GUILTY Canada - Liana White, 29, Edmonton AB, 12 July 2005 - #4

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The bail kindled anger from area residents who felt angry and fearful over the case. Hundreds signed a petition to ask the bail be revoked.

"It's really tough to have someone accused of such a heinous crime living in your neighbourhood," petition organizer Dena Gallant said Wednesday.

"If the justice system is starting to listen, that's a good thing."

................a huge thanks to dena gallant for the thousands of signatures on the petition to revoke this slime-balls bail, liana and her baby deserve justice in the courts of alberta.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

A palm reader testified in the Michael White preliminary hearing today that Liana White visited her a few days before she was killed and said she planned to leave her husband.

Court also heard from Liana White’s mother, who testified that she found her son-in-law’s behaviour odd after her pregnant daughter was reported missing and he returned home from the police station,lay down on the couch in front of the TV and promptly went to sleep all night.

The testimony came in a preliminary hearing under way today for alleged wife killer Michael White.

The hearing to determine whether there is enough evidence to proceed to trial, is expected to take a month to hear all the evidence.
On the evening of the day his pregnant wife disappeared, accused killer Michael White watched TV and fell asleep while his distraught mother-in-law paced frantically.

White, 29, also refused to talk to her about what might have happened to her missing daughter, said Maureen Kelly yesterday, while testifying at his preliminary hearing about several unusual things she had noticed.

The provincial court hearing also heard from palm reader Dona Piercy, who saw slaying victim Liana White three days before her disappearance and said she was very unhappy and nervous over plans to leave her husband.

The heavy-duty mechanic and former soldier is charged with second-degree murder and offering an indignity to a dead body in the death of his 29-year-old wife, who was four months' pregnant when her body was found July 17, five days after her abandoned SUV was discovered.

Kelly testified she met police and her son-in-law at her daughter's 227 Warwick Cres. home after the SUV was found. She said the house was unusually pristine.

"It was just totally immaculate. No toys or nothing about," she said. "I just thought it was not normal. It was perfect."

Kelly said White was interviewed by police and when he returned she wanted to talk about what had happened.

"He really wouldn't talk to me about it," she said, adding White went downstairs and cleaned his office and then lay on the couch in the rumpus room and watched TV.

"He never offered me any answer on what he thought might have happened," she said.

As Kelly talked about how distraught she was while White was able to sleep peacefully on the couch, she stared at him for several seconds as he sat in the prisoner's box.

Kelly said she stayed up all night worrying while White was snoring, yet the next morning when his mother called, she heard him tell her: "I hardly slept at all."

During the large-scale hunt for Liana, in which White led a search party, Kelly said he called and said: "Maureen, somebody's got my girl and I'm going to find him."

After White was charged in the slaying, Kelly said she got a call from him inquiring about his young daughter.

"He just told me he is not a murderer," she said, adding he later denied he had had a "big fight" with Liana and also denied he was the man police say is shown on a security video running from the area where the SUV was found.

Meanwhile, Piercy, 65, testified Liana had been coming to her to have her palms read since 2003 and said she found "a very unhappy lady in her marriage."

Piercy said Liana told her on July 9 she was still unhappy and hadn't loved her husband for two years.

"She told me she would be leaving Michael White in two days to a week," said Piercy, who added later outside court that Liana was both very sad and scared that day.

Publication ban imposed on White murder hearing

Edmonton Journal
Published: Monday, March 06, 2006

Accused wife-killer Michael White’s preliminary hearing, which has been the source of daily reports on the details of the alleged crime, has gone under a media blackout.

In an unexpected move, White’s lawyer asked for - and received - a ban on publication of evidence being presented during the hearing.

Defence lawyer Larry Anderson had initially opted not to seek a ban on publication of evidence. That was an unusual move because defence counsel almost always ask for and are automatically granted publication bans during a preliminary hearing.

But in court today, he changed his mind and was granted a court order prohibiting media from publishing details of last summer’s death of Liana White, 29. Her body was found July 17 in Edmonton’s northern outskirts five days after she went missing. She was four months pregnant at the time.

Michael White, 28, was charged with second-degree murder and offering an indignity to a body.

In today’s ruling, Judge Michael Stevens-Guille of provincial court said the defence can get a publication band whenever it asks for one, regardless of whether the preliminary hearing hasn’t been subject to such a ban up to that point.

“It is not so much when the application is made, but who (makes it),” he said.

That means that none of the evidence brought up during the preliminary hearing from today on can be reported by the media.

A preliminary hearing reviews evidence to determine if there is enough to warrant a trial. It is usually subject to a publication ban to ensure potential jurors aren’t prejudiced by evidence that hasn’t yet been tested in court.

So far, the hearing has received evidence from a psychic whom Liana White visited several times before her death.

Liana White’s mother has also testified about how neat her daughter’s house was after she went missing and how she noticed that a lamp was missing from a bedside table in the couple’s bedroom.

The preliminary inquiry also heard from a police investigator who didn’t initially realize they were dealing with a homicide.

The pre-trial proceedings in this case were opened to the media when the Alberta Court of Appeal revoked White’s $10,000 bail based on evidence that was not available to the judge that originally released him. The judgment contained many details of the alleged crimes.
Michael White has to be the dumbest person ever to try and pull off a crime. He may as well have left a note on his door saying "I did it." I don't know why he is going to the trouble of having a trial. He is nailed with all of the evidence. There is no way he can get out of it.

Glad he has to set his big butt in jail waiting for the trial. The way he treated Leanna's mother reminds me of the way Scott Peterson treated Lacy's mom after the murder. To bad White doesn't live in California. Maybe him and Scott could have been cell mates. Both of them are as dumb as rocks.

Poor Lianna...she must have fought for her life but that slug she was married to was just to big for her to handle. I hope they put him in prison for life...the rest of his life. Is there any chance of that with 2nd degree murder?

Anyone know when the trial is supposed to start?
lauriej said:
"pondering things " earlier post:

Lawyers initially believed a jury trial wouldn't get underway until this fall or early 2007.

But the Court of Appeal said it is unacceptable for an accused to sit in pre-trial custody for more than a year.

Alberta Justice spokesman Mark Cooper said arrangements are now being made to have the trial begin in May or June.

..more at link.

News today is that bail is revoked, the trial is set for September and is expected to last about 2 months. Liana's mom flew out from Toronto for the hearing to day but declined comment. She said she probably won't fly out for the trial.
otto said:
News today is that bail is revoked, the trial is set for September and is expected to last about 2 months. Liana's mom flew out from Toronto for the hearing to day but declined comment. She said she probably won't fly out for the trial.

He may as well get used to living in a cage because that is where he is going to be for a long long time. I just wish it didn't take so darn long for trials. Why does it take a year or more to get there? I would think that attornies could get ready way before that.
A city man who helped search for his supposedly abducted pregnant wife and was then charged with killing her was ordered to stand trial for murder yesterday.

In an earlier Court of Appeal of Alberta hearing, which led to White's bail being revoked, evidence was heard that White was spotted by police picking up two garbage bags in a field near where the body was later found.

Inside the bags police found bloody cleaning materials, a broken lamp that matched a lamp found in the White's bedroom, gloves, two bloody sponges and bloody clothing identified by White as belonging to him, court heard. An autopsy revealed White had been stabbed to death.
I'm a little confused. Early reports said that it was Michael White's mother that flew out from Ontario. tml

Thu, March 2, 2006
'Obviously distraught'
Accused killer shocked at news his wife was missing, court told


His mother, who travelled here from Ontario for the hearing, sat in the front row taking notes.

Liana's mother lives in Edmonton, or am I mistaken ? That is why they were talking about visitation rights when he was let out on bail. White could not leave the province of Alberta .
it is his mother, who is from ontario...

leana's mother, who has custody of ashley, lives in b.c.........

( from an earlier news story ) :

In addition to the murder charge, Michael White, 28, originally from Mar, Ont., has been charged with committing an indignity to a dead body.

Funeral services for Liana White, who was originally from Kelowna, B.C., will be held Wednesday in Edmonton. Her three-year-old daughter is reportedly in the care of the girl's grandmother.

..more @ link..
Thanks, lauriej

I believe the mother/ grandmother has been living in Edmonton since before the murder. I'm trying to find an article to verify that. For some reason, the Millwoods area comes to mind.
Leanna's family are just now able to have a service for her? I wonder why it took so long to release her body? That is sad that they had to wait so long.

Leanna's mother lives close by because I remember that the killer went to her mom's house and spent the night after Leanna's body was found. I never could understand how he had the nerve to stay there after what he had done to her daughter. In a later post Leanna's mother talked about how he wouldn't even talk to her or answer her questions....just like Scott Peterson treated Sharon Rocha afte Laci disappeared.
The funeral service was held not long after Liana was found. lauriej was quoting an older news report. Lianna's mother went to Liana's house the day of her diappearance.

Kelly testified she met police and her son-in-law at her daughter's 227 Warwick Cres. home after the SUV was found. She said the house was unusually pristine.

Copied from a previous post. Link is at that post.
Jess said:
The funeral service was held not long after Liana was found. lauriej was quoting an older news report. Lianna's mother went to Liana's house the day of her diappearance.

Kelly testified she met police and her son-in-law at her daughter's 227 Warwick Cres. home after the SUV was found. She said the house was unusually pristine.

Copied from a previous post. Link is at that post.

Where did I get the idea that the killer spent the night at Lianna's mother's house the first night after she was found? I really hope they hang this guy high. Glad they didn't have to wait for the service. It's so hard no matter when you have one but to have to wait for months and months would really be awful. Thanks for clearing that up for me :)

Wed, March 29, 2006
Justice is blind - here's why


Today, we start a new feature at the Edmonton Sun. Twice a week in this space, reporter Doug Beazley takes a closer look at what goes on behind the headlines coming out of the courts and off the streets.

We'll start by looking at the Michael White case. How did a man accused of killing his pregnant wife get bail? Why did the courts finally revoke that bail, and why were news outlets allowed to report the facts before White's trial actually started? Read on.

Justice is supposed to be blind. But sometimes - rarely, but it happens - justice lifts her blindfold long enough to take a glance at the kind of press she's been getting.

It happened late last month in the case of Michael White, accused in the murder of his wife. Liana White's slaying was one of those crimes which can galvanize a city in communal horror: she was young, pretty and four months pregnant. The Whites had a three-year-old daughter.

So when Michael White was granted $10,000 bail in October, public reaction ranged from cynicism to outright fury. White's neighbours in Castledowns gathered 2,000 names on a petition calling on the courts to lock him up again.

"Tell me what the judge was thinking," said a despairing Maureen Kelly, Liana's mother.

But that was the problem: blind justice occasionally blinds everyone else. When White applied for bail, his lawyer asked for a publication ban on the bail hearing. Under the law, the judge was compelled to grant that ban.

The law provides for pretrial publication bans on evidence because of the innocent-until-proven-guilty rule. The bans protect defendants from juries which might be prejudiced by reading or hearing about evidence published or broadcast before the trial begins. In Canada, it's a basic right.

But like all rights, it sometimes gets tangled up with other rights - like the right of all citizens to see, and know, that justice is being done. Which is where the media come in, as the eyes and ears of the public. If we don't know - or can't tell - what happens in court, the public loses faith.

There are three reasons in Canadian criminal law for refusing bail: if there's a risk the accused won't show up for trial, if he's considered a public threat and likely to reoffend, and in order to preserve "confidence in the administration of justice."

Everyone agrees White met the measure on the first two reasons - he had no criminal priors and was keeping his nose clean. But on the third, he stumbled. His case had been the subject of intense press coverage; murdered pregnant women tend to rate that kind of exposure.

"So even though White's behaviour while on bail had been exemplary and he had no record, the Crown decided to appeal the bail decision," said Barry Zalmanowitz, the Edmonton Sun's lawyer.

"Those appeals are very rare, and we saw we had a great opportunity here - to challenge the publication ban."

Pub bans in the Court of Appeal are discretionary, not automatic. The Sun and other media outlets opposed a bid by White's lawyer to impose a ban on the appeal court hearing. This time, the court agreed with the media. It ruled that open coverage of the appeal wouldn't corrupt White's odds of a fair trial. As a side benefit, lifting the veil temporarily would allow the court to explain why a lower court granted White bail in the first place.

Police investigations don't stop when a suspect is charged. When White applied for bail, police believed a broken lamp found in the Whites' bedroom might have been the murder weapon. That suggested a crime of impulse - possibly manslaughter instead of murder - and it argued for bail.

But by the time the Crown appealed bail, the medical examiner had decided Liana died of a stab wound to the neck. The Crown's theory had changed from one of an impulse killing to one of the accused "introducing" a weapon to the murder scene - which implied planning, premeditation.

The judge who granted White bail applied the right test and came to the right conclusion, based on the evidence police had at the time. But to the public at large, it looked like the courts were treating a savage crime far too lightly.

"Sometimes, these bans can leave an unfair impression of the system in the public's mind," said Zalmanowitz. "It builds suspicion."

But remember, we're talking about human rights here: there's always a tradeoff. Lifting the publication ban at the appeal court allowed the courts to explain an unpopular decision, and restore public confidence in the justice system.

But it also meant evidence was released in advance of trial - and Michael White has not been convicted of any crime.

To be fair, said local criminal lawyer Robbie Davidson, the judge in White's trial will have to allow his lawyer a lot of rope to screen prospective jurors before the trial starts. "You have to have confidence in the system. But it cuts two ways - the accused must have confidence in the jury," he said.

"Everybody comes to court carrying baggage. We all have to make sure that baggage gets left at the door."
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So now that they know the murder was premeditated because of the knife are they going to change the charge to match the crime....1st degree murder?

Has anyone heard anything further regarding the Liana White case in Canada? I know her hubby was arrested and then was able to post bail (grrrrrrrr). Just wondering when he's going to be going to trial, etc. Thanks, in advance, for any info/updates!
The last I heard, his bail was revoked (or whatever that is called in Canada), so he is back in jail.

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