime. Victoria is a bicycle friendly city, but notorious for bike theft and petty crime (mostly the addicts committing these crimes). Vancouver has the problem of the downtown east side in a small geographical radius and Victoria has the same problem but spread out in many pockets of the downtown core and the seeping into residential neighborhoods. The addicts/homeless of Victoria aren't segregated to a designated area like Vancouver where you can avoid it, they are all over so locals and tourists can't avoid seeing it, you'll always see it downtown shopping at a high end store. I've heard of locals who will never go downtown Victoria (especially at night) because it's so wild.

Sadly, I think most Victorians are just jaded from the constant sights and experiences and many of the street people are probably judged like you say.

I fear for some of the people Emma may have encountered or possibly befriended. While there are good, healthy people living on the fringes who look after each other and share camaraderie and who choose to live there, there are also lots of thieves, leaches, and users who will take from anyone generous or might have something they want.

Kokanee referred to some people Emma was friends and stayed with, kokanee, do you know what types of friends/acquaintances these people were? I'm hoping they were good people and not the user types. Oh and just to be clear, I don't think there was another street-type/fringe person involved with Emma's disappearance. I think if someone else was involved they are intelligent and functioning in society. I'm hoping there was no one involved and she's just lost because of some mental health issues.

Sorry for the long post, just trying to give my experience with Victoria so people can get a feel for the city Emma was living in.

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