GUILTY Canada - Kienan Hebert, 3, Sparwood BC, 7 Sept 2011 - #1

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On Thursday, a source told CTV News that surveillance video showed Hebert along with a person of interest in the case, but RCMP have denied the claim.

The source said the alleged video appeared to show Hebert in the company of Hopley.

Kienan's father, who was upbeat and positive Thursday morning, told Dirks he felt numb by nightfall, noting that the family was "emotionally wrecked" but adding that "we have to have hope."

"Yesterday he went out to buy some school supplies for the kids and that's when he got choked up and almost started to cry and he said his brothers and sisters are really missing little Kienan," Dirks told CTV's Canada AM.

Kienan is the second-youngest of eight children in the family, which moved to Sparwood several months ago from Peace River, Alta.
His stepfather, Doug Fink, said Hopley stopped by his mother and stepfather's home in nearby Fernie on Tuesday, though Fink said he wasn't home at the time.

Orville Sheets has known Hopley since the mid-1990s, and said Hopley had been at his home as recently as Tuesday, though he was gone by the time Sheets woke up Wednesday morning .

Sheets said he was surprised to learn Hopley's name linked to the Amber Alert.

"He's basically a square shooter, you know," said Sheets.

"If he owes you something, he pays you and he doesn't do drugs, he don't smoke cigarettes, he don't drink beer, so, he's actually kind of a quiet guy. He doesn't like being pushed around. That's one thing."

...cause he likes to do the pushing! I wonder if it would help if Kienan's siblings made some kind of plea to the perp as he might respond better than he would to adults.
A woman in my area is saying that her son was molested by this man previously and that she tried to warn the people in Sparwood. I have zero idea if she is legitimate or not, and her son is currently in foster care for unknown reasons, but if she is telling the truth I just don't understand - this would be yet another reason for him to be held until his court date. There was a video of her interview posted last night online and now I can't find it - I will post it if I find it again.

I just hope he didn't' have the attitude that "oh I'm going away again, so I better do something big while I still can" or even worse a "what difference does it make.." train of thought..

The more details that come out about him, the more afraid I am for that little boy..

He was also recently banned from their local library for assaulting a woman and staff has said they have had issues with him...

The system needs a total makeover.. this never should have happened!! He never should have been on the streets to grab that little boy.
His stepfather, Doug Fink, said Hopley stopped by his mother and stepfather's home in nearby Fernie on Tuesday, though Fink said he wasn't home at the time.

Orville Sheets has known Hopley since the mid-1990s, and said Hopley had been at his home as recently as Tuesday, though he was gone by the time Sheets woke up Wednesday morning .

Sheets said he was surprised to learn Hopley's name linked to the Amber Alert.

"He's basically a square shooter, you know," said Sheets.

"If he owes you something, he pays you and he doesn't do drugs, he don't smoke cigarettes, he don't drink beer, so, he's actually kind of a quiet guy. He doesn't like being pushed around. That's one thing."

...cause he likes to do the pushing! I wonder if it would help if Kienan's siblings made some kind of plea to the perp as he might respond better than he would to adults.

So far we have heard that he was at his mother's house on Tuesday and appeared to be spending the night at this friend Orville's house on Tuesday night but he was gone before the friend woke up. So he left sometime from there during the night, early morning? And then he was with his landlord between 8-9am on Wednesday morning squaring up rent for the next two months and claiming to be going out of town? I guess the landlord didn't know he was on probation with a curfew? I assume Kienan was not with him then. So where was he if RH abducted him prior to that?

I wonder where the friend lives. I can't find him listed in BC at all. :waitasec:

"In amongst jerry cans, propane tanks, vehicle tires and generators that were stolen from Alberta Fish and Wildlife, there was a photo of a young child with dark hair, according to court documents.

There was stolen lotion, children's movies, sex toys and children's pajama pants that had been cut up to become a thong. A wall had been knocked down and replaced with a Dora the Explorer blanket.

"Police found a variety of things set up for a young child: a baby, diapers, stuffed clothing and a variety of sexual paraphernalia," said Joni MacFarlane, a reporter from the Crowsnest Pass Promoter who covered the story at the time.

"There was no mistaking his intentions. It was horrible…. We [came to the cabin] and ruined his plans. He was very upset about that," said Skapin.

Hopley's trial is scheduled for Sept. 19. He was ordered released with several conditions, including to keep the peace, and have no contact with the Skapins and others. He was bound by a curfew to stay at his residence in Sparwood between 8:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.

But as Skapin points out, the conditions don't keep him away from children, playgrounds, or schools."

BBM. His trial is set for Sept 19th. Why did they release him if they had enough evidence in the cabin to tell he was planning to do something horrible to a child???
Who is the child in the photo? I hope they know and are doing everything they can to keep that child out of his sick hands!
I just cannot believe they would let someone with his history and all of the physical evidence from the cabin go free ESPECIALLY with out conditions to keep him away from children, playgrounds, or schools!! There should be a way to hold them accountable for releasing someone like him!!!
I am praying they find Keinan and bring him home today. I can't even imagine what this sicko has already done to this poor baby!

I want to get sick and cry after reading this. OMG

Please, please, please find the baby boy. PLEASE. :(
So far we have heard that he was at his mother's house on Tuesday and appeared to be spending the night at this friend Orville's house on Tuesday night but he was gone before the friend woke up. So he left sometime from there during the night, early morning? And then he was with his landlord between 8-9am on Wednesday morning squaring up rent for the next two months and claiming to be going out of town? I guess the landlord didn't know he was on probation with a curfew? I assume Kienan was not with him then. So where was he if RH abducted him prior to that?

I wonder where the friend lives. I can't find him listed in BC at all. :waitasec:

IIRC, Orville is the landlord.
I agree with the earlier poster who said that people need to go in to their hunting camps and cabins and check their properties, if possible.

This pervert probably has a place already all set-up, where he was taking Kienan. It makes me so sick.

This is the cabin where he had the lair set-up previously.

What the owner seen inside was so sick, twisted and disturbed, that they tore the cabin down.

WHY in the HELLO was this guy OUT? :furious:

Randall Hopley is charged with squatting for months last year in a cabin belonging to the Skapin family in Crowsnest Pass, filling the drawers with stolen children's clothing, chocolate bars and sex toys and building a room that could be locked from the outside.

The cabin had beenin the family for five generations, but now Skapin hasn't been able to return. The family has since it torn down.

"I couldn't go in there. I haven't been back since," she said.


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B.C. fugitive built child lair in Alberta cabin: family

God, please let Kienan be found. This man is a sicko. :(

That is absolutely terrifying. Given his record, is there no way he couldn't have been remanded until trial? And why wasn't this publicized earlier? Like, at the time? This is a very disturbed man, by now surely aware of the amber alert and therefore under tremendous pressure. They're going to have a very short window to get to him, I fear.

IIRC, Orville is the landlord.

Thanks koolmum...according to this article he is..

Hopley's landlord, Orville Sheets, told CTV News that he doesn't believe his tenant is connected to the child's disappearance.

"For one thing, he was here that night," Sheets said of Hopley's trailer. "My son goes to work at six o'clock. His car was parked down here, and I'm sure I heard someone moving in the trailer between eight and nine o'clock.

Sheets did say, however, that Hopley paid two months rent, cleaned his trailer and left on Wednesday morning, claiming he was headed to Alberta for a court date.

So did he pay the rent the night before? This is kind of unclear. Is the landlord saying that his son saw the car at 6pm or am? Did he hear someone in the trailer between 8 and 9pm? So basically the last anyone knew that he was at his trailer was perhaps 6pm or even 9pm the evening before?
I wonder where the friend lives. I can't find him listed in BC at all. :waitasec:

The friend OS is listed in BC, though no address turns up. There's another with the same first initial and last name in AB.

This must have known that there were kids and many kids in the victims' home. He knew where to grab Kienan. He knew where to stike. This makes me so paranoid and freaked out as a parent. I can't hide of my kid's outdoor toys because they're too large and I get worried that some freak will try something.

The most telling part of this article:

Fink says she saw her son for the first time in a year on Tuesday, the day before Kienan was reported missing.

He knew he was going away, and I'm getting the impression he knew he probably wouldn't be coming back- paying rent to buy him some time and give him a way back in, visiting family he hasn't seen in awhile... that gives me a bad feeling about his plans for "after" whatever he has planned.
JMO Being this was the last long weekend before school starts, most people have been closing down their cabins for the winter. So if he's looking to squat, he's going to have lots of choices. But he probably will go to an area he is familiar with. Could make it hard to find him.
The most telling part of this article:

He knew he was going away, and I'm getting the impression he knew he probably wouldn't be coming back- paying rent to buy him some time and give him a way back in, visiting family he hasn't seen in awhile... that gives me a bad feeling about his plans for "after" whatever he has planned.

Me too. I had the same feeling when I read the article and was just about to post. Also, the fact they haven't been found yet is very bad news. The first 24 hours are crucial. We're now into the 3rd. day. :(

Praying for a miracle.
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