Found Deceased Canada - Holly Ellsworth-Clark, 27, Hamilton ON, 11 Jan 2020

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
OK, everyone, I took it upon myself to compile all of the events outlined in the four live feeds and two podcasts that have aired thus far into one document. Furthermore, I did this in a chronological timeline, adding in the bits and pieces in their proper spots. I removed almost all speculation and theory, and listed only agreed upon events or reasonable explanations. I also had the document proofread for legitimacy by one of the search team coordinators.
If you have any questions, it is far better to access the HOLLY CLARK SEARCH Facebook page, and delve into the podcasts and live feeds yourself. There are site moderators and people much closer to the case than I can ever be. However, you will be hard-pressed to find much more factual evidence than is presented here. The Facebook group will definitely give you a better perspective of the people involved, and carries you well into the search in the weeks and months after Holly's disappearance.
Please remember that if you have a theory on what happened it has no doubt crossed the minds of the family, friends, and police. While leads continue to come in each day, the police and search team follow up on each and every one, and the reality is Holly is still missing. The absolute best thing you can do is keep your eyes and ears open and spread a quality message of hope and determination.

Here are the events in chronological order:

Holly Clark Timeline

Dave Clark: Father

Greta Clark: Mother

Caleb Clark: Brother

Kate Clark: Sister

Randy: Ex-Boyfriend (Split in July)/ bandmate

Andrew: Bandmate/ love interest/Roommate Oct-Nov

Kat: Friend

E: Roommate

M: Roommate

Mi: Landlord

T: Girlfriend of A

A: Roommate

I: Roommate

S: Roommate

Ab: Friend and co-worker

Christmas break and New Years:

Dave and Greta were going to come to Hamilton from Calgary but Holly said was going to see her friend Kat in Montreal. Then Kat went away for a week and Holly stayed in Montreal to watch her dog. Nothing seemed off about her other than she tended to get wound up in Kat’s presence.

Holly came back to Hamilton on December 27th to spend post-Christmas celebrating brother’s birthday with brother Caleb and sister Kate. Holly communicated with her parents almost every day over the holidays. Nothing seemed off on the 28th. Then she had a confrontation with Andrew (the bandmate that moved to Hamilton as well) where she professed her feelings for him and he responded that he wasn’t interested. After that she seemed very sad when speaking to her father.

The first week of January was not entirely normal as Holly had been on the phone a lot to her family due to being so upset. They were checking on her every day and asking her to come home, etc. They had been asking her to come home for about a month at that point, but she wanted to stay and try to make it work for awhile longer.

Tuesday January 7th: Holly had been shopping for party supplies for a party on the 11th. She sent invites. She worked her day job, then spent some time journaling, listened to music, did laundry, and had a typical conversation with her brother in the evening. Holly had also made an unexplained call to an engineering company at the end of her street. Later she went to an open mic at Culantro. She was there five hours, had two beers, other attendees said she was her normal self, like doing origami between sets. Then she went home.

Wednesday, January 8th: Holly did some meditation in the morning, wrote in her journal, spoke to her mom and let her know the conversation with Caleb made her feel better (she had been feeling lonely). She called her colleague Ab to help with setting up an out of office on her email until Monday for a mental health break. This was the first time she had ever asked for one. She had wanted an “out of office“ set up to last until Monday the 13th as she had major projects to work on Monday morning. Her schedule said she thought about going to Corktown for an open mic that night. She did not attend.

Thursday, January 9th: Holly’s morning seemed typical. In the afternoon she did what were deemed some odd Google searches concerning Organics , some Recycling, a waste transfer facility, and a community in Hamilton called Blakely. These searches were odd because there was no reason for her to look these items up. There was no pre-text to why she was doing searches for these items which don’t pertain to her work or home life. Not a lot of info on this day, other than a few work emails. Ab had texted as well, and Holly said she was taking time for herself and seemed normal.

Holly was still home at 5:30. Shortly after 6 she was listening to Spotify on her laptop. There was no more information available about her Thursday. The only note to make was that on the 7th she had noted in her journal that there was an open mic on the 9th at Shaolin Underground, but no specific plans to attend.

Friday, January 10th: At 8 am, Holly takes a brick, wraps it in a jacket, and breaks the front window of her house (not the window to her room). There is an understanding that the roommates do not go answer the door if someone knocks as they all have keys. Holly then entered the house through the window. There was a roommate M sleeping in that room at that time. Holly told two room mates “I wouldn’t lie to you” before 9 am. Important to note that this may have been on camera as owner had cameras everywhere as he was paranoid about his property being vandalized. Dave says getting video from Mi is difficult, while T, A’s girlfriend, says all video was given to police.

Holly went upstairs and called Greta. Greta missed the phone call and Holly left the voicemail that has been provided by the family. Greta called Holly back immediately and did not listen to the voicemail until over a week later as she did get through to Holly immediately when she called. Holly told Greta that she’d been running all night from two men in the woods (or was avoiding two men by running through the woods). She said she had done something bad but couldn’t tell her what it was. Dave felt it was not that she wouldn’t tell her parents, but that she couldn’t tell them. Theories on what said “bad thing” could be ranged from the breaking the window incident, to random local crimes in the area, to a delusion of sorts, to any number of smaller things that may have been magnified in her state. Greta sent Kate to check on Holly. Kate arrived in Hamilton at 10 am and spent the morning with her sister. Holly told Kate she was tired and her legs were sore from running all night. Kate stayed until 1 pm but then had to leave. Holly spent the rest of the day working and texting friends. Friends said she seemed normal in texts. There were some Google searches involving the airport.

At some point on this day Holly came downstairs and grabbed a roommate’s guitar because she wanted to play it. When the roommate refused, Holly pulled out $45 and offered to buy it. It was expressed as ‘this is everything I have in the world, you can have this for it’. Again, T said she was not in the right mind, and was playing the guitar out on the curb. She was talked back into the house at that point. T stated in the live feeds that Holly expressed that she was depressed and suffering anxiety. She also stated that Holly had torn down some of the cameras in the kitchen. The cameras being taken down in the kitchen have not been confirmed. The family became aware of this, when a roommate commented on a facebook live 3 months after Holly had gone missing.

Caleb then arrived in Hamilton. Holly would not open the door to her apartment. In a call at 7:45 Holly told Greta that she thought “someone else might be using his voice”, referring to her brother. He stayed a couple of hours and when she would not let him in the police were called. The Police left because Holly said through the door that she was fine and they deemed (as did Caleb) that she was not a threat to herself or anyone else. Caleb leaves as well. Neither the police or Caleb physically saw Holly that night.

Later, roommates found a spare key to her room to check on her. She allowed them in and was agitated and upset but fine. T called Dave and Greta to tell them that Holly had broken the window and that it seemed mysterious. She also said not to worry as they had other tenants dealing with anxiety, and that a friend (E) was staying with Holly. This friend ended up being a roommate Holly barely knew. Dave spoke to the “friend” and asked her to make sure Holly got some sleep. Holly then spoke to Greta again and said she wanted to come home. Greta agrees to fly Sunday to come and get her. A roommate came in later and they had tea and painted. Holly spoke to the roommate about needing a winter coat and boots (even though she had some). The night ended quietly at midnight. Holly stayed in her apartment Friday night.

Saturday January 11th: Holly woke up at 6 am and asked her roommate if she wanted to meditate with her. They meditated for one hour and then the roommate left. Holly meditated for another half hour. Around noon, Holly came downstairs and had lunch with some of the roommates and left about an hour after. When she left, she climbed off the balcony that came off of the second floor at her room and onto the fence, and then climbed back up. Dave said it seemed like a practice run of some sort, as she did not leave that way, she just did it.

Holly listened to music off and on all afternoon as it was connected to her home wifi.

Dave received a text that day from T saying the house was uncomfortable with the situation and that something needed to be done. At 4:06 Holly spoke with her dad on the phone. He said he was coming to get her and she was OK with that, but wanted to end the conversation and Holly hung up the phone at 4:09. During the call she seemed accepting but distant, somewhat depressed. He also asked if her car was in good enough condition to drive back to Calgary.

The roommates reported they had heard banging in the basement in the furnace room where the bicycles were kept This may also have been a server room for the camera system. Her bike was not down there, it was in the backyard. Holly returned to her room to get a mic stand (which was mistaken for a bat) and continued banging on the door. She was unsuccessful and returned to her room on the third floor.

At 4:18, Holly left the house and did not return. She left in a downpour and did not take her phone or keys with her. It did seem that she may have taken her wallet with her in her fanny pack, as it was not found, and seemed to be evident in video footage on her walk away from the house. The items she had purchased on Tuesday were still in their bags in her apartment. She left wearing black pants, a black shirt, and black ankle boots. Wearing all black is not something that Holly ever did. Leaving abruptly was not likely planned, as her party was planned for that evening, she had work planned for a new laptop and electronics that she had purchased. She did not leave with a bat as had initially been speculated.

T mentioned in the live feeds that Holly had been trying to take down the cameras in the kitchen and had tried to gain access to the server room for the camera, and that the door was attacked by Holly. T was quoted in the live feed as saying “She was paranoid she wasn’t herself that day. I don’t know how many times I have to tell the same story. Holly was going through something from Thursday night so when she left. She wasn’t herself. Holly is a very highly intelligent, Beautiful young lady.”

As stated, at 4:18 Holly left the home at Barton and Sanford. At 4:22 she crosses across the park across the street. At 4:25 she is seen at Wentworth and Shaw going north and she is now wearing a black garbage bag. Based on footage, they believe it was pulled from a garbage at the park. From there she is seen heading south on Niagara. Possibly had cut through the Eva Rothwell Center, maybe through a hole in the fence. On Niagara heading south, they see her with a second garbage bag over her shoulder which is ¾ full. Two minutes later she is heading east on Munroe. At 4:53, she is seen at Wentworth and Shaw again, with both bags. She is then seen at 4:59 at Wentworth Recycling. She no longer has the bag she was carrying. That is the last sighting of her that day.

Dave called back many times after the hang up and did not get an answer so sent Caleb back. He got to Hamilton a couple of hours later. The roommates were aware she had left but nothing had been done to find her. Caleb organized a frantic search. Randy joined with a couple men from the house. T lent the use of her car. Caleb, Randy, and others had been searching for a full day when Dave and Greta arrived.

Stills were provided of Holly leaving the house from two cameras; there are 5-7 cameras in the house. The family and police have never seen any video from the house. The first video they see is of Holly at a garbage can in the nearby park. She was taking something out of it or putting something in it, but they did not see the video for over two weeks. By that time most of the video was destroyed or overwritten, but they did find video of Holly walking on Wentworth Street two different times. The first time she is seen wearing a garbage bag. She circled around, and the next time she was wearing the bag but also carrying another one. There is video of her circling around carrying the garbage bag. The contents of the bag are unknown but she did pass by a donation center so a theory is that she may have gotten it there. Holly is last seen crossing the tracks just south of Burlington Street.

February 4th Dave received a video that could be Holly, from Feb 3. The individual walked past a group of people. It was one of the individuals in this group that sent the footage, as her first thought was - this is that missing girl. If this was Holly, the route that she took was North on Emerald, turns right on Keith, goes north on Douglas, East on Francis, and does not make it to Wentworth. You can see her on Francis until just after Cheever. It’s also important to note that this area is in the center of where Holly was circling on Jan 11

Thank you for taking the time to post this very detailed summary. One of the thoughts that occurred to me is the simplified media reports made it seem Holly’s mother received the voicemail from Holly asking to fly home right out of the blue and immediately thereafter, she disappeared. But that voicemail was only one action within a much larger realm of activity regarding Holly’s highly unusual behaviour spanning those few days preceding her disappearance.

Reading the sequence of events leaves me feeling heartbroken for her parents and siblings. They did everything absolutely right out of concern for her wellbeing - probably even more than some families might - yet at this time are left with no answers at all.
Wow, that summary is wild.

What a shame this young lady seems to have suffered some massive mental break. I hope they find her, unfortunately at this point it's highly unlikely that will be alive :(
ShaunLindsay, thanks for the brilliant post!

Global News
ShaunLindsay, thanks for the brilliant post!

Global News

Thanks for the response. Yes, I thought it would help people understand some of the decisions that were made by each party. The most important point is there is a girl out there who was struggling and we need to find her no matter what the reason was for her leaving. As well, the constant doubling back and redundant questions in the live feed were distracting from the true story and the facts. And, of course, the information sometimes needs to be pieced together as things are remembered or refined, so I just watched and typed them into order. They are still very compelling watches and listens.
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I recruited two friends today and took them to the site of Holly's disappearance. I had them read my chronological timeline, and then armed with the map of video sightings, we walked the path she took/ potentially took. It was windy, foggy, and drizzly; much like the day she left her apartment. We theorized and hypothesized, bounced ideas and facts off of each other. We tried to come up with a reasonable answer for the steps she took, and also an unreasonable one. We soaked in the atmosphere of the area.
It was a very intense experience. In such a small area, we saw a range of small businesses to industries, quaint homes to abandoned ones, needle drop boxes to litters of discarded ones. The air had a buzz to it, but that could have been our adrenaline.
We didn't find Holly, and we didn't find answers. we desperately wanted to talk to locals. Follow the tracks. Climb into those empty homes. We wanted to be everywhere at once and get the hell out of there at the same time. It seemed like everywhere we looked there were cameras, but time has taken that option away. And hell, as we found out later, some of them aren't even real.
It has been four months. the broken window at her address has not been replaced, it remains a large black piece of wood. Her poster is still in adjacent window, and the vandalized bike remains attached to the fence. It feels like time stands still there, like the apartment is patiently waiting for Holly to return.
I plan to head down there again in a week. I was able to answer many of my questions, but I left with just as many. There is only one that matters though; where is Holly Clark?
I recruited two friends today and took them to the site of Holly's disappearance. I had them read my chronological timeline, and then armed with the map of video sightings, we walked the path she took/ potentially took. It was windy, foggy, and drizzly; much like the day she left her apartment. We theorized and hypothesized, bounced ideas and facts off of each other. We tried to come up with a reasonable answer for the steps she took, and also an unreasonable one. We soaked in the atmosphere of the area.
It was a very intense experience. In such a small area, we saw a range of small businesses to industries, quaint homes to abandoned ones, needle drop boxes to litters of discarded ones. The air had a buzz to it, but that could have been our adrenaline.
We didn't find Holly, and we didn't find answers. we desperately wanted to talk to locals. Follow the tracks. Climb into those empty homes. We wanted to be everywhere at once and get the hell out of there at the same time. It seemed like everywhere we looked there were cameras, but time has taken that option away. And hell, as we found out later, some of them aren't even real.
It has been four months. the broken window at her address has not been replaced, it remains a large black piece of wood. Her poster is still in adjacent window, and the vandalized bike remains attached to the fence. It feels like time stands still there, like the apartment is patiently waiting for Holly to return.
I plan to head down there again in a week. I was able to answer many of my questions, but I left with just as many. There is only one that matters though; where is Holly Clark?

beautifully written. thanks for sharing. :)
Shaun, thank you for your wonderful contributions.
I am angry more wasn't done by her roommates and friends who noticed how incredibly off she was from her normal self. This is my opinion, but help should've been gotten the moment she broke the window to get in for no reason. I feel so sorry for Holly, her parents, her siblings.
Shaun, thank you for your wonderful contributions.
I am angry more wasn't done by her roommates and friends who noticed how incredibly off she was from her normal self. This is my opinion, but help should've been gotten the moment she broke the window to get in for no reason. I feel so sorry for Holly, her parents, her siblings.

Unfortunately the roommates and friends had limited options in getting help and I disagree they should be blamed. I can’t think of anything more they could’ve done. Only in hindsight did Holly’s tragic and heartbreaking disappearance come to pass but had no way of predicting it in advance.

Even if they had, in Canada the Mental Health Act offers no solution for someone who seems off from their normal self who doesn’t agree to seek help. This is a deep concern expressed by many families dealing with troubled family members, particularly when it involved delusion and paranoia. The only other recourse is when the individual is at risk of harming themselves or others and then an emergency mental health assessment without their consent must be authorized by a physician or police.

Quoting ShaunLindsay’s summary, LE was called and it appears they were attempting to determine the basis for an assessment without success during their visit to the residence.
“The Police left because Holly said through the door that she was fine and they deemed (as did Caleb) that she was not a threat to herself or anyone else.”

What more do you think anyone could’ve be done to prevent Holly’s disappearance?
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I don't think ANYONE should be blamed, I just feel anger that more wasn't done, but I think that's a common feeling in retrospect in these types of cases. I thought it was weird they had someone stay with Holly to "watch her" who hardly knew her, etc.
I don't think ANYONE should be blamed, I just feel anger that more wasn't done, but I think that's a common feeling in retrospect in these types of cases. I thought it was weird they had someone stay with Holly to "watch her" who hardly knew her, etc.

Was it weird the roommates had someone stay with Holly or did they hope Holly might open up so they could help her work through whatever was causing her unusual behaviour. I think the later.

If there’s a need for anger to be directed anywhere, my choice would be towards our limiting Mental Health legislation including how it’s illegal to temporarily detain someone for a mental health assessment just on the basis of unusual, uncharacteristic behaviour.
Random thoughts on this case...

With regards to her internet searches, it seems to me Holly may have been contemplating her place in the world on a grander scale while working through her depression. Researching organics and recycling could be simple interest in how to lower her footprint, start a garden or she may have been looking for a new job doing something conscious. Blakeley appears to be a specifically eco-minded community that is also lovely, so that sounds like she was scoping out new places to live.
"Accessibility-One of the great things about Blakeley is its appeal to the fitness or eco-minded. Residents can leave the car at home as it’s never a long walk down a peaceful, tree-lined street to connect with a city bus that can take you just about anywhere you want to go in the city core, on the Mountain, or out into the “burbs”
I’ve Discovered Blakeley

It may be worth contacting the ecovillages in the area
Cedar Haven Eco-Centre (Hamilton, Ontario) - A Rocha
Morninglory Farm – Killaloe, Ontario

It is also possible, though, that she needed to get rid of something she hid Thursday night but it looks like a bug out bag containing clothes. She mentioned to E needing a winter coat but she didn't leave wearing one - maybe it was in the bag. Was it ever found in her apartment? Was there on-site laundry or did they usually go to a laundromat?

I have a huge problem with the house having cameras inside it that only the landlord can access and that the general idea is LE hasn't seen it. She seemed to really want to hide something by trying to take down cameras or get into the server room, but maybe she was just offended at how illegal it was. There seems to be no further mention of A, whether he received calls or texts from Holly or helped search for her. He has some January posts that are worded weirdly to me, compared to his other content.
I don't have a problem with E staying with Holly, perhaps she is a gentle and compassionate person that wanted to help. After all, they lived together, and the relationship has to start somewhere. Sometimes being with a new person feels better because you're not worried they're judging your past actions.

I am curious to know why T is at the center of so many interactions and witness statements. Does she live there too? Why is she calling Holly's family members so often during this time period? Just trying to get a better grip on all these people in Holly's life for the few months she was there.

It seems to me the answer to some of this is in where Holly was between 6pm and 8am on Thursday/Friday and who she was with.

I don't believe I've seen Holly's facebook posted in this thread so here is the link. She is very aware of her mental issues. Log into Facebook | Facebook

Hallucinations and paranoia can be indicators of medical conditions that are not psychological disorders (but may cause psychological problems such as depression) Visual Hallucinations: Differential Diagnosis and Treatment
Random thoughts on this case...

With regards to her internet searches, it seems to me Holly may have been contemplating her place in the world on a grander scale while working through her depression. Researching organics and recycling could be simple interest in how to lower her footprint, start a garden or she may have been looking for a new job doing something conscious. Blakeley appears to be a specifically eco-minded community that is also lovely, so that sounds like she was scoping out new places to live.
"Accessibility-One of the great things about Blakeley is its appeal to the fitness or eco-minded. Residents can leave the car at home as it’s never a long walk down a peaceful, tree-lined street to connect with a city bus that can take you just about anywhere you want to go in the city core, on the Mountain, or out into the “burbs”
I’ve Discovered Blakeley

It may be worth contacting the ecovillages in the area
Cedar Haven Eco-Centre (Hamilton, Ontario) - A Rocha
Morninglory Farm – Killaloe, Ontario

It is also possible, though, that she needed to get rid of something she hid Thursday night but it looks like a bug out bag containing clothes. She mentioned to E needing a winter coat but she didn't leave wearing one - maybe it was in the bag. Was it ever found in her apartment? Was there on-site laundry or did they usually go to a laundromat?

I have a huge problem with the house having cameras inside it that only the landlord can access and that the general idea is LE hasn't seen it. She seemed to really want to hide something by trying to take down cameras or get into the server room, but maybe she was just offended at how illegal it was. There seems to be no further mention of A, whether he received calls or texts from Holly or helped search for her. He has some January posts that are worded weirdly to me, compared to his other content.
I don't have a problem with E staying with Holly, perhaps she is a gentle and compassionate person that wanted to help. After all, they lived together, and the relationship has to start somewhere. Sometimes being with a new person feels better because you're not worried they're judging your past actions.

I am curious to know why T is at the center of so many interactions and witness statements. Does she live there too? Why is she calling Holly's family members so often during this time period? Just trying to get a better grip on all these people in Holly's life for the few months she was there.

It seems to me the answer to some of this is in where Holly was between 6pm and 8am on Thursday/Friday and who she was with.

I don't believe I've seen Holly's facebook posted in this thread so here is the link. She is very aware of her mental issues. Log into Facebook | Facebook

Hallucinations and paranoia can be indicators of medical conditions that are not psychological disorders (but may cause psychological problems such as depression) Visual Hallucinations: Differential Diagnosis and Treatment
Thank you for this!

Several times she talks about how she ran away or was "too busy running away". Was she speaking figuratively or is there a history of running away?
Random thoughts on this case...

With regards to her internet searches, it seems to me Holly may have been contemplating her place in the world on a grander scale while working through her depression. Researching organics and recycling could be simple interest in how to lower her footprint, start a garden or she may have been looking for a new job doing something conscious. Blakeley appears to be a specifically eco-minded community that is also lovely, so that sounds like she was scoping out new places to live.
"Accessibility-One of the great things about Blakeley is its appeal to the fitness or eco-minded. Residents can leave the car at home as it’s never a long walk down a peaceful, tree-lined street to connect with a city bus that can take you just about anywhere you want to go in the city core, on the Mountain, or out into the “burbs”
I’ve Discovered Blakeley

It may be worth contacting the ecovillages in the area
Cedar Haven Eco-Centre (Hamilton, Ontario) - A Rocha
Whole Village
Morninglory Farm – Killaloe, Ontario

It is also possible, though, that she needed to get rid of something she hid Thursday night but it looks like a bug out bag containing clothes. She mentioned to E needing a winter coat but she didn't leave wearing one - maybe it was in the bag. Was it ever found in her apartment? Was there on-site laundry or did they usually go to a laundromat?

I have a huge problem with the house having cameras inside it that only the landlord can access and that the general idea is LE hasn't seen it. She seemed to really want to hide something by trying to take down cameras or get into the server room, but maybe she was just offended at how illegal it was. There seems to be no further mention of A, whether he received calls or texts from Holly or helped search for her. He has some January posts that are worded weirdly to me, compared to his other content.
I don't have a problem with E staying with Holly, perhaps she is a gentle and compassionate person that wanted to help. After all, they lived together, and the relationship has to start somewhere. Sometimes being with a new person feels better because you're not worried they're judging your past actions.

I am curious to know why T is at the center of so many interactions and witness statements. Does she live there too? Why is she calling Holly's family members so often during this time period? Just trying to get a better grip on all these people in Holly's life for the few months she was there.

It seems to me the answer to some of this is in where Holly was between 6pm and 8am on Thursday/Friday and who she was with.

I don't believe I've seen Holly's facebook posted in this thread so here is the link. She is very aware of her mental issues. Log into Facebook | Facebook

Hallucinations and paranoia can be indicators of medical conditions that are not psychological disorders (but may cause psychological problems such as depression) Visual Hallucinations: Differential Diagnosis and Treatment

Great post!

I strongly encourage any and all questions to go through the admins on the Holly Clark Search page on Facebook. While I have developed some theories after visiting the area, I can't force myself to post them. Irresponsible people or people who haven't followed closely can misread or misinterpret theory for fact. Quotes get skewed, etc.

I can however answer a few things via fact or commonly accepted truths. Regarding the bag of clothes theory; I have inserted a bit of a zoomed map of her immediate area and you can correlate it to the map of direction she took in the video footage. I will draw your attention to Wentworth Street, where you can see G and S Laundromat is about 100 metres away from Eva Rothwell Center, which is a donation center of sorts. If you can't be here to walk the area yourself, pick an address from that area, Google Maps it, and leisurely stroll the Street Views!!

I left the names of the roommates out on purpose as it is quite the tough spot for many of them to be in with the amount of attention they may or may not have deserved. I CAN tell you that T is the significant other of one of the roommates, Av. I can't speak to how often she was at the apartment, but she was at the apartment for parts of this story. It can be reviewed in the live feeds. She also lent a vehicle to the search. You have to assume that the relationships of the roommates to Holly varied by the person. Six people will take to a person six different ways. If you are not close to a person, you may have little or nothing to say. If you aren't the police or the family or sitting at the lunch gathering of the apartment, you just can't know what was shared. It is speculation. FACT would be that up to the live feeds, there was still one roommate, I, that had not spoken to the family. There could be a myriad of reasons why, and again that would be speculation.

I'd also like to point out that the Blakely Community backs on to the local Rail Trails, a fairly wooded area, and not far at all from the Wentworth Stairs that Holly frequented.


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Brand new podcast out now about holly with Dave the Dad and Elle the everything else! Or as I like to call her the lead search coordinator.
Hamilton Police Service Missing Person Holly Ellsworth-Clark - Can I Help Find Your Missing Loved One?

Most of it has been covered in the live shows that can be found on the Facebook page, but they do add a couple notes to the timeline, and there is some evolution of theories to explore.

It was also announced that there will be a live event again tomorrow at 1 pm Hamilton time.

In an incredible act of generosity, Elle offered to meet up and walk the possible paths that Holly took on the Saturday she disappeared, from the park to the last known camera shot. We bounced theories and possibilities off of each other, walked some alternate paths, even spoke to a kind local, and she helped clean up a few gray areas in my own logic. I came out of our little trek feeling like we were very much on the same page. Holly left the house with emotion, intent, purpose, and direction. The disappearance itself could be as convoluted as a chance encounter with the wrong person, or as simple as being picked up in the rain by someone who was willing to help, and willing to assist in her next chapter.

There is a very good chance that Holly is alive and does not want to be found in her current emotional or mental state, and that's fine. The family deserves to know if they can begin to write their next chapter, so any evidence of her well-being is appreciated.

For me personally, I would LOVE to hear from anyone who might have seen Holly at a bar the Thursday night before she disappeared, and if she was at one, with who.
Official search page on FB has released updated posters for printing and distribution.


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Official search page on FB has released updated posters for printing and distribution.

Just my critical fleeting thoughts worth nothing but “Reward Upon her Safe Return” with the reference to “Our Girl is Missing” sort of resembles a poster for a lost item or pet. I’m certain the intention is sincere but if Holly is somewhere out there on her own free accord and has chosen to distance herself for a time, I wonder if this is help or hindrance. JMO
Holly's parents have driven from Calgary to Hamilton to continue their search. She's lucky to have family and friends who care so much.

“She may have gone off on that Jan. 11 and not been mentally ill but had either an accident or an encounter with people who wanted to hurt her,” he said.

Clark said he hopes to find his daughter alive and well, but he acknowledges she may have died. “She may be gone and if she is gone, she is probably here (in Hamilton),” he said.

It is hard for him to see Hamilton in bloom, he said. He can’t imagine his nature-loving daughter hiding away when the weather is so nice.

“It’s the kind of thing that would make her happy,” he said. “It’s hard to imagine her being paranoid and afraid and unhappy under these conditions.”

Holly Ellsworth-Clark’s parents are back in Hamilton, offering reward for information about missing daughter
Today I filmed the Holly Clark Walk, which retraces her most likely path after she left her house on January 11th. Accompanied by a team of volunteers, Elle the lead search Coordinator, and Holly's dad Dave, we took an emotional and exhausting tour of the moments before she disappeared.
This new video, which is about two hours long, can be found on the Holly Clark Search page. If nothing else, it puts you in the moment, and gives a face to the area that you only see in maps and vocalized in live feeds.
You will see and hear a common thread in this video, and that is a near desperation to attain the home phone records to trace Holly's last couple weeks of phone calls. If you know ANYTHING about legal (or slightly illegal) ways to go about this in a case that is currently considered non-criminal by the Hamilton police, please reach out to the administrators of the Holly Clark Search page.
Today I filmed the Holly Clark Walk, which retraces her most likely path after she left her house on January 11th. Accompanied by a team of volunteers, Elle the lead search Coordinator, and Holly's dad Dave, we took an emotional and exhausting tour of the moments before she disappeared.
This new video, which is about two hours long, can be found on the Holly Clark Search page. If nothing else, it puts you in the moment, and gives a face to the area that you only see in maps and vocalized in live feeds.
You will see and hear a common thread in this video, and that is a near desperation to attain the home phone records to trace Holly's last couple weeks of phone calls. If you know ANYTHING about legal (or slightly illegal) ways to go about this in a case that is currently considered non-criminal by the Hamilton police, please reach out to the administrators of the Holly Clark Search page.

I imagine obtaining the home phone records will be difficult considering the number of people who lived there. Are Holly's roommates unwilling to obtain these records for her family?

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