Found Deceased Canada - Holly Ellsworth-Clark, 27, Hamilton ON, 11 Jan 2020

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
no shortage of missing persons in the Ontario area... here are some missing from the Hamilton area from (in my opinion, a good site for recent canadian MPs since no NamUs equivalent exists). I'm still leaning towards this person being a vagrant who likely wasn't reported missing so take this list with a grain of salt....

Missing Man in Hamilton, Ontario – Robert Hugoning, 72 (last seen November 27 2018). This one is a possibility in my opinion since this poor guy had dementia and MP w/ dementia often end up in unusual places... little farther away but known to use public transit - would take about an hour using the bus
Missing Woman in Hamilton, Ontario – Stephanie Thomson, 46 (last contacted November 2019)
Missing Man in Hamilton, Ontario – Brandon Pollock, 31 (last seen Sept 10 2019) - was last seen a little closer to the UID site than Holly. A sighting puts him in the opposite direction though, swimming in Lake Ontario (in september???)
Missing Woman in Hamilton, Ontario – Lovleen Dhawan, 27 (last seen Aug 17, 2019). In the general area but thought to be hiking at a scenic waterfall.
Missing Woman in Hamilton, Ontario – Rebecca DORMAN, 50 (last seen April 20, 2019). About a 15 min drive away.

It appears there’s a considerable number of missing persons in Hamilton who have not been located.
Articles tagged with 'Missing Person' | Hamilton Police Service

Someone’s loved one has been found although no doubt, not in the way that was hoped.
Investigators believe they may be human remains that have been there for some time.

Police also say there is an initial indication that the remains are connected to suspicious activity.“

Bones found in industrial area in Ancaster: Hamilton police

Just my thoughts, when LE use the words “some time” it usually indicates many months if not years.
Released on the search page today was a little video; doesn't sound like the remains are Holly's.

That’s now been confirmed on the search page, not her. Watching that video of her father is absolutely heartbreaking, a parent’s worst nightmare to not know what’s happened. It’s very obvious the heavy emotional toil this has been on him and still no answers. As time passes I have less hope that Holly’s just hiding out. I sincerely hope he receives some sort of resolution soon.....
Holly Clark Search
Her dad and best friend are doing 3 FB live events to discuss Holly and share more information about her.

Things I've learned thus far:
- Terrapure recycling plant has been searched.
- She left her phone & other electronics at home, and they have been gone through thoroughly.
- The Velvet Underground is her favorite band :)
- During her sports involvement, in which she excelled, Holly had to do periodic surprised drug testing and never tested positive. Holly was never into drugs, and was very into natural cures for any ailments. She hardly even drank at her band's shows or anything - "always appeared clear-headed".
- She had volunteered at a local church, the same one that hosted the searches.
- Holly had recently gotten into "exploring her spirituality".
- Just prior to going missing, she had broken into her own home through a window despite having her keys with her (I think I had read this previously, but it's an odd fact I wanted to include here).
- Holly had the whole third floor of the house she was staying at to herself. It included a kitchen and a bathroom.
- She wasn't able to practice music as much as she liked in her new apartment because it interfered with her roommate's sleeping.
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After watching the first two videos, I think it's pretty clear that Holly was suffering from a mental break at the time of her disappearance. However, I don't think her break is the result of your run of the mill anxiety. Her dad mentioned a mental episode (which included delusions) that occurred about a year ago, but they concluded it was just a bout of anxiety because her symptoms didn't reappear. Uhhhhh, yeah they did. In January, right before she disappeared.

Holly's claim that two men chased her in the woods all night is plausible. Holly's claim that a man stole her brother's voice and used it to trick her is not plausible.

I don't believe she has schizophrenia because she didn't exhibit any of the other common symptoms -- disordered thoughts/speech, poor hygiene, lack of emotion, abnormal motor behavior. I think bipolar disorder is much more likely. She told her parents that she did "something bad" but couldn't tell them what she did. My mother has bipolar disorder, and she made similar claims to me when she had her first manic episode. She kept telling me that something was "very wrong" but couldn't tell me what it was. When I asked her what was wrong, she said she didn't know exactly but she knew that it was really bad. I was a senior in high school at the time and had no idea WTH was going on with her. Because she was having her first episode, I'd never seen her act that way and mental illness never even crossed my mind. I don't think I even knew what bipolar disorder was at the time. I just thought something terrible must've happened to my Granny or my boyfriend, but she just didn't know how to tell me. I asked if something happened to Granny and she just said I don't know. I asked if it was this or if it was that, and she just kept saying I don't know. My dad was coaching JV ball at the time and had a game that day. I cried and begged my mom to tell me what was wrong for hours. That day was by far one of the worst days of my life. I think maybe she knew something was going haywire inside her brain, and I think she was just terrified (because it would definitely terrify me). I think she was experiencing feelings of doom but couldn't quite pinpoint the reason for them.

Maybe Holly was experiencing something similar when she told her parents she did something bad but couldn't say what she did.
This case is really weighing heavy on me. Mostly because I see a lot of myself in Holly.
I'm a musician, I'm from Hamilton, and I'm 28. About 2 years ago I had a really bad bout of mental health issues while living back there, and often wanted to just get the hell out of there and run far away to figure my *advertiser censored* out on my own. So I really hope if that's the case for Holly, she's alive and working on herself. Wishful thinking, but I got to be.

The event's surrounding this case continue to just haunt me though, and really just put into perspective how anyone can really just disappear completely. I was watching the facebook live with her dad and it seemed really strange to me how obvious her mental health issues were, but he didn't want to rule them out as such. It's not normal to say your brothers voice was stolen and used by another man. It isn't normal to break into a window and crawl through it at 8AM while your roommate asleep in that room. And the voicemail she left her mom, was clearly not of a person of sound and mind, she sounded sporadic and all over the place. It irks me.
Just wanted to thank you both for sharing your experiences. I will never forget my brothers first psychotic break either. I believe we tend to shrug off 'weird' behavior at first. I wonder if Holly is being hospitalized and due to privacy laws her parents are not being told??
This case feels eerily similar to Eliza Lam's, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that, unlike Eliza, Holly is still alive somewhere and will be found safe and sound. As for whether she's been hospitalized and her parents haven't been told, wouldn't the hospital would still have to contact the police given there's an active search for her? Correct me if I'm wrong — I'm extremely unfamiliar with hospital privacy laws — but I imagine the hospital would need to notify authorities if they had a missing person in their custody, yes?
Holly's claim that two men chased her in the woods all night is plausible. Holly's claim that a man stole her brother's voice and used it to trick her is not plausible.
Also, if I may ask, where did they talk about her saying that her brother had stole her voice? I watched the lives but if it was in the ones I watched I didn't catch it, and if there are others I'm interested in watching those also.
This case feels eerily similar to Eliza Lam's, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that, unlike Eliza, Holly is still alive somewhere and will be found safe and sound. As for whether she's been hospitalized and her parents haven't been told, wouldn't the hospital would still have to contact the police given there's an active search for her? Correct me if I'm wrong — I'm extremely unfamiliar with hospital privacy laws — but I imagine the hospital would need to notify authorities if they had a missing person in their custody, yes?

I wondered about this too. Just my thoughts - a missing person, an adult, hasn’t broken any law if they choose to have no further contact with their family and thereby ignore any missing persons reports that were filed with police. So I’m not so sure a mental treatment centre would be under any obligation to inform the police either. Even if the mental hospital notified police, I’m certain the patient must provide consent before the police could inform family members. JMO
Also, if I may ask, where did they talk about her saying that her brother had stole her voice? I watched the lives but if it was in the ones I watched I didn't catch it, and if there are others I'm interested in watching those also.
Her father briefly mentions it during one of the live FB interview videos. It was near the end when they were answering questions posted in the comments. I’m not sure which video it was exactly. I only watched the first two, so it was either one of those.

To clarify, he didn’t say that she thought her brother had stolen her voice. He was talking about how she’d said some things to several different family members in the days leading up to her disappearance that caused them to be concerned. To offer an example, he said that the last time Holly spoke to her brother she said there was a man using his voice (or something to that effect). Her dad then went on to say that — in retrospect — he realizes how crazy this sounds but said they weren’t nearly as concerned as they should’ve been due to the anxiety issues she had about a year ago and the hallucinations she experienced as a result of them.

(Again, I’ve never heard it mentioned that auditory hallucinations are a symptom of general anxiety (or even anxiety/panic attacks), and I have a bachelor’s degree in psychology. PTSD, yes. That’s another beast altogether. But, her dad said that anxiety was the diagnosis given by her doctor last year.)

ETA: I went back to look for it just to make sure I wasn’t losing my mind. It was the video they posted on April 13 at 8:42 pm.

Holly Clark Search

At 1:01:38, her dad says: “she said to us, about him (referring to her brother), that she thought someone else might be using his voice.”
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OK, everyone, I took it upon myself to compile all of the events outlined in the four live feeds and two podcasts that have aired thus far into one document. Furthermore, I did this in a chronological timeline, adding in the bits and pieces in their proper spots. I removed almost all speculation and theory, and listed only agreed upon events or reasonable explanations. I also had the document proofread for legitimacy by one of the search team coordinators.
If you have any questions, it is far better to access the HOLLY CLARK SEARCH Facebook page, and delve into the podcasts and live feeds yourself. There are site moderators and people much closer to the case than I can ever be. However, you will be hard-pressed to find much more factual evidence than is presented here. The Facebook group will definitely give you a better perspective of the people involved, and carries you well into the search in the weeks and months after Holly's disappearance.
Please remember that if you have a theory on what happened it has no doubt crossed the minds of the family, friends, and police. While leads continue to come in each day, the police and search team follow up on each and every one, and the reality is Holly is still missing. The absolute best thing you can do is keep your eyes and ears open and spread a quality message of hope and determination.

Here are the events in chronological order:

Holly Clark Timeline

Dave Clark: Father

Greta Clark: Mother

Caleb Clark: Brother

Kate Clark: Sister

Randy: Ex-Boyfriend (Split in July)/ bandmate

Andrew: Bandmate/ love interest/Roommate Oct-Nov

Kat: Friend

E: Roommate

M: Roommate

Mi: Landlord

T: Girlfriend of A

A: Roommate

I: Roommate

S: Roommate

Ab: Friend and co-worker

Christmas break and New Years:

Dave and Greta were going to come to Hamilton from Calgary but Holly said was going to see her friend Kat in Montreal. Then Kat went away for a week and Holly stayed in Montreal to watch her dog. Nothing seemed off about her other than she tended to get wound up in Kat’s presence.

Holly came back to Hamilton on December 27th to spend post-Christmas celebrating brother’s birthday with brother Caleb and sister Kate. Holly communicated with her parents almost every day over the holidays. Nothing seemed off on the 28th. Then she had a confrontation with Andrew (the bandmate that moved to Hamilton as well) where she professed her feelings for him and he responded that he wasn’t interested. After that she seemed very sad when speaking to her father.

The first week of January was not entirely normal as Holly had been on the phone a lot to her family due to being so upset. They were checking on her every day and asking her to come home, etc. They had been asking her to come home for about a month at that point, but she wanted to stay and try to make it work for awhile longer.

Tuesday January 7th: Holly had been shopping for party supplies for a party on the 11th. She sent invites. She worked her day job, then spent some time journaling, listened to music, did laundry, and had a typical conversation with her brother in the evening. Holly had also made an unexplained call to an engineering company at the end of her street. Later she went to an open mic at Culantro. She was there five hours, had two beers, other attendees said she was her normal self, like doing origami between sets. Then she went home.

Wednesday, January 8th: Holly did some meditation in the morning, wrote in her journal, spoke to her mom and let her know the conversation with Caleb made her feel better (she had been feeling lonely). She called her colleague Ab to help with setting up an out of office on her email until Monday for a mental health break. This was the first time she had ever asked for one. She had wanted an “out of office“ set up to last until Monday the 13th as she had major projects to work on Monday morning. Her schedule said she thought about going to Corktown for an open mic that night. She did not attend.

Thursday, January 9th: Holly’s morning seemed typical. In the afternoon she did what were deemed some odd Google searches concerning Organics , some Recycling, a waste transfer facility, and a community in Hamilton called Blakely. These searches were odd because there was no reason for her to look these items up. There was no pre-text to why she was doing searches for these items which don’t pertain to her work or home life. Not a lot of info on this day, other than a few work emails. Ab had texted as well, and Holly said she was taking time for herself and seemed normal.

Holly was still home at 5:30. Shortly after 6 she was listening to Spotify on her laptop. There was no more information available about her Thursday. The only note to make was that on the 7th she had noted in her journal that there was an open mic on the 9th at Shaolin Underground, but no specific plans to attend.

Friday, January 10th: At 8 am, Holly takes a brick, wraps it in a jacket, and breaks the front window of her house (not the window to her room). There is an understanding that the roommates do not go answer the door if someone knocks as they all have keys. Holly then entered the house through the window. There was a roommate M sleeping in that room at that time. Holly told two room mates “I wouldn’t lie to you” before 9 am. Important to note that this may have been on camera as owner had cameras everywhere as he was paranoid about his property being vandalized. Dave says getting video from Mi is difficult, while T, A’s girlfriend, says all video was given to police.

Holly went upstairs and called Greta. Greta missed the phone call and Holly left the voicemail that has been provided by the family. Greta called Holly back immediately and did not listen to the voicemail until over a week later as she did get through to Holly immediately when she called. Holly told Greta that she’d been running all night from two men in the woods (or was avoiding two men by running through the woods). She said she had done something bad but couldn’t tell her what it was. Dave felt it was not that she wouldn’t tell her parents, but that she couldn’t tell them. Theories on what said “bad thing” could be ranged from the breaking the window incident, to random local crimes in the area, to a delusion of sorts, to any number of smaller things that may have been magnified in her state. Greta sent Kate to check on Holly. Kate arrived in Hamilton at 10 am and spent the morning with her sister. Holly told Kate she was tired and her legs were sore from running all night. Kate stayed until 1 pm but then had to leave. Holly spent the rest of the day working and texting friends. Friends said she seemed normal in texts. There were some Google searches involving the airport.

At some point on this day Holly came downstairs and grabbed a roommate’s guitar because she wanted to play it. When the roommate refused, Holly pulled out $45 and offered to buy it. It was expressed as ‘this is everything I have in the world, you can have this for it’. Again, T said she was not in the right mind, and was playing the guitar out on the curb. She was talked back into the house at that point. T stated in the live feeds that Holly expressed that she was depressed and suffering anxiety. She also stated that Holly had torn down some of the cameras in the kitchen. The cameras being taken down in the kitchen have not been confirmed. The family became aware of this, when a roommate commented on a facebook live 3 months after Holly had gone missing.

Caleb then arrived in Hamilton. Holly would not open the door to her apartment. In a call at 7:45 Holly told Greta that she thought “someone else might be using his voice”, referring to her brother. He stayed a couple of hours and when she would not let him in the police were called. The Police left because Holly said through the door that she was fine and they deemed (as did Caleb) that she was not a threat to herself or anyone else. Caleb leaves as well. Neither the police or Caleb physically saw Holly that night.

Later, roommates found a spare key to her room to check on her. She allowed them in and was agitated and upset but fine. T called Dave and Greta to tell them that Holly had broken the window and that it seemed mysterious. She also said not to worry as they had other tenants dealing with anxiety, and that a friend (E) was staying with Holly. This friend ended up being a roommate Holly barely knew. Dave spoke to the “friend” and asked her to make sure Holly got some sleep. Holly then spoke to Greta again and said she wanted to come home. Greta agrees to fly Sunday to come and get her. A roommate came in later and they had tea and painted. Holly spoke to the roommate about needing a winter coat and boots (even though she had some). The night ended quietly at midnight. Holly stayed in her apartment Friday night.

Saturday January 11th: Holly woke up at 6 am and asked her roommate if she wanted to meditate with her. They meditated for one hour and then the roommate left. Holly meditated for another half hour. Around noon, Holly came downstairs and had lunch with some of the roommates and left about an hour after. When she left, she climbed off the balcony that came off of the second floor at her room and onto the fence, and then climbed back up. Dave said it seemed like a practice run of some sort, as she did not leave that way, she just did it.

Holly listened to music off and on all afternoon as it was connected to her home wifi.

Dave received a text that day from T saying the house was uncomfortable with the situation and that something needed to be done. At 4:06 Holly spoke with her dad on the phone. He said he was coming to get her and she was OK with that, but wanted to end the conversation and Holly hung up the phone at 4:09. During the call she seemed accepting but distant, somewhat depressed. He also asked if her car was in good enough condition to drive back to Calgary.

The roommates reported they had heard banging in the basement in the furnace room where the bicycles were kept This may also have been a server room for the camera system. Her bike was not down there, it was in the backyard. Holly returned to her room to get a mic stand (which was mistaken for a bat) and continued banging on the door. She was unsuccessful and returned to her room on the third floor.

At 4:18, Holly left the house and did not return. She left in a downpour and did not take her phone or keys with her. It did seem that she may have taken her wallet with her in her fanny pack, as it was not found, and seemed to be evident in video footage on her walk away from the house. The items she had purchased on Tuesday were still in their bags in her apartment. She left wearing black pants, a black shirt, and black ankle boots. Wearing all black is not something that Holly ever did. Leaving abruptly was not likely planned, as her party was planned for that evening, she had work planned for a new laptop and electronics that she had purchased. She did not leave with a bat as had initially been speculated.

T mentioned in the live feeds that Holly had been trying to take down the cameras in the kitchen and had tried to gain access to the server room for the camera, and that the door was attacked by Holly. T was quoted in the live feed as saying “She was paranoid she wasn’t herself that day. I don’t know how many times I have to tell the same story. Holly was going through something from Thursday night so when she left. She wasn’t herself. Holly is a very highly intelligent, Beautiful young lady.”

As stated, at 4:18 Holly left the home at Barton and Sanford. At 4:22 she crosses across the park across the street. At 4:25 she is seen at Wentworth and Shaw going north and she is now wearing a black garbage bag. Based on footage, they believe it was pulled from a garbage at the park. From there she is seen heading south on Niagara. Possibly had cut through the Eva Rothwell Center, maybe through a hole in the fence. On Niagara heading south, they see her with a second garbage bag over her shoulder which is ¾ full. Two minutes later she is heading east on Munroe. At 4:53, she is seen at Wentworth and Shaw again, with both bags. She is then seen at 4:59 at Wentworth Recycling. She no longer has the bag she was carrying. That is the last sighting of her that day.

Dave called back many times after the hang up and did not get an answer so sent Caleb back. He got to Hamilton a couple of hours later. The roommates were aware she had left but nothing had been done to find her. Caleb organized a frantic search. Randy joined with a couple men from the house. T lent the use of her car. Caleb, Randy, and others had been searching for a full day when Dave and Greta arrived.

Stills were provided of Holly leaving the house from two cameras; there are 5-7 cameras in the house. The family and police have never seen any video from the house. The first video they see is of Holly at a garbage can in the nearby park. She was taking something out of it or putting something in it, but they did not see the video for over two weeks. By that time most of the video was destroyed or overwritten, but they did find video of Holly walking on Wentworth Street two different times. The first time she is seen wearing a garbage bag. She circled around, and the next time she was wearing the bag but also carrying another one. There is video of her circling around carrying the garbage bag. The contents of the bag are unknown but she did pass by a donation center so a theory is that she may have gotten it there. Holly is last seen crossing the tracks just south of Burlington Street.

February 4th Dave received a video that could be Holly, from Feb 3. The individual walked past a group of people. It was one of the individuals in this group that sent the footage, as her first thought was - this is that missing girl. If this was Holly, the route that she took was North on Emerald, turns right on Keith, goes north on Douglas, East on Francis, and does not make it to Wentworth. You can see her on Francis until just after Cheever. It’s also important to note that this area is in the center of where Holly was circling on Jan 11

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