Found Deceased Canada - Holly Ellsworth-Clark, 27, Hamilton ON, 11 Jan 2020

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Admin of the official 'Holly Clark Search' page on FB has announced that there's been a credible sighting of Holly on Feb 3, which is GREAT news! I had to double check the 'Rules' about SM links, and was glad to learn that this seems to meet the defined criteria. Elle McFearsin

Unfortunately, no information was included to indicate WHERE the sighting occurred, and the accompanying photo was DEFINITELY either not from Hamilton, or completely unrelated to the sighting.
After the CCTV of Holly walking in a determined manner were found it seems the immediate family has been mostly silent. That’s made me hopeful of a positive outcome and if there was a more recent sighting, that’d be great news.

I’m imagining the dilemma the family and LE may now be faced with. During those first days - the panicked voicemail from Holly, rumours of human trafficking/sightings at a seedy hotel, descriptions of uncharacteristic behaviour, inappropriate attire for the weather, etc all pointed to a situation of immediate urgency in locating her, a person in crisis.

But the videos changed everything.

If she is somewhere hunkering down on her own accord and considering she appears to be quite a private person, I wonder ...might the attention over her disappearance cause her a great deal of fright and alarm? After all, she is an adult and there’s no law that requires one to report their whereabouts if they choose to go off the grid.

Don’t take this wrong, her family and friends have every reason to be absolutely panicked, a person they deeply care about is missing......but from Holly’s perspective, if she’s aware of the posters, the searches, the possible sightings, the media emphasis, etc might she feel she’s sort of being.....hunted? This is just speculation on my part to toss out a possible reason she may have chosen to not voluntarily come forward just yet.
Update regarding the February 3rd sighting... Police say they cannot confirm that it's Holly in the latest (grainy, black & white) video, but family and friends seem confident, based more on SM comments than what's quoted in the article...

(The video embedded in the article is NOT the Feb 3 sighting, which is rather misleading.)
2 hours ago..
''Missing Holly Ellsworth-Clark walked by her own poster on Feb. 3, family says
Police can't verify the woman is Holly, which means they only have evidence from Jan. 11, the day she left''


The family of Holly Ellsworth-Clark says they've found a video of her walking down a street in Hamilton on Feb. 3, a month after her disappearance — in the footage, she is said to walk right past a poster trying to bring her home. (Bobby Hristova/CBC)
''A healthy-looking Holly Ellsworth-Clark wore jeans and a sweater on Feb. 3, her family and friends say, when a security camera caught her walking right past one of the thousands of posters they plastered across Hamilton in their month-long hunt to find her.

But police aren't so sure the video shows the missing woman.

The Newfoundland-born, Calgary-raised woman left her home in Hamilton, Ont., more than a month ago on Jan. 11 and has been the subject of an intense search ever since.

The grainy, black and white video viewed by CBC News shows a woman who appears to be Holly walking along a line of vehicles near Wentworth Street and Shaw Street with what appears to be a different outfit — but the woman has a similar build and walk seen in clips of Holly from Jan. 11.''

''Anyone with information can call the police at 905-546-3816.
The Clark family is also accepting tips at''
Last edited:
Friends believe new video footage is missing woman Holly Ellsworth-Clark
Stephanie Babych
Updated: February 12, 2020
''Family friends Andrea Llewellyn and Elle McFearsin, who watched the video at a coffee shop in Calgary, told Postmedia that the family is confident the woman is Ellsworth-Clark, though her face isn’t clear in the footage. The two, who have been integral in co-ordinating the search for Ellsworth-Clark, won’t publicly release the video because Hamilton police can’t confirm the identity of the woman, said Llewellyn.

“This is renewed hope. We’ve been searching for weeks and weeks, and now there’s an image on our phones of what looks to be Holly . . . The family and search crew know Holly very well, so looking at the video we see her mannerisms, her assertive stride, her shoes, shoe size and her hair,” McFearsin said Tuesday, adding that the woman in the video walks past one of the many missing-person’s posters with Ellsworth-Clark’s face on it.''

Det. John Obrovac with Hamilton police spoke with Ellsworth-Clark’s family on Tuesday to discuss the video.

“Her family is hopeful it’s her and they feel that they have a high degree of certainty that it’s her, but we are all in agreement that we can’t say 100 per cent that it’s her. I definitely cannot say it’s 100 per cent her in the video,” said Obrovac.''

''Ellsworth-Clark’s bank accounts have remained untouched but the woman in the video is wearing different clothes than what Ellsworth-Clark left her home with. Llewellyn said there are many unanswered questions about what’s happened.

“We want to piece together this puzzle of where Holly is, where is she going and answer all the why questions, too,” said Llewellyn. “Even if it’s her in the video, we can’t conclusively say she’s OK and not at risk. Everything is speculation.”
How devastating for this family....

“After six weeks of intense searching for Holly Ellsworth-Clark with no new clues, the family of the missing 27-year-old is preparing to return home to Calgary.

Dave Clark, Holly's father, tells CBC News the family is spending this week and the next spreading awareness in Toronto. If nothing new surfaces, they'll pack Holly's possessions, which are still in her room, and fly out of Hamilton.

"We didn't have the energy to do anything with Holly's stuff at the end of her rental period … it's a natural end point for some things, it's a natural going back to Calgary point," he says.

"It's heartbreaking to take the cards and pictures off her fridge."

Holly's apartment, Dave says, is full of plants waiting to be watered, seeds waiting to be planted, handmade lyric books and groceries she bought for an event on Jan. 11 — the night she disappeared.

Lead detective John Obrovac tells CBC News she hasn't been seen since.

"The trail has gone cold.".....”
Sadly, she is still missing. In this article from 4 days ago, about Olympic wrestler Erica Wiebe, the reporter writes what Erica says about her friend and wrestling teammate, Holly Ellsworth-Clark:

Olympic champ Erica Wiebe comes home for shot at second Games

A media-relations officer for the Hamilton Police Service said there was “no information at this time to suggest there is anything criminal in nature relating to her disappearance. Hamilton Police continue to follow-up with all leads and work with the family in hopes of locating her.”

Wiebe said the massive uncertainty hit “really close to home. It puts a lens of humanity on the situation because Holly was truly just this larger than life personality who was just so full of love and optimism and compassion, and she was a really tough competitor, but really just kind and loving and goofy.

This was a long article, but I only quoted 2 paragraphs about Holly. The rest of the article can be read at the link.
From the official Holly Clark Search FB page yesterday:


2 months. 8 weeks. 64 days. 1536 hours. That's how long it's been since Holly Ellsworth-Clark has gone missing. Not a moment goes by that the family and search team aren't wondering where she is at. Is she safe? Is she warm? Is she being cared for? Is she hungry? Does she need help? When will she come back? The heartbreak is insurmountable.

As the search efforts wind down from the hundreds of people looking systemically for Holly, it doesn't mean that they have ceased.

The family and search teams continue to look for Holly as does the members of the public who have embraced Holly as theirs. For that, we are forever grateful.

Please, keep looking. She's pretty hard to forget at 6 feet tall and 200lbs. She's athletic, beautiful, kind and deeply missed.

As always, if you see her, please call 911. If you are unsure, grab a photo and send it to either 403-437-2552 or 403-909-2257.
Latest update on the Holly Clark search FB page:

Update 1: We are currently awaiting testing from police to confirm the remains are in fact human. As of now (March 19 6:30pm est), we have no further information. As information comes available, I will update.

That being said, if this becomes apparent that it is human remains, please remember that if it is not Holly, it is someone else. Keep your comments and speculation respectful as the family(ies) of missing person do read comments too.

****Original Post Below****

We are aware of the ongoing police presence in Ancaster. Thank you to everyone who has been reaching out to make sure we're in the loop. Currently, HPD is awaiting results to determine if the deceased is human and thus, we are waiting too. They have been excellent at keeping us in the loop and as soon as we know something either way, I will update this post.

Huge thank you to Hamilton Police and Dale at CHCH for keeping us updated through the last 15 hours.
I believe the remains they are referring to is this one - Police investigating after bones found in Ancaster field . Found in an field behind an industrial complex.

"Police were called around 5 p.m. on Wednesday, March 18, to the area of Wilson Street West where it meets Garner Road, after receiving reports that someone found bones. Const. Jerome Stewart said they are waiting on test results to confirm whether the remains are human."
If the CCTV on Feb 3rd was indeed Holly, I am doubting that being deceased for a month (or less) would cause enough decomposition for the remains to not be immediately recognizable as human, especially considering the cold temperatures. I even think being deceased for 2 months (if the CCTV wasn't her) wouldn't lead to significant decomposition unless there was significant animal activity?

Also, deceased in a field sounds more like a vagrant (but I guess we still don't know Holly's state of mind at the time). I'm really hoping this isn't Holly.
I believe the remains they are referring to is this one - Police investigating after bones found in Ancaster field . Found in an field behind an industrial complex.

"Police were called around 5 p.m. on Wednesday, March 18, to the area of Wilson Street West where it meets Garner Road, after receiving reports that someone found bones. Const. Jerome Stewart said they are waiting on test results to confirm whether the remains are human."

Apparently the remains were confirmed to be human.

Human remains discovered in Ancaster field
”While the forensic unit is involved, so far, the major crime unit has not been called in.

The investigation is ongoing and police are offering few other details...”

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