Thanks, this is helpful. It seems you really have to plan well when traveling up there. Know how much gas you'll need and when to stop, have enough food and water, etc. There are many miles between stops, it certainly explains why Google maps shows so many people traveling in campers and RV's. It's not like in the Lower 48 where there are multiple gas stations, hotels and restaurants at every highway exit.
I'm guessing the killer is from the area or at least knows it pretty well. There are a lot of places for him to hide, but not necessarily a lot for him to get fuel and food. With the composite sketch out now, he will be recognized in most places he stops. If he's driving the same vehicle seen at the murder scene where he killed Lucas & Chynna, it will be easily recognizable.
So has he headed to a more remote area, like the Yukon or to a more populated area where he can get lost in the crowd? If he heads to AK, do all the roads have inspection stations at the border?