GUILTY Canada - Loretta Saunders, 26, Halifax, NS, 13 February 2014 #1

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"Victoria Henneberry boarding an RCMP plane in #Windsor bound for #Halifax tonight. Video @CTVAtlantic at 6"
Loretta Saunders' brother, Edmund says the family is offering a $20,000 reward for info resulting in his sister's safe return. #findloretta
9:40am - 25 Feb 14.This is a tweet from a CTV reporter.Not sure how to link it.

The family asked for money so that they could pay for flights to go to Halifax. Why would they ask the public to pay for their airfare if there is $20,000 cash available?
The family asked for money so that they could pay for flights to go to Halifax. Why would they ask the public to pay for their airfare if there is $20,000 cash available?
If you go on the Help Find Loretta pg they have raised as of yesterday 13 thousand and change and people are donating to the reward fund.
The family asked for money so that they could pay for flights to go to Halifax. Why would they ask the public to pay for their airfare if there is $20,000 cash available?

perhaps this is leftover money from the donations or it may have been donated by a close friend/relative or company?
The family asked for money so that they could pay for flights to go to Halifax. Why would they ask the public to pay for their airfare if there is $20,000 cash available?

The "Help Find Loretta Fund" was set up by Loretta's classmates at SMU, not her family.
The family asked for money so that they could pay for flights to go to Halifax. Why would they ask the public to pay for their airfare if there is $20,000 cash available?

Hi Otto,

Missed you today. Am not sure where the $20,000 is originating but just have a hunch that there may possibly be a wealthy benefactor in the St. John's, Nfld area who is putting up some money for the family for reward. There is nothing that can be linked on this so treat this as rumor.
Hi All,

Retyping this since my first one didn't upload for some reason. I decided to take a break from working on my case study of Elisa Lam, as the lack of closure to this case when the LE have both parties involved in custody sickens me. Great work so far though everyone.

I caught up on most of the information be known to us and although I don't have much to add would like to help reiterate what I think are important details and what should not be overlooked. So we know Loretta went to talk to BL & VH at the apartment she was subletting to them and we know (I'm assuming its safe to take the fact as accurate) that Loretta left the apartment by herself. So my immediate question is who did she speak to? was it BL, VH, or both? I only ask this because the confrontation would have gone differently depending on who was there and could help explain the mindset as these two lowlives devised what to do next since they were getting pressured into payment it doesn't seem like they would have been amped up to make anyways.

So Loretta left on her own accord by herself but what would the taxi driver yield that was useful information about her disappearance? For those of you wanting to answer that question it was rhetorical, I simply think it would be a nice detail as to WHEN this taxi driver saw something, as we know this apartment is in the middle of the investigation and know they were in possession of her car and bank card. I wonder if he saw something later in the day, rather than the moment Loretta walked out of the sublet complex herself. Cell phone towers need to be utilized, obviously we will not be privy to that information until an official trial but it would be useful to use now in a search around halifax if BL or VH's phones pinged anywhere suspicious.

I agree the texts came from someone using a computer not linked to her banking information. The interesting thing to note here is that as far as I have read in this case the banking card itself was only used in ontario. If they had gotten the password from Loretta in Halifax, it doesn't make sense for these two dunce heads to wait until Ontario to use it, if they are stupid enough to use a missing persons flagged bank card anyways. This leads us to the transcanada and CCTV, this evidence is critical for the circumstantial evidence to show if Loretta was in the car or not however, I think we all believe this to be wishful thinking that we would see her in any of the footage. However, if it is true that they only used the card in ontario, it might be a hopeful sign that she was with them and finally did give them her password.

My one main idea comes from putting myself in Loretta's situation, wanting rent, not getting it when she first approaches them that day, but being told that they would get it to her later in the day. If I was on this case, I would be digging for any banks these two jokers were affiliated with, going to various branch locations and checking if they have outside cctv cameras, as the only way I could see Blake and Victoria luring this smart cookie anywhere other than there apartment is for payment that they were withdrawing from their branch. Obviously its a wide net to cast but if there was ever a place in which she would meet them outside with her car, I would have to guess there. Unfortunately, the tactic will be to let these two sweat and see which one will want to make a deal first. What should be happening is a detailed grilling of exactly where they say they got ahold of the car, screw the bs of how they got it, make them show you the exact location and spread out a search from there, otherwise we are just losing forensic evidence at a rapid rate, as that location would be pivital to eventually finding Loretta.

Sorry for the ramble, the first time I typed out my thoughts on the case, I was pretty thorough, but now I just need to get it off my chest. P.s. this was not a valentines day motive, due to the criminal past of the losers themselves and multiple aliases they were just waiting for the right moment and opportunity to take advantage of Loretta and the date had little to do with it.

Just my 2 loonies,

I'm completely engulfed with this case and have been following diligently, as a young aboriginal woman and student who has previously lived in Halifax, I'm deeply saddened by LS' disappearance.

I noticed that a new CBC article has begun calling BL a suspect in the disappearance, as opposed to only referring to the fraud and stolen property charges.. I also believe LE does know more crucial information than they are willing to put out at this time.

I am hoping for one of the suspects to talk and give the family some closure as soon as possible. There are so many missing pieces that the possibilities at this time are just all over the place, with the potential crime scene spreading out over several major provinces, from the apartment to Harrow.

Have you ever heard of the phrase Folie à deux? I'm starting to think that on their own, these two could never commit such an act.. but they came together by some twisted act of chance (or perhaps knew of each other previously) and acted out on their impulses. Sorry if I'm not making sense. Just an idea.à_deux
Family and friends of Loretta Saunders said they were disappointed they did not see the man accused of stealing her car in court Tuesday, but Saunders’ sister said he likely didn’t want to face them.

Terriak spoke to media Tuesday alongside Loretta Saunders’ boyfriend, Yalcin Surkultay, and her brother James Saunders who recently arrived in Halifax. He stayed quiet during the meeting with his arm around Terriak.

“I’m trying to stay strong. I’m glad her family’s making me feel like family too,” said Surkultay.
Hi All,

Sorry for the ramble, the first time I typed out my thoughts on the case, I was pretty thorough, but now I just need to get it off my chest. P.s. this was not a valentines day motive, due to the criminal past of the losers themselves and multiple aliases they were just waiting for the right moment and opportunity to take advantage of Loretta and the date had little to do with it.

Just my 2 loonies,


Respectfully snipped by me for space considerations (RSBM):

Welcome to WS - agree that this was not a Valentine's day motive - it was more a crime of opportunity.
I'm completely engulfed with this case and have been following diligently, as a young aboriginal woman and student who has previously lived in Halifax, I'm deeply saddened by LS' disappearance.

I noticed that a new CBC article has begun calling BL a suspect in the disappearance, as opposed to only referring to the fraud and stolen property charges.. I also believe LE does know more crucial information than they are willing to put out at this time.

I am hoping for one of the suspects to talk and give the family some closure as soon as possible. There are so many missing pieces that the possibilities at this time are just all over the place, with the potential crime scene spreading out over several major provinces, from the apartment to Harrow.

Have you ever heard of the phrase Folie à deux? I'm starting to think that on their own, these two could never commit such an act.. but they came together by some twisted act of chance (or perhaps knew of each other previously) and acted out on their impulses. Sorry if I'm not making sense. Just an idea.à_deux

Welcome to WS - it saddens me greatly that LS is missing. I am thinking that with the pings from LS's cell phone that the police have a fairly good idea where the pair were traveling with the car and where they have been. It is a large area though. My thought is that they took whatever money LS had on her person at the time and probably did not have to replenish until they got to Ontario - probably about 3 fill ups of gas would get them to where they were found.

Personally, my opinion is that VH and BL are each evil to the core and each of their lives was spiraling downward over the last couple of years. There was a tragedy waiting to happen either by both of them or independent of one another based on the outstanding warrants for each of them. All my opinion only.

Welcome to WS.
I'm completely engulfed with this case and have been following diligently, as a young aboriginal woman and student who has previously lived in Halifax, I'm deeply saddened by LS' disappearance.

I noticed that a new CBC article has begun calling BL a suspect in the disappearance, as opposed to only referring to the fraud and stolen property charges.. I also believe LE does know more crucial information than they are willing to put out at this time.

I am hoping for one of the suspects to talk and give the family some closure as soon as possible. There are so many missing pieces that the possibilities at this time are just all over the place, with the potential crime scene spreading out over several major provinces, from the apartment to Harrow.

Have you ever heard of the phrase Folie à deux? I'm starting to think that on their own, these two could never commit such an act.. but they came together by some twisted act of chance (or perhaps knew of each other previously) and acted out on their impulses. Sorry if I'm not making sense. Just an idea.à_deux

Canadian law is interesting regarding interrogation. It is not the same as in the US. Police can choose to interrogate Leggette and Hennebury (Henneberry) as long as they want without the presence of a lawyer. That should produce some interesting results, like it did when Terri-Lynne McClintic was questioned about the disappearance of Victoria Stafford.

"An officer confirmed with Sinclair that he was advised and had exercised his right to counsel before interviewing him. He also warned him the interview was being recorded, could be used in court and that he didn’t have to say anything.

Sinclair stated on four or five occasions during the five hour interview that he didn’t want to talk to the officer, asking to speak with his lawyer again and wanting him present during the interview. The officer deflected the requests, advising that he didn’t have that right, and continued questioning him, gradually revealing more of the evidence against him.

Sinclair eventually implicated himself in the victim’s death, stating he hit him on the head with a frying pan, stabbed him several times, slit his throat and threw the body in a dumpster. Later police placed him in a cell with an undercover officer where he made similar incriminating statements. Sinclair also accompanied police to where the victim had been killed and participated in a re-enactment."

"h3. right to lawyer during interview

The majority refused to transplant a U.S. Miranda style rule, which recognizes a right to have counsel present during a police interview:

We conclude that s. 10(b) should not be interpreted as conferring a constitutional right to have a lawyer present throughout a police interview. There is, of course, nothing to prevent counsel from being present at an interrogation where all sides consent, as already occurs. The police remain free to facilitate such an arrangement if they so choose and the detainee may wish to make counsel’s presence a precondition of giving a statement (para. 42)."
I am a member of the Loretta Saunders case discussion facebook group. Last night someone posted that on Sunday there was a body discovered at the Rainbow Hotel in Truro. After much digging I could not find this info. It was confirmed by a member that it was broadcast on the Colchester County Scanner. Maybe unrelated to this case, if it was a sudden death wouldn't be in the news yet? If this was already posted sorry I'm way behind!

Could this be the body that was discovered in Truro?

'There have been suspicions about a body found in Truro. Police confirm to Global News that a 91-year old man died there of natural causes' (4 hrs ago)

(Sorry ... don't know how to link the single tweet)

Back to lurking! :)
The road back to face charges and interrogations:

Victoria Henneberry boarding an RCMP plane in #Windsor bound for #Halifax tonight.


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